CREATE TABLE part_config ( parent_table text NOT NULL , control text NOT NULL , partition_type text NOT NULL , partition_interval text NOT NULL , constraint_cols text[] , premake int NOT NULL DEFAULT 4 , optimize_trigger int NOT NULL DEFAULT 4 , optimize_constraint int NOT NULL DEFAULT 30 , epoch boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false , inherit_fk boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true , retention text , retention_schema text , retention_keep_table boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true , retention_keep_index boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true , datetime_string text , use_run_maintenance BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT true , jobmon boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true , sub_partition_set_full boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false , undo_in_progress boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false , CONSTRAINT part_config_parent_table_pkey PRIMARY KEY (parent_table) , CONSTRAINT positive_premake_check CHECK (premake > 0) ); CREATE INDEX part_config_type_idx ON @extschema@.part_config (partition_type); SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('part_config', ''); -- FK set deferrable because create_parent() inserts to this table before part_config CREATE TABLE part_config_sub ( sub_parent text PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES @extschema@.part_config (parent_table) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED , sub_partition_type text NOT NULL , sub_control text NOT NULL , sub_partition_interval text NOT NULL , sub_constraint_cols text[] , sub_premake int NOT NULL DEFAULT 4 , sub_optimize_trigger int NOT NULL DEFAULT 4 , sub_optimize_constraint int NOT NULL DEFAULT 30 , sub_epoch boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false , sub_inherit_fk boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true , sub_retention text , sub_retention_schema text , sub_retention_keep_table boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true , sub_retention_keep_index boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true , sub_use_run_maintenance BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT true , sub_jobmon boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true ); CREATE TABLE custom_time_partitions ( parent_table text NOT NULL , child_table text NOT NULL , partition_range tstzrange NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (parent_table, child_table)); CREATE INDEX custom_time_partitions_partition_range_idx ON custom_time_partitions USING gist (partition_range); -- Put constraint functions & definitions here because having them separate makes the ordering of their creation harder to control. Some require the above tables to exist first. /* * Check function for config table partition types */ CREATE FUNCTION @extschema@.check_partition_type (p_type text) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ DECLARE v_result boolean; BEGIN SELECT p_type IN ('time', 'time-custom', 'id') INTO v_result; RETURN v_result; END $$; ALTER TABLE @extschema@.part_config ADD CONSTRAINT part_config_type_check CHECK (@extschema@.check_partition_type(partition_type)); ALTER TABLE @extschema@.part_config_sub ADD CONSTRAINT part_config_sub_type_check CHECK (@extschema@.check_partition_type(sub_partition_type));