/* * * ****************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************/ #include "postgres.h" #include "float.h" #include #include #include "flowdata.h" #include "lib/stringinfo.h" typedef struct Tchemin { // bool lastignore; short nbOwn; short occOwn[FLOW_MAX_DIM]; double gain,prodOmega; Tflow *box; double omegaCorrige[FLOW_MAX_DIM],fluxExact[FLOW_MAX_DIM],piom[FLOW_MAX_DIM]; int64 flowNodes[FLOW_MAX_DIM]; int64 floor[FLOW_MAX_DIM]; Tno no[FLOW_MAX_DIM]; } Tchemin; char *flowc_cheminToStr(Tchemin *pchemin); char *flowc_flowToStr(Tflow *flow); static void _calGains(Tchemin *pchemin,double omegaCorrige[]); static short _fluxMaximum(const Tchemin *pchemin,double *omegaCorrige, double *fluxExact) ; static Tstatusflow _rounding(short iExhausted, double *fluxExact, Tchemin *pchemin); static void _calOwns(Tchemin *pchemin); static void _calOmega(Tchemin *pchemin); char * flowc_vecIntStr(short dim,int64 *vecInt); char * flowc_vecDoubleStr(short dim,double *vecDouble); static char *_flowc_maximum(Tflow *box,bool ret_str); /****************************************************************************** * gives the maximum flow of box * return box->x[.].flowr and box->status *****************************************************************************/ Tstatusflow flowc_maximum(Tflow *box) { (void) _flowc_maximum(box,false); return box->status; } char *flowc_toStr(Tflow *box) { return _flowc_maximum(box,true); } static char *_flowc_maximum(Tflow *box,bool ret_str) { short _dim = box->dim; short _i,_ldim; Tchemin chemin; short _iExhausted; box->status = empty; box->lastignore = false; chemin.box = box; if(_dim == 0) goto _end; if(_dim > FLOW_MAX_DIM) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_PROGRAM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED), errmsg("max dimension reached for the flow"))); box->lastignore = box->x[_dim-1].qtt_requ == 0; _ldim = (box->lastignore)?_dim-1:_dim; /* when last ignore, box->x[dim-1].qtt_prov and qtt_requ are ignored, box->x[dim-1].qtt is the quantity maximum provided */ obMRange(_i,_dim) if(box->x[_i].qtt == 0) goto _dropflow; // box->status = empty else if(box->x[_i].qtt < 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_PROGRAM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED), errmsg("flow with qtt <0"))); // elog(WARNING,"flowc_maximum: dim=%i",_dim); if(_dim == 1) { box->status = noloop; goto _dropflow; } if(box->x[_dim-1].np != box->x[0].nr) { box->status = noloop; goto _dropflow; } // end->begin //elog(WARNING,"flowc_maximum: ->status!=noloop"); // error for 3-agreement: on omega ~= 1.1e-16 /*if( _calOmega(&chemin) < 1.0) { box->status = refused; goto _dropflow; }*/ _calOmega(&chemin); _calOwns(&chemin); // omegas are bartered so that the product(omegaCorrige[i] for i in [0,_dim-1])== 1 _calGains(&chemin,chemin.omegaCorrige); /* maximum flow, as a floating point vector in order than at least one stock is exhausted by the flow and than the ratio between successive elements of flowr is omegaCorrige */ _iExhausted = _fluxMaximum(&chemin,chemin.omegaCorrige,chemin.fluxExact); /* the floating point vector is rounded to the nearest vector of positive integers */ box->status = _rounding(_iExhausted, chemin.fluxExact, &chemin); if(box->status == draft) goto _end; _dropflow: { short _k; // the flow is undefined obMRange (_k,_dim) box->x[_k].flowr = 0; } _end: if(ret_str) return flowc_cheminToStr(&chemin); else return NULL; } /****************************************************************************** * *****************************************************************************/ static void _calOmega(Tchemin *pchemin) { Tflow *box = pchemin->box; short _n,_dim = box->dim; pchemin->prodOmega = 1.0; obMRange(_n,_dim) { if((_n == _dim-1) && box->lastignore) { continue; } else { Torder *b = &pchemin->box->x[_n]; Tno *n = &pchemin->no[_n]; // compute omega and prodOmega if(b->qtt_prov == 0 || b->qtt_requ == 0) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_PROGRAM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED), errmsg("_calOmega: qtt_prov or qtt_requ is zero for Torder[%i]",_n))); } n->omega = ((double)(b->qtt_prov)) / ((double)(b->qtt_requ)); pchemin->prodOmega *= n->omega; } } if (box->lastignore) { /* omega of the last node is not defined. It is set in order than the product of omegas becomes 1.0 : omega[_dim-1] = 1./product(omega[i] for i in [0,_dim-2] ) */ pchemin->no[_dim-1].omega = 1.0/pchemin->prodOmega; pchemin->prodOmega = 1.0; } return; } /****************************************************************************** * *****************************************************************************/ static void _calOwns(Tchemin *pchemin) { short *occOwn = pchemin->occOwn; short _ownIndex,_n; Tflow *box = pchemin->box; short _dim; _dim = box->dim; // defines ownIndex and updates nbOwn /****************************************************/ pchemin->nbOwn = 0; obMRange(_n,_dim) { short _m; Torder *b = &box->x[_n]; Tno *n = &pchemin->no[_n]; _ownIndex = pchemin->nbOwn; obMRange(_m,pchemin->nbOwn) { if (b->own == box->x[_m].own) { _ownIndex = _m; break;// found } } if (_ownIndex == pchemin->nbOwn) { // not found occOwn[_ownIndex] = 0; pchemin->nbOwn += 1; } occOwn[_ownIndex] += 1; n->ownIndex = _ownIndex; } if(pchemin->nbOwn == 0) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_PROGRAM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED), errmsg("createChemin: nbOwn equals zero"))); } #ifdef GL_VERIFY obMRange(_n,_dim) { short _m; Torder *o = &box->x[_n]; // b.id are unique in box obMRange(_m,_n) { if(o->id == box->x[_m].id) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_PROGRAM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED), errmsg("createChemin: Torder[%i].id=%i found twice",_n,o->id))); } } // successive orders match if(_n != 0 ) { if(box->x[_n-1].np != o->nr) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_PROGRAM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED), errmsg("createChemin: Torder[%i].np=%i != Torder[%i].nr=%i",_n-1,box->x[_n-1].np,_n,o->nr))); } } } #endif return; } /******************************************************************************* (1/prodOmega) is shared between owners, and then shared between nodes of each owner. for each owner, it is: pow(gain_owner,nb_owners) = 1/prodOmega if the owner j owns _occ[j] nodes, it's gain_node for each node is: pow(gain_node[j],_occ[j]) = gain_owner input-output In: prodOmega, nbOwn, nbNoeud, ownOcc[j] for j in [O,nbOwn[ Out: omegaCorrige[i] for i in [0,nbNoeud[ the result omegaCorrige is such as the product(omegaCorrige[.])== 1 *******************************************************************************/ static void _calGains(Tchemin *pchemin,double omegaCorrige[]) { short _i, _occ; short *occOwn = pchemin->occOwn; short _dim = pchemin->box->dim; // the gain is shared between owners pchemin->gain = pow(pchemin->prodOmega, 1.0 /((double) pchemin->nbOwn)); // it is shared between nodes obMRange(_i,_dim) { _occ = occOwn[pchemin->no[_i].ownIndex]; omegaCorrige[_i] = pchemin->no[_i].omega; if (_occ == 1) omegaCorrige[_i] /= pchemin->gain; else if (_occ > 1) omegaCorrige[_i] /= pow(pchemin->gain, 1.0 / ((double) _occ)); else /* _occ is never zero */ ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_PROGRAM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED), errmsg("_calGains: nbOwn <=0 "))); } return; } /******************************************************************************* Computes the maximum flow fluxExact of pchemin. This flow fluxExact[.] is such than: fluxExact[i] = omegaCorrige[i] * fluxExact[i-1] and such as quantities of stock can provide this flow Input-output ************ In pchemin, for i in [0,dim[ ->omegaCorrige[i] ->box[j].qtt Out fluxExact[.] the maximum flow, of pchemin->lon elts returns the index i of the exhausted node. i in [0, dim[ Details ******* _piom[i] is the product of omegas between the start of the path and a given node i. For i==0 it is 1. For i!=0 it is omegaCorrige[1]*.. omegaCorrige[i] If we know the flow f[0] at the first node, the flow vector is given by: f[i] = f[0] * _piom[i] If q[j] is the quantity of a stock j; Sj the set of nodes using this stock j, and f[i] is the flow of a node i, Then we must have: q[j] >= SUM(f[i]) for i in Sj since: _piom[i] = f[i]/f[0] we have: f[0] = MIN( q[j]/(SUM(_piom[i]) for i in Sj)) for j in stocks and: f[i] = f[0] * _piom[i] *******************************************************************************/ static short _fluxMaximum(const Tchemin *pchemin, double *omegaCorrige, double *fluxExact) { short _is, _jn; //,_jm; double *_piom = (double *) pchemin->piom; // _fPiomega(i) double _min, _cour; short _iExhausted; //double *omegaCorrige = (double *) pchemin->omegaCorrige; Tflow *box = pchemin->box; short _dim = box->dim; //bool _lastignore = box->lastignore; // piom are obtained on each node, /***********************************************************************/ obMRange(_jn,_dim) {// loop on nodes short _k; /* computation of _piom */ _piom[_jn] = 1.0; if(_jn > 0 ) obMRange(_k,_jn) _piom[_jn] *= omegaCorrige[_k + 1]; } // minimum flow for the first node f[0] /***********************************************************************/ // now _is is an index on nodes obMRange(_is,_dim) { // loop on nodes _cour = ((double) (box->x[_is].qtt)) /_piom[_is]; if ((_is == 0) || (_cour < _min)) { _min = _cour; _iExhausted = _is; } } /* _iExhausted in [0,_dim-1] */ // propagation to other nodes /***********************************************************************/ obMRange(_jn,_dim) fluxExact[_jn] = _min * _piom[_jn]; return _iExhausted; } /******************************************************************************* floor,flow and mat are vectors of dimension _dim floor and flow contains integers, and mat bits. in: dim,mat,floor out:flow for each i, if the bit i of mat is 0, flow[i] := floor[i] else flow[i] := floor[i]+1 *******************************************************************************/ #define _obtain_vertex(dim,mat,floor,flow) \ do { \ short __j; \ for(__j=0;__jfluxArrondi of ingeters the nearest of fluxExact, not greater than orders.qtt. box->dim short => must be <= 31 (2^dim loops) returns 1 if a solution is found 0 if no solution The solution is returned in pchemin->no[.].fluxArrondi when pchemin->cflags & obCLastIgnore, the last node does not limit the flow *******************************************************************************/ // #define WHY_REJECTED static Tstatusflow _rounding(short iExhausted, double *fluxExact, Tchemin *pchemin) { short _i, _k; short _matcour, _matmax, _matbest; bool _found; int64 *_flowNodes = pchemin->flowNodes; int64 *_floor = pchemin->floor; double _distcour, _distbest; Tflow *box = pchemin->box; short _dim = box->dim; short _ldim = (box->lastignore)?(_dim-1):_dim; Tstatusflow _ret; // computes floor[] from fluxExact[] /***********************************************************************/ obMRange(_i,_dim) { if(_i == iExhausted) { // will not change _floor[_i] = box->x[_i].qtt; continue; } else { double _d = floor(fluxExact[_i]); int64 _f = (int64) _d; if(_f < 0) _f = 0; if(((double)(_f)) != _d) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_PROGRAM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED), errmsg("in _rounding, fluxExact[%i] = %f cannot be rounded",_i,fluxExact[_i]))); } _floor[_i] = _f; //elog(WARNING,"flowc_maximum: _floor[%i]=%lli",_i,_f); } } _matmax = 1 << _dim; // one bit for each node if(_matmax < 1) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_PROGRAM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED), errmsg("in _rounding, matmax=%i,flow too long",_matmax))); } // for each vertex of the hypercude /***********************************************************************/ _found = false; _ret = undefined; for (_matcour = 0; _matcour < _matmax; _matcour++) { if((_matcour >> iExhausted) & 1) goto _continue; // obtain the vertex _flowNodes /***************************************************************/ _obtain_vertex(_dim,_matcour,_floor,_flowNodes); /* if _i == iExhausted, we have _flowNodes[_i] == box->x[_i].qtt else _flowNodes[_i] == _floor[i] (+1) with _floor[i] <= box->x[i].qtt */ // several checkings /***************************************************************/ // verify that flow <= box->k[.].qtt obMRange (_k,_dim) { // verify that order >= flow if(box->x[_k].qtt < _flowNodes[_k]) { #ifdef WHY_REJECTED elog(WARNING,"_rounding 1: NOT order >= flow %s",flowc_vecIntStr(_dim,_flowNodes)); #endif goto _continue; } // verify that flow > 0 if(_flowNodes[_k] <= 0) { #ifdef WHY_REJECTED elog(WARNING,"_rounding 2: NOT flow>0 %s",flowc_vecIntStr(_dim,_flowNodes)); #endif goto _continue; } } /* At this point, * each node can provide flowNodes[], * all flowNodes[.] > 0 => every order provide something => every one provide something * the cycle exhausts the box * Omega ~= 1.0 */ { short _kp = _dim-1; double _precision = 1.E-8; /* the test is not made on the last node when lastignore */ obMRange(_k,_ldim) { if(pchemin->no[_k].omega + _precision < ((double) _flowNodes[_k]) / ((double) _flowNodes[_kp])) { #ifdef WHY_REJECTED elog(WARNING,"flowc_maximum 4: NOT omega %f>=%f %s",pchemin->no[_k].omega,((double) _flowNodes[_k]) / ((double) _flowNodes[_kp]),flowc_vecIntStr(_dim,_flowNodes)); #endif _ret = refused; goto _continue; } _kp = _k; } } // order limits are observed // choose the best /***************************************************************/ _distcour = _idistance(_dim, fluxExact, _flowNodes); // elog(WARNING,"flowc_maximum: matcour=%x _newdist=%f fluxExact=%s flowNodes=%s",_matcour,_distcour,_vecDoubleStr(_dim,fluxExact),_vecIntStr(_dim,_flowNodes)); // this vertex is better than other found (if any) /***************************************************************/ if( (!_found) || _distbest < _distcour) { // _distbest=max(cos(alpha)) === min(alpha) _found = true; _distbest = _distcour; _matbest = _matcour; } _continue: ; // choose an other vertex }; if(_found) { _obtain_vertex(_dim,_matbest,_floor,_flowNodes); //elog(WARNING,"flowc_maximum: _matbest=%x",_matbest); obMRange (_k,_dim) { box->x[_k].flowr = _flowNodes[_k]; } _ret = draft; } // else _ret is undefined or refused return _ret; } /****************************************************************************** * *****************************************************************************/ char * flowc_cheminToStr(Tchemin *pchemin) { StringInfoData buf; Tflow *flow = pchemin->box; short _dim = pchemin->box->dim; short _n,_o; initStringInfo(&buf); appendStringInfo(&buf, "\n%s",yflow_ndboxToStr(flow,false)); if(flow->status == refused) { appendStringInfo(&buf, "CHEMIN refused prodOmega=%f ",pchemin->prodOmega); appendStringInfo(&buf, "\nno[.].omega=["); obMRange(_n,_dim) { appendStringInfo(&buf, "%f, ", pchemin->no[_n].omega); } appendStringInfo(&buf, "]\n"); } else if(flow->status == draft || flow->status == undefined) { appendStringInfo(&buf, "CHEMIN %s lastignore=%c nbOwn=%i gain=%f prodOmega=%f ", yflow_statusBoxToStr(flow), (flow->lastignore)?'t':'f',pchemin->nbOwn,pchemin->gain,pchemin->prodOmega); appendStringInfo(&buf, "\noccOwn[.]=["); _o = pchemin->nbOwn; obMRange(_n,_o) { appendStringInfo(&buf, "%i, ", pchemin->occOwn[_n]); } appendStringInfo(&buf, "]\nno[.].ownIndex["); obMRange(_n,_dim) { appendStringInfo(&buf, "%i, ", pchemin->no[_n].ownIndex); } appendStringInfo(&buf, "]\nno[.].omega=["); obMRange(_n,_dim) { appendStringInfo(&buf, "%f, ", pchemin->no[_n].omega); } appendStringInfo(&buf, "]\npiom[.]=["); obMRange(_n,_dim) { appendStringInfo(&buf, "%f, ", pchemin->piom[_n]); } appendStringInfo(&buf, "]\nfluxExact[.]=["); obMRange(_n,_dim) { appendStringInfo(&buf, "%f, ", pchemin->fluxExact[_n]); } appendStringInfo(&buf, "]\nomegaCorrige[.]=["); obMRange(_n,_dim) { appendStringInfo(&buf, "%f, ", pchemin->omegaCorrige[_n]); } appendStringInfo(&buf, "]\nflow->flowr[.]=["); obMRange(_n,_dim) { appendStringInfo(&buf, "%lli, ", flow->x[_n].flowr); } appendStringInfo(&buf, "]\n"); } return buf.data; } /****************************************************************************** * *****************************************************************************/ char * flowc_vecIntStr(short dim,int64 *vecInt) { StringInfoData buf; short _n; initStringInfo(&buf); appendStringInfo(&buf, "["); obMRange(_n,dim) { appendStringInfo(&buf, "%lli, ", vecInt[_n]); } appendStringInfo(&buf, "]"); return buf.data; } /****************************************************************************** * *****************************************************************************/ char * flowc_vecDoubleStr(short dim,double *vecDouble) { StringInfoData buf; short _n; initStringInfo(&buf); appendStringInfo(&buf, "["); obMRange(_n,dim) { appendStringInfo(&buf, "%f, ", vecDouble[_n]); } appendStringInfo(&buf, "]"); return buf.data; }