jsoncdc ======= Synopsis -------- Translates Postgres WAL to JSON with Logical Decoding. Description ----------- Inspired by DDP and RethinkDB's changefeeds, the `jsoncdc` extension provides a schema aware Logical Decoding plugin that translates Postgres WAL to JSON. The JSON for each transaction includes the transaction ID, transaction timestamp, a `{ "table": ... }` entry describing the schema of each affected table, and following each table entry, an entry for each `INSERT`, `UPDATE` and `DELETE` on that table. Usage ----- SELECT * FROM pg_create_logical_replication_slot('jsoncdc', 'jsoncdc'); --- Wait for some transactions, and then: SELECT * FROM pg_logical_slot_get_changes('jsoncdc', NULL, NULL); Support ------- https://github.com/posix4e/jsoncdc https://github.com/posix4e/jsoncdc/issues Author ------ * [Alex Newman](https://github.com/posix4e) * [Jason Dusek](https://github.com/solidsnack) Copyright and License --------------------- Copyright (c) 2016 Alex Newman, Jason Dusek