/* * Function to ensure a column is dropped in all child tables, no matter when it was created */ CREATE FUNCTION drop_partition_column(p_parent_table text, p_column text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ DECLARE v_child_oid oid; v_parent_oid oid; v_parent_schema text; v_parent_tablename text; v_row record; BEGIN SELECT c.oid, n.nspname, c.relname INTO v_parent_oid, v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname = split_part(p_parent_table, '.', 1)::name AND c.relname = split_part(p_parent_table, '.', 2)::name; IF v_parent_oid IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Given parent table does not exist: %', p_parent_table; END IF; EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS %I', v_parent_schema, v_parent_tablename, p_column); FOR v_row IN SELECT n.nspname AS child_schema, c.relname AS child_table FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits h JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON h.inhrelid = c.oid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE inhparent = v_parent_oid LOOP EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS %I', v_row.child_schema, v_row.child_table, p_column); END LOOP; END $$;