/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * runtime_merge_append.c * RuntimeMergeAppend node's function definitions and global variables * * Copyright (c) 2016, Postgres Professional * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #include "runtime_merge_append.h" #include "pathman.h" #include "postgres.h" #include "catalog/pg_collation.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h" #include "optimizer/clauses.h" #include "optimizer/cost.h" #include "optimizer/planmain.h" #include "optimizer/tlist.h" #include "optimizer/var.h" #include "utils/builtins.h" #include "utils/guc.h" #include "utils/lsyscache.h" #include "utils/typcache.h" #include "utils/memutils.h" #include "utils/ruleutils.h" #include "lib/binaryheap.h" bool pg_pathman_enable_runtime_merge_append = true; CustomPathMethods runtime_merge_append_path_methods; CustomScanMethods runtime_merge_append_plan_methods; CustomExecMethods runtime_merge_append_exec_methods; typedef struct { int numCols; AttrNumber *sortColIdx; Oid *sortOperators; Oid *collations; bool *nullsFirst; } MergeAppendGuts; static Plan * prepare_sort_from_pathkeys(PlannerInfo *root, Plan *lefttree, List *pathkeys, Relids relids, const AttrNumber *reqColIdx, bool adjust_tlist_in_place, int *p_numsortkeys, AttrNumber **p_sortColIdx, Oid **p_sortOperators, Oid **p_collations, bool **p_nullsFirst); static Sort * make_sort(PlannerInfo *root, Plan *lefttree, int numCols, AttrNumber *sortColIdx, Oid *sortOperators, Oid *collations, bool *nullsFirst, double limit_tuples); static void copy_plan_costsize(Plan *dest, Plan *src); static void show_sort_group_keys(PlanState *planstate, const char *qlabel, int nkeys, AttrNumber *keycols, Oid *sortOperators, Oid *collations, bool *nullsFirst, List *ancestors, ExplainState *es); /* * We have one slot for each item in the heap array. We use SlotNumber * to store slot indexes. This doesn't actually provide any formal * type-safety, but it makes the code more self-documenting. */ typedef int32 SlotNumber; /* * Compare the tuples in the two given slots. */ static int32 heap_compare_slots(Datum a, Datum b, void *arg) { RuntimeMergeAppendState *node = (RuntimeMergeAppendState *) arg; SlotNumber slot1 = DatumGetInt32(a); SlotNumber slot2 = DatumGetInt32(b); TupleTableSlot *s1 = node->ms_slots[slot1]; TupleTableSlot *s2 = node->ms_slots[slot2]; int nkey; Assert(!TupIsNull(s1)); Assert(!TupIsNull(s2)); for (nkey = 0; nkey < node->ms_nkeys; nkey++) { SortSupport sortKey = node->ms_sortkeys + nkey; AttrNumber attno = sortKey->ssup_attno; Datum datum1, datum2; bool isNull1, isNull2; int compare; datum1 = slot_getattr(s1, attno, &isNull1); datum2 = slot_getattr(s2, attno, &isNull2); compare = ApplySortComparator(datum1, isNull1, datum2, isNull2, sortKey); if (compare != 0) return -compare; } return 0; } static void pack_runtimemergeappend_private(CustomScan *cscan, MergeAppendGuts *mag) { List *runtimemergeappend_private = NIL; List *sortColIdx = NIL, *sortOperators = NIL, *collations = NIL, *nullsFirst = NIL; int i; for (i = 0; i < mag->numCols; i++) { sortColIdx = lappend_int(sortColIdx, mag->sortColIdx[i]); sortOperators = lappend_oid(sortOperators, mag->sortOperators[i]); collations = lappend_oid(collations, mag->collations[i]); nullsFirst = lappend_int(nullsFirst, mag->nullsFirst[i]); } runtimemergeappend_private = list_make2(makeInteger(mag->numCols), list_make4(sortColIdx, sortOperators, collations, nullsFirst)); /* * Append RuntimeMergeAppend's data to the 'custom_private' (2nd). * * This way some sort of hierarchy is maintained in 'custom_private': * inherited structure (in this case RuntimeAppend) is stored first, * so we can think of pack\unpack functions as 'constructors' to some * extent. */ cscan->custom_private = lappend(cscan->custom_private, runtimemergeappend_private); } static void unpack_runtimemergeappend_private(RuntimeMergeAppendState *scan_state, CustomScan *cscan) { #define FillStateField(name, type, method) \ do \ { \ ListCell *lc; \ int i = 0; \ Assert(scan_state->numCols == list_length(name)); \ scan_state->name = palloc0(scan_state->numCols * sizeof(type)); \ foreach (lc, name) \ scan_state->name[i++] = method(lc); \ } \ while (0) List *runtimemergeappend_private = NIL; List *sortColIdx, *sortOperators, *collations, *nullsFirst; /* * RuntimeMergeAppend node's private data is stored in * second element of the 'custom_private' list, right * after the RuntimeAppend node's private data (2nd) */ runtimemergeappend_private = lsecond(cscan->custom_private); scan_state->numCols = intVal(linitial(runtimemergeappend_private)); sortColIdx = linitial(lsecond(runtimemergeappend_private)); sortOperators = lsecond(lsecond(runtimemergeappend_private)); collations = lthird(lsecond(runtimemergeappend_private)); nullsFirst = lfourth(lsecond(runtimemergeappend_private)); FillStateField(sortColIdx, AttrNumber, lfirst_int); FillStateField(sortOperators, Oid, lfirst_oid); FillStateField(collations, Oid, lfirst_oid); FillStateField(nullsFirst, bool, lfirst_int); } void init_runtime_merge_append_static_data(void) { runtime_merge_append_path_methods.CustomName = "RuntimeMergeAppend"; runtime_merge_append_path_methods.PlanCustomPath = create_runtimemergeappend_plan; runtime_merge_append_plan_methods.CustomName = "RuntimeMergeAppend"; runtime_merge_append_plan_methods.CreateCustomScanState = runtimemergeappend_create_scan_state; runtime_merge_append_exec_methods.CustomName = "RuntimeMergeAppend"; runtime_merge_append_exec_methods.BeginCustomScan = runtimemergeappend_begin; runtime_merge_append_exec_methods.ExecCustomScan = runtimemergeappend_exec; runtime_merge_append_exec_methods.EndCustomScan = runtimemergeappend_end; runtime_merge_append_exec_methods.ReScanCustomScan = runtimemergeappend_rescan; runtime_merge_append_exec_methods.MarkPosCustomScan = NULL; runtime_merge_append_exec_methods.RestrPosCustomScan = NULL; runtime_merge_append_exec_methods.ExplainCustomScan = runtimemergeappend_explain; DefineCustomBoolVariable("pg_pathman.enable_runtimemergeappend", "Enables the planner's use of RuntimeMergeAppend custom node.", NULL, &pg_pathman_enable_runtime_merge_append, true, PGC_USERSET, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); } Path * create_runtimemergeappend_path(PlannerInfo *root, AppendPath *inner_append, ParamPathInfo *param_info, double sel) { RelOptInfo *rel = inner_append->path.parent; Path *path; double limit_tuples; path = create_append_path_common(root, inner_append, param_info, &runtime_merge_append_path_methods, sizeof(RuntimeMergeAppendPath), sel); if (bms_equal(rel->relids, root->all_baserels)) limit_tuples = root->limit_tuples; else limit_tuples = -1.0; ((RuntimeMergeAppendPath *) path)->limit_tuples = limit_tuples; return path; } Plan * create_runtimemergeappend_plan(PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *rel, CustomPath *best_path, List *tlist, List *clauses, List *custom_plans) { CustomScan *node; Plan *plan; List *pathkeys = best_path->path.pathkeys; double limit_tuples = ((RuntimeMergeAppendPath *) best_path)->limit_tuples; MergeAppendGuts mag; ListCell *path_cell; ListCell *plan_cell; plan = create_append_plan_common(root, rel, best_path, tlist, clauses, custom_plans, &runtime_merge_append_plan_methods); node = (CustomScan *) plan; (void) prepare_sort_from_pathkeys(root, plan, pathkeys, best_path->path.parent->relids, NULL, true, &mag.numCols, &mag.sortColIdx, &mag.sortOperators, &mag.collations, &mag.nullsFirst); /* * Now prepare the child plans. We must apply prepare_sort_from_pathkeys * even to subplans that don't need an explicit sort, to make sure they * are returning the same sort key columns the MergeAppend expects. */ forboth(path_cell, best_path->custom_paths, plan_cell, custom_plans) { Path *subpath = (Path *) lfirst(path_cell); Plan *subplan = (Plan *) lfirst(plan_cell); int numsortkeys; AttrNumber *sortColIdx; Oid *sortOperators; Oid *collations; bool *nullsFirst; /* Compute sort column info, and adjust subplan's tlist as needed */ subplan = prepare_sort_from_pathkeys(root, subplan, pathkeys, subpath->parent->relids, mag.sortColIdx, false, &numsortkeys, &sortColIdx, &sortOperators, &collations, &nullsFirst); /* * Check that we got the same sort key information. We just Assert * that the sortops match, since those depend only on the pathkeys; * but it seems like a good idea to check the sort column numbers * explicitly, to ensure the tlists really do match up. */ Assert(numsortkeys == mag.numCols); if (memcmp(sortColIdx, mag.sortColIdx, numsortkeys * sizeof(AttrNumber)) != 0) elog(ERROR, "RuntimeMergeAppend child's targetlist doesn't match RuntimeMergeAppend"); Assert(memcmp(sortOperators, mag.sortOperators, numsortkeys * sizeof(Oid)) == 0); Assert(memcmp(collations, mag.collations, numsortkeys * sizeof(Oid)) == 0); Assert(memcmp(nullsFirst, mag.nullsFirst, numsortkeys * sizeof(bool)) == 0); /* Now, insert a Sort node if subplan isn't sufficiently ordered */ if (!pathkeys_contained_in(pathkeys, subpath->pathkeys)) subplan = (Plan *) make_sort(root, subplan, numsortkeys, sortColIdx, sortOperators, collations, nullsFirst, limit_tuples); /* Replace subpath with subplan */ lfirst(plan_cell) = subplan; } pack_runtimemergeappend_private(node, &mag); return plan; } Node * runtimemergeappend_create_scan_state(CustomScan *node) { Node *state; state = create_append_scan_state_common(node, &runtime_merge_append_exec_methods, sizeof(RuntimeMergeAppendState)); unpack_runtimemergeappend_private((RuntimeMergeAppendState *) state, node); return state; } void runtimemergeappend_begin(CustomScanState *node, EState *estate, int eflags) { begin_append_common(node, estate, eflags); } static void fetch_next_tuple(CustomScanState *node) { RuntimeMergeAppendState *scan_state = (RuntimeMergeAppendState *) node; RuntimeAppendState *rstate = &scan_state->rstate; PlanState *ps; int i; if (!scan_state->ms_initialized) { for (i = 0; i < scan_state->rstate.ncur_plans; i++) { ChildScanCommon child = scan_state->rstate.cur_plans[i]; PlanState *ps = child->content.plan_state; Assert(child->content_type == CHILD_PLAN_STATE); scan_state->ms_slots[i] = ExecProcNode(ps); if (!TupIsNull(scan_state->ms_slots[i])) binaryheap_add_unordered(scan_state->ms_heap, Int32GetDatum(i)); } binaryheap_build(scan_state->ms_heap); scan_state->ms_initialized = true; } else { i = DatumGetInt32(binaryheap_first(scan_state->ms_heap)); ps = scan_state->rstate.cur_plans[i]->content.plan_state; for (;;) { bool quals; scan_state->ms_slots[i] = ExecProcNode(ps); if (TupIsNull(scan_state->ms_slots[i])) { (void) binaryheap_remove_first(scan_state->ms_heap); break; } node->ss.ps.ps_ExprContext->ecxt_scantuple = scan_state->ms_slots[i]; quals = ExecQual(rstate->custom_expr_states, node->ss.ps.ps_ExprContext, false); ResetExprContext(node->ss.ps.ps_ExprContext); if (quals) { binaryheap_replace_first(scan_state->ms_heap, Int32GetDatum(i)); break; } } } if (binaryheap_empty(scan_state->ms_heap)) { /* All the subplans are exhausted, and so is the heap */ rstate->slot = NULL; return; } else { i = DatumGetInt32(binaryheap_first(scan_state->ms_heap)); rstate->slot = scan_state->ms_slots[i]; return; } } TupleTableSlot * runtimemergeappend_exec(CustomScanState *node) { return exec_append_common(node, fetch_next_tuple); } void runtimemergeappend_end(CustomScanState *node) { RuntimeMergeAppendState *scan_state = (RuntimeMergeAppendState *) node; end_append_common(node); if (scan_state->ms_heap) binaryheap_free(scan_state->ms_heap); } void runtimemergeappend_rescan(CustomScanState *node) { RuntimeMergeAppendState *scan_state = (RuntimeMergeAppendState *) node; int nplans; int i; rescan_append_common(node); nplans = scan_state->rstate.ncur_plans; scan_state->ms_slots = (TupleTableSlot **) palloc0(sizeof(TupleTableSlot *) * nplans); scan_state->ms_heap = binaryheap_allocate(nplans, heap_compare_slots, scan_state); /* * initialize sort-key information */ scan_state->ms_nkeys = scan_state->numCols; scan_state->ms_sortkeys = (SortSupport) palloc0(sizeof(SortSupportData) * scan_state->numCols); for (i = 0; i < scan_state->numCols; i++) { SortSupport sortKey = scan_state->ms_sortkeys + i; sortKey->ssup_cxt = CurrentMemoryContext; sortKey->ssup_collation = scan_state->collations[i]; sortKey->ssup_nulls_first = scan_state->nullsFirst[i]; sortKey->ssup_attno = scan_state->sortColIdx[i]; /* * It isn't feasible to perform abbreviated key conversion, since * tuples are pulled into mergestate's binary heap as needed. It * would likely be counter-productive to convert tuples into an * abbreviated representation as they're pulled up, so opt out of that * additional optimization entirely. */ sortKey->abbreviate = false; PrepareSortSupportFromOrderingOp(scan_state->sortOperators[i], sortKey); } binaryheap_reset(scan_state->ms_heap); scan_state->ms_initialized = false; } void runtimemergeappend_explain(CustomScanState *node, List *ancestors, ExplainState *es) { RuntimeMergeAppendState *scan_state = (RuntimeMergeAppendState *) node; explain_append_common(node, scan_state->rstate.children_table, es); /* We should print sort keys as well */ show_sort_group_keys((PlanState *) &node->ss.ps, "Sort Key", scan_state->numCols, scan_state->sortColIdx, scan_state->sortOperators, scan_state->collations, scan_state->nullsFirst, ancestors, es); } /* * Copied from createplan.c */ static void copy_plan_costsize(Plan *dest, Plan *src) { if (src) { dest->startup_cost = src->startup_cost; dest->total_cost = src->total_cost; dest->plan_rows = src->plan_rows; dest->plan_width = src->plan_width; } else { dest->startup_cost = 0; dest->total_cost = 0; dest->plan_rows = 0; dest->plan_width = 0; } } /* Copied from createplan.c */ static Sort * make_sort(PlannerInfo *root, Plan *lefttree, int numCols, AttrNumber *sortColIdx, Oid *sortOperators, Oid *collations, bool *nullsFirst, double limit_tuples) { Sort *node = makeNode(Sort); Plan *plan = &node->plan; Path sort_path; /* dummy for result of cost_sort */ copy_plan_costsize(plan, lefttree); /* only care about copying size */ cost_sort(&sort_path, root, NIL, lefttree->total_cost, lefttree->plan_rows, lefttree->plan_width, 0.0, work_mem, limit_tuples); plan->startup_cost = sort_path.startup_cost; plan->total_cost = sort_path.total_cost; plan->targetlist = lefttree->targetlist; plan->qual = NIL; plan->lefttree = lefttree; plan->righttree = NULL; node->numCols = numCols; node->sortColIdx = sortColIdx; node->sortOperators = sortOperators; node->collations = collations; node->nullsFirst = nullsFirst; return node; } static EquivalenceMember * find_ec_member_for_tle(EquivalenceClass *ec, TargetEntry *tle, Relids relids) { Expr *tlexpr; ListCell *lc; /* We ignore binary-compatible relabeling on both ends */ tlexpr = tle->expr; while (tlexpr && IsA(tlexpr, RelabelType)) tlexpr = ((RelabelType *) tlexpr)->arg; foreach(lc, ec->ec_members) { EquivalenceMember *em = (EquivalenceMember *) lfirst(lc); Expr *emexpr; /* * We shouldn't be trying to sort by an equivalence class that * contains a constant, so no need to consider such cases any further. */ if (em->em_is_const) continue; /* * Ignore child members unless they match the rel being sorted. */ if (em->em_is_child && !bms_equal(em->em_relids, relids)) continue; /* Match if same expression (after stripping relabel) */ emexpr = em->em_expr; while (emexpr && IsA(emexpr, RelabelType)) emexpr = ((RelabelType *) emexpr)->arg; if (equal(emexpr, tlexpr)) return em; } return NULL; } static Plan * prepare_sort_from_pathkeys(PlannerInfo *root, Plan *lefttree, List *pathkeys, Relids relids, const AttrNumber *reqColIdx, bool adjust_tlist_in_place, int *p_numsortkeys, AttrNumber **p_sortColIdx, Oid **p_sortOperators, Oid **p_collations, bool **p_nullsFirst) { List *tlist = lefttree->targetlist; ListCell *i; int numsortkeys; AttrNumber *sortColIdx; Oid *sortOperators; Oid *collations; bool *nullsFirst; /* * We will need at most list_length(pathkeys) sort columns; possibly less */ numsortkeys = list_length(pathkeys); sortColIdx = (AttrNumber *) palloc(numsortkeys * sizeof(AttrNumber)); sortOperators = (Oid *) palloc(numsortkeys * sizeof(Oid)); collations = (Oid *) palloc(numsortkeys * sizeof(Oid)); nullsFirst = (bool *) palloc(numsortkeys * sizeof(bool)); numsortkeys = 0; foreach(i, pathkeys) { PathKey *pathkey = (PathKey *) lfirst(i); EquivalenceClass *ec = pathkey->pk_eclass; EquivalenceMember *em; TargetEntry *tle = NULL; Oid pk_datatype = InvalidOid; Oid sortop; ListCell *j; if (ec->ec_has_volatile) { /* * If the pathkey's EquivalenceClass is volatile, then it must * have come from an ORDER BY clause, and we have to match it to * that same targetlist entry. */ if (ec->ec_sortref == 0) /* can't happen */ elog(ERROR, "volatile EquivalenceClass has no sortref"); tle = get_sortgroupref_tle(ec->ec_sortref, tlist); Assert(tle); Assert(list_length(ec->ec_members) == 1); pk_datatype = ((EquivalenceMember *) linitial(ec->ec_members))->em_datatype; } else if (reqColIdx != NULL) { /* * If we are given a sort column number to match, only consider * the single TLE at that position. It's possible that there is * no such TLE, in which case fall through and generate a resjunk * targetentry (we assume this must have happened in the parent * plan as well). If there is a TLE but it doesn't match the * pathkey's EC, we do the same, which is probably the wrong thing * but we'll leave it to caller to complain about the mismatch. */ tle = get_tle_by_resno(tlist, reqColIdx[numsortkeys]); if (tle) { em = find_ec_member_for_tle(ec, tle, relids); if (em) { /* found expr at right place in tlist */ pk_datatype = em->em_datatype; } else tle = NULL; } } else { /* * Otherwise, we can sort by any non-constant expression listed in * the pathkey's EquivalenceClass. For now, we take the first * tlist item found in the EC. If there's no match, we'll generate * a resjunk entry using the first EC member that is an expression * in the input's vars. (The non-const restriction only matters * if the EC is below_outer_join; but if it isn't, it won't * contain consts anyway, else we'd have discarded the pathkey as * redundant.) * * XXX if we have a choice, is there any way of figuring out which * might be cheapest to execute? (For example, int4lt is likely * much cheaper to execute than numericlt, but both might appear * in the same equivalence class...) Not clear that we ever will * have an interesting choice in practice, so it may not matter. */ foreach(j, tlist) { tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(j); em = find_ec_member_for_tle(ec, tle, relids); if (em) { /* found expr already in tlist */ pk_datatype = em->em_datatype; break; } tle = NULL; } } if (!tle) { /* * No matching tlist item; look for a computable expression. Note * that we treat Aggrefs as if they were variables; this is * necessary when attempting to sort the output from an Agg node * for use in a WindowFunc (since grouping_planner will have * treated the Aggrefs as variables, too). */ Expr *sortexpr = NULL; foreach(j, ec->ec_members) { EquivalenceMember *em = (EquivalenceMember *) lfirst(j); List *exprvars; ListCell *k; /* * We shouldn't be trying to sort by an equivalence class that * contains a constant, so no need to consider such cases any * further. */ if (em->em_is_const) continue; /* * Ignore child members unless they match the rel being * sorted. */ if (em->em_is_child && !bms_equal(em->em_relids, relids)) continue; sortexpr = em->em_expr; exprvars = pull_var_clause((Node *) sortexpr, PVC_INCLUDE_AGGREGATES, PVC_INCLUDE_PLACEHOLDERS); foreach(k, exprvars) { if (!tlist_member_ignore_relabel(lfirst(k), tlist)) break; } list_free(exprvars); if (!k) { pk_datatype = em->em_datatype; break; /* found usable expression */ } } if (!j) elog(ERROR, "could not find pathkey item to sort"); /* * Do we need to insert a Result node? */ if (!adjust_tlist_in_place && !is_projection_capable_plan(lefttree)) { /* copy needed so we don't modify input's tlist below */ tlist = copyObject(tlist); lefttree = (Plan *) make_result(root, tlist, NULL, lefttree); } /* Don't bother testing is_projection_capable_plan again */ adjust_tlist_in_place = true; /* * Add resjunk entry to input's tlist */ tle = makeTargetEntry(sortexpr, list_length(tlist) + 1, NULL, true); tlist = lappend(tlist, tle); lefttree->targetlist = tlist; /* just in case NIL before */ } /* * Look up the correct sort operator from the PathKey's slightly * abstracted representation. */ sortop = get_opfamily_member(pathkey->pk_opfamily, pk_datatype, pk_datatype, pathkey->pk_strategy); if (!OidIsValid(sortop)) /* should not happen */ elog(ERROR, "could not find member %d(%u,%u) of opfamily %u", pathkey->pk_strategy, pk_datatype, pk_datatype, pathkey->pk_opfamily); /* Add the column to the sort arrays */ sortColIdx[numsortkeys] = tle->resno; sortOperators[numsortkeys] = sortop; collations[numsortkeys] = ec->ec_collation; nullsFirst[numsortkeys] = pathkey->pk_nulls_first; numsortkeys++; } /* Return results */ *p_numsortkeys = numsortkeys; *p_sortColIdx = sortColIdx; *p_sortOperators = sortOperators; *p_collations = collations; *p_nullsFirst = nullsFirst; return lefttree; } /* * Append nondefault characteristics of the sort ordering of a column to buf * (collation, direction, NULLS FIRST/LAST) */ static void show_sortorder_options(StringInfo buf, Node *sortexpr, Oid sortOperator, Oid collation, bool nullsFirst) { Oid sortcoltype = exprType(sortexpr); bool reverse = false; TypeCacheEntry *typentry; typentry = lookup_type_cache(sortcoltype, TYPECACHE_LT_OPR | TYPECACHE_GT_OPR); /* * Print COLLATE if it's not default. There are some cases where this is * redundant, eg if expression is a column whose declared collation is * that collation, but it's hard to distinguish that here. */ if (OidIsValid(collation) && collation != DEFAULT_COLLATION_OID) { char *collname = get_collation_name(collation); if (collname == NULL) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for collation %u", collation); appendStringInfo(buf, " COLLATE %s", quote_identifier(collname)); } /* Print direction if not ASC, or USING if non-default sort operator */ if (sortOperator == typentry->gt_opr) { appendStringInfoString(buf, " DESC"); reverse = true; } else if (sortOperator != typentry->lt_opr) { char *opname = get_opname(sortOperator); if (opname == NULL) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for operator %u", sortOperator); appendStringInfo(buf, " USING %s", opname); /* Determine whether operator would be considered ASC or DESC */ (void) get_equality_op_for_ordering_op(sortOperator, &reverse); } /* Add NULLS FIRST/LAST only if it wouldn't be default */ if (nullsFirst && !reverse) { appendStringInfoString(buf, " NULLS FIRST"); } else if (!nullsFirst && reverse) { appendStringInfoString(buf, " NULLS LAST"); } } /* * Common code to show sort/group keys, which are represented in plan nodes * as arrays of targetlist indexes. If it's a sort key rather than a group * key, also pass sort operators/collations/nullsFirst arrays. */ static void show_sort_group_keys(PlanState *planstate, const char *qlabel, int nkeys, AttrNumber *keycols, Oid *sortOperators, Oid *collations, bool *nullsFirst, List *ancestors, ExplainState *es) { Plan *plan = planstate->plan; List *context; List *result = NIL; StringInfoData sortkeybuf; bool useprefix; int keyno; if (nkeys <= 0) return; initStringInfo(&sortkeybuf); /* Set up deparsing context */ context = set_deparse_context_planstate(es->deparse_cxt, (Node *) planstate, ancestors); useprefix = (list_length(es->rtable) > 1 || es->verbose); for (keyno = 0; keyno < nkeys; keyno++) { /* find key expression in tlist */ AttrNumber keyresno = keycols[keyno]; TargetEntry *target = get_tle_by_resno(plan->targetlist, keyresno); char *exprstr; if (!target) elog(ERROR, "no tlist entry for key %d", keyresno); /* Deparse the expression, showing any top-level cast */ exprstr = deparse_expression((Node *) target->expr, context, useprefix, true); resetStringInfo(&sortkeybuf); appendStringInfoString(&sortkeybuf, exprstr); /* Append sort order information, if relevant */ if (sortOperators != NULL) show_sortorder_options(&sortkeybuf, (Node *) target->expr, sortOperators[keyno], collations[keyno], nullsFirst[keyno]); /* Emit one property-list item per sort key */ result = lappend(result, pstrdup(sortkeybuf.data)); } ExplainPropertyList(qlabel, result, es); }