BEGIN; create schema amqp; create function amqp.exchange_declare(integer, varchar, varchar, boolean, boolean, boolean) returns boolean as '', 'pg_amqp_exchange_declare' language C immutable; comment on function amqp.exchange_declare(integer, varchar, varchar, boolean, boolean, boolean) is 'Declares a exchange (broker_id, exchange_name, exchange_type, passive, durable, auto_delete) auto_delete should be set to false as unexpected errors can cause disconnect/reconnect which would trigger the auto deletion of the exchange.'; create function amqp.publish(integer, varchar, varchar, varchar) returns boolean as '', 'pg_amqp_publish' language C immutable; comment on function amqp.publish(integer, varchar, varchar, varchar) is 'Publishes a message (broker_id, exchange, routing_key, message). The message will only be published if the containing PostgreSQL transaction successfully commits. Under certain circumstances, the AMQP commit might fail. In this case, a WARNING is emitted. Publish returns a boolean indicating if the publish command was successful. Note that as AMQP publish is asynchronous, you may find out later it was unsuccessful.'; create function amqp.autonomous_publish(integer, varchar, varchar, varchar) returns boolean as '', 'pg_amqp_autonomous_publish' language C immutable; comment on function amqp.autonomous_publish(integer, varchar, varchar, varchar) is 'Works as amqp.publish does, but the message is published immediately irrespective of the current transaction state. PostgreSQL commit and rollback at a later point will have no effect on this message being sent to AMQP.'; create function amqp.disconnect(integer) returns void as '', 'pg_amqp_disconnect' language C immutable strict; comment on function amqp.disconnect(integer) is 'Explicitly disconnect the specified (broker_id) if it is current connected. Broker connections, once established, live until the PostgreSQL backend terminated. This allows for more precise control over that. select amqp.disconnect(broker_id) from will disconnect any brokers that may be connected.'; create table ( broker_id serial not null, host text not null, port integer not null default 5672, vhost text, username text, password text, primary key(broker_id, host, port) ); COMMIT;