# Change Log ### v0.5.1 (2020-04-30) - Remove `-march=native` from Makefile and add new Makefile_native to compile using native instructions (#8) - Fixes memory leak introduced by v0.4.1 which caused by call `PG_GETARG_BYTEA_P()` in aggctx (#9) ### v0.5.0 (2019-11-17) - Upgrade CRoaring to 0.2.65 - Add support of PostgreSQL 12 - Add support of Greenplum-db 6 - Redefine rb_or_cardinality_agg/rb_and_cardinality_agg/rb_xor_cardinality_agg to support parallel aggregate - Fixes memory leak of v0.4.1 which caused by aligned malloc ### v0.4.1 (2019-11-04) - Use PostgreSQL MemoryContext instead of direct use of malloc - Fixes a bug that could cause crash when run windows aggregate (#5) - Fixes a bug that parallel aggregate may product wrong result (#6) ### v0.4.0 (2019-05-27) - Add type cast between roaringbitmp and bytea - Add support of PostgreSQL 11 ### v0.3.0 (2018-08-23) - Add roaringbitmap.output_format parameter to control 'bytea' or 'array' output format - Change roaringbitmap default output format to 'bytea' in order to better support large cardinality bitmaps - Add `rb_iterate()` function and fix memory leak - Add `roaringbitmap.output_format` parameter ### v0.2.1 (2018-06-19) - Upgrade CRoaring to 0.2.49 ### v0.2.0 (2018-06-09) - Adds support of input/output syntax similar to int array - Change range type from integer to bigint - Add boundary check of range - Adds `rb_index()`,`rb_fill()`,`rb_clear()`,`rb_range()`,`rb_range_cardinality()`,`rb_jaccard_dist()`,`rb_select()` functions - Adds Operators - Rename `rb_minimum()` to `rb_min()` - Rename `rb_maximum()` to `rb_max()` - Upgrade CRoaring to 0.2.42 ### v0.1.0 (2018-04-07) - Adds initial regresion test set - Refactor roaringbitmap.c's code to clean compile warnnings - Adds `rb_to_array()` function - Removes `rb_iterate()` function to avoid memory leak - Fixes a bug that could cause memory leak - Adds support for parallel aggragation ### v0.0.3 (2018-03-31) - fork from https://github.com/zeromax007/gpdb-roaringbitmap and make roaringbitmap to be a PostgreSQL extension - update the CRoaring to v0.2.39.