json_accessors extension ======================== Installing ---------- CREATE EXTENSION json_accessors; Extension is compatible witgh PostgreSQL 9.1. Description ----------- Extension provides stored functions for accessing [JSON](http://www.json.org/) fields by keys and converting JSON arrays. Usage ----- Extension has two usage scenarios: 1. Extract a json object by key: select json_get_text('{"create_date":"2009-12-01 01:23:45","key":"foobar"}', 'key') = 'foobar'; select json_get_int('{"bar": 42 }', 'key') = 42; 2. Convert an JSON array to SQL array: select json_array_to_text_array('["foo", "bar", "baz"]') = array['foo','bar','baz']; Functions can be also used for: - creating queries to JSON object fields - creating B-tree (default) indexes on JSON object fields - creating [GIN](http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/gin.html) indexes on JSON arrays Interface --------- All functions takes a JSON string as a first argument. If a function should extract an object by the key, second argument is a key. Functions usually fails when actual object is not of requested type. ### Scalar extraction functions ### #### ``json_get_object(text, text) -> text`` Extracts a child JSON object as a string. Example: select json_get_text('{"foo": 42, "key":"foobar"]}', 'key') = 'foobar'; #### `json_get_text(text, text) -> text` Extracts and returns a child JSON text object converted to PG `text`. Example: select json_get_text('{"key":"foobar"]}', 'key') = 'foobar'; #### `json_get_boolean(text, text) -> boolean` Extracts and returns a child JSON boolean object converted to PG `boolean`. Example: select json_get_boolean('{"key": true]}', 'key'); #### `json_get_int(text, text) -> int` Extracts and returns a child JSON integer object converted to PG `int` (`int4`). Example: select json_get_int('{"key": 42]}', 'key') = 42; #### `json_get_bigint(text, text) -> bigint` Extracts and returns a child JSON integer object converted to PG `bigint` (`int8`). Example: select json_get_bigint('{"key": 42]}', 'key') = 42; #### `json_get_numeric(text, text) -> numeric` Extracts and returns a child JSON integer object converted to PG `numeric`. Example: select json_get_numeric('{"key": 42.99]}', 'key') = 42.99; #### `json_get_timestamp(text, text) -> timestamp` Extracts and returns a child JSON text object converted to PG `timestamp without timezone`. Timestamp format `YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS` is fixed. Example: select json_get_timestamp('{"foo":"qq", "bar": "2009-12-01 01:23:45"}', 'bar') = timestamp('2009-12-01 01:23:45'); ### Array extractor functions ### Functions convert JSON arrays to PostgreSQL arrays. #### `json_array_to_object_array(text) -> text[]` Converts a JSON array of any JSON objects to PG array `text[]`. Each object is represented as a string. Example: select json_array_to_object_array('[{"foo":42}, {"bar":[]}]') = array['{"foo":42}','{"bar":[]}'] #### `json_array_to_text_array(text) -> text[]` Converts a JSON array of text objects to PG array `text[]`. Example: select json_array_to_text_array('["foo", "bar"]') = array['foo','bar']; #### `json_array_to_boolean_array(text) -> boolean[]` Converts a JSON array of boolean objects to PG array `boolean[]`. #### `json_array_to_int_array(text) -> int[]` Converts a JSON array of integer objects to PG array `int[]` (`int4[]`) #### `json_array_to_bigint_array(text) -> bigint[]` Converts a JSON array of integer objects to PG array `bigint[]` (`int8[]`) #### `json_array_to_numeric_array(text) -> numeric[]` Converts a JSON array of integer objects to PG array `numeric[]`. #### `json_array_to_timestamp_array(text) -> timestamp without time zone[]` Converts a JSON array of text objects to PG array `timestamp[]` without time zones. Time format is the same. ### Indirect array exractor functions ### Shortcut functions to directly extract an array by the key. Could be emulated by `json_get_object` and array convertor functions. Array is referenced in a JSON expression by a key. #### `json_get_object_array(text, text) -> text[]` Extract and converts a JSON array of any JSON objects to PG array `text[]`. JSON objects are represented as a text. Example: select json_get_object_array('{"key" : [{"foo":42}, {"bar":[]}]}', 'key') = array['{"foo":42}','{"bar":[]}']; #### `json_get_text_array(text, text) -> text[]` Extract and converts a JSON array of text objects to PG array `text[]`. Example: select json_get_text_array('{"foo":"qq", "bar": ["baz1", "baz2", "baz3"]}', 'bar') = array['baz1','baz2','baz3']; #### `json_get_boolean_array(text, text) -> boolean[]` Extract and converts a JSON array of boolean objects to PG array `boolean[]`. #### `json_get_int_array(text, text) -> int[]` Extract and converts a JSON array of integer objects to PG array `int[]` (`int4[]`) #### `json_get_bigint_array(text, text) -> bigint[]` Extract and converts a JSON array of integer objects to PG array `bigint[]` (`int8[]`) #### `json_get_numeric_array(text, text) -> numeric[]` Extract and converts a JSON array of integer objects to PG array `numeric[]`. #### `json_get_timestamp_array(text, text) -> timestamp without time zone[]` Extract and converts a JSON array of text objects to PG array `timestamp[]` without time zones. Time format is the same. ### Limitations ### PostgreSQL `numeric` data type is parsed by a fixed position pattern and could be trimmed from a very big value. Author ------ Copyright (c) 2012, Con Certeza LLC. All Right Reserved. Developed by [Eugene Seliverstov](theirix@concerteza.ru) Copyright and License --------------------- You can use any code from this project under the terms of [PostgreSQL License](http://www.postgresql.org/about/licence/). Please consult with the COPYING for license information.