/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * planner_tree_modification.c * Functions for query- and plan- tree modification * * Copyright (c) 2016, Postgres Professional * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2016, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #include "compat/expand_rte_hook.h" #include "compat/relation_tags.h" #include "compat/rowmarks_fix.h" #include "partition_filter.h" #include "planner_tree_modification.h" #include "rewrite/rewriteManip.h" #include "access/htup_details.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "optimizer/clauses.h" #include "storage/lmgr.h" #include "utils/syscache.h" /* for assign_rel_parenthood_status() */ #define PARENTHOOD_TAG CppAsString(PARENTHOOD) static bool pathman_transform_query_walker(Node *node, void *context); static void disable_standard_inheritance(Query *parse); static void handle_modification_query(Query *parse, ParamListInfo params); static void partition_filter_visitor(Plan *plan, void *context); static rel_parenthood_status tag_extract_parenthood_status(List *relation_tag); static Node *eval_extern_params_mutator(Node *node, ParamListInfo params); /* * HACK: We have to mark each Query with a unique * id in order to recognize them properly. */ #define QUERY_ID_INITIAL 0 static uint32 latest_query_id = QUERY_ID_INITIAL; void assign_query_id(Query *query) { uint32 prev_id = latest_query_id++; if (prev_id > latest_query_id) elog(WARNING, "assign_query_id(): queryId overflow"); query->queryId = latest_query_id; } void reset_query_id_generator(void) { latest_query_id = QUERY_ID_INITIAL; } /* * Basic plan tree walker * * 'visitor' is applied right before return */ void plan_tree_walker(Plan *plan, void (*visitor) (Plan *plan, void *context), void *context) { ListCell *l; if (plan == NULL) return; check_stack_depth(); /* Plan-type-specific fixes */ switch (nodeTag(plan)) { case T_SubqueryScan: plan_tree_walker(((SubqueryScan *) plan)->subplan, visitor, context); break; case T_CustomScan: foreach(l, ((CustomScan *) plan)->custom_plans) plan_tree_walker((Plan *) lfirst(l), visitor, context); break; case T_ModifyTable: foreach (l, ((ModifyTable *) plan)->plans) plan_tree_walker((Plan *) lfirst(l), visitor, context); break; /* Since they look alike */ case T_MergeAppend: case T_Append: foreach(l, ((Append *) plan)->appendplans) plan_tree_walker((Plan *) lfirst(l), visitor, context); break; case T_BitmapAnd: foreach(l, ((BitmapAnd *) plan)->bitmapplans) plan_tree_walker((Plan *) lfirst(l), visitor, context); break; case T_BitmapOr: foreach(l, ((BitmapOr *) plan)->bitmapplans) plan_tree_walker((Plan *) lfirst(l), visitor, context); break; default: break; } plan_tree_walker(plan->lefttree, visitor, context); plan_tree_walker(plan->righttree, visitor, context); /* Apply visitor to the current node */ visitor(plan, context); } /* * ------------------------------- * Walker for Query modification * ------------------------------- */ /* Perform some transformations on Query tree */ void pathman_transform_query(Query *parse, ParamListInfo params) { pathman_transform_query_walker((Node *) parse, (void *) params); } /* Walker for pathman_transform_query() */ static bool pathman_transform_query_walker(Node *node, void *context) { if (node == NULL) return false; else if (IsA(node, Query)) { Query *query = (Query *) node; /* Assign Query a 'queryId' */ assign_query_id(query); /* Apply Query tree modifiers */ rowmark_add_tableoids(query); disable_standard_inheritance(query); handle_modification_query(query, (ParamListInfo) context); /* Handle Query node */ return query_tree_walker(query, pathman_transform_query_walker, context, 0); } /* Handle expression subtree */ return expression_tree_walker(node, pathman_transform_query_walker, context); } /* * ---------------------- * Query tree modifiers * ---------------------- */ /* Disable standard inheritance if table is partitioned by pg_pathman */ static void disable_standard_inheritance(Query *parse) { ListCell *lc; Index current_rti; /* current range table entry index */ /* * We can't handle non-SELECT queries unless * there's a pathman_expand_inherited_rtentry_hook() */ #ifndef NATIVE_EXPAND_RTE_HOOK if (parse->commandType != CMD_SELECT) return; #endif /* Walk through RangeTblEntries list */ current_rti = 0; foreach (lc, parse->rtable) { RangeTblEntry *rte = (RangeTblEntry *) lfirst(lc); current_rti++; /* increment RTE index */ Assert(current_rti != 0); /* Process only non-result base relations */ if (rte->rtekind != RTE_RELATION || rte->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION || parse->resultRelation == current_rti) /* is it a result relation? */ continue; /* Table may be partitioned */ if (rte->inh) { const PartRelationInfo *prel; /* Proceed if table is partitioned by pg_pathman */ if ((prel = get_pathman_relation_info(rte->relid)) != NULL) { /* * HACK: unset the 'inh' flag to disable standard * planning. We'll set it again later. */ rte->inh = false; /* Try marking it using PARENTHOOD_ALLOWED */ assign_rel_parenthood_status(parse->queryId, rte, PARENTHOOD_ALLOWED); } } /* Else try marking it using PARENTHOOD_DISALLOWED */ else assign_rel_parenthood_status(parse->queryId, rte, PARENTHOOD_DISALLOWED); } } /* Checks if query affects only one partition */ static void handle_modification_query(Query *parse, ParamListInfo params) { const PartRelationInfo *prel; Node *prel_expr; List *ranges; RangeTblEntry *rte; WrapperNode *wrap; Expr *expr; WalkerContext context; Index result_rel; /* Fetch index of result relation */ result_rel = parse->resultRelation; /* Exit if it's not a DELETE or UPDATE query */ if (result_rel == 0 || (parse->commandType != CMD_UPDATE && parse->commandType != CMD_DELETE)) return; rte = rt_fetch(result_rel, parse->rtable); /* Exit if it's DELETE FROM ONLY table */ if (!rte->inh) return; prel = get_pathman_relation_info(rte->relid); /* Exit if it's not partitioned */ if (!prel) return; /* Exit if we must include parent */ if (prel->enable_parent) return; /* Parse syntax tree and extract partition ranges */ ranges = list_make1_irange_full(prel, IR_COMPLETE); expr = (Expr *) eval_const_expressions(NULL, parse->jointree->quals); /* Exit if there's no expr (no use) */ if (!expr) return; /* Check if we can replace PARAMs with CONSTs */ if (params && clause_contains_params((Node *) expr)) expr = (Expr *) eval_extern_params_mutator((Node *) expr, params); /* Prepare partitioning expression */ prel_expr = PrelExpressionForRelid(prel, result_rel); /* Parse syntax tree and extract partition ranges */ InitWalkerContext(&context, prel_expr, prel, NULL); wrap = walk_expr_tree(expr, &context); ranges = irange_list_intersection(ranges, wrap->rangeset); /* * If only one partition is affected, * substitute parent table with the partition. */ if (irange_list_length(ranges) == 1) { IndexRange irange = linitial_irange(ranges); /* Exactly one partition (bounds are equal) */ if (irange_lower(irange) == irange_upper(irange)) { Oid *children = PrelGetChildrenArray(prel), child = children[irange_lower(irange)], parent = rte->relid; Relation child_rel, parent_rel; void *tuple_map; /* we don't need the map itself */ LOCKMODE lockmode = RowExclusiveLock; /* UPDATE | DELETE */ HeapTuple syscache_htup; char child_relkind; /* Lock 'child' table */ LockRelationOid(child, lockmode); /* Make sure that 'child' exists */ syscache_htup = SearchSysCache1(RELOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(child)); if (HeapTupleIsValid(syscache_htup)) { Form_pg_class reltup = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(syscache_htup); /* Fetch child's relkind and free cache entry */ child_relkind = reltup->relkind; ReleaseSysCache(syscache_htup); } else { UnlockRelationOid(child, lockmode); return; /* nothing to do here */ } /* Both tables are already locked */ child_rel = heap_open(child, NoLock); parent_rel = heap_open(parent, NoLock); /* Build a conversion map (may be trivial, i.e. NULL) */ tuple_map = build_part_tuple_map(parent_rel, child_rel); if (tuple_map) free_conversion_map((TupleConversionMap *) tuple_map); /* Close relations (should remain locked, though) */ heap_close(child_rel, NoLock); heap_close(parent_rel, NoLock); /* Exit if tuple map was NOT trivial */ if (tuple_map) /* just checking the pointer! */ return; /* Update RTE's relid and relkind (for FDW) */ rte->relid = child; rte->relkind = child_relkind; /* HACK: unset the 'inh' flag (no children) */ rte->inh = false; } } } /* * ------------------------------- * PartitionFilter-related stuff * ------------------------------- */ /* Add PartitionFilter nodes to the plan tree */ void add_partition_filters(List *rtable, Plan *plan) { if (pg_pathman_enable_partition_filter) plan_tree_walker(plan, partition_filter_visitor, rtable); } /* * Add partition filters to ModifyTable node's children. * * 'context' should point to the PlannedStmt->rtable. */ static void partition_filter_visitor(Plan *plan, void *context) { List *rtable = (List *) context; ModifyTable *modify_table = (ModifyTable *) plan; ListCell *lc1, *lc2, *lc3; /* Skip if not ModifyTable with 'INSERT' command */ if (!IsA(modify_table, ModifyTable) || modify_table->operation != CMD_INSERT) return; Assert(rtable && IsA(rtable, List)); lc3 = list_head(modify_table->returningLists); forboth (lc1, modify_table->plans, lc2, modify_table->resultRelations) { Index rindex = lfirst_int(lc2); Oid relid = getrelid(rindex, rtable); const PartRelationInfo *prel = get_pathman_relation_info(relid); /* Check that table is partitioned */ if (prel) { List *returning_list = NIL; /* Extract returning list if possible */ if (lc3) { returning_list = lfirst(lc3); lc3 = lnext(lc3); } lfirst(lc1) = make_partition_filter((Plan *) lfirst(lc1), relid, modify_table->onConflictAction, returning_list); } } } /* * ----------------------------------------------- * Parenthood safety checks (SELECT * FROM ONLY) * ----------------------------------------------- */ /* Set parenthood status (per query level) */ void assign_rel_parenthood_status(uint32 query_id, RangeTblEntry *rte, rel_parenthood_status new_status) { List *old_relation_tag; old_relation_tag = rte_attach_tag(query_id, rte, make_rte_tag_int(PARENTHOOD_TAG, new_status)); /* We already have a PARENTHOOD_TAG, examine it's value */ if (old_relation_tag && tag_extract_parenthood_status(old_relation_tag) != new_status) { elog(ERROR, "it is prohibited to apply ONLY modifier to partitioned " "tables which have already been mentioned without ONLY"); } } /* Get parenthood status (per query level) */ rel_parenthood_status get_rel_parenthood_status(uint32 query_id, RangeTblEntry *rte) { List *relation_tag; relation_tag = rte_fetch_tag(query_id, rte, PARENTHOOD_TAG); if (relation_tag) return tag_extract_parenthood_status(relation_tag); /* Not found, return stub value */ return PARENTHOOD_NOT_SET; } static rel_parenthood_status tag_extract_parenthood_status(List *relation_tag) { const Value *value; rel_parenthood_status status; rte_deconstruct_tag(relation_tag, NULL, &value); Assert(value && IsA(value, Integer)); status = (rel_parenthood_status) intVal(value); Assert(status >= PARENTHOOD_NOT_SET && status <= PARENTHOOD_ALLOWED); return status; } /* Replace extern param nodes with consts */ static Node * eval_extern_params_mutator(Node *node, ParamListInfo params) { if (node == NULL) return NULL; if (IsA(node, Param)) { Param *param = (Param *) node; Assert(params); /* Look to see if we've been given a value for this Param */ if (param->paramkind == PARAM_EXTERN && param->paramid > 0 && param->paramid <= params->numParams) { ParamExternData *prm = ¶ms->params[param->paramid - 1]; if (OidIsValid(prm->ptype)) { /* OK to substitute parameter value? */ if (prm->pflags & PARAM_FLAG_CONST) { /* * Return a Const representing the param value. * Must copy pass-by-ref datatypes, since the * Param might be in a memory context * shorter-lived than our output plan should be. */ int16 typLen; bool typByVal; Datum pval; Assert(prm->ptype == param->paramtype); get_typlenbyval(param->paramtype, &typLen, &typByVal); if (prm->isnull || typByVal) pval = prm->value; else pval = datumCopy(prm->value, typByVal, typLen); return (Node *) makeConst(param->paramtype, param->paramtypmod, param->paramcollid, (int) typLen, pval, prm->isnull, typByVal); } } } } return expression_tree_mutator(node, eval_extern_params_mutator, (void *) params); }