SET client_min_messages = warning; \set ECHO none /* NOTES ON ROLES: if a superuser executes: grant execute on f1() to admin; grant admin to client; then f1() can be executed by admin and client revoke admin from client; then f1() can only be executed by admin. if a superuser toto executes: grant execute on f2() to toto; then f2() can be executed by public!! select * from information_schema.enabled_roles; list of roles enabled select * from information_schema.role_routine_grants; list of grantees for execution of routines */ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* create table tsave_tmp( n int, id int, ord yorder, nr int, pat yflow ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- common to insertorder() and getquote() CREATE FUNCTION fcreate_tmp_mod(_id int,_ord yorder,_np int,_nr int) RETURNS int AS $$ DECLARE _MAXORDERFETCH int := fgetconst('MAXORDERFETCH'); _MAXCYCLE int := fgetconst('MAXCYCLE'); _cnt int; _idx int; BEGIN -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS _tmp; -- RAISE INFO 'pivot: id=% ord=%, np=%, nr=%',_id,_ord,_np,_nr; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _tmp ON COMMIT DROP AS ( WITH RECURSIVE search_backward(id,ord,pat,np,nr) AS ( SELECT _id,_ord,yflow_get(_ord),_np,_nr UNION ALL SELECT,X.ord, yflow_get(X.ord,Y.pat), -- add the order at the begin of the yflow, FROM vorderinsert X, search_backward Y WHERE = yorder_nr(Y.ord) -- use of indexe AND yflow_follow(_MAXCYCLE,X.ord,Y.pat) -- X->Y === X.qtt>0 and[0].nr -- Y.pat does not contain X.ord -- len(X.ord+Y.path) <= _MAXCYCLE -- Y[!=-1]|->X === Y[i].np != with i!= -1 ) SELECT id,ord,nr,pat FROM search_backward --draft ); SELECT COUNT(*) INTO _cnt FROM _tmp; SELECT max(n) INTO _idx FROM tsave_tmp; IF(_idx IS NULL) THEN _idx := 0; END IF; WITH a AS (SELECT * FROM _tmp) INSERT INTO tsave_tmp SELECT _idx+1 as n,,a.ord,,a.pat FROM a; DELETE FROM _tmp WHERE yflow_status(pat)!=3; RETURN _cnt; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; */ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* gives the flow representation of a group of movements */ CREATE FUNCTION fgetflow(_grp int8) RETURNS text AS $$ DECLARE _o torder%rowtype; _res text; _begin bool; BEGIN _res := '['; _begin := true; FOR _o IN SELECT o.* FROM torder o,tmvt m WHERE m.grp=_grp AND m.oruuid=o.uuid ORDER BY ASC LOOP IF(NOT _begin) THEN _res := _res || ','; END IF; _begin := false; _res := _res || '(' || || ',' || _o.own || ',' || || ',' || _o.qtt_requ || ',' || || ',' || _o.qtt_requ || ',' || || ')'; END LOOP; _res := _res || ']'; RAISE NOTICE 'flow_to_matrix(flow)=%',yflow_to_matrix(_res::yflow); RETURN _res; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* usage: _t timestamp := current_timestamp; action to measure perform frec('action_name',_t); then execute */ CREATE FUNCTION frectime(_name text,_start timestamp) RETURNS VOID AS $$ DECLARE _x int8; _dn text; BEGIN _dn := 'perf_delay_' || _name; _x := extract(microsecond from (current_timestamp - _start)); UPDATE tconst SET value = value + _x WHERE name = _dn; IF(NOT FOUND) THEN INSERT INTO tconst (name,value) VALUES (_dn,_x); END IF; _dn := 'perf_count_' || _name; UPDATE tconst SET value = value + 1 WHERE name = _dn; IF(NOT FOUND) THEN INSERT INTO tconst (name,value) VALUES (_dn,1); END IF; RETURN; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fomega(pat yflow) RETURNS float8 AS $$ DECLARE _f float8[]; BEGIN _f := yflow_qtts(pat)::float8[]; -- qtt_prov/qtt_requ RETURN (_f[2])/(_f[1]); END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fnpnr(pat yflow) RETURNS int8[] AS $$ DECLARE _vi int8[]; _dim int; BEGIN _vi := yflow_to_matrix(pat); _dim := yflow_dim(pat); -- qlt_prov,qlt_requ RETURN array[_vi[_dim][5],_vi[1][3]]; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fpopulate(nbq int,nbo int) RETURNS int AS $$ DECLARE _f float8[]; _i int; _range float :=1000; BEGIN with t as (select i from generate_series(1,nbq) g(i)) insert into tquality select t.i,'q' || t.i::text,1,session_user,0 from t; select setval('tquality_id_seq',nbq+1,false) INTO _i; with t as (select i from generate_series(1,nbo) g(i)) insert into towner select t.i,t.i::text from t; select setval('towner_id_seq',nbo+1,false) INTO _i; with t as(select i from generate_series(1,nbo) g(i)) INSERT INTO torder select --(id,uuid,own,nr,qtt_requ,np,qtt_prov,qtt,created,updated) t.i as id,t.i::text as uuid,t.i as own,round(random()*(nbq-1))::int+1 as nr,(round(random()*_range)::int+1)*100 as qtt_requ, round(random()*(nbq-1))::int+1 as np,(round(random()*_range)::int+1)*100 as qtt_prov,1 as qtt, statement_timestamp() as created,NULL as updated from t; select setval('torder_id_seq',nbo+1,false) INTO _i; update torder set np=np-1 where np=nr and np>2; -- all must be different update torder set np=2 where np=nr and np=1; update torder set qtt=qtt_prov; WITH t as (select np, sum(qtt) as qtt from torder group by np) update tquality set qtt = t.qtt from t where ; RETURN 1; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; \set ECHO all RESET client_min_messages;