Aggregates to return first or last values/rows ====================================== This extension provides four aggregates: - first(anyelement) - first(anyelement, int4) - last(anyelement) - last(anyelement, int4) Which return respectively first or last values in given column. In case two-argument version is used, it will return up to this value elements, as array. It can be loaded by any user, as it only uses SQL language. Building and install -------- Obtain sources: - from github: - or from PGXN: Run (in top directory): $ make install or, if you have pgxn client installed, just: $ pgxn install first_last Then, in PostgreSQL you can do: $ CREATE EXTENSION first_last; or: $ CREATE SCHEMA first_last; $ CREATE EXTENSION first_last WITH SCHEMA first_last; Afterwards, you can use provided function (optionally prefixing it with schema name) in your queries. Example ------- In example below, I assume you created the extension in public schema, or you added its schema to search_path. Get 5 largest tables and indexes with their base size: select relkind, first( relname, 5 order by relpages desc ) as names, first( relpages, 5 order by relpages desc ) as sizes from pg_class where relkind in ('r', 'i') group by relkind; -[ RECORD 1 ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- relkind | i names | {pg_depend_reference_index,pg_depend_depender_index,pg_proc_proname_args_nsp_index,pg_description_o_c_o_index,pg_attribute_relid_attnam_index} sizes | {44,40,32,21,13} -[ RECORD 2 ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- relkind | r names | {pg_proc,pg_depend,pg_attribute,pg_description,pg_statistic} sizes | {73,54,47,34,16} Similarly you can use last(). If you want to return just one value, it's better to use single-argument version of the aggregates, as it will be slightly faster. -- Hubert depesz Lubaczewski