/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * connection.c * * This file contains functions to implement a connection hash. * * Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Citus Data, Inc. * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" /* IWYU pragma: keep */ #include "libpq-fe.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "pg_config_manual.h" #include "postgres_ext.h" #include "connection.h" #include #include #include "commands/dbcommands.h" #include "lib/stringinfo.h" #include "mb/pg_wchar.h" #include "utils/builtins.h" #include "utils/elog.h" #include "utils/errcodes.h" #include "utils/hsearch.h" #include "utils/memutils.h" #include "utils/palloc.h" /* * NodeConnectionHash is the connection hash itself. It begins uninitialized. * The first call to GetConnection triggers hash creation. */ static HTAB *NodeConnectionHash = NULL; /* local function forward declarations */ static HTAB * CreateNodeConnectionHash(void); static PGconn * ConnectToNode(char *nodeName, char *nodePort); static char * ConnectionGetOptionValue(PGconn *connection, char *optionKeyword); /* * GetConnection returns a PGconn which can be used to execute queries on a * remote PostgreSQL server. If no suitable connection to the specified node on * the specified port yet exists, the function establishes a new connection and * returns that. * * Returned connections are guaranteed to be in the CONNECTION_OK state. If the * requested connection cannot be established, or if it was previously created * but is now in an unrecoverable bad state, this function returns NULL. * * This function throws an error if a hostname over 255 characters is provided. */ PGconn * GetConnection(char *nodeName, int32 nodePort) { PGconn *connection = NULL; NodeConnectionKey nodeConnectionKey; NodeConnectionEntry *nodeConnectionEntry = NULL; bool entryFound = false; bool needNewConnection = true; /* check input */ if (strnlen(nodeName, MAX_NODE_LENGTH + 1) > MAX_NODE_LENGTH) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("hostname exceeds the maximum length of %d", MAX_NODE_LENGTH))); } /* if first call, initialize the connection hash */ if (NodeConnectionHash == NULL) { NodeConnectionHash = CreateNodeConnectionHash(); } memset(&nodeConnectionKey, 0, sizeof(nodeConnectionKey)); strncpy(nodeConnectionKey.nodeName, nodeName, MAX_NODE_LENGTH); nodeConnectionKey.nodePort = nodePort; nodeConnectionEntry = hash_search(NodeConnectionHash, &nodeConnectionKey, HASH_FIND, &entryFound); if (entryFound) { connection = nodeConnectionEntry->connection; if (PQstatus(connection) == CONNECTION_OK) { needNewConnection = false; } else { PurgeConnection(connection); } } if (needNewConnection) { StringInfo nodePortString = makeStringInfo(); appendStringInfo(nodePortString, "%d", nodePort); connection = ConnectToNode(nodeName, nodePortString->data); if (connection != NULL) { nodeConnectionEntry = hash_search(NodeConnectionHash, &nodeConnectionKey, HASH_ENTER, &entryFound); nodeConnectionEntry->connection = connection; } } return connection; } /* * PurgeConnection removes the given connection from the connection hash and * closes it using PQfinish. If our hash does not contain the given connection, * this method simply prints a warning and exits. */ void PurgeConnection(PGconn *connection) { NodeConnectionKey nodeConnectionKey; NodeConnectionEntry *nodeConnectionEntry = NULL; bool entryFound = false; char *nodeNameString = NULL; char *nodePortString = NULL; nodeNameString = ConnectionGetOptionValue(connection, "host"); if (nodeNameString == NULL) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("connection is missing host option"))); } nodePortString = ConnectionGetOptionValue(connection, "port"); if (nodePortString == NULL) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("connection is missing port option"))); } memset(&nodeConnectionKey, 0, sizeof(nodeConnectionKey)); strncpy(nodeConnectionKey.nodeName, nodeNameString, MAX_NODE_LENGTH); nodeConnectionKey.nodePort = pg_atoi(nodePortString, sizeof(int32), 0); pfree(nodeNameString); pfree(nodePortString); nodeConnectionEntry = hash_search(NodeConnectionHash, &nodeConnectionKey, HASH_REMOVE, &entryFound); if (entryFound) { /* * It's possible the provided connection matches the host and port for * an entry in the hash without being precisely the same connection. In * that case, we will want to close the hash's connection (because the * entry has already been removed) in addition to the provided one. */ if (nodeConnectionEntry->connection != connection) { ereport(WARNING, (errmsg("hash entry for \"%s:%d\" contained different " "connection than that provided by caller", nodeConnectionKey.nodeName, nodeConnectionKey.nodePort))); PQfinish(nodeConnectionEntry->connection); } } else { ereport(WARNING, (errcode(ERRCODE_NO_DATA), errmsg("could not find hash entry for connection to \"%s:%d\"", nodeConnectionKey.nodeName, nodeConnectionKey.nodePort))); } PQfinish(connection); } /* * ReportRemoteError retrieves various error fields from the a remote result and * produces an error report at the WARNING level. */ void ReportRemoteError(PGconn *connection, PGresult *result) { char *sqlStateString = PQresultErrorField(result, PG_DIAG_SQLSTATE); char *remoteMessage = PQresultErrorField(result, PG_DIAG_MESSAGE_PRIMARY); char *nodeName = ConnectionGetOptionValue(connection, "host"); char *nodePort = ConnectionGetOptionValue(connection, "port"); char *errorPrefix = "Connection failed to"; int sqlState = ERRCODE_CONNECTION_FAILURE; if (sqlStateString != NULL) { sqlState = MAKE_SQLSTATE(sqlStateString[0], sqlStateString[1], sqlStateString[2], sqlStateString[3], sqlStateString[4]); /* use more specific error prefix for result failures */ if (sqlState != ERRCODE_CONNECTION_FAILURE) { errorPrefix = "Bad result from"; } } /* * If the PGresult did not contain a message, the connection may provide a * suitable top level one. At worst, this is an empty string. */ if (remoteMessage == NULL) { char *lastNewlineIndex = NULL; remoteMessage = PQerrorMessage(connection); lastNewlineIndex = strrchr(remoteMessage, '\n'); /* trim trailing newline, if any */ if (lastNewlineIndex != NULL) { *lastNewlineIndex = '\0'; } } ereport(WARNING, (errcode(sqlState), errmsg("%s %s:%s", errorPrefix, nodeName, nodePort), errdetail("Remote message: %s", remoteMessage))); } /* * CreateNodeConnectionHash returns a newly created hash table suitable for * storing unlimited connections indexed by node name and port. */ static HTAB * CreateNodeConnectionHash(void) { HTAB *nodeConnectionHash = NULL; HASHCTL info; int hashFlags = 0; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); info.keysize = sizeof(NodeConnectionKey); info.entrysize = sizeof(NodeConnectionEntry); info.hash = tag_hash; info.hcxt = CacheMemoryContext; hashFlags = (HASH_ELEM | HASH_FUNCTION | HASH_CONTEXT); nodeConnectionHash = hash_create("pg_shard connections", 32, &info, hashFlags); return nodeConnectionHash; } /* * ConnectToNode opens a connection to a remote PostgreSQL server. The function * configures the connection's fallback application name to 'pg_shard' and sets * the remote encoding to match the local one. This function requires that the * port be specified as a string for easier use with libpq functions. * * We attempt to connect up to MAX_CONNECT_ATTEMPT times. After that we give up * and return NULL. */ static PGconn * ConnectToNode(char *nodeName, char *nodePort) { PGconn *connection = NULL; const char *clientEncoding = GetDatabaseEncodingName(); const char *dbname = get_database_name(MyDatabaseId); const char *keywordArray[] = { "host", "port", "fallback_application_name", "client_encoding", "connect_timeout", "dbname", NULL }; const char *valueArray[] = { nodeName, nodePort, "pg_shard", clientEncoding, CLIENT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, dbname, NULL }; Assert(sizeof(keywordArray) == sizeof(valueArray)); for (int attemptIndex = 0; attemptIndex < MAX_CONNECT_ATTEMPTS; attemptIndex++) { connection = PQconnectdbParams(keywordArray, valueArray, false); if (PQstatus(connection) == CONNECTION_OK) { break; } else { /* warn if still erroring on final attempt */ if (attemptIndex == MAX_CONNECT_ATTEMPTS - 1) { ReportRemoteError(connection, NULL); } PQfinish(connection); connection = NULL; } } return connection; } /* * ConnectionGetOptionValue inspects the provided connection for an option with * a given keyword and returns a new palloc'd string with that options's value. * The function returns NULL if the connection has no setting for an option with * the provided keyword. */ static char * ConnectionGetOptionValue(PGconn *connection, char *optionKeyword) { char *optionValue = NULL; PQconninfoOption *conninfoOptions = PQconninfo(connection); for (PQconninfoOption *option = conninfoOptions; option->keyword != NULL; option++) { if (strncmp(option->keyword, optionKeyword, NAMEDATALEN) == 0) { optionValue = pstrdup(option->val); } } PQconninfoFree(conninfoOptions); return optionValue; }