-- =================================================================== -- test end-to-end modification functionality -- =================================================================== CREATE TYPE order_side AS ENUM ('buy', 'sell'); CREATE TABLE limit_orders ( id bigint PRIMARY KEY, symbol text NOT NULL, bidder_id bigint NOT NULL, placed_at timestamp NOT NULL, kind order_side NOT NULL, limit_price decimal NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00 CHECK (limit_price >= 0.00) ); SELECT master_create_distributed_table('limit_orders', 'id'); master_create_distributed_table --------------------------------- (1 row) \set VERBOSITY terse SELECT master_create_worker_shards('limit_orders', 2, 1); WARNING: Connection failed to adeadhost:5432 WARNING: could not create shard on "adeadhost:5432" master_create_worker_shards ----------------------------- (1 row) \set VERBOSITY default -- basic single-row INSERT INSERT INTO limit_orders VALUES (32743, 'AAPL', 9580, '2004-10-19 10:23:54', 'buy', 20.69); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM limit_orders WHERE id = 32743; count ------- 1 (1 row) -- INSERT with DEFAULT in the target list INSERT INTO limit_orders VALUES (12756, 'MSFT', 10959, '2013-05-08 07:29:23', 'sell', DEFAULT); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM limit_orders WHERE id = 12756; count ------- 1 (1 row) -- INSERT with expressions in target list INSERT INTO limit_orders VALUES (430, upper('ibm'), 214, timestamp '2003-01-28 10:31:17' + interval '5 hours', 'buy', sqrt(2)); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM limit_orders WHERE id = 430; count ------- 1 (1 row) -- INSERT without partition key INSERT INTO limit_orders DEFAULT VALUES; ERROR: cannot plan INSERT using row with NULL value in partition column -- INSERT violating NOT NULL constraint INSERT INTO limit_orders VALUES (NULL, 'T', 975234, DEFAULT); ERROR: cannot plan INSERT using row with NULL value in partition column -- INSERT violating column constraint INSERT INTO limit_orders VALUES (18811, 'BUD', 14962, '2014-04-05 08:32:16', 'sell', -5.00); WARNING: Bad result from localhost:$PGPORT DETAIL: Remote message: new row for relation "limit_orders_10034" violates check constraint "limit_orders_limit_price_check" ERROR: could not modify any active placements -- INSERT violating primary key constraint INSERT INTO limit_orders VALUES (32743, 'LUV', 5994, '2001-04-16 03:37:28', 'buy', 0.58); WARNING: Bad result from localhost:$PGPORT DETAIL: Remote message: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "limit_orders_pkey_10035" ERROR: could not modify any active placements -- commands with non-constant partition values are unsupported INSERT INTO limit_orders VALUES (random() * 100, 'ORCL', 152, '2011-08-25 11:50:45', 'sell', 0.58); ERROR: cannot plan sharded modification containing values which are not constants or constant expressions -- commands with expressions that cannot be collapsed are unsupported INSERT INTO limit_orders VALUES (2036, 'GOOG', 5634, now(), 'buy', random()); ERROR: cannot plan sharded modification containing values which are not constants or constant expressions -- commands with multiple rows are unsupported INSERT INTO limit_orders VALUES (DEFAULT), (DEFAULT); ERROR: cannot perform distributed planning for the given query DETAIL: Multi-row INSERTs to distributed tables are not supported. -- INSERT ... SELECT ... FROM commands are unsupported INSERT INTO limit_orders SELECT * FROM limit_orders; ERROR: cannot perform distributed planning for the given query DETAIL: Subqueries are not supported in distributed queries. -- commands with a RETURNING clause are unsupported INSERT INTO limit_orders VALUES (7285, 'AMZN', 3278, '2016-01-05 02:07:36', 'sell', 0.00) RETURNING *; ERROR: cannot perform distributed planning for the given query DETAIL: RETURNING clauses are not supported in distributed queries. -- commands containing a CTE are unsupported WITH deleted_orders AS (DELETE FROM limit_orders RETURNING *) INSERT INTO limit_orders DEFAULT VALUES; ERROR: cannot perform distributed planning for the given query DETAIL: Common table expressions are not supported in distributed queries. -- test simple DELETE INSERT INTO limit_orders VALUES (246, 'TSLA', 162, '2007-07-02 16:32:15', 'sell', 20.69); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM limit_orders WHERE id = 246; count ------- 1 (1 row) DELETE FROM limit_orders WHERE id = 246; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM limit_orders WHERE id = 246; count ------- 0 (1 row) -- DELETE with expression in WHERE clause INSERT INTO limit_orders VALUES (246, 'TSLA', 162, '2007-07-02 16:32:15', 'sell', 20.69); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM limit_orders WHERE id = 246; count ------- 1 (1 row) DELETE FROM limit_orders WHERE id = (2 * 123); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM limit_orders WHERE id = 246; count ------- 0 (1 row) -- commands with no constraints on the partition key are not supported DELETE FROM limit_orders WHERE bidder_id = 162; ERROR: cannot modify multiple shards during a single query -- commands with a USING clause are unsupported CREATE TABLE bidders ( name text, id bigint ); DELETE FROM limit_orders USING bidders WHERE limit_orders.id = 246 AND limit_orders.bidder_id = bidders.id AND bidders.name = 'Bernie Madoff'; ERROR: cannot perform distributed planning for the given query DETAIL: Joins are not supported in distributed queries. -- commands with a RETURNING clause are unsupported DELETE FROM limit_orders WHERE id = 246 RETURNING *; ERROR: cannot perform distributed planning for the given query DETAIL: RETURNING clauses are not supported in distributed queries. -- commands containing a CTE are unsupported WITH deleted_orders AS (INSERT INTO limit_orders DEFAULT VALUES RETURNING *) DELETE FROM limit_orders; ERROR: cannot perform distributed planning for the given query DETAIL: Common table expressions are not supported in distributed queries. -- cursors are not supported DELETE FROM limit_orders WHERE CURRENT OF cursor_name; ERROR: cannot modify multiple shards during a single query INSERT INTO limit_orders VALUES (246, 'TSLA', 162, '2007-07-02 16:32:15', 'sell', 20.69); -- simple UPDATE UPDATE limit_orders SET symbol = 'GM' WHERE id = 246; SELECT symbol FROM limit_orders WHERE id = 246; symbol -------- GM (1 row) -- expression UPDATE UPDATE limit_orders SET bidder_id = 6 * 3 WHERE id = 246; SELECT bidder_id FROM limit_orders WHERE id = 246; bidder_id ----------- 18 (1 row) -- multi-column UPDATE UPDATE limit_orders SET (kind, limit_price) = ('buy', DEFAULT) WHERE id = 246; SELECT kind, limit_price FROM limit_orders WHERE id = 246; kind | limit_price ------+------------- buy | 0.00 (1 row) -- commands with no constraints on the partition key are not supported UPDATE limit_orders SET limit_price = 0.00; ERROR: cannot modify multiple shards during a single query -- UPDATEs with a FROM clause are unsupported UPDATE limit_orders SET limit_price = 0.00 FROM bidders WHERE limit_orders.id = 246 AND limit_orders.bidder_id = bidders.id AND bidders.name = 'Bernie Madoff'; ERROR: cannot perform distributed planning for the given query DETAIL: Joins are not supported in distributed queries. -- commands with a RETURNING clause are unsupported UPDATE limit_orders SET symbol = 'GM' WHERE id = 246 RETURNING *; ERROR: cannot perform distributed planning for the given query DETAIL: RETURNING clauses are not supported in distributed queries. -- commands containing a CTE are unsupported WITH deleted_orders AS (INSERT INTO limit_orders DEFAULT VALUES RETURNING *) UPDATE limit_orders SET symbol = 'GM'; ERROR: cannot perform distributed planning for the given query DETAIL: Common table expressions are not supported in distributed queries. -- cursors are not supported UPDATE limit_orders SET symbol = 'GM' WHERE CURRENT OF cursor_name; ERROR: cannot modify multiple shards during a single query