/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *//** * * @file metric.hpp * *//* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * @brief Find the column in a matrix that is closest to a vector */ DECLARE_UDF(linalg, closest_column) /** * @brief Find the columns in a matrix that are closest to a vector */ DECLARE_UDF(linalg, closest_columns) /** * @brief Compute the 1-norm */ DECLARE_UDF(linalg, norm1) /** * @brief Compute the 2-norm */ DECLARE_UDF(linalg, norm2) /** * @brief Compute the squared Manhattan distance between two dense vectors */ DECLARE_UDF(linalg, dist_norm1) /** * @brief Compute the Euclidean distance between two dense vectors */ DECLARE_UDF(linalg, dist_norm2) /** * @brief Compute the squared Euclidean distance between two dense vectors */ DECLARE_UDF(linalg, squared_dist_norm2) /** * @brief Compute the angle between two dense vectors */ DECLARE_UDF(linalg, dist_angle) /** * @brief Compute the Tanimoto "distance" between two dense vectors */ DECLARE_UDF(linalg, dist_tanimoto) #ifndef MADLIB_MODULES_LINALG_LINALG_HPP #define MADLIB_MODULES_LINALG_LINALG_HPP namespace madlib { namespace modules { namespace linalg { // Use Eigen using namespace dbal::eigen_integration; template void closestColumnsAndDistances( const MappedMatrix& inMatrix, const MappedColumnVector& inVector, DistanceFunction& inMetric, RandomAccessIterator ioFirst, RandomAccessIterator ioLast); } // namespace linalg } // namespace modules } // namespace madlib #endif // defined(MADLIB_MODULES_LINALG_LINALG_HPP)