-- ########## pg_jobmon extension table definitions ########## -- Recommended to make job_log and job_detail tables partitioned on start_time -- if you see high logging traffic or don't need to keep the data indefinitely CREATE TABLE job_log ( job_id bigint NOT NULL, owner text NOT NULL, job_name text NOT NULL, start_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, end_time timestamp with time zone, status text, pid integer NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT job_log_job_id_pkey PRIMARY KEY (job_id) ); CREATE INDEX job_log_job_name_idx ON job_log (job_name); CREATE INDEX job_log_start_time_idx ON job_log (start_time); CREATE INDEX job_log_status_idx ON job_log (status); CREATE INDEX job_log_pid_idx ON job_log (pid); CREATE SEQUENCE job_log_job_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE job_log_job_id_seq OWNED BY job_log.job_id; ALTER TABLE job_log ALTER COLUMN job_id SET DEFAULT nextval('job_log_job_id_seq'::regclass); CREATE TABLE job_detail ( job_id bigint NOT NULL, step_id bigint NOT NULL, action text NOT NULL, start_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, end_time timestamp with time zone, elapsed_time real, status text, message text, CONSTRAINT job_detail_step_id_pkey PRIMARY KEY (step_id), CONSTRAINT job_detail_job_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (job_id) REFERENCES job_log(job_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); CREATE INDEX job_detail_job_id_idx ON job_detail (job_id); CREATE SEQUENCE job_detail_step_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE job_detail_step_id_seq OWNED BY job_detail.step_id; ALTER TABLE job_detail ALTER COLUMN step_id SET DEFAULT nextval('job_detail_step_id_seq'::regclass); CREATE TABLE job_check_log ( job_id bigint NOT NULL, job_name text NOT NULL, alert_code int DEFAULT 3 NOT NULL ); SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('job_check_log', ''); CREATE TABLE dblink_mapping ( username text, port text, pwd text ); SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('dblink_mapping', ''); CREATE TABLE job_check_config ( job_name text NOT NULL, warn_threshold interval NOT NULL, error_threshold interval NOT NULL, active boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, -- escalate text DEFAULT 'email'::text NOT NULL, sensitivity smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT job_check_config_job_name_pkey PRIMARY KEY (job_name) ); SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('job_check_config', ''); CREATE TABLE job_status_text ( alert_code integer NOT NULL, alert_text text NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT job_status_text_alert_code_pkey PRIMARY KEY (alert_code) ); SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('job_status_text', ''); INSERT INTO job_status_text (alert_code, alert_text) VALUES (1, 'OK'); INSERT INTO job_status_text (alert_code, alert_text) VALUES (2, 'WARNING'); INSERT INTO job_status_text (alert_code, alert_text) VALUES (3, 'CRITICAL');