/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * nodes_common.c * Common code for custom nodes * * Copyright (c) 2016, Postgres Professional * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #include "nodes_common.h" #include "runtimeappend.h" #include "utils.h" #include "access/sysattr.h" #include "optimizer/restrictinfo.h" #include "optimizer/var.h" #include "utils/memutils.h" /* Allocation settings */ #define INITIAL_ALLOC_NUM 10 #define ALLOC_EXP 2 /* Compare plans by 'original_order' */ static int cmp_child_scan_common_by_orig_order(const void *ap, const void *bp) { ChildScanCommon a = *(ChildScanCommon *) ap; ChildScanCommon b = *(ChildScanCommon *) bp; if (a->original_order > b->original_order) return 1; else if (a->original_order < b->original_order) return -1; else return 0; } static void transform_plans_into_states(RuntimeAppendState *scan_state, ChildScanCommon *selected_plans, int n, EState *estate) { int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ChildScanCommon child = selected_plans[i]; PlanState *ps; /* Create new node since this plan hasn't been used yet */ if (child->content_type != CHILD_PLAN_STATE) { Assert(child->content_type == CHILD_PLAN); /* no paths allowed */ ps = ExecInitNode(child->content.plan, estate, 0); child->content.plan_state = ps; child->content_type = CHILD_PLAN_STATE; /* update content type */ /* Explain and clear_plan_states rely on this list */ scan_state->css.custom_ps = lappend(scan_state->css.custom_ps, ps); } else ps = child->content.plan_state; /* Node with params will be ReScanned */ if (scan_state->css.ss.ps.chgParam) UpdateChangedParamSet(ps, scan_state->css.ss.ps.chgParam); /* * We should ReScan this node manually since * ExecProcNode won't do this for us in this case. */ if (bms_is_empty(ps->chgParam)) ExecReScan(ps); child->content.plan_state = ps; } } static ChildScanCommon * select_required_plans(HTAB *children_table, Oid *parts, int nparts, int *nres) { uint32 allocated = INITIAL_ALLOC_NUM, used = 0; ChildScanCommon *result; int i; result = (ChildScanCommon *) palloc(allocated * sizeof(ChildScanCommon)); for (i = 0; i < nparts; i++) { ChildScanCommon child = hash_search(children_table, (const void *) &parts[i], HASH_FIND, NULL); if (!child) continue; /* no plan for this partition */ if (allocated <= used) { allocated = allocated * ALLOC_EXP + 1; result = repalloc(result, allocated * sizeof(ChildScanCommon)); } result[used++] = child; } *nres = used; return result; } /* Replace Vars' varnos with the value provided by 'parent' */ static List * replace_tlist_varnos(List *child_tlist, RelOptInfo *parent) { ListCell *lc; List *result = NIL; int i = 1; /* resnos begin with 1 */ foreach (lc, child_tlist) { Var *var = (Var *) ((TargetEntry *) lfirst(lc))->expr; Var *newvar = (Var *) palloc(sizeof(Var)); Assert(IsA(var, Var)); *newvar = *var; newvar->varno = parent->relid; newvar->varnoold = parent->relid; result = lappend(result, makeTargetEntry((Expr *) newvar, i++, /* item's index */ NULL, false)); } return result; } /* Append partition attribute in case it's not present in target list */ static List * append_part_attr_to_tlist(List *tlist, Index relno, const PartRelationInfo *prel) { ListCell *lc; bool part_attr_found = false; foreach (lc, tlist) { TargetEntry *te = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(lc); Var *var = (Var *) te->expr; if (IsA(var, Var) && var->varoattno == prel->attnum) part_attr_found = true; } if (!part_attr_found) { Var *newvar = makeVar(relno, prel->attnum, prel->atttype, prel->atttypmod, prel->attcollid, 0); Index last_item = list_length(tlist) + 1; tlist = lappend(tlist, makeTargetEntry((Expr *) newvar, last_item, NULL, false)); } return tlist; } static void pack_runtimeappend_private(CustomScan *cscan, RuntimeAppendPath *path, bool enable_parent) { ChildScanCommon *children = path->children; int nchildren = path->nchildren; List *custom_private = NIL, *custom_oids = NIL; int i; for (i = 0; i < nchildren; i++) { /* We've already filled 'custom_paths' in create_runtimeappend_path */ custom_oids = lappend_oid(custom_oids, children[i]->relid); pfree(children[i]); } /* Save parent & partition Oids and a flag as first element of 'custom_private' */ custom_private = lappend(custom_private, list_make3(list_make1_oid(path->relid), custom_oids, /* list of Oids */ list_make1_int(enable_parent))); /* Store freshly built 'custom_private' */ cscan->custom_private = custom_private; } static void unpack_runtimeappend_private(RuntimeAppendState *scan_state, CustomScan *cscan) { ListCell *oid_cell, *plan_cell; List *runtimeappend_private = linitial(cscan->custom_private), *custom_oids; /* Oids of partitions */ int custom_oids_count; /* number of partitions */ HTAB *children_table; HASHCTL *children_table_config = &scan_state->children_table_config; int i; /* Extract Oids list from packed data */ custom_oids = (List *) lsecond(runtimeappend_private); custom_oids_count = list_length(custom_oids); memset(children_table_config, 0, sizeof(HASHCTL)); children_table_config->keysize = sizeof(Oid); children_table_config->entrysize = sizeof(ChildScanCommonData); children_table = hash_create("RuntimeAppend plan storage", custom_oids_count, children_table_config, HASH_ELEM | HASH_BLOBS); i = 0; forboth (oid_cell, custom_oids, plan_cell, cscan->custom_plans) { bool child_found; Oid cur_oid = lfirst_oid(oid_cell); ChildScanCommon child = hash_search(children_table, (const void *) &cur_oid, HASH_ENTER, &child_found); Assert(!child_found); /* there should be no collisions */ child->content_type = CHILD_PLAN; child->content.plan = (Plan *) lfirst(plan_cell); child->original_order = i++; /* will be used in EXPLAIN */ } /* Finally fill 'scan_state' with unpacked elements */ scan_state->children_table = children_table; scan_state->relid = linitial_oid(linitial(runtimeappend_private)); scan_state->enable_parent = (bool) linitial_int(lthird(runtimeappend_private)); } /* * Filter all available clauses and extract relevant ones. */ List * get_partitioned_attr_clauses(List *restrictinfo_list, const PartRelationInfo *prel, Index partitioned_rel) { #define AdjustAttno(attno) \ ( (AttrNumber) (attno + FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber) ) List *result = NIL; ListCell *l; foreach(l, restrictinfo_list) { RestrictInfo *rinfo = (RestrictInfo *) lfirst(l); Bitmapset *varattnos = NULL; int part_attno; Assert(IsA(rinfo, RestrictInfo)); pull_varattnos((Node *) rinfo->clause, partitioned_rel, &varattnos); if (bms_get_singleton_member(varattnos, &part_attno) && AdjustAttno(part_attno) == prel->attnum) { result = lappend(result, rinfo->clause); } } return result; } /* Transform partition ranges into plain array of partition Oids */ Oid * get_partition_oids(List *ranges, int *n, const PartRelationInfo *prel, bool include_parent) { ListCell *range_cell; uint32 allocated = INITIAL_ALLOC_NUM, used = 0; Oid *result = (Oid *) palloc(allocated * sizeof(Oid)); Oid *children = PrelGetChildrenArray(prel); /* If required, add parent to result */ Assert(INITIAL_ALLOC_NUM >= 1); if (include_parent) result[used++] = PrelParentRelid(prel); /* Deal with selected partitions */ foreach (range_cell, ranges) { uint32 i; uint32 a = irange_lower(lfirst_irange(range_cell)), b = irange_upper(lfirst_irange(range_cell)); for (i = a; i <= b; i++) { if (allocated <= used) { allocated = allocated * ALLOC_EXP + 1; result = repalloc(result, allocated * sizeof(Oid)); } Assert(i < PrelChildrenCount(prel)); result[used++] = children[i]; } } *n = used; return result; } Path * create_append_path_common(PlannerInfo *root, AppendPath *inner_append, ParamPathInfo *param_info, CustomPathMethods *path_methods, uint32 size, double sel) { RelOptInfo *innerrel = inner_append->path.parent; ListCell *lc; int i; RangeTblEntry *inner_entry = root->simple_rte_array[innerrel->relid]; RuntimeAppendPath *result; result = (RuntimeAppendPath *) palloc0(size); NodeSetTag(result, T_CustomPath); result->cpath.path.pathtype = T_CustomScan; result->cpath.path.parent = innerrel; result->cpath.path.param_info = param_info; result->cpath.path.pathkeys = inner_append->path.pathkeys; #if PG_VERSION_NUM >= 90600 result->cpath.path.pathtarget = inner_append->path.pathtarget; #endif result->cpath.path.rows = inner_append->path.rows * sel; result->cpath.flags = 0; result->cpath.methods = path_methods; result->cpath.path.startup_cost = 0.0; result->cpath.path.total_cost = 0.0; Assert(inner_entry->relid != 0); result->relid = inner_entry->relid; result->nchildren = list_length(inner_append->subpaths); result->children = (ChildScanCommon *) palloc(result->nchildren * sizeof(ChildScanCommon)); i = 0; foreach (lc, inner_append->subpaths) { Path *path = lfirst(lc); Index relindex = path->parent->relid; ChildScanCommon child; child = (ChildScanCommon) palloc(sizeof(ChildScanCommonData)); result->cpath.path.startup_cost += path->startup_cost; result->cpath.path.total_cost += path->total_cost; child->content_type = CHILD_PATH; child->content.path = path; child->relid = root->simple_rte_array[relindex]->relid; Assert(child->relid != InvalidOid); result->cpath.custom_paths = lappend(result->cpath.custom_paths, child->content.path); result->children[i] = child; i++; } result->cpath.path.startup_cost *= sel; result->cpath.path.total_cost *= sel; return &result->cpath.path; } Plan * create_append_plan_common(PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *rel, CustomPath *best_path, List *tlist, List *clauses, List *custom_plans, CustomScanMethods *scan_methods) { RuntimeAppendPath *rpath = (RuntimeAppendPath *) best_path; const PartRelationInfo *prel; CustomScan *cscan; prel = get_pathman_relation_info(rpath->relid); Assert(prel); cscan = makeNode(CustomScan); cscan->custom_scan_tlist = NIL; /* initial value (empty list) */ cscan->scan.plan.targetlist = NIL; if (custom_plans) { ListCell *lc1, *lc2; forboth (lc1, rpath->cpath.custom_paths, lc2, custom_plans) { Plan *child_plan = (Plan *) lfirst(lc2); RelOptInfo *child_rel = ((Path *) lfirst(lc1))->parent; /* Replace rel's tlist with a matching one */ if (!cscan->scan.plan.targetlist) tlist = replace_tlist_varnos(child_plan->targetlist, rel); /* Add partition attribute if necessary (for ExecQual()) */ child_plan->targetlist = append_part_attr_to_tlist(child_plan->targetlist, child_rel->relid, prel); /* Now make custom_scan_tlist match child plans' targetlists */ if (!cscan->custom_scan_tlist) cscan->custom_scan_tlist = replace_tlist_varnos(child_plan->targetlist, rel); } } cscan->scan.plan.qual = NIL; cscan->scan.plan.targetlist = tlist; /* Since we're not scanning any real table directly */ cscan->scan.scanrelid = 0; cscan->custom_exprs = get_partitioned_attr_clauses(clauses, prel, rel->relid); cscan->custom_plans = custom_plans; cscan->methods = scan_methods; /* Cache 'prel->enable_parent' as well */ pack_runtimeappend_private(cscan, rpath, prel->enable_parent); return &cscan->scan.plan; } Node * create_append_scan_state_common(CustomScan *node, CustomExecMethods *exec_methods, uint32 size) { RuntimeAppendState *scan_state; scan_state = (RuntimeAppendState *) palloc0(size); NodeSetTag(scan_state, T_CustomScanState); scan_state->css.flags = node->flags; scan_state->css.methods = exec_methods; scan_state->custom_exprs = node->custom_exprs; unpack_runtimeappend_private(scan_state, node); scan_state->cur_plans = NULL; scan_state->ncur_plans = 0; scan_state->running_idx = 0; return (Node *) scan_state; } void begin_append_common(CustomScanState *node, EState *estate, int eflags) { RuntimeAppendState *scan_state = (RuntimeAppendState *) node; scan_state->custom_expr_states = (List *) ExecInitExpr((Expr *) scan_state->custom_exprs, (PlanState *) scan_state); node->ss.ps.ps_TupFromTlist = false; } TupleTableSlot * exec_append_common(CustomScanState *node, void (*fetch_next_tuple) (CustomScanState *node)) { RuntimeAppendState *scan_state = (RuntimeAppendState *) node; /* ReScan if no plans are selected */ if (scan_state->ncur_plans == 0) ExecReScan(&node->ss.ps); for (;;) { /* Fetch next tuple if we're done with Projections */ if (!node->ss.ps.ps_TupFromTlist) { fetch_next_tuple(node); /* use specific callback */ if (TupIsNull(scan_state->slot)) return NULL; } if (node->ss.ps.ps_ProjInfo) { ExprDoneCond isDone; TupleTableSlot *result; ResetExprContext(node->ss.ps.ps_ExprContext); node->ss.ps.ps_ProjInfo->pi_exprContext->ecxt_scantuple = scan_state->slot; result = ExecProject(node->ss.ps.ps_ProjInfo, &isDone); if (isDone != ExprEndResult) { node->ss.ps.ps_TupFromTlist = (isDone == ExprMultipleResult); return result; } else node->ss.ps.ps_TupFromTlist = false; } else return scan_state->slot; } } void end_append_common(CustomScanState *node) { RuntimeAppendState *scan_state = (RuntimeAppendState *) node; clear_plan_states(&scan_state->css); hash_destroy(scan_state->children_table); } void rescan_append_common(CustomScanState *node) { RuntimeAppendState *scan_state = (RuntimeAppendState *) node; ExprContext *econtext = node->ss.ps.ps_ExprContext; const PartRelationInfo *prel; List *ranges; ListCell *lc; WalkerContext wcxt; Oid *parts; int nparts; prel = get_pathman_relation_info(scan_state->relid); Assert(prel); /* First we select all available partitions... */ ranges = list_make1_irange(make_irange(0, PrelLastChild(prel), IR_COMPLETE)); InitWalkerContext(&wcxt, INDEX_VAR, prel, econtext, false); foreach (lc, scan_state->custom_exprs) { WrapperNode *wn; /* ... then we cut off irrelevant ones using the provided clauses */ wn = walk_expr_tree((Expr *) lfirst(lc), &wcxt); ranges = irange_list_intersection(ranges, wn->rangeset); } /* Get Oids of the required partitions */ parts = get_partition_oids(ranges, &nparts, prel, scan_state->enable_parent); /* Select new plans for this run using 'parts' */ if (scan_state->cur_plans) pfree(scan_state->cur_plans); /* shallow free since cur_plans * belong to children_table */ scan_state->cur_plans = select_required_plans(scan_state->children_table, parts, nparts, &scan_state->ncur_plans); pfree(parts); /* Transform selected plans into executable plan states */ transform_plans_into_states(scan_state, scan_state->cur_plans, scan_state->ncur_plans, scan_state->css.ss.ps.state); scan_state->running_idx = 0; } void explain_append_common(CustomScanState *node, HTAB *children_table, ExplainState *es) { /* Construct excess PlanStates */ if (!es->analyze) { uint32 allocated = INITIAL_ALLOC_NUM, used = 0; ChildScanCommon *custom_ps, child; HASH_SEQ_STATUS seqstat; int i; custom_ps = (ChildScanCommon *) palloc(allocated * sizeof(ChildScanCommon)); /* There can't be any nodes since we're not scanning anything */ Assert(!node->custom_ps); /* Iterate through node's ChildScanCommon table */ hash_seq_init(&seqstat, children_table); while ((child = (ChildScanCommon) hash_seq_search(&seqstat))) { if (allocated <= used) { allocated = allocated * ALLOC_EXP + 1; custom_ps = repalloc(custom_ps, allocated * sizeof(ChildScanCommon)); } custom_ps[used++] = child; } /* * We have to restore the original plan order * which has been lost within the hash table */ qsort(custom_ps, used, sizeof(ChildScanCommon), cmp_child_scan_common_by_orig_order); /* * These PlanStates will be used by EXPLAIN, * end_append_common will destroy them eventually */ for (i = 0; i < used; i++) node->custom_ps = lappend(node->custom_ps, ExecInitNode(custom_ps[i]->content.plan, node->ss.ps.state, 0)); } }