-- =================================================================== -- test end-to-end query functionality -- =================================================================== CREATE TABLE articles ( id bigint NOT NULL, author_id bigint NOT NULL, title text NOT NULL, word_count integer NOT NULL CHECK (word_count > 0) ); -- this table is used in a CTE test CREATE TABLE authors ( name text, id bigint ); SELECT master_create_distributed_table('articles', 'author_id'); -- test when a table is distributed but no shards created yet SELECT count(*) from articles; -- squelch noisy warnings when creating shards \set VERBOSITY terse SELECT master_create_worker_shards('articles', 2, 1); \set VERBOSITY default -- create a bunch of test data INSERT INTO articles VALUES ( 1, 1, 'arsenous', 9572); INSERT INTO articles VALUES ( 2, 2, 'abducing', 13642); INSERT INTO articles VALUES ( 3, 3, 'asternal', 10480); INSERT INTO articles VALUES ( 4, 4, 'altdorfer', 14551); INSERT INTO articles VALUES ( 5, 5, 'aruru', 11389); INSERT INTO articles VALUES ( 6, 6, 'atlases', 15459); INSERT INTO articles VALUES ( 7, 7, 'aseptic', 12298); INSERT INTO articles VALUES ( 8, 8, 'agatized', 16368); INSERT INTO articles VALUES ( 9, 9, 'alligate', 438); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (10, 10, 'aggrandize', 17277); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (11, 1, 'alamo', 1347); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (12, 2, 'archiblast', 18185); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (13, 3, 'aseyev', 2255); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (14, 4, 'andesite', 19094); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (15, 5, 'adversa', 3164); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (16, 6, 'allonym', 2); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (17, 7, 'auriga', 4073); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (18, 8, 'assembly', 911); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (19, 9, 'aubergiste', 4981); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (20, 10, 'absentness', 1820); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (21, 1, 'arcading', 5890); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (22, 2, 'antipope', 2728); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (23, 3, 'abhorring', 6799); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (24, 4, 'audacious', 3637); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (25, 5, 'antehall', 7707); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (26, 6, 'abington', 4545); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (27, 7, 'arsenous', 8616); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (28, 8, 'aerophyte', 5454); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (29, 9, 'amateur', 9524); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (30, 10, 'andelee', 6363); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (31, 1, 'athwartships', 7271); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (32, 2, 'amazon', 11342); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (33, 3, 'autochrome', 8180); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (34, 4, 'amnestied', 12250); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (35, 5, 'aminate', 9089); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (36, 6, 'ablation', 13159); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (37, 7, 'archduchies', 9997); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (38, 8, 'anatine', 14067); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (39, 9, 'anchises', 10906); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (40, 10, 'attemper', 14976); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (41, 1, 'aznavour', 11814); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (42, 2, 'ausable', 15885); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (43, 3, 'affixal', 12723); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (44, 4, 'anteport', 16793); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (45, 5, 'afrasia', 864); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (46, 6, 'atlanta', 17702); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (47, 7, 'abeyance', 1772); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (48, 8, 'alkylic', 18610); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (49, 9, 'anyone', 2681); INSERT INTO articles VALUES (50, 10, 'anjanette', 19519); -- first, test zero-shard SELECT, which should return zero rows SELECT COUNT(*) FROM articles WHERE author_id = 1 AND author_id = 2; -- zero-shard modifications should be no-ops but not fail UPDATE articles SET title = '' WHERE author_id = 1 AND author_id = 2; DELETE FROM articles WHERE author_id = 1 AND author_id = 2; -- single-shard tests -- test simple select for a single row SELECT * FROM articles WHERE author_id = 10 AND id = 50; -- get all titles by a single author SELECT title FROM articles WHERE author_id = 10; -- try ordering them by word count SELECT title, word_count FROM articles WHERE author_id = 10 ORDER BY word_count DESC NULLS LAST; -- look at last two articles by an author SELECT title, id FROM articles WHERE author_id = 5 ORDER BY id LIMIT 2; -- find all articles by two authors in same shard SELECT title, author_id FROM articles WHERE author_id = 7 OR author_id = 8 ORDER BY author_id ASC, id; -- add in some grouping expressions, still on same shard SELECT author_id, sum(word_count) AS corpus_size FROM articles WHERE author_id = 1 OR author_id = 7 OR author_id = 8 OR author_id = 10 GROUP BY author_id HAVING sum(word_count) > 40000 ORDER BY sum(word_count) DESC; -- UNION/INTERSECT queries are unsupported SELECT * FROM articles WHERE author_id = 10 UNION SELECT * FROM articles WHERE author_id = 1; -- queries using CTEs are unsupported WITH long_names AS ( SELECT id FROM authors WHERE char_length(name) > 15 ) SELECT title FROM articles; -- queries which involve functions in FROM clause are unsupported. SELECT * FROM articles, position('om' in 'Thomas'); -- subqueries are not supported in WHERE clause SELECT * FROM articles WHERE author_id IN (SELECT id FROM authors WHERE name LIKE '%a'); -- subqueries are not supported in FROM clause SELECT articles.id,test.word_count FROM articles, (SELECT id, word_count FROM articles) AS test WHERE test.id = articles.id; -- subqueries are not supported in SELECT clause SELECT a.title AS name, (SELECT a2.id FROM authors a2 WHERE a.id = a2.id LIMIT 1) AS special_price FROM articles a; -- joins are not supported in WHERE clause SELECT title, authors.name FROM authors, articles WHERE authors.id = articles.author_id; -- joins are not supported in FROM clause SELECT * FROM (articles INNER JOIN authors ON articles.id = authors.id); -- test cross-shard queries SELECT COUNT(*) FROM articles; -- try query with more SQL features SELECT author_id, sum(word_count) AS corpus_size FROM articles GROUP BY author_id HAVING sum(word_count) > 25000 ORDER BY sum(word_count) DESC LIMIT 5; -- verify pg_shard produces correct remote SQL using logging flag SET pg_shard.log_distributed_statements = on; SET client_min_messages = log; SELECT count(*) FROM articles WHERE word_count > 10000; SET client_min_messages = DEFAULT; SET pg_shard.log_distributed_statements = DEFAULT; -- use HAVING without its variable in target list SELECT author_id FROM articles GROUP BY author_id HAVING sum(word_count) > 50000 ORDER BY author_id; -- verify temp tables used by cross-shard queries do not persist SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_class WHERE relname LIKE 'pg_shard_temp_table%' AND relkind = 'r';