\timing -- Table with quotes. Do not use index to make inserts faster create table Quote (Symbol char(10), Day date, Open real, High real, Low real, Close real, Volume integer); -- Load NYSE data for ten year (can be obtained from http://www.garret.ru/NYSE_2003_2013.csv.gz) \copy Quote from 'NYSE_2003_2013.csv' with csv header; -- 2m31.435s -- with triggers: 6m30.939s -- This table should actually contain more information about companies, but for this example we need just symbol name create table Securities (Symbol char(10)); -- It is certainly not efficient way of populating Securities table, usually information about all used symbols is available insert into Securities select distinct Symbol from Quote; -- Generate timeseries functions select cs_create('Quote', 'Day', 'Symbol'); select Quote_load(); --- Time: 10222.079 ms -- We will use this view to perform queries for all quotes for symbols --create view SecurityQuotes as select * from Quote_get(array(select Symbol from Securities)); create view SecurityQuotes as select (Quote_get(Symbol)).* from Securities; -- Calculate VWAP (volume-weighted average price) for each symbol select Symbol,cs_sum(Close*Volume) / cs_sum(Volume) as VWAP from SecurityQuotes; --- Time: 386.528 ms -- Show growth days for symbol ABB during first quoter of 2010 select (Quote_project(abb.*,cs_top_max_pos(Close, 10))).* from Quote_get('ABB', date('01-Jan-2010'), date('31-Mar-2010')) abb; select (Quote_project(abb.*,cs_filter_pos(Close>Open*1.01))).* from Quote_get('ABB', date('01-Jan-2010'), date('31-Mar-2010')) abb; select cs_count(cs_filter_pos(Close>Open*1.01)) from Quote_get('ABB'); -- Now calculate VWAP using standard Postgress aggregates. select Symbol,sum(Close*Volume)/sum(Volume) as VWAP from Quote group by Symbol; --- Time: 2184.646 ms select Symbol,cs_sum(Close*Volume) / cs_sum(Volume) as VWAP from Quote_get('ABB'); --- Time: 0.506 ms select Symbol,sum(Close*Volume)/sum(Volume) as VWAP from Quote group by Symbol having Symbol='ABB'; --- Time: 2.818 ms select cs_sum(Close) from Quote_concat(array(select Symbol from Securities)); --- Time: 76.167 ms --- Average True Range (ATR) indicator with 14 days period for last quarter of ABB select cs_window_atr(cs_maxof(High-Low,0|||cs_maxof(cs_abs((High<<1) - Close), cs_abs((Low<<1) - Close))), 14) << 13 from Quote_get('ABB', date('01-Jan-2010'), date('31-Mar-2010')); --- Relative Strength Index (RSI) indicator with 14 days period for last quarter of ABB select 100-(100/(1+cs_window_ema(cs_maxof(cs_diff(Close), 0), 14)/cs_window_ema(cs_maxof(-cs_diff(Close), 0), 14))) from Quote_get('ABB', date('01-Jan-2010'), date('31-Mar-2010')); --- Now place all quotes in single timeseries (no symbol) select Quote_drop(); select cs_create('Quote', 'Day'); select Quote_load(); --- Time: 7658.043 ms --- Calculate VWAP for the whole timeseries with ~6 millions elments select cs_sum(Close*Volume) / cs_sum(Volume) as VWAP from Quote_get(); --- Time: 7.616 ms --- Yet another way of calculating VWAP using cs_wavg select Volume//Close as VWAP from Quote_get(); --- Time: 6.501 ms --- The same query using standard Postgress aggregates select sum(Close*Volume)/sum(Volume) as VWAP from Quote; --- Time: 1078.843 ms --- Select top 5 symbols with largest average prices select cs_project(q, cs_top_max_pos((q).avg, 5)) from (select cs_hash_avg(Close, Symbol) q from Quote_get() offset 0) s; --- Time: 76.214 ms --- The same using standard SQL select avg(Close) ac,Symbol from Quote group by Symbol order by ac desc limit 5; --- Time: 1621.042 ms --- Find longest periods when NYSE is not working select cs_map(Day, cs_top_max_pos(cs_diff(Day), 5)),cs_top_max(cs_diff(Day), 5) from Quote_get(); --- Time: 38.448 ms --- Number of unique values of close prices for 10 years select cs_count(cs_unique(cs_sort(Close))) from Quote_get(); --- Time: 866.869 ms select cs_quantile(Close,5) from Quote_get(); --- Time: 810.362 ms --- Delete all records select StackOptions_delete(); select sum(Quote_delete(Symbol)) from Securities;