\set ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK 1 \set ON_ERROR_STOP true DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS mimeo_source; CREATE DATABASE mimeo_source; -- Load the TAP functions. (only need to do this with final version that ships with mimeo -- \i pgtap.sql SELECT set_config('search_path','mimeo, dblink, tap',false); -- Plan the tests. SELECT plan(6); -- Run the tests. CREATE ROLE mimeo_test WITH LOGIN SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'mimeo_test'; SELECT has_role('mimeo_test', 'Create mimeo test role'); CREATE ROLE mimeo_dumb_role WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'mimeo_test'; SELECT has_role('mimeo_dumb_role', 'Create mimeo dumb role'); CREATE SCHEMA mimeo_source; SELECT has_schema('mimeo_source', 'Create test schema for default destination tables'); CREATE SCHEMA mimeo_dest; SELECT has_schema('mimeo_dest', 'Create test schema for named destination tables'); INSERT INTO dblink_mapping (data_source, username, pwd) VALUES ('host=localhost port=5432 dbname=mimeo_source', 'mimeo_test', 'mimeo_test'); SELECT is(data_source, 'host=localhost port=5432 dbname=mimeo_source', 'Configure remote host for testing') FROM dblink_mapping WHERE username = 'mimeo_test'; SELECT is(pwd, 'mimeo_test', 'Configure password for remote testing role') FROM dblink_mapping WHERE username = 'mimeo_test'; -- Finish the tests and clean up. SELECT * FROM finish();