LDAP Foreign Data Wrapper for PostgreSQL 9.2 ============================================ Synopsis -------- A very very very experimental PostgreSQL's extension that implements a Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) for LDAP. **DO NOT USE IT ON PRODUCTION** Description ----------- LDAP Foreign Data Wrapper for PostgreSQL 9.2 Usage ----- Create the extension: CREATE EXTENSION ldap_fdw; For default ldap_fdw extension installs local server `ldap_local_service` that points to `localhost:389`. But you can create as many as you can with: CREATE SERVER ldap_my_server_service FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER ldap_fdw OPTIONS ( address 'my_ldap_server', port '389'); Then create user mapping: CREATE USER MAPPPING FOR current_user SERVER ldap_my_server_service OPTIONS (user_dn 'cn=the_ldap_user,dc=example,dc=com', password 'the_ldap_user_password'); Finally create a foreign table with a base DN for some OU: CREATE FOREIGN TABLE ldap_people ( uid text, displayname text, mail text ) SERVER ldap_my_server_service OPTIONS (base_dn 'OU=people,DC=example,DC=com'); And voila! SELECT * FROM ldap_people WHERE mail = 'user@mail.com'; Support ------- * [github](http://github.net/guedes/ldap_fdw) Copyright and License --------------------- This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence. Copyright (c) 2011 Dickson S. Guedes.