/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * pg_readonly is a PostgreSQL extension which allows to set a whole * cluster read only: no INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE and no DDL can be run. * * This program is open source, licensed under the PostgreSQL license. * For license terms, see the LICENSE file. * * Copyright (c) 2020, Pierre Forstmann. * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "parser/analyze.h" #include "nodes/nodes.h" #include "storage/proc.h" #include "access/xact.h" #include "tcop/tcopprot.h" #include "tcop/utility.h" #include "utils/guc.h" #include "utils/snapmgr.h" #include "utils/memutils.h" #if PG_VERSION_NUM <= 90600 #include "storage/lwlock.h" #endif #if PG_VERSION_NUM < 120000 #include "access/transam.h" #endif #include "storage/ipc.h" #include "storage/spin.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "storage/procarray.h" PG_MODULE_MAGIC; /* * * Global shared state * */ typedef struct pgroSharedState { LWLock *lock; /* self protection */ bool cluster_is_readonly; /* cluster read-only global flag */ } pgroSharedState; /* Saved hook values in case of unload */ static post_parse_analyze_hook_type prev_post_parse_analyze_hook = NULL; static shmem_startup_hook_type prev_shmem_startup_hook = NULL; /* Links to shared memory state */ static pgroSharedState *pgro= NULL; /*---- Function declarations ----*/ void _PG_init(void); void _PG_fini(void); static void pgro_shmem_startup(void); static void pgro_shmem_shutdown(int code, Datum arg); static void pgro_main(ParseState *pstate, Query *query); static bool pgro_set_readonly_internal(); static bool pgro_unset_readonly_internal(); static bool pgro_get_readonly_internal(); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(pgro_set_readonly); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(pgro_unset_readonly); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(pgro_get_readonly); /* * set cluster databases to read-only */ static bool pgro_set_readonly_internal() { VirtualTransactionId *tvxid; TransactionId limitXmin = InvalidTransactionId; bool excludeXmin0 = false; bool allDbs = true; int excludeVacuum = 0; int nvxids; int i; pid_t pid; elog(LOG, "pg_readonly: killing all transactions ..."); tvxid = GetCurrentVirtualXIDs( limitXmin, excludeXmin0, allDbs, excludeVacuum, &nvxids); for (i=0; i < nvxids; i++) { /* * No adequate ProcSignalReason found */ pid = CancelVirtualTransaction( tvxid[i], PROCSIG_RECOVERY_CONFLICT_SNAPSHOT); elog(LOG, "pg_readonly: PID %d signalled", pid); } elog(LOG, "pg_readonly: ... done."); LWLockAcquire(pgro->lock, LW_EXCLUSIVE); pgro->cluster_is_readonly = true; LWLockRelease(pgro->lock); return true; } /* * set cluster databases to read write */ static bool pgro_unset_readonly_internal() { LWLockAcquire(pgro->lock, LW_EXCLUSIVE); pgro->cluster_is_readonly = false; LWLockRelease(pgro->lock); return true; } /* * get cluster databases read-only or * read-write status */ static bool pgro_get_readonly_internal() { bool val; LWLockAcquire(pgro->lock, LW_SHARED); val = pgro->cluster_is_readonly; LWLockRelease(pgro->lock); return val; } /* * set cluster databases to read-only */ Datum pgro_set_readonly(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { elog(DEBUG5, "pg_readonly: pgro_set_readonly: entry"); elog(DEBUG5, "pg_readonly: pgro_set_readonly: exit"); PG_RETURN_BOOL(pgro_set_readonly_internal()); } /* * set cluster databases to read-write */ Datum pgro_unset_readonly(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { elog(DEBUG5, "pg_readonly: pgro_unset_readonly: entry"); elog(DEBUG5, "pg_readonly: pgro_unset_readonly: exit"); PG_RETURN_BOOL(pgro_unset_readonly_internal()); } /* * get cluster databases status */ Datum pgro_get_readonly(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { elog(DEBUG5, "pg_readonly: pgro_get_readonly: entry"); elog(DEBUG5, "pg_readonly: pgro_get_readonly: exit"); PG_RETURN_BOOL(pgro_get_readonly_internal()); } /* ** Estimate shared memory space needed. * **/ static Size pgro_memsize(void) { Size size; size = MAXALIGN(sizeof(pgroSharedState)); return size; } /* * shmem_startup hook: allocate or attach to shared memory. * */ static void pgro_shmem_startup(void) { bool found; elog(DEBUG5, "pg_readonly: pgro_shmem_startup: entry"); if (prev_shmem_startup_hook) prev_shmem_startup_hook(); /* reset in case this is a restart within the postmaster */ pgro = NULL; /* ** Create or attach to the shared memory state **/ LWLockAcquire(AddinShmemInitLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE); pgro = ShmemInitStruct("pg_readonly", sizeof(pgroSharedState), &found); if (!found) { /* First time through ... */ #if PG_VERSION_NUM <= 90600 RequestAddinLWLocks(1); pgro->lock = LWLockAssign(); #else pgro->lock = &(GetNamedLWLockTranche("pg_readonly"))->lock; #endif pgro->cluster_is_readonly = false; } LWLockRelease(AddinShmemInitLock); /* * If we're in the postmaster (or a standalone backend...), set up a shmem * exit hook (no current need ???) */ if (!IsUnderPostmaster) on_shmem_exit(pgro_shmem_shutdown, (Datum) 0); /* * Done if some other process already completed our initialization. */ if (found) return; elog(DEBUG5, "pg_readonly: pgro_shmem_startup: exit"); } /* * * shmem_shutdown hook * * Note: we don't bother with acquiring lock, because there should be no * other processes running when this is called. */ static void pgro_shmem_shutdown(int code, Datum arg) { elog(DEBUG5, "pg_readonly: pgro_shmem_shutdown: entry"); /* Don't do anything during a crash. */ if (code) return; /* Safety check ... shouldn't get here unless shmem is set up. */ if (!pgro) return; /* currently: no action */ elog(DEBUG5, "pg_readonly: pgro_shmem_shutdown: exit"); } /* * Module load callback */ void _PG_init(void) { elog(DEBUG5, "pg_readonly: _PG_init(): entry"); elog(LOG, "pg_readonly:_PG_init(): pg_readonly extension is enabled"); /* ** Request additional shared resources. (These are no-ops if we're not in ** the postmaster process.) We'll allocate or attach to the shared ** resources in pgro_shmem_startup(). **/ RequestAddinShmemSpace(pgro_memsize()); #if PG_VERSION_NUM >= 90600 RequestNamedLWLockTranche("pg_readonly", 1); #endif /* ** Install hooks */ prev_shmem_startup_hook = shmem_startup_hook; shmem_startup_hook = pgro_shmem_startup; prev_post_parse_analyze_hook = post_parse_analyze_hook; post_parse_analyze_hook = pgro_main; elog(DEBUG5, "pg_readonly: _PG_init(): exit"); } /* * Module unload callback */ void _PG_fini(void) { elog(DEBUG5, "pg_readonly: _PG_fini(): entry"); /* Uninstall hooks. */ shmem_startup_hook = prev_shmem_startup_hook; post_parse_analyze_hook = prev_post_parse_analyze_hook; elog(DEBUG5, "pg_readonly: _PG_fini(): exit"); } /* * */ static void pgro_main(ParseState *pstate, Query *query) { char *sekw = "SELECT"; char *inkw = "INSERT"; char *upkw = "UPDATE"; char *dekw = "DELETE"; char *utkw = "UTILITY"; char *nokw = "NOTHING"; char *unkw = "UNKNOWN"; char *kokw = "???????"; char *kw = NULL; char *expstmt = "EXPLAIN"; char *setvstmt = "SET"; char *showvstmt = "SHOW"; char *prepstmt = "PREPARE"; char *execstmt = "EXECUTE"; char *deallocstmt = "DEALLOC"; char *otherstmt = "OTHER"; char *stmt = NULL; bool command_is_ro = false; elog(DEBUG5, "pg_readonly: pgro_main entry"); switch (query->commandType) { case CMD_UNKNOWN: kw = unkw; break; case CMD_SELECT: command_is_ro = true; kw = sekw; break; case CMD_UPDATE: kw = upkw; break; case CMD_INSERT: kw = inkw; break; case CMD_DELETE: kw = dekw; break; case CMD_UTILITY: kw = utkw; /* * allow ROLLBACK * for killed transactions */ if ( strstr((pstate->p_sourcetext), "rollback") || strstr((pstate->p_sourcetext), "ROLLBACK") ) { elog(DEBUG1, "pg_readonly: pgro_main: query->querySource=%s", pstate->p_sourcetext); command_is_ro = true; } break; case CMD_NOTHING: kw = nokw; break; default: kw = kokw; break; } elog(DEBUG1, "pg_readonly: pgro_main: query->commandType=%s", kw); elog(DEBUG1, "pg_readonly: pgro_main: command_is_ro=%d", command_is_ro); if (query->commandType == CMD_UTILITY) { switch ((nodeTag(query->utilityStmt))) { case T_ExplainStmt: stmt = expstmt; command_is_ro = true; break; case T_VariableSetStmt: stmt = setvstmt; command_is_ro = true; break; case T_VariableShowStmt: stmt = showvstmt; command_is_ro = true; break; case T_PrepareStmt: stmt = prepstmt; command_is_ro = true; break; case T_ExecuteStmt: stmt = execstmt; command_is_ro = true; break; case T_DeallocateStmt: stmt = deallocstmt; command_is_ro = true; break; default: stmt = otherstmt; break; } elog(DEBUG1, "pg_readonly: pgro_main: query->UtilityStmt=%s", stmt); elog(DEBUG1, "pg_readonly: pgro_main: command_is_ro=%d", command_is_ro); } if (pgro_get_readonly_internal() == true && command_is_ro == false) ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("pg_readonly: invalid statement because cluster is read-only"))); if (prev_post_parse_analyze_hook) (*prev_post_parse_analyze_hook)(pstate, query); /* no "standard" call for else branch */ elog(DEBUG5, "pg_readonly: pgro_main: exit"); }