-- -- E-Maj : logs and rollbacks table updates : Version 2.0.1 -- -- This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License. -- -- This script is automatically called by a "CREATE EXTENSION emaj;" statement in postgres 9.1+. -- -- This script must be executed by a role having SUPERUSER privileges. -- The current cluster may already contain a tablespace named "tspemaj" to hold E-Maj files, -- for instance previously created by a statement like: -- CREATE TABLESPACE tspemaj LOCATION '/.../tspemaj', -- The emaj extension also installs the dblink extension into the database if it is not already installed. -- complain if this script is executed in psql, rather than via a CREATE EXTENSION statement \echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION emaj" to install the E-Maj extension. \quit COMMENT ON SCHEMA emaj IS $$Contains all E-Maj related objects.$$; -- create emaj roles -- and set tspemaj as current_tablespace if exists DO LANGUAGE plpgsql $do$ DECLARE BEGIN -- check the current role is a superuser PERFORM 0 FROM pg_catalog.pg_roles WHERE rolname = current_user AND rolsuper; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'E-Maj installation: the current user (%) is not a superuser.', current_user; END IF; -- check postgres version is >= 9.1 IF current_setting('server_version_num')::int < 90100 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'E-Maj installation: the current postgres version (%) is too old for E-Maj.', current_setting('server_version'); END IF; -- create emaj roles (NOLOGIN), if they do not exist -- does 'emaj_adm' already exist ? PERFORM 0 FROM pg_catalog.pg_roles WHERE rolname = 'emaj_adm'; -- if no, create it IF NOT FOUND THEN CREATE ROLE emaj_adm; COMMENT ON ROLE emaj_adm IS $$This role may be granted to other roles in charge of E-Maj administration.$$; END IF; -- does 'emaj_viewer' already exist ? PERFORM 0 FROM pg_catalog.pg_roles WHERE rolname = 'emaj_viewer'; -- if no, create it IF NOT FOUND THEN CREATE ROLE emaj_viewer; COMMENT ON ROLE emaj_viewer IS $$This role may be granted to other roles allowed to view E-Maj objects content.$$; END IF; -- if tspemaj tablespace exists, -- use it as default_tablespace for emaj tables creation -- and grant the create rights on it to emaj_adm PERFORM 0 FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace WHERE spcname = 'tspemaj'; IF FOUND THEN SET LOCAL default_tablespace TO tspemaj; GRANT CREATE ON TABLESPACE tspemaj TO emaj_adm; END IF; -- RETURN; END; $do$; ------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- emaj enum types, sequences and tables -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------ -- enum of the possible values for the rollback status columns CREATE TYPE emaj._rlbk_status_enum AS ENUM ( 'PLANNING', -- the emaj rollback is in the initial planning phase 'LOCKING', -- the emaj rollback is acquiring locks on tables 'EXECUTING', -- the emaj rollback is in the main executing phase 'COMPLETED', -- the emaj rollback is completed but the status of its transaction is not yet known 'COMMITTED', -- the emaj rollback transaction is known as committed 'ABORTED' -- the emaj rollback transaction is known as aborted ); -- enum of the possible values for the rollback steps CREATE TYPE emaj._rlbk_step_enum AS ENUM ( 'LOCK_TABLE', -- set a lock on a table 'DIS_LOG_TRG', -- disable a log trigger 'DROP_FK', -- drop a foreign key 'SET_FK_DEF', -- set a foreign key deferred 'RLBK_TABLE', -- rollback a table 'DELETE_LOG', -- delete rows from a log table 'SET_FK_IMM', -- set a foreign key immediate 'ADD_FK', -- recreate a foreign key 'ENA_LOG_TRG', -- enable a log trigger 'CTRL+DBLINK', -- pseudo step representing the periods between 2 steps execution, when dblink is used 'CTRL-DBLINK' -- pseudo step representing the periods between 2 steps execution, when dblink is not used ); -- the emaj_global_seq sequence provides a unique identifier for all rows inserted into all emaj log tables of the database. -- It is used to order all these rows in insertion time order for rollback as well as other purposes. -- (So this order is not based on system time that can be unsafe). -- The sequence is created with the following (default) characteristics: -- - increment = 1 -- - no cache (to keep the delivered nextval value in time order) -- - no cycle (would the end of the sequence be reached, no new log row would be accepted) CREATE SEQUENCE emaj.emaj_global_seq; COMMENT ON SEQUENCE emaj.emaj_global_seq IS $$Global sequence to identifiy all rows of emaj log tables.$$; -- table containing E-maj parameters CREATE TABLE emaj.emaj_param ( param_key TEXT NOT NULL, -- parameter key param_value_text TEXT, -- value if type is text, otherwise NULL param_value_int BIGINT, -- value if type is bigint, otherwise NULL param_value_boolean BOOLEAN, -- value if type is boolean, otherwise NULL param_value_interval INTERVAL, -- value if type is interval, otherwise NULL PRIMARY KEY (param_key) ); COMMENT ON TABLE emaj.emaj_param IS $$Contains E-Maj parameters.$$; -- table containing the history of all E-Maj events CREATE TABLE emaj.emaj_hist ( hist_id BIGSERIAL NOT NULL, -- internal id hist_datetime TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL DEFAULT clock_timestamp(), -- insertion time hist_function TEXT NOT NULL, -- main E-Maj function generating the event hist_event TEXT, -- type of event (often BEGIN or END) hist_object TEXT, -- object supporting the event (often the group name) hist_wording TEXT, -- additional comment hist_user TEXT DEFAULT session_user, -- the user who call the E-Maj function hist_txid BIGINT DEFAULT txid_current(), -- and its tx_id PRIMARY KEY (hist_id) ); COMMENT ON TABLE emaj.emaj_hist IS $$Contains E-Maj events history.$$; -- table containing the definition of groups' content. Filled and maintained by the user, it is used by emaj_create_group function. CREATE TABLE emaj.emaj_group_def ( grpdef_group TEXT NOT NULL, -- name of the group containing this table or sequence grpdef_schema TEXT NOT NULL, -- schema name of this table or sequence grpdef_tblseq TEXT NOT NULL, -- table or sequence name grpdef_priority INTEGER, -- priority level (tables are processed in ascending -- order, with NULL last) grpdef_log_schema_suffix TEXT, -- schema suffix for the log table, functions and sequence -- (NULL for 'emaj' schema) grpdef_emaj_names_prefix TEXT, -- prefix for all E-Maj objects generated for this table -- (for tables only, NULL = default = _) grpdef_log_dat_tsp TEXT, -- tablespace for the log table (NULL to use default value) grpdef_log_idx_tsp TEXT, -- tablespace for the log index (NULL to use default value) PRIMARY KEY (grpdef_group, grpdef_schema, grpdef_tblseq) -- the group name is included in the pkey so that a table/sequence can be temporarily assigned to several groups ); COMMENT ON TABLE emaj.emaj_group_def IS $$Contains E-Maj groups definition, supplied by the E-Maj administrator.$$; -- table containing the time stamps of major E-Maj events. -- these stamps, used as time references in other internal tables, are insensitive to system time fluctuations and transaction wrapaound. CREATE TABLE emaj.emaj_time_stamp ( time_id BIGSERIAL NOT NULL, -- internal id time_clock_timestamp TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL -- insertion clock time DEFAULT clock_timestamp(), time_stmt_timestamp TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL -- insertion statement start time DEFAULT statement_timestamp(), time_tx_timestamp TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL -- insertion transaction start time DEFAULT transaction_timestamp(), time_tx_id BIGINT -- id of the tx that has generated the time stamp DEFAULT txid_current(), time_last_emaj_gid BIGINT, -- last value of the E-Maj global sequence time_event CHAR(1), -- event type that has generated the time stamp -- C(reate group), A(lter group) , M(ark setting), R(ollback) PRIMARY KEY (time_id) ); COMMENT ON TABLE emaj.emaj_time_stamp IS $$Contains the time stamps of major E-Maj events.$$; -- table containing the defined groups -- rows are created at emaj_create_group time and deleted at emaj_drop_group time CREATE TABLE emaj.emaj_group ( group_name TEXT NOT NULL, group_is_logging BOOLEAN NOT NULL, -- are log triggers activated ? -- true between emaj_start_group(s) and emaj_stop_group(s) -- false in other cases group_is_rlbk_protected BOOLEAN NOT NULL, -- is the group currently protected against rollback ? -- always true for AUDIT_ONLY groups group_nb_table INT, -- number of tables at emaj_create_group time group_nb_sequence INT, -- number of sequences at emaj_create_group time group_is_rollbackable BOOLEAN NOT NULL, -- false for 'AUDIT_ONLY' and true for 'ROLLBACKABLE' groups group_creation_time_id BIGINT NOT NULL, -- time stamp of the group's creation group_last_alter_time_id BIGINT, -- time stamp of the last emaj_alter_group() call -- set to NULL at emaj_create_group() time group_pg_version TEXT NOT NULL -- postgres version at emaj_create_group() time DEFAULT substring (version() from E'PostgreSQL\\s([.,0-9,A-Z,a-z]*)'), group_comment TEXT, -- optional user comment PRIMARY KEY (group_name), FOREIGN KEY (group_creation_time_id) REFERENCES emaj.emaj_time_stamp (time_id), FOREIGN KEY (group_last_alter_time_id) REFERENCES emaj.emaj_time_stamp (time_id) ); COMMENT ON TABLE emaj.emaj_group IS $$Contains created E-Maj groups.$$; -- table containing the relations (tables and sequences) of created tables groups CREATE TABLE emaj.emaj_relation ( rel_schema TEXT NOT NULL, -- schema name containing the relation rel_tblseq TEXT NOT NULL, -- application table or sequence name rel_group TEXT NOT NULL, -- name of the group that owns the relation rel_kind TEXT, -- similar to the relkind column of pg_class table -- ('r' = table, 'S' = sequence) rel_priority INTEGER, -- priority level of processing inside the group -- next columns are specific for tables and remain NULL for sequences rel_log_schema TEXT, -- schema for the log table, functions and sequence rel_log_table TEXT, -- name of the log table associated rel_log_dat_tsp TEXT, -- tablespace for the log table rel_log_index TEXT, -- name of the index of the log table rel_log_idx_tsp TEXT, -- tablespace for the log index rel_log_sequence TEXT, -- name of the log sequence rel_log_function TEXT, -- name of the function associated to the log trigger -- created on the application table rel_sql_columns TEXT, -- piece of sql used to rollback: list of the columns rel_sql_pk_columns TEXT, -- piece of sql used to rollback: list of the pk columns rel_sql_pk_eq_conditions TEXT, -- piece of sql used to rollback: equality conditions on the pk columns PRIMARY KEY (rel_schema, rel_tblseq), FOREIGN KEY (rel_group) REFERENCES emaj.emaj_group (group_name) ); COMMENT ON TABLE emaj.emaj_relation IS $$Contains the content (tables and sequences) of created E-Maj groups.$$; -- index on emaj_relation used to speedup most functions working on groups with large E-Maj configuration CREATE INDEX emaj_relation_idx1 ON emaj.emaj_relation (rel_group, rel_kind); -- index on emaj_relation used to speedup _verify_schema() with large E-Maj configuration CREATE INDEX emaj_relation_idx2 ON emaj.emaj_relation (rel_log_schema); -- table containing the marks CREATE TABLE emaj.emaj_mark ( mark_group TEXT NOT NULL, -- group for which the mark has been set mark_name TEXT NOT NULL, -- mark name mark_id BIGSERIAL NOT NULL, -- serial id used to order rows (not to rely on timestamps -- that are not safe if system time changes) mark_time_id BIGINT NOT NULL, -- time stamp of the mark creation, used as a reference -- for other tables like emaj_sequence and all log tables mark_is_deleted BOOLEAN NOT NULL, -- boolean to indicate if the mark is deleted mark_is_rlbk_protected BOOLEAN NOT NULL, -- boolean to indicate if the mark is protected from rollbacks (false by default) mark_comment TEXT, -- optional user comment mark_log_rows_before_next BIGINT, -- number of log rows recorded for the group between the mark -- and the next one (NULL if last mark) -- used to speedup marks list display in phpPgAdmin plugin mark_logged_rlbk_target_mark TEXT, -- for marks generated by logged_rollback functions, name of the rollback target mark PRIMARY KEY (mark_group, mark_name), FOREIGN KEY (mark_group) REFERENCES emaj.emaj_group (group_name) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (mark_time_id) REFERENCES emaj.emaj_time_stamp (time_id) ); COMMENT ON TABLE emaj.emaj_mark IS $$Contains marks set on E-Maj tables groups.$$; -- table containing the sequences characteristics log -- (to record at mark time the state of application sequences and sequences used by log tables) CREATE TABLE emaj.emaj_sequence ( sequ_schema TEXT NOT NULL, -- application or 'emaj' schema that owns the sequence sequ_name TEXT NOT NULL, -- application or emaj sequence name sequ_time_id BIGINT NOT NULL, -- time stamp when the sequence characteristics have been recorded -- the same time stamp id as referenced in emaj_mark table sequ_last_val BIGINT NOT NULL, -- sequence last value sequ_start_val BIGINT NOT NULL, -- sequence start value sequ_increment BIGINT NOT NULL, -- sequence increment sequ_max_val BIGINT NOT NULL, -- sequence max value sequ_min_val BIGINT NOT NULL, -- sequence min value sequ_cache_val BIGINT NOT NULL, -- sequence cache value sequ_is_cycled BOOLEAN NOT NULL, -- sequence flag 'is cycled ?' sequ_is_called BOOLEAN NOT NULL, -- sequence flag 'is called ?' PRIMARY KEY (sequ_schema, sequ_name, sequ_time_id), FOREIGN KEY (sequ_time_id) REFERENCES emaj.emaj_time_stamp (time_id) ); COMMENT ON TABLE emaj.emaj_sequence IS $$Contains values of sequences at E-Maj set_mark times.$$; -- table containing the holes in sequences log -- these holes are due to rollback operations or rollback consolidation that produce holes in log sequences -- they are recorded to give better results in functions that estimate the number of updates using the sequence values recorded at set mark times CREATE TABLE emaj.emaj_seq_hole ( sqhl_schema TEXT NOT NULL, -- schema that owns the application table sqhl_table TEXT NOT NULL, -- application table for which a sequence hole is recorded in the associated log table sqhl_begin_time_id BIGINT NOT NULL, -- time stamp id of the lower range limit of the hole sqhl_end_time_id BIGINT NOT NULL, -- time stamp id of the upper range limit of the hole sqhl_hole_size BIGINT NOT NULL, -- hole size computed as the difference of 2 sequence last-values PRIMARY KEY (sqhl_schema, sqhl_table, sqhl_begin_time_id), FOREIGN KEY (sqhl_begin_time_id) REFERENCES emaj.emaj_time_stamp (time_id), FOREIGN KEY (sqhl_end_time_id) REFERENCES emaj.emaj_time_stamp (time_id) ); COMMENT ON TABLE emaj.emaj_seq_hole IS $$Contains description of holes in sequence values for E-Maj log tables.$$; -- table containing rollback events CREATE TABLE emaj.emaj_rlbk ( rlbk_id SERIAL NOT NULL, -- rollback id rlbk_groups TEXT[] NOT NULL, -- groups array to rollback rlbk_mark TEXT NOT NULL, -- mark to rollback to rlbk_mark_time_id BIGINT NOT NULL, -- time stamp id of the mark to rollback to rlbk_time_id BIGINT, -- time stamp id at the rollback start rlbk_is_logged BOOLEAN NOT NULL, -- rollback type: true = logged rollback rlbk_nb_session INT NOT NULL, -- number of requested rollback sessions rlbk_nb_table INT, -- total number of tables in groups rlbk_nb_sequence INT, -- number of sequences to rollback rlbk_eff_nb_table INT, -- number of tables with rows to rollback rlbk_status emaj._rlbk_status_enum, -- rollback status rlbk_begin_hist_id BIGINT, -- hist_id of the rollback BEGIN event in the emaj_hist -- used to know if the rollback has been committed or not rlbk_is_dblink_used BOOLEAN, -- boolean indicating whether dblink connection are used rlbk_end_datetime TIMESTAMPTZ, -- clock time the rollback has been completed, -- NULL if rollback is in progress or aborted rlbk_msg TEXT, -- result message PRIMARY KEY (rlbk_id), FOREIGN KEY (rlbk_time_id) REFERENCES emaj.emaj_time_stamp (time_id), FOREIGN KEY (rlbk_mark_time_id) REFERENCES emaj.emaj_time_stamp (time_id) ); COMMENT ON TABLE emaj.emaj_rlbk IS $$Contains description of rollback events.$$; -- partial index on emaj_rlbk targeting in progress rollbacks (not yet committed or marked as aborted) CREATE INDEX emaj_rlbk_idx1 ON emaj.emaj_rlbk (rlbk_status) WHERE rlbk_status IN ('PLANNING', 'LOCKING', 'EXECUTING', 'COMPLETED'); -- table containing rollback events sessions CREATE TABLE emaj.emaj_rlbk_session ( rlbs_rlbk_id INT NOT NULL, -- rollback id rlbs_session INT NOT NULL, -- session number (from 1 to rlbk_nb_session) rlbs_txid BIGINT NOT NULL, -- id of the tx that executes this rollback session rlbs_start_datetime TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL, -- rollback session start timestamp rlbs_end_datetime TIMESTAMPTZ, -- clock time the rollback session has been completed, -- NULL if rollback is in progress PRIMARY KEY (rlbs_rlbk_id, rlbs_session), FOREIGN KEY (rlbs_rlbk_id) REFERENCES emaj.emaj_rlbk (rlbk_id) ); COMMENT ON TABLE emaj.emaj_rlbk_session IS $$Contains description of rollback events sessions.$$; -- table containing the elementary steps of rollback operations CREATE TABLE emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan ( rlbp_rlbk_id INT NOT NULL, -- rollback id rlbp_step emaj._rlbk_step_enum NOT NULL, -- kind of elementary step in the rollback processing rlbp_schema TEXT NOT NULL, -- schema object of the step rlbp_table TEXT NOT NULL, -- table name rlbp_fkey TEXT NOT NULL, -- foreign key name for step on foreign key, or '' rlbp_batch_number INT, -- identifies a set of tables linked by foreign keys rlbp_session INT, -- session number the step is affected to rlbp_fkey_def TEXT, -- foreign key definition used to recreate it, or NULL rlbp_estimated_quantity BIGINT, -- for RLBK_TABLE, estimated number of updates to rollback -- for DELETE_LOG, estimated number of rows to delete -- for fkeys, estimated number of keys to check rlbp_estimated_duration INTERVAL, -- estimated elapse time for the step processing rlbp_estimate_method INT, -- method used to compute the estimated duration -- 1: use rollback stats with volume in same order of magnitude -- 2: use all previous rollback stats -- 3: use only parameters (from emaj_param or default values) rlbp_start_datetime TIMESTAMPTZ, -- clock start time of the step, NULL is not yet started rlbp_quantity BIGINT, -- for RLBK_TABLE, number of effectively rolled back updates -- for DELETE_LOG, number of effectively deleted log rows -- null for fkeys rlbp_duration INTERVAL, -- real elapse time of the step, NULL is not yet completed PRIMARY KEY (rlbp_rlbk_id, rlbp_step, rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_fkey), FOREIGN KEY (rlbp_rlbk_id) REFERENCES emaj.emaj_rlbk (rlbk_id) ); COMMENT ON TABLE emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan IS $$Contains description of elementary steps for rollback operations.$$; -- table containing statistics about previously executed rollback operations -- and used to estimate rollback durations -- depending on the step, it contains 1 row per elementary step (like 'RLBK_TABLE' or 'DELETE_LOG'), -- or 1 row per type of step for 1 rollback operation (like 'DROP_FK', or 'DIS_LOG_TRG') CREATE TABLE emaj.emaj_rlbk_stat ( rlbt_step emaj._rlbk_step_enum NOT NULL, -- kind of elementary step in the rollback processing rlbt_schema TEXT NOT NULL, -- schema object of the step rlbt_table TEXT NOT NULL, -- table name rlbt_fkey TEXT NOT NULL, -- foreign key name for step on foreign key, or '' rlbt_rlbk_id INT NOT NULL, -- rollback id rlbt_quantity BIGINT NOT NULL, -- depending on the step, either estimated quantity processed -- by the elementary step or number of executed steps rlbt_duration INTERVAL NOT NULL, -- duration or sum of durations of the elementary step(s) PRIMARY KEY (rlbt_step, rlbt_schema, rlbt_table, rlbt_fkey, rlbt_rlbk_id), FOREIGN KEY (rlbt_rlbk_id) REFERENCES emaj.emaj_rlbk (rlbk_id) ); COMMENT ON TABLE emaj.emaj_rlbk_stat IS $$Contains statistics about previous E-Maj rollback durations.$$; ------------------------------------ -- -- -- emaj composite types -- -- -- ------------------------------------ CREATE TYPE emaj.emaj_log_stat_type AS ( stat_group TEXT, -- group name owning the schema.table stat_schema TEXT, -- schema name stat_table TEXT, -- table name stat_rows BIGINT -- estimated number of update events recorded for this table ); COMMENT ON TYPE emaj.emaj_log_stat_type IS $$Represents the structure of rows returned by the emaj_log_stat_group() function.$$; CREATE TYPE emaj.emaj_detailed_log_stat_type AS ( stat_group TEXT, -- group name owning the schema.table stat_schema TEXT, -- schema name stat_table TEXT, -- table name stat_role VARCHAR(32), -- user having generated update events stat_verb VARCHAR(6), -- type of SQL statement (INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE) stat_rows BIGINT -- real number of update events recorded for this table ); COMMENT ON TYPE emaj.emaj_detailed_log_stat_type IS $$Represents the structure of rows returned by the emaj_detailed_log_stat_group() function.$$; CREATE TYPE emaj.emaj_rollback_activity_type AS ( rlbk_id INT, -- rollback id rlbk_groups TEXT[], -- groups array to rollback rlbk_mark TEXT, -- mark to rollback to rlbk_mark_datetime TIMESTAMPTZ, -- timestamp of the mark as recorded into emaj_mark rlbk_is_logged BOOLEAN, -- rollback type: true = logged rollback rlbk_nb_session INT, -- number of requested sessions rlbk_nb_table INT, -- total number of tables in groups rlbk_nb_sequence INT, -- number of sequences to rollback rlbk_eff_nb_table INT, -- number of tables with rows to rollback rlbk_status emaj._rlbk_status_enum, -- rollback status rlbk_start_datetime TIMESTAMPTZ, -- clock timestamp of the rollback start recorded just after tables lock rlbk_elapse INTERVAL, -- elapse time since the begining of the execution rlbk_remaining INTERVAL, -- estimated remaining time to complete the rollback rlbk_completion_pct SMALLINT -- estimated percentage of the rollback operation ); COMMENT ON TYPE emaj.emaj_rollback_activity_type IS $$Represents the structure of rows returned by the emaj_rollback_activity() function.$$; CREATE TYPE emaj.emaj_consolidable_rollback_type AS ( cons_group TEXT, -- group name cons_target_rlbk_mark_name TEXT, -- name of the mark used as target of the logged rollback operation cons_target_rlbk_mark_id BIGINT, -- id of the mark used as target of the logged rollback operation cons_end_rlbk_mark_name TEXT, -- name of the mark set at the end of the logged rollback operation cons_end_rlbk_mark_id BIGINT, -- id of the mark set at the end of the logged rollback operation cons_rows BIGINT, -- estimated number of update events that can be consolidated for the rollback cons_marks INT -- number of marks that would be deleted by a consolidation ); COMMENT ON TYPE emaj.emaj_consolidable_rollback_type IS $$Represents the structure of rows returned by the emaj_get_consolidable_rollbacks() function.$$; CREATE TYPE emaj._verify_groups_type AS ( -- this type is not used by functions called by users ver_schema TEXT, ver_tblseq TEXT, ver_msg TEXT ); COMMENT ON TYPE emaj._verify_groups_type IS $$Represents the structure of rows returned by the internal _verify_groups() function.$$; ------------------------------------ -- -- -- Parameters -- -- -- ------------------------------------ INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_param (param_key, param_value_text) VALUES ('emaj_version','2.0.1'); -- Other parameters are optional. They may be set by E-Maj administrators if needed. -- The dblink_user_password parameter defines the role and its associated password, if any, to establish a dblink -- connection for the monitoring of rollback operations. -- INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_param (param_key, param_value_text) VALUES ('dblink_user_password','user= password='); -- The history_retention parameter defines the time interval when a row remains in the emaj history and rollback tables - default is 1 year -- INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_param (param_key, param_value_interval) VALUES ('history_retention','1 year'::interval); -- 6 parameters are used by the emaj_estimate_rollback_group(s) and the rollback functions as default values to compute the approximate duration of a rollback operation. -- The avg_row_rollback_duration parameter defines the average duration needed to rollback a row. -- INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_param (param_key, param_value_interval) VALUES ('avg_row_rollback_duration','100 microsecond'::interval); -- The avg_row_delete_log_duration parameter defines the average duration needed to delete log rows. -- INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_param (param_key, param_value_interval) VALUES ('avg_row_delete_log_duration','10 microsecond'::interval); -- The avg_fkey_check_duration parameter defines the average duration needed to check a foreign key. -- INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_param (param_key, param_value_interval) VALUES ('avg_fkey_check_duration','20 microsecond'::interval); -- The fixed_step_rollback_duration parameter defines the fixed cost for any elementary rollback step -- INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_param (param_key, param_value_interval) VALUES ('fixed_step_rollback_duration','2.5 millisecond'::interval); -- The fixed_table_rollback_duration parameter defines the fixed rollback cost for any table or sequence belonging to a group -- INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_param (param_key, param_value_interval) VALUES ('fixed_table_rollback_duration','1 millisecond'::interval); -- The fixed_dblink_rollback_duration parameter defines the fixed cost of dblink use for any rollback step -- INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_param (param_key, param_value_interval) VALUES ('fixed_dblink_rollback_duration','4 millisecond'::interval); -- view readable by emaj_viewer role. It hides the 'dblink_user_password' parameter's value CREATE VIEW emaj.emaj_visible_param AS SELECT param_key, CASE WHEN param_key = 'dblink_user_password' THEN '' ELSE param_value_text END AS param_value_text, param_value_int, param_value_boolean, param_value_interval FROM emaj.emaj_param; ------------------------------------ -- -- -- Low level Functions -- -- -- ------------------------------------ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._pg_version_num() RETURNS INTEGER LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $$ -- This function returns as an integer the current postgresql version SELECT current_setting('server_version_num')::int; $$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._set_time_stamp(CHAR(1)) RETURNS BIGINT LANGUAGE SQL AS $$ -- this function inserts a new time stamp in the emaj_time_stamp table and returns the identifier of the new row INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_time_stamp (time_last_emaj_gid, time_event) SELECT CASE WHEN is_called THEN last_value ELSE last_value - 1 END, $1 FROM emaj.emaj_global_seq RETURNING time_id; $$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._get_mark_name(TEXT, TEXT) RETURNS TEXT LANGUAGE sql AS $$ -- This function returns a mark name if exists for a group, processing the EMAJ_LAST_MARK keyword. -- input: group name and mark name -- output: mark name or NULL SELECT case when $2 = 'EMAJ_LAST_MARK' then (SELECT mark_name FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = $1 ORDER BY mark_id DESC LIMIT 1) else (SELECT mark_name FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = $1 AND mark_name = $2) end $$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._get_mark_time_id(TEXT, TEXT) RETURNS BIGINT LANGUAGE sql AS $$ -- This function returns the time stamp id of a mark, if exists, for a group, -- processing the EMAJ_LAST_MARK keyword. -- input: group name and mark name -- output: mark time stamp id or NULL SELECT CASE WHEN $2 = 'EMAJ_LAST_MARK' THEN (SELECT time_id FROM emaj.emaj_mark, emaj.emaj_time_stamp WHERE time_id = mark_time_id AND mark_group = $1 ORDER BY time_id DESC LIMIT 1) ELSE (SELECT time_id FROM emaj.emaj_mark, emaj.emaj_time_stamp WHERE time_id = mark_time_id AND mark_group = $1 AND mark_name = $2) END $$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._dblink_open_cnx(v_cnxName TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_dblink_open_cnx$ -- This function tries to open a named dblink connection. -- It uses as target: the current cluster (port), the current database and a role defined in the emaj_param table. -- This role must be defined with a row having: -- - param_key = 'dblink_user_password', -- - param_value_text = 'user= password=' with the rules that apply to usual libPQ connect strings -- The password can be omited if the connection doesn't require it. -- The dblink_connect_u is used to open the connection so that emaj_adm but non superuser roles can access -- cluster even when no password is required to log on. -- Input: connection name -- Output: integer status return. -- 1 successful connection -- 0 already opened connection -- -1 dblink is not installed -- -2 dblink functions are not visible for the session -- -3 dblink functions are not accessible by the role -- -4 the transaction isolation level is not READ COMMITTED -- -5 no 'dblink_user_password' parameter is defined in the emaj_param table -- -6 error at dblink_connect() call DECLARE v_UserPassword TEXT; v_connectString TEXT; v_status INT; BEGIN IF (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'dblink_connect_u') = 0 THEN v_status = -1; -- dblink is not installed ELSIF (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'dblink_connect_u' AND pg_function_is_visible(oid)) = 0 THEN v_status = -2; -- dblink is not visible in the search_path ELSIF NOT has_function_privilege('dblink_connect_u(text, text)', 'execute') THEN v_status = -3; -- current role has not the execute rights on dblink functions ELSIF substring(v_cnxName FROM 1 FOR 5) = 'rlbk#' AND current_setting('transaction_isolation') <> 'read committed' THEN v_status = -4; -- 'rlbk#*' connection (used for rollbacks) must only come from a -- READ COMMITTED transaction ELSIF v_cnxName = ANY (dblink_get_connections()) THEN -- dblink is usable, so search the requested connection name in dblink connections list v_status = 0; -- the requested connection is already open ELSE -- so, get the 'dblink_user_password' parameter if exists, from emaj_param SELECT param_value_text INTO v_UserPassword FROM emaj.emaj_param WHERE param_key = 'dblink_user_password'; IF NOT FOUND THEN v_status = -5; -- no 'dblink_user_password' parameter is defined in the emaj_param table ELSE -- ... build the connect string v_connectString = 'host=localhost port=' || current_setting('port') || ' dbname=' || current_database() || ' ' || v_userPassword; -- ... and try to connect BEGIN PERFORM dblink_connect_u(v_cnxName,v_connectString); v_status = 1; -- the connection is successful EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN v_status = -6; -- the connection attempt failed END; END IF; END IF; -- for connections used for rollback operations, record the dblink connection attempt in the emaj_hist table IF substring(v_cnxName FROM 1 FOR 5) = 'rlbk#' THEN INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('DBLINK_OPEN_CNX',v_cnxName,'Status = ' || v_status); END IF; RETURN v_status; END; $_dblink_open_cnx$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._dblink_is_cnx_opened(v_cnxName TEXT) RETURNS BOOLEAN LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_dblink_is_cnx_opened$ -- This function examines if a named dblink connection is opened. -- Input: connection name -- Output: boolean indicating whether the dblink connection is opened. DECLARE BEGIN -- test if dblink is installed and usable by the current user IF (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'dblink_connect' AND pg_function_is_visible(oid)) > 0 AND has_function_privilege('dblink_connect(text, text)', 'execute') THEN -- dblink is usable, so search connection name in opened dblink connections IF v_cnxName = ANY (dblink_get_connections()) THEN RETURN true; END IF; END IF; RETURN false; END; $_dblink_is_cnx_opened$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._dblink_close_cnx(v_cnxName TEXT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_dblink_close_cnx$ -- This function closes a named dblink connection. -- Input: connection name DECLARE BEGIN IF emaj._dblink_is_cnx_opened(v_cnxName) THEN -- the emaj connection exists, so disconnect PERFORM dblink_disconnect(v_cnxName); -- for connections used for rollback operations, record the dblink disconnection in the emaj_hist table IF substring(v_cnxName FROM 1 FOR 5) = 'rlbk#' THEN INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_object) VALUES ('DBLINK_CLOSE_CNX',v_cnxName); END IF; END IF; RETURN; END; $_dblink_close_cnx$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._purge_hist() RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_purge_hist$ -- This function purges the emaj history by deleting all rows prior the 'history_retention' parameter, but -- not deleting event traces neither after the oldest active mark or after the oldest not committed or aborted rollback operation. -- It also purges oldest rows from the emaj_rlbk_session and emaj_rlbk_plan tables, using the same rules. -- The function is called at start group time and when oldest marks are deleted. DECLARE v_datetimeLimit TIMESTAMPTZ; v_nbPurgedHist BIGINT; v_maxRlbkId BIGINT; v_nbPurgedRlbk BIGINT; v_wording TEXT = ''; BEGIN -- compute the timestamp limit SELECT MIN(datetime) FROM ( -- compute the timestamp limit from the history_retention parameter (SELECT current_timestamp - coalesce((SELECT param_value_interval FROM emaj.emaj_param WHERE param_key = 'history_retention'),'1 YEAR')) UNION ALL -- get the transaction timestamp of the oldest non deleted mark for all groups (SELECT MIN(time_tx_timestamp) FROM emaj.emaj_time_stamp, emaj.emaj_mark WHERE time_id = mark_time_id AND NOT mark_is_deleted) UNION ALL -- get the transaction timestamp of the oldest non committed or aborted rollback (SELECT MIN(time_tx_timestamp) FROM emaj.emaj_time_stamp, emaj.emaj_rlbk WHERE time_id = rlbk_time_id AND rlbk_status IN ('PLANNING', 'LOCKING', 'EXECUTING', 'COMPLETED')) ) AS t(datetime) INTO v_datetimeLimit; -- delete oldest rows from emaj_hist DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_hist WHERE hist_datetime < v_datetimeLimit; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_nbPurgedHist = ROW_COUNT; IF v_nbPurgedHist > 0 THEN v_wording = v_nbPurgedHist || ' emaj_hist rows deleted'; END IF; -- get the greatest rollback identifier to purge SELECT MAX(rlbk_id) INTO v_maxRlbkId FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk, emaj.emaj_time_stamp WHERE time_id = rlbk_time_id AND time_tx_timestamp < v_datetimeLimit; -- and purge emaj_rlbk_plan and emaj_rlbk_session tables IF v_maxRlbkId IS NOT NULL THEN DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id <= v_maxRlbkId; WITH deleted_rlbk AS ( DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_session WHERE rlbs_rlbk_id <= v_maxRlbkId RETURNING rlbs_rlbk_id ) SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT rlbs_rlbk_id) INTO v_nbPurgedRlbk FROM deleted_rlbk; v_wording = v_wording || ' ; ' || v_nbPurgedRlbk || ' rollback events deleted'; END IF; -- record the purge into the history if there are significant data IF v_wording <> '' THEN INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_wording) VALUES ('PURGE_HISTORY', v_wording); END IF; RETURN; END; $_purge_hist$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._check_names_array(v_names TEXT[], v_type TEXT) RETURNS TEXT[] LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_check_names_array$ -- This function build a array of names similar to the supplied array, except that NULL -- values, empty string and duplicate names are suppressed. Issue a warning if the result array is NULL. -- The function is used to validate group names array or table and sequence names array. -- Input: names array -- type of element, used to format warning messages -- Output: validated names array DECLARE v_outputNames TEXT[]; v_aName TEXT; BEGIN IF v_names IS NOT NULL AND array_upper(v_names,1) >= 1 THEN -- if there are elements, build the result array FOREACH v_aName IN ARRAY v_names LOOP -- look for not NULL & not empty name IF v_aName IS NULL OR v_aName = '' THEN RAISE WARNING '_check_names_array: a % name is NULL or empty.', v_type; -- look for duplicate name ELSEIF v_outputNames IS NOT NULL AND v_aName = ANY (v_outputNames) THEN RAISE WARNING '_check_names_array: duplicate % name "%".', v_type, v_aName; ELSE -- OK, keep the name v_outputNames = v_outputNames || v_aName; END IF; END LOOP; END IF; -- check for NULL result IF v_outputNames IS NULL THEN RAISE WARNING '_check_names_array: No % name to process.', v_type; END IF; RETURN v_outputNames; END; $_check_names_array$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._check_group_content(v_groupName TEXT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_check_group_content$ -- This function verifies that the content of tables group as defined into the emaj_group_def table is correct. -- It is called by emaj_create_group() and emaj_alter_group() functions. -- It checks that the referenced application tables and sequences, -- - exist, -- - is not located into an E-Maj schema (to protect against an E-Maj recursive use), -- - do not already belong to another tables group, -- - will not generate conflicts on emaj objects to create (when emaj names prefix is not the default one) -- Input: the name of the tables group to check DECLARE v_msg TEXT; BEGIN -- check that all application tables and sequences listed for the group really exist SELECT string_agg(full_name, ', ') INTO v_msg FROM ( SELECT grpdef_schema || '.' || grpdef_tblseq AS full_name FROM emaj.emaj_group_def WHERE grpdef_group = v_groupName EXCEPT SELECT nspname || '.' || relname FROM pg_catalog.pg_class, pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND relkind IN ('r','S') ORDER BY 1) AS t; IF v_msg IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_group_content: one or several tables or sequences do not exist (%).', v_msg; END IF; -- check no application schema listed for the group in the emaj_group_def table is an E-Maj schema SELECT string_agg(full_name, ', ') INTO v_msg FROM ( SELECT grpdef_schema || '.' || grpdef_tblseq AS full_name FROM emaj.emaj_group_def WHERE grpdef_group = v_groupName AND grpdef_schema IN ( SELECT DISTINCT rel_log_schema FROM emaj.emaj_relation UNION SELECT 'emaj') ORDER BY 1) AS t; IF v_msg IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_group_content: one or several tables or sequences belong to an E-Maj schema (%).', v_msg; END IF; -- check that no table or sequence of the new group already belongs to another created group SELECT string_agg(full_name, ', ') INTO v_msg FROM ( SELECT grpdef_schema || '.' || grpdef_tblseq || ' in ' || rel_group AS full_name FROM emaj.emaj_group_def, emaj.emaj_relation WHERE grpdef_schema = rel_schema AND grpdef_tblseq = rel_tblseq AND grpdef_group = v_groupName AND rel_group <> v_groupName ORDER BY 1) AS t; IF v_msg IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_group_content: one or several tables already belong to another group (%).', v_msg; END IF; -- check that several tables of the group have not the same emaj names prefix SELECT string_agg(prefix, ', ') INTO v_msg FROM ( SELECT coalesce(grpdef_emaj_names_prefix, grpdef_schema || '_' || grpdef_tblseq) AS prefix, count(*) FROM emaj.emaj_group_def WHERE grpdef_group = v_groupName GROUP BY 1 HAVING count(*) > 1 ORDER BY 1) AS t; IF v_msg IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_group_content: one or several emaj prefix are configured for several tables in the group (%).', v_msg; END IF; -- check that emaj names prefix that will be generared will not generate conflict with objects from existing groups SELECT string_agg(prefix, ', ') INTO v_msg FROM ( SELECT coalesce(grpdef_emaj_names_prefix, grpdef_schema || '_' || grpdef_tblseq) AS prefix FROM emaj.emaj_group_def, emaj.emaj_relation WHERE coalesce(grpdef_emaj_names_prefix, grpdef_schema || '_' || grpdef_tblseq) || '_log' = rel_log_table AND grpdef_group = v_groupName AND rel_group <> v_groupName ORDER BY 1) AS t; IF v_msg IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_group_content: one or several emaj prefix are already used (%).', v_msg; END IF; -- RETURN; END; $_check_group_content$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._check_new_mark(v_mark TEXT, v_groupNames TEXT[]) RETURNS TEXT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_check_new_mark$ -- This function verifies that a new mark name supplied the user is valid. -- It processes the possible NULL mark value and the replacement of % wild characters. -- It also checks that the mark name do not already exist for any group. -- Input: name of the mark to set, array of group names -- The array of group names may be NULL to avoid the check against groups -- Output: internal name of the mark DECLARE v_markName TEXT = v_mark; v_aGroupName TEXT; BEGIN -- check the mark name is not 'EMAJ_LAST_MARK' IF v_mark = 'EMAJ_LAST_MARK' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_new_mark: "%" is not an allowed name for a new mark.', v_mark; END IF; -- process null or empty supplied mark name IF v_markName = '' OR v_markName IS NULL THEN v_markName = 'MARK_%'; END IF; -- process % wild characters in mark name v_markName = replace(v_markName, '%', to_char(current_timestamp, 'HH24.MI.SS.MS')); -- if requested, check the existence of the mark in groups IF v_groupNames IS NOT NULL THEN -- for each group of the array, FOREACH v_aGroupName IN ARRAY v_groupNames LOOP -- ... if a mark with the same name already exists for the group, stop PERFORM 0 FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = v_aGroupName AND mark_name = v_markName; IF FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_new_mark: Group "%" already contains a mark named "%".', v_aGroupName, v_markName; END IF; END LOOP; END IF; RETURN v_markName; END; $_check_new_mark$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._forbid_truncate_fnct() RETURNS TRIGGER LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $_forbid_truncate_fnct$ -- The function is triggered by the execution of TRUNCATE SQL verb on tables of a rollbackable group -- in logging mode. -- It can only be called with postgresql in a version greater or equal 8.4 BEGIN IF (TG_OP = 'TRUNCATE') THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj._forbid_truncate_fnct: TRUNCATE is not allowed while updates on this table (%.%) are currently protected by E-Maj. Consider stopping the group before issuing a TRUNCATE.', TG_TABLE_SCHEMA, TG_TABLE_NAME; END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $_forbid_truncate_fnct$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._log_truncate_fnct() RETURNS TRIGGER LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $_log_truncate_fnct$ -- The function is triggered by the execution of TRUNCATE SQL verb on tables of an audit_only group -- in logging mode. -- It can only be called with postgresql in a version greater or equal 8.4 DECLARE v_fullLogTableName TEXT; BEGIN IF (TG_OP = 'TRUNCATE') THEN SELECT quote_ident(rel_log_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(rel_log_table) INTO v_fullLogTableName FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = TG_TABLE_SCHEMA AND rel_tblseq = TG_TABLE_NAME; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO ' || v_fullLogTableName || ' (emaj_verb) VALUES (''TRU'')'; END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $_log_truncate_fnct$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._create_log_schema(v_logSchemaName TEXT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $_create_log_schema$ -- The function creates a log schema and gives the appropriate rights to emaj users -- Input: log schema name -- The function is created as SECURITY DEFINER so that secondary schemas can be owned by superuser DECLARE BEGIN -- check that the schema doesn't already exist PERFORM 0 FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE nspname = v_logSchemaName; IF FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_create_log_schema: schema "%" should not exist. Drop it manually, or modify emaj_group_def table''s content.',v_logSchemaName; END IF; -- create the schema and give the appropriate rights EXECUTE 'CREATE SCHEMA ' || quote_ident(v_logSchemaName); EXECUTE 'GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA ' || quote_ident(v_logSchemaName) || ' TO emaj_adm'; EXECUTE 'GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA ' || quote_ident(v_logSchemaName) || ' TO emaj_viewer'; RETURN; END; $_create_log_schema$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._drop_log_schema(v_logSchemaName TEXT, v_isForced BOOLEAN) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $_drop_log_schema$ -- The function drops a log schema -- Input: log schema name, boolean telling whether the schema to drop may contain residual objects -- The function is created as SECURITY DEFINER so that secondary schemas can be dropped in any case DECLARE BEGIN -- check that the schema exists PERFORM 0 FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE nspname = v_logSchemaName; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_drop_log_schema: internal error (schema "%" does not exist).',v_logSchemaName; END IF; IF v_isForced THEN -- drop cascade when called by emaj_force_xxx_group() EXECUTE 'DROP SCHEMA ' || quote_ident(v_logSchemaName) || ' CASCADE'; ELSE -- otherwise, drop restrict with a trap on the potential error BEGIN EXECUTE 'DROP SCHEMA ' || quote_ident(v_logSchemaName); EXCEPTION -- trap the 2BP01 exception to generate a more understandable error message WHEN DEPENDENT_OBJECTS_STILL_EXIST THEN -- SQLSTATE '2BP01' RAISE EXCEPTION '_drop_log_schema: cannot drop schema "%". It probably owns unattended objects. Use the emaj_verify_all() function to get details', v_logSchemaName; END; END IF; RETURN; END; $_drop_log_schema$; --------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- Elementary functions for tables and sequences -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._create_tbl(r_grpdef emaj.emaj_group_def, v_groupName TEXT, v_isRollbackable BOOLEAN, v_defTsp TEXT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $_create_tbl$ -- This function creates all what is needed to manage the log and rollback operations for an application table -- Input: the emaj_group_def row related to the application table to process, the group name, a boolean indicating whether the group is rollbackable, and the default tablespace to use if no specific tablespace is set for this application table -- Are created in the log schema: -- - the associated log table, with its own sequence -- - the function that logs the tables updates, defined as a trigger -- The function is defined as SECURITY DEFINER so that emaj_adm role can use it even if he is not the owner of the application table. DECLARE v_emajSchema TEXT = 'emaj'; v_schemaPrefix TEXT = 'emaj'; v_relPersistence CHAR(1); v_relhaspkey BOOLEAN; v_emajNamesPrefix TEXT; v_baseLogTableName TEXT; v_baseLogIdxName TEXT; v_baseLogFnctName TEXT; v_baseSequenceName TEXT; v_logSchema TEXT; v_fullTableName TEXT; v_logTableName TEXT; v_logIdxName TEXT; v_logFnctName TEXT; v_sequenceName TEXT; v_logDatTsp TEXT; v_logIdxTsp TEXT; v_dataTblSpace TEXT; v_idxTblSpace TEXT; v_colList TEXT; v_pkColList TEXT; v_pkCondList TEXT; v_stmt TEXT; v_triggerList TEXT; BEGIN -- check the table is neither a temporary nor an unlogged table SELECT relpersistence INTO v_relPersistence FROM pg_catalog.pg_class, pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND nspname = r_grpdef.grpdef_schema AND relname = r_grpdef.grpdef_tblseq; IF v_relPersistence = 't' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_create_tbl: table "%" is a temporary table.', r_grpdef.grpdef_tblseq; ELSIF v_relPersistence = 'u' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_create_tbl: table "%.%" is an unlogged table.', r_grpdef.grpdef_schema, r_grpdef.grpdef_tblseq; END IF; -- check the table has a primary key SELECT true INTO v_relhaspkey FROM pg_catalog.pg_class, pg_catalog.pg_namespace, pg_catalog.pg_constraint WHERE relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND connamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND conrelid = pg_class.oid AND contype = 'p' AND nspname = r_grpdef.grpdef_schema AND relname = r_grpdef.grpdef_tblseq; IF NOT FOUND THEN v_relhaspkey = false; END IF; IF v_isRollbackable AND v_relhaspkey = FALSE THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_create_tbl: table "%.%" has no PRIMARY KEY.', r_grpdef.grpdef_schema, r_grpdef.grpdef_tblseq; END IF; -- build the prefix of all emaj object to create, by default _
v_emajNamesPrefix = coalesce(r_grpdef.grpdef_emaj_names_prefix, r_grpdef.grpdef_schema || '_' || r_grpdef.grpdef_tblseq); -- build the name of emaj components associated to the application table (non schema qualified and not quoted) v_baseLogTableName = v_emajNamesPrefix || '_log'; v_baseLogIdxName = v_emajNamesPrefix || '_log_idx'; v_baseLogFnctName = v_emajNamesPrefix || '_log_fnct'; v_baseSequenceName = v_emajNamesPrefix || '_log_seq'; -- build the different name for table, trigger, functions,... v_logSchema = coalesce(v_schemaPrefix || r_grpdef.grpdef_log_schema_suffix, v_emajSchema); v_fullTableName = quote_ident(r_grpdef.grpdef_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_grpdef.grpdef_tblseq); v_logTableName = quote_ident(v_logSchema) || '.' || quote_ident(v_baseLogTableName); v_logIdxName = quote_ident(v_baseLogIdxName); v_logFnctName = quote_ident(v_logSchema) || '.' || quote_ident(v_baseLogFnctName); v_sequenceName = quote_ident(v_logSchema) || '.' || quote_ident(v_baseSequenceName); -- prepare TABLESPACE clauses for data and index v_logDatTsp = coalesce(r_grpdef.grpdef_log_dat_tsp, v_defTsp); v_logIdxTsp = coalesce(r_grpdef.grpdef_log_idx_tsp, v_defTsp); v_dataTblSpace = coalesce('TABLESPACE ' || quote_ident(v_logDatTsp),''); v_idxTblSpace = coalesce('TABLESPACE ' || quote_ident(v_logIdxTsp),''); -- Build some pieces of SQL statements that will be needed at table rollback time -- build the tables's columns list SELECT string_agg(col_name, ',') INTO v_colList FROM ( SELECT 'tbl.' || quote_ident(attname) AS col_name FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = v_fullTableName::regclass AND attnum > 0 AND NOT attisdropped ORDER BY attnum) AS t; -- build the pkey columns list and the "equality on the primary key" conditions SELECT string_agg(col_pk_name, ','), string_agg(col_pk_cond, ' AND ') INTO v_pkColList, v_pkCondList FROM ( SELECT quote_ident(attname) AS col_pk_name, 'tbl.' || quote_ident(attname) || ' = keys.' || quote_ident(attname) AS col_pk_cond FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute, pg_catalog.pg_index WHERE pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_index.indrelid AND attnum = ANY (indkey) AND indrelid = v_fullTableName::regclass AND indisprimary AND attnum > 0 AND attisdropped = false ORDER BY attnum) AS t; -- create the log table: it looks like the application table, with some additional technical columns EXECUTE 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' || v_logTableName; EXECUTE 'CREATE TABLE ' || v_logTableName || ' (LIKE ' || v_fullTableName || ') ' || v_dataTblSpace; EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE ' || v_logTableName || ' ADD COLUMN emaj_verb VARCHAR(3),' || ' ADD COLUMN emaj_tuple VARCHAR(3),' || ' ADD COLUMN emaj_gid BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval(''emaj.emaj_global_seq''),' || ' ADD COLUMN emaj_changed TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT clock_timestamp(),' || ' ADD COLUMN emaj_txid BIGINT DEFAULT txid_current(),' || ' ADD COLUMN emaj_user VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT session_user,' || ' ADD COLUMN emaj_user_ip INET DEFAULT inet_client_addr(),' || ' ADD COLUMN emaj_user_port INT DEFAULT inet_client_port()'; -- creation of the index on the log table EXECUTE 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ' || v_logIdxName || ' ON ' || v_logTableName || ' (emaj_gid, emaj_tuple) ' || v_idxTblSpace; -- set the index associated to the primary key as cluster index. It may be useful for CLUSTER command. EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE ONLY ' || v_logTableName || ' CLUSTER ON ' || v_logIdxName; -- remove the NOT NULL constraints of application columns. -- They are useless and blocking to store truncate event for tables belonging to audit_only tables SELECT string_agg(action, ',') INTO v_stmt FROM ( SELECT ' ALTER COLUMN ' || quote_ident(attname) || ' DROP NOT NULL' AS action FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute, pg_catalog.pg_class, pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND attrelid = pg_class.oid AND nspname = v_logSchema AND relname = v_baseLogTableName AND attnum > 0 AND attnotnull AND attisdropped = false AND attname NOT LIKE E'emaj\\_%') AS t; IF v_stmt IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE ' || v_logTableName || v_stmt; END IF; -- create the sequence associated to the log table EXECUTE 'CREATE SEQUENCE ' || v_sequenceName; -- creation of the log fonction that will be mapped to the log trigger later -- The new row is logged for each INSERT, the old row is logged for each DELETE -- and the old and the new rows are logged for each UPDATE. EXECUTE 'CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ' || v_logFnctName || '() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $logfnct$' || 'BEGIN' -- The sequence associated to the log table is incremented at the beginning of the function ... || ' PERFORM NEXTVAL(' || quote_literal(v_sequenceName) || ');' -- ... and the global id sequence is incremented by the first/only INSERT into the log table. || ' IF (TG_OP = ''DELETE'') THEN' || ' INSERT INTO ' || v_logTableName || ' SELECT OLD.*, ''DEL'', ''OLD'';' || ' RETURN OLD;' || ' ELSIF (TG_OP = ''UPDATE'') THEN' || ' INSERT INTO ' || v_logTableName || ' SELECT OLD.*, ''UPD'', ''OLD'';' || ' INSERT INTO ' || v_logTableName || ' SELECT NEW.*, ''UPD'', ''NEW'', lastval();' || ' RETURN NEW;' || ' ELSIF (TG_OP = ''INSERT'') THEN' || ' INSERT INTO ' || v_logTableName || ' SELECT NEW.*, ''INS'', ''NEW'';' || ' RETURN NEW;' || ' END IF;' || ' RETURN NULL;' || 'END;' || '$logfnct$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER;'; -- creation of the log trigger on the application table, using the previously created log function -- But the trigger is not immediately activated (it will be at emaj_start_group time) EXECUTE 'DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS emaj_log_trg ON ' || v_fullTableName; EXECUTE 'CREATE TRIGGER emaj_log_trg' || ' AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON ' || v_fullTableName || ' FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE ' || v_logFnctName || '()'; EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE ' || v_fullTableName || ' DISABLE TRIGGER emaj_log_trg'; -- creation of the trigger that manage any TRUNCATE on the application table -- But the trigger is not immediately activated (it will be at emaj_start_group time) EXECUTE 'DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS emaj_trunc_trg ON ' || v_fullTableName; IF v_isRollbackable THEN -- For rollbackable groups, use the common _forbid_truncate_fnct() function that blocks the operation EXECUTE 'CREATE TRIGGER emaj_trunc_trg' || ' BEFORE TRUNCATE ON ' || v_fullTableName || ' FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE emaj._forbid_truncate_fnct()'; ELSE -- For audit_only groups, use the common _log_truncate_fnct() function that records the operation into the log table EXECUTE 'CREATE TRIGGER emaj_trunc_trg' || ' BEFORE TRUNCATE ON ' || v_fullTableName || ' FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE emaj._log_truncate_fnct()'; END IF; EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE ' || v_fullTableName || ' DISABLE TRIGGER emaj_trunc_trg'; -- register the table into emaj_relation INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_relation (rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_group, rel_priority, rel_log_schema, rel_log_dat_tsp, rel_log_idx_tsp, rel_kind, rel_log_table, rel_log_index, rel_log_sequence, rel_log_function, rel_sql_columns, rel_sql_pk_columns, rel_sql_pk_eq_conditions) VALUES (r_grpdef.grpdef_schema, r_grpdef.grpdef_tblseq, r_grpdef.grpdef_group, r_grpdef.grpdef_priority, v_logSchema, v_logDatTsp, v_logIdxTsp, 'r', v_baseLogTableName, v_baseLogIdxName, v_baseSequenceName, v_baseLogFnctName, v_colList, v_pkColList, v_pkCondList); -- -- check if the table has (neither internal - ie. created for fk - nor previously created by emaj) trigger SELECT string_agg(tgname, ', ') INTO v_triggerList FROM ( SELECT tgname FROM pg_catalog.pg_trigger WHERE tgrelid = v_fullTableName::regclass AND tgconstraint = 0 AND tgname NOT LIKE E'emaj\\_%\\_trg') AS t; -- if yes, issue a warning (if a trigger updates another table in the same table group or outside) it could generate problem at rollback time) IF v_triggerList IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE WARNING '_create_tbl: table "%" has triggers (%). Verify the compatibility with emaj rollback operations (in particular if triggers update one or several other tables). Triggers may have to be manualy disabled before rollback.', v_fullTableName, v_triggerList; END IF; -- grant appropriate rights to both emaj roles EXECUTE 'GRANT SELECT ON TABLE ' || v_logTableName || ' TO emaj_viewer'; EXECUTE 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLE ' || v_logTableName || ' TO emaj_adm'; EXECUTE 'GRANT SELECT ON SEQUENCE ' || v_sequenceName || ' TO emaj_viewer'; EXECUTE 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON SEQUENCE ' || v_sequenceName || ' TO emaj_adm'; RETURN; END; $_create_tbl$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._drop_tbl(r_rel emaj.emaj_relation) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $_drop_tbl$ -- The function deletes all what has been created by _create_tbl function -- Required inputs: row from emaj_relation corresponding to the appplication table to proccess -- The function is defined as SECURITY DEFINER so that emaj_adm role can use it even if he is not the owner of the application table. DECLARE v_fullTableName TEXT; BEGIN v_fullTableName = quote_ident(r_rel.rel_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_rel.rel_tblseq); -- check the table exists before dropping its triggers PERFORM 0 FROM pg_catalog.pg_class, pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND nspname = r_rel.rel_schema AND relname = r_rel.rel_tblseq AND relkind = 'r'; IF FOUND THEN -- delete the log and truncate triggers on the application table EXECUTE 'DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS emaj_log_trg ON ' || v_fullTableName; EXECUTE 'DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS emaj_trunc_trg ON ' || v_fullTableName; END IF; -- delete the log function EXECUTE 'DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ' || quote_ident(r_rel.rel_log_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_rel.rel_log_function) || '() CASCADE'; -- delete the sequence associated to the log table EXECUTE 'DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS ' || quote_ident(r_rel.rel_log_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_rel.rel_log_sequence); -- delete the log table EXECUTE 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' || quote_ident(r_rel.rel_log_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_rel.rel_log_table) || ' CASCADE'; -- delete rows related to the log sequence from emaj_sequence table DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_sequence WHERE sequ_schema = r_rel.rel_log_schema AND sequ_name = r_rel.rel_log_sequence; -- delete rows related to the table from emaj_seq_hole table DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_seq_hole WHERE sqhl_schema = quote_ident(r_rel.rel_schema) AND sqhl_table = quote_ident(r_rel.rel_tblseq); -- and finaly delete the table reference from the emaj_relation table DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = r_rel.rel_schema AND rel_tblseq = r_rel.rel_tblseq; RETURN; END; $_drop_tbl$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._create_seq(grpdef emaj.emaj_group_def, v_groupName TEXT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_create_seq$ -- The function checks whether the sequence is related to a serial column of an application table. -- If yes, it verifies that this table also belong to the same group -- Required inputs: the emaj_group_def row related to the application sequence to process, the group name DECLARE v_tableSchema TEXT; v_tableName TEXT; v_tableGroup TEXT; BEGIN -- check no log schema has been set as parameter in the emaj_group_def table IF grpdef.grpdef_log_schema_suffix IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_create_seq: Defining a secondary log schema is not allowed for a sequence (%.%).', grpdef.grpdef_schema, grpdef.grpdef_tblseq; END IF; -- check no emaj name prefix has been set as parameter in the emaj_group_def table IF grpdef.grpdef_emaj_names_prefix IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_create_seq: Defining an emaj names prefix is not allowed for a sequence (%.%).', grpdef.grpdef_schema, grpdef.grpdef_tblseq; END IF; -- check no tablespace has been set as parameter in the emaj_group_def table IF grpdef.grpdef_log_dat_tsp IS NOT NULL OR grpdef.grpdef_log_idx_tsp IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_create_seq: Defining log tablespaces is not allowed for a sequence (%.%).', grpdef.grpdef_schema, grpdef.grpdef_tblseq; END IF; -- get the schema and the name of the table that contains a serial column this sequence is linked to, if one exists SELECT nt.nspname, ct.relname INTO v_tableSchema, v_tableName FROM pg_catalog.pg_class cs, pg_catalog.pg_namespace ns, pg_depend, pg_catalog.pg_class ct, pg_catalog.pg_namespace nt WHERE cs.relname = grpdef.grpdef_tblseq AND ns.nspname = grpdef.grpdef_schema -- the selected sequence AND cs.relnamespace = ns.oid -- join condition for sequence schema name AND ct.relnamespace = nt.oid -- join condition for linked table schema name AND pg_depend.objid = cs.oid -- join condition for the pg_depend table AND pg_depend.refobjid = ct.oid -- join conditions for depended table schema name AND pg_depend.classid = pg_depend.refclassid -- the classid et refclassid must be 'pg_class' AND pg_depend.classid = (SELECT oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE relname = 'pg_class'); IF FOUND THEN SELECT grpdef_group INTO v_tableGroup FROM emaj.emaj_group_def WHERE grpdef_schema = v_tableSchema AND grpdef_tblseq = v_tableName; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE WARNING '_create_seq: Sequence %.% is linked to table %.% but this table does not belong to any tables group.', grpdef.grpdef_schema, grpdef.grpdef_tblseq, v_tableSchema, v_tableName; ELSE IF v_tableGroup <> v_groupName THEN RAISE WARNING '_create_seq: Sequence %.% is linked to table %.% but this table belong to another tables group (%).', grpdef.grpdef_schema, grpdef.grpdef_tblseq, v_tableSchema, v_tableName, v_tableGroup; END IF; END IF; END IF; -- record the sequence in the emaj_relation table INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_relation (rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_group, rel_priority, rel_kind) VALUES (grpdef.grpdef_schema, grpdef.grpdef_tblseq, v_groupName, grpdef.grpdef_priority, 'S'); RETURN; END; $_create_seq$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._drop_seq(r_rel emaj.emaj_relation) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_drop_seq$ -- The function deletes the rows stored into emaj_sequence for a particular sequence -- Required inputs: row from emaj_relation corresponding to the appplication sequence to proccess BEGIN -- delete rows from emaj_sequence EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_sequence WHERE sequ_schema = ' || quote_literal(r_rel.rel_schema) || ' AND sequ_name = ' || quote_literal(r_rel.rel_tblseq); -- and finaly delete the sequence reference from the emaj_relation table DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = r_rel.rel_schema AND rel_tblseq = r_rel.rel_tblseq; RETURN; END; $_drop_seq$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._rlbk_tbl(r_rel emaj.emaj_relation, v_minGlobalSeq BIGINT, v_maxGlobalSeq BIGINT, v_nbSession INT, v_isLoggedRlbk BOOLEAN) RETURNS BIGINT LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $_rlbk_tbl$ -- This function rollbacks one table to a given point in time represented by the value of the global sequence -- The function is called by emaj._rlbk_session_exec() -- Input: row from emaj_relation corresponding to the appplication table to proccess -- global sequence (non inclusive) lower and (inclusive) upper limits covering the rollback time frame -- Output: number of rolled back primary keys -- For unlogged rollback, the log triggers have been disabled previously and will be enabled later. -- The function is defined as SECURITY DEFINER so that emaj_adm role can use it even if he is not the owner of the application table. DECLARE v_fullTableName TEXT; v_logTableName TEXT; v_tmpTable TEXT; v_tableType TEXT; v_nbPk BIGINT; BEGIN v_fullTableName = quote_ident(r_rel.rel_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_rel.rel_tblseq); v_logTableName = quote_ident(r_rel.rel_log_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_rel.rel_log_table); -- insert begin event in history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('ROLLBACK_TABLE', 'BEGIN', v_fullTableName, 'All log rows with emaj_gid > ' || v_minGlobalSeq || ' and <= ' || v_maxGlobalSeq); -- create the temporary table containing all primary key values with their earliest emaj_gid IF v_nbSession = 1 THEN v_tableType = 'TEMP'; v_tmpTable = 'emaj_tmp_' || pg_backend_pid(); ELSE -- with multi session parallel rollbacks, the table cannot be a TEMP table because it would not be usable in 2PC -- but it may be an UNLOGGED table v_tableType = 'UNLOGGED'; v_tmpTable = 'emaj.emaj_tmp_' || pg_backend_pid(); END IF; EXECUTE 'CREATE ' || v_tableType || ' TABLE ' || v_tmpTable || ' AS ' || ' SELECT ' || r_rel.rel_sql_pk_columns || ', min(emaj_gid) as emaj_gid' || ' FROM ' || v_logTableName || ' WHERE emaj_gid > ' || v_minGlobalSeq || 'AND emaj_gid <= ' || v_maxGlobalSeq || ' GROUP BY ' || r_rel.rel_sql_pk_columns; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_nbPk = ROW_COUNT; -- delete all rows from the application table corresponding to each touched primary key -- this deletes rows inserted or updated during the rolled back period EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM ONLY ' || v_fullTableName || ' tbl USING ' || v_tmpTable || ' keys ' || ' WHERE ' || r_rel.rel_sql_pk_eq_conditions; -- for logged rollbacks, if the number of pkey to process is greater than 1.000, ANALYZE the log table to take into account -- the impact of just inserted rows, avoiding a potentialy bad plan for the next INSERT statement IF v_isLoggedRlbk AND v_nbPk > 1000 THEN EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || v_logTableName; END IF; -- insert into the application table rows that were deleted or updated during the rolled back period EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO ' || v_fullTableName || ' SELECT ' || r_rel.rel_sql_columns || ' FROM ' || v_logTableName || ' tbl, ' || v_tmpTable || ' keys ' || ' WHERE ' || r_rel.rel_sql_pk_eq_conditions || ' AND tbl.emaj_gid = keys.emaj_gid AND tbl.emaj_tuple = ''OLD''' || ' AND tbl.emaj_gid > ' || v_minGlobalSeq || 'AND tbl.emaj_gid <= ' || v_maxGlobalSeq; -- drop the now useless temporary table EXECUTE 'DROP TABLE ' || v_tmpTable; -- insert end event in history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('ROLLBACK_TABLE', 'END', v_fullTableName, v_nbPk || ' rolled back primary keys'); RETURN v_nbPk; END; $_rlbk_tbl$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._delete_log_tbl(r_rel emaj.emaj_relation, v_beginTimeId BIGINT, v_endTimeId BIGINT, v_lastGlobalSeq BIGINT) RETURNS BIGINT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_delete_log_tbl$ -- This function deletes the part of a log table corresponding to updates that have been rolled back. -- The function is only called by emaj._rlbk_session_exec(), for unlogged rollbacks. -- It deletes sequences records corresponding to marks that are not visible anymore after the rollback. -- It also registers the hole in sequence numbers generated by the deleted log rows. -- Input: row from emaj_relation corresponding to the appplication table to proccess, -- begin and end time stamp ids to define the time range identifying the hole to create in the log sequence -- global sequence value limit for rollback, mark timestamp, -- flag to specify if the rollback is logged -- Output: deleted rows DECLARE v_nbRows BIGINT; BEGIN -- delete obsolete log rows EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM ' || quote_ident(r_rel.rel_log_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_rel.rel_log_table) || ' WHERE emaj_gid > ' || v_lastGlobalSeq; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_nbRows = ROW_COUNT; -- record the sequence holes generated by the delete operation -- this is due to the fact that log sequences are not rolled back, this information will be used by the emaj_log_stat_group -- function (and indirectly by emaj_estimate_rollback_group() and emaj_estimate_rollback_groups()) -- first delete, if exist, sequence holes that have disappeared with the rollback DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_seq_hole WHERE sqhl_schema = r_rel.rel_schema AND sqhl_table = r_rel.rel_tblseq AND sqhl_begin_time_id >= v_beginTimeId AND sqhl_begin_time_id < v_endTimeId; -- and then insert the new sequence hole EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_seq_hole (sqhl_schema, sqhl_table, sqhl_begin_time_id, sqhl_end_time_id, sqhl_hole_size) VALUES (' || quote_literal(r_rel.rel_schema) || ',' || quote_literal(r_rel.rel_tblseq) || ',' || v_beginTimeId || ',' || v_endTimeId || ', (' || ' SELECT CASE WHEN is_called THEN last_value + increment_by ELSE last_value END FROM ' || quote_ident(r_rel.rel_log_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_rel.rel_log_sequence) || ')-(' || ' SELECT CASE WHEN sequ_is_called THEN sequ_last_val + sequ_increment ELSE sequ_last_val END FROM ' || ' emaj.emaj_sequence WHERE' || ' sequ_schema = ' || quote_literal(r_rel.rel_log_schema) || ' AND sequ_name = ' || quote_literal(r_rel.rel_log_sequence) || ' AND sequ_time_id = ' || v_beginTimeId || '))'; RETURN v_nbRows; END; $_delete_log_tbl$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._rlbk_seq(r_rel emaj.emaj_relation, v_timeId BIGINT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $_rlbk_seq$ -- This function rollbacks one application sequence to a given mark -- The function is called by emaj.emaj._rlbk_end() -- Input: the emaj_group_def row related to the application sequence to process, time id of the mark to rollback to -- The function is defined as SECURITY DEFINER so that emaj_adm role can use it even if it is not the owner of the application sequence. DECLARE v_fullSeqName TEXT; v_stmt TEXT; mark_seq_rec RECORD; curr_seq_rec RECORD; BEGIN -- Read sequence's characteristics at mark time BEGIN SELECT sequ_schema, sequ_name, sequ_last_val, sequ_start_val, sequ_increment, sequ_max_val, sequ_min_val, sequ_cache_val, sequ_is_cycled, sequ_is_called INTO STRICT mark_seq_rec FROM emaj.emaj_sequence WHERE sequ_schema = r_rel.rel_schema AND sequ_name = r_rel.rel_tblseq AND sequ_time_id = v_timeId; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_rlbk_seq: Mark at time id "%" not found for sequence "%.%".', v_timeId, r_rel.rel_schema, r_rel.rel_tblseq; END; -- Read the current sequence's characteristics v_fullSeqName = quote_ident(r_rel.rel_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_rel.rel_tblseq); EXECUTE 'SELECT last_value, start_value, increment_by, max_value, min_value, cache_value, is_cycled, is_called FROM ' || v_fullSeqName INTO STRICT curr_seq_rec; -- Build the ALTER SEQUENCE statement, depending on the differences between the present values and the related -- values at the requested mark time v_stmt=''; IF curr_seq_rec.last_value <> mark_seq_rec.sequ_last_val OR curr_seq_rec.is_called <> mark_seq_rec.sequ_is_called THEN IF mark_seq_rec.sequ_is_called THEN v_stmt=v_stmt || ' RESTART ' || mark_seq_rec.sequ_last_val + mark_seq_rec.sequ_increment; ELSE v_stmt=v_stmt || ' RESTART ' || mark_seq_rec.sequ_last_val; END IF; END IF; IF curr_seq_rec.start_value <> mark_seq_rec.sequ_start_val THEN v_stmt=v_stmt || ' START ' || mark_seq_rec.sequ_start_val; END IF; IF curr_seq_rec.increment_by <> mark_seq_rec.sequ_increment THEN v_stmt=v_stmt || ' INCREMENT ' || mark_seq_rec.sequ_increment; END IF; IF curr_seq_rec.min_value <> mark_seq_rec.sequ_min_val THEN v_stmt=v_stmt || ' MINVALUE ' || mark_seq_rec.sequ_min_val; END IF; IF curr_seq_rec.max_value <> mark_seq_rec.sequ_max_val THEN v_stmt=v_stmt || ' MAXVALUE ' || mark_seq_rec.sequ_max_val; END IF; IF curr_seq_rec.cache_value <> mark_seq_rec.sequ_cache_val THEN v_stmt=v_stmt || ' CACHE ' || mark_seq_rec.sequ_cache_val; END IF; IF curr_seq_rec.is_cycled <> mark_seq_rec.sequ_is_cycled THEN IF mark_seq_rec.sequ_is_cycled = 'f' THEN v_stmt=v_stmt || ' NO '; END IF; v_stmt=v_stmt || ' CYCLE '; END IF; -- and execute the statement if at least one parameter has changed IF v_stmt <> '' THEN EXECUTE 'ALTER SEQUENCE ' || v_fullSeqName || v_stmt; END IF; -- insert event in history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('ROLLBACK_SEQUENCE', v_fullSeqName, substr(v_stmt,2)); RETURN; END; $_rlbk_seq$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._log_stat_tbl(r_rel emaj.emaj_relation, v_beginTimeId BIGINT, v_endTimeId BIGINT) RETURNS BIGINT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_log_stat_tbl$ -- This function returns the number of log rows for a single table between 2 time stamps or between a time stamp and the current situation. -- It is called by the emaj_log_stat_group(), _rlbk_planning(), _rlbk_start_mark() and _gen_sql_groups() functions. -- These statistics are computed using the serial id of log tables and holes is sequences recorded into emaj_seq_hole at rollback time or -- rollback consolidation time. -- Input: schema name and table name, log schema, the time stamp ids defining the time range to examine -- a end time stamp id set to NULL indicates the current situation -- Output: number of log rows between both marks for the table DECLARE v_beginLastValue BIGINT; v_endLastValue BIGINT; v_sumHole BIGINT; BEGIN -- get the log table id at begin time id SELECT CASE WHEN sequ_is_called THEN sequ_last_val ELSE sequ_last_val - sequ_increment END INTO v_beginLastValue FROM emaj.emaj_sequence WHERE sequ_schema = r_rel.rel_log_schema AND sequ_name = r_rel.rel_log_sequence AND sequ_time_id = v_beginTimeId; IF v_endTimeId IS NULL THEN -- last time id is NULL, so examine the current state of the log table id EXECUTE 'SELECT CASE WHEN is_called THEN last_value ELSE last_value - increment_by END FROM ' || quote_ident(r_rel.rel_log_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_rel.rel_log_sequence) INTO v_endLastValue; -- and count the sum of hole from the start time to now SELECT coalesce(sum(sqhl_hole_size),0) INTO v_sumHole FROM emaj.emaj_seq_hole WHERE sqhl_schema = r_rel.rel_schema AND sqhl_table = r_rel.rel_tblseq AND sqhl_begin_time_id >= v_beginTimeId; ELSE -- last time id is not NULL, so get the log table id at end time id SELECT CASE WHEN sequ_is_called THEN sequ_last_val ELSE sequ_last_val - sequ_increment END INTO v_endLastValue FROM emaj.emaj_sequence WHERE sequ_schema = r_rel.rel_log_schema AND sequ_name = r_rel.rel_log_sequence AND sequ_time_id = v_endTimeId; -- and count the sum of hole from the start time to the end time SELECT coalesce(sum(sqhl_hole_size),0) INTO v_sumHole FROM emaj.emaj_seq_hole WHERE sqhl_schema = r_rel.rel_schema AND sqhl_table = r_rel.rel_tblseq AND sqhl_begin_time_id >= v_beginTimeId AND sqhl_end_time_id <= v_endTimeId; END IF; -- return the stat row for the table RETURN (v_endLastValue - v_beginLastValue - v_sumHole); END; $_log_stat_tbl$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._gen_sql_tbl(r_rel emaj.emaj_relation, v_conditions TEXT) RETURNS BIGINT LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER SET standard_conforming_strings = ON AS $_gen_sql_tbl$ -- This function generates SQL commands representing all updates performed on a table between 2 marks -- or beetween a mark and the current situation. These command are stored into a temporary table created -- by the _gen_sql_groups() calling function. -- Input: - fully qualified application table to process -- - fully qualified associated log table -- - sql conditions corresponding to the marks range to process -- Output: number of generated SQL statements DECLARE v_fullTableName TEXT; v_logTableName TEXT; v_valList TEXT; v_setList TEXT; v_pkCondList TEXT; v_unquotedType TEXT[] = array['smallint','integer','bigint','numeric','decimal', 'int2','int4','int8','serial','bigserial', 'real','double precision','float','float4','float8','oid']; v_rqInsert TEXT; v_rqUpdate TEXT; v_rqDelete TEXT; v_rqTruncate TEXT; v_nbSQL BIGINT; r_col RECORD; BEGIN -- build schema specified table name and log table name v_fullTableName = quote_ident(r_rel.rel_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_rel.rel_tblseq); v_logTableName = quote_ident(r_rel.rel_log_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_rel.rel_log_table); -- retrieve from pg_attribute all columns of the application table and build : -- - the VALUES list used in the INSERT statements -- - the SET list used in the UPDATE statements v_valList = ''; v_setList = ''; FOR r_col IN SELECT attname, format_type(atttypid,atttypmod) FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = v_fullTableName ::regclass AND attnum > 0 AND NOT attisdropped ORDER BY attnum LOOP -- test if the column format (up to the parenthesis) belongs to the list of formats that do not require any quotation (like numeric data types) IF regexp_replace(r_col.format_type,E'\\(.*$','') = ANY(v_unquotedType) THEN -- literal for this column can remain as is v_valList = v_valList || ''' || coalesce(o.' || quote_ident(r_col.attname) || '::text,''NULL'') || '', '; v_setList = v_setList || quote_ident(replace(r_col.attname,'''','''''')) || ' = '' || coalesce(n.' || quote_ident(r_col.attname) || ' ::text,''NULL'') || '', '; ELSE -- literal for this column must be quoted v_valList = v_valList || ''' || quote_nullable(o.' || quote_ident(r_col.attname) || ') || '', '; v_setList = v_setList || quote_ident(replace(r_col.attname,'''','''''')) || ' = '' || quote_nullable(n.' || quote_ident(r_col.attname) || ') || '', '; END IF; END LOOP; -- suppress the final separators v_valList = substring(v_valList FROM 1 FOR char_length(v_valList) - 2); v_setList = substring(v_setList FROM 1 FOR char_length(v_setList) - 2); -- retrieve all columns that represents the pkey and build the "pkey equal" conditions set that will be used in UPDATE and DELETE statements -- (taking column names in pg_attribute from the table's definition instead of index definition is mandatory -- starting from pg9.0, joining tables with indkey instead of indexrelid) v_pkCondList = ''; FOR r_col IN SELECT attname, format_type(atttypid,atttypmod) FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute, pg_catalog.pg_index WHERE pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_index.indrelid AND attnum = ANY (indkey) AND indrelid = v_fullTableName ::regclass AND indisprimary AND attnum > 0 AND NOT attisdropped LOOP -- test if the column format (at least up to the parenthesis) belongs to the list of formats that do not require any quotation (like numeric data types) IF regexp_replace (r_col.format_type,E'\\(.*$','') = ANY(v_unquotedType) THEN -- literal for this column can remain as is -- v_pkCondList = v_pkCondList || quote_ident(replace(r_col.attname,'''','''''')) || ' = '' || o.' || quote_ident(r_col.attname) || ' || ''::' || r_col.format_type || ' AND '; v_pkCondList = v_pkCondList || quote_ident(replace(r_col.attname,'''','''''')) || ' = '' || o.' || quote_ident(r_col.attname) || ' || '' AND '; ELSE -- literal for this column must be quoted -- v_pkCondList = v_pkCondList || quote_ident(replace(r_col.attname,'''','''''')) || ' = '' || quote_literal(o.' || quote_ident(r_col.attname) || ') || ''::' || r_col.format_type || ' AND '; v_pkCondList = v_pkCondList || quote_ident(replace(r_col.attname,'''','''''')) || ' = '' || quote_literal(o.' || quote_ident(r_col.attname) || ') || '' AND '; END IF; END LOOP; -- suppress the final separator v_pkCondList = substring(v_pkCondList FROM 1 FOR char_length(v_pkCondList) - 5); -- prepare sql skeletons for each statement type v_rqInsert = '''INSERT INTO ' || replace(v_fullTableName,'''','''''') || ' VALUES (' || v_valList || ');'''; v_rqUpdate = '''UPDATE ONLY ' || replace(v_fullTableName,'''','''''') || ' SET ' || v_setList || ' WHERE ' || v_pkCondList || ';'''; v_rqDelete = '''DELETE FROM ONLY ' || replace(v_fullTableName,'''','''''') || ' WHERE ' || v_pkCondList || ';'''; v_rqTruncate = '''TRUNCATE ' || replace(v_fullTableName,'''','''''') || ';'''; -- now scan the log table to process all statement types at once EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO emaj_temp_script ' || 'SELECT o.emaj_gid, 0, o.emaj_txid, CASE ' || ' WHEN o.emaj_verb = ''INS'' THEN ' || v_rqInsert || ' WHEN o.emaj_verb = ''UPD'' AND o.emaj_tuple = ''OLD'' THEN ' || v_rqUpdate || ' WHEN o.emaj_verb = ''DEL'' THEN ' || v_rqDelete || ' WHEN o.emaj_verb = ''TRU'' THEN ' || v_rqTruncate || ' END ' || ' FROM ' || v_logTableName || ' o' || ' LEFT OUTER JOIN ' || v_logTableName || ' n ON n.emaj_gid = o.emaj_gid' || ' AND (n.emaj_verb = ''UPD'' AND n.emaj_tuple = ''NEW'') ' || ' WHERE NOT (o.emaj_verb = ''UPD'' AND o.emaj_tuple = ''NEW'')' || ' AND ' || v_conditions; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_nbSQL = ROW_COUNT; RETURN v_nbSQL; END; $_gen_sql_tbl$; -------------------------------------------- -- -- -- Functions to manage groups -- -- -- -------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._verify_groups(v_groups TEXT[], v_onErrorStop BOOLEAN) RETURNS SETOF emaj._verify_groups_type LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_verify_groups$ -- The function verifies the consistency of a tables groups array. -- Input: - tables groups array, -- - a boolean indicating whether the function has to raise an exception in case of detected unconsistency. -- If onErrorStop boolean is false, it returns a set of _verify_groups_type records, one row per detected unconsistency, including the faulting schema and table or sequence names and a detailed message. -- If no error is detected, no row is returned. DECLARE v_hint TEXT = 'You may use "SELECT * FROM emaj.emaj_verify_all()" to look for other issues.'; r_object RECORD; BEGIN -- Note that there is no check that the supplied groups exist. This has already been done by all calling functions. -- Let's start with some global checks that always raise an exception if an issue is detected -- check the postgres version: E-Maj needs postgres 9.1+ IF emaj._pg_version_num() < 90100 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'The current postgres version (%) is not compatible with E-Maj.', version(); END IF; -- OK, now look for groups unconsistency -- Unlike emaj_verify_all(), there is no direct check that application schemas exist -- check all application relations referenced in the emaj_relation table still exist FOR r_object IN SELECT t.rel_schema, t.rel_tblseq, 'In group "' || r.rel_group || '", the ' || CASE WHEN t.rel_kind = 'r' THEN 'table "' ELSE 'sequence "' END || t.rel_schema || '"."' || t.rel_tblseq || '" does not exist any more.' AS msg FROM ( -- all relations known by E-Maj SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_kind FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = ANY (v_groups) EXCEPT -- all relations known by postgres SELECT nspname, relname, relkind FROM pg_catalog.pg_class, pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND relkind IN ('r','S') ) AS t, emaj.emaj_relation r -- join with emaj_relation to get the group name WHERE t.rel_schema = r.rel_schema AND t.rel_tblseq = r.rel_tblseq ORDER BY 1,2,3 LOOP IF v_onErrorStop THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_verify_groups (1): % %',r_object.msg,v_hint; END IF; RETURN NEXT r_object; END LOOP; -- check the log table for all tables referenced in the emaj_relation table still exist FOR r_object IN SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, 'In group "' || rel_group || '", the log table "' || rel_log_schema || '"."' || rel_log_table || '" is not found.' AS msg FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = ANY (v_groups) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace, pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE nspname = rel_log_schema AND relname = rel_log_table AND relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid) ORDER BY 1,2,3 LOOP IF v_onErrorStop THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_verify_groups (2): % %',r_object.msg,v_hint; END IF; RETURN NEXT r_object; END LOOP; -- check the log function for each table referenced in the emaj_relation table still exists FOR r_object IN -- the schema and table names are rebuilt from the returned function name SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, 'In group "' || rel_group || '", the log function "' || rel_log_schema || '"."' || rel_log_function || '" is not found.' AS msg FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = ANY (v_groups) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc, pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE nspname = rel_log_schema AND proname = rel_log_function AND pronamespace = pg_namespace.oid) ORDER BY 1,2,3 LOOP IF v_onErrorStop THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_verify_groups (3): % %',r_object.msg,v_hint; END IF; RETURN NEXT r_object; END LOOP; -- check log and truncate triggers for all tables referenced in the emaj_relation table still exist -- start with log trigger FOR r_object IN SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, 'In group "' || rel_group || '", the log trigger "emaj_log_trg" on table "' || rel_schema || '"."' || rel_tblseq || '" is not found.' AS msg FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = ANY (v_groups) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM pg_catalog.pg_trigger, pg_catalog.pg_namespace, pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE nspname = rel_schema AND relname = rel_tblseq AND tgname = 'emaj_log_trg' AND tgrelid = pg_class.oid AND relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid) ORDER BY 1,2,3 LOOP IF v_onErrorStop THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_verify_groups (4): % %',r_object.msg,v_hint; END IF; RETURN NEXT r_object; END LOOP; -- then truncate trigger FOR r_object IN SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, 'In group "' || rel_group || '", the truncate trigger "emaj_trunc_trg" on table "' || rel_schema || '"."' || rel_tblseq || '" is not found.' AS msg FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = ANY (v_groups) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM pg_catalog.pg_trigger, pg_catalog.pg_namespace, pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE nspname = rel_schema AND relname = rel_tblseq AND tgname = 'emaj_trunc_trg' AND tgrelid = pg_class.oid AND relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid) ORDER BY 1,2,3 LOOP IF v_onErrorStop THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_verify_groups (5): % %',r_object.msg,v_hint; END IF; RETURN NEXT r_object; END LOOP; -- check all log tables have a structure consistent with the application tables they reference -- (same columns and same formats). It only returns one row per faulting table. FOR r_object IN WITH cte_app_tables_columns AS ( -- application table's columns SELECT rel_group, rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_log_schema, rel_log_table, attname, atttypid, attlen, atttypmod FROM emaj.emaj_relation, pg_catalog.pg_attribute, pg_catalog.pg_class, pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND nspname = rel_schema AND relname = rel_tblseq AND attrelid = pg_class.oid AND attnum > 0 AND attisdropped = false AND rel_group = ANY (v_groups) AND rel_kind = 'r'), cte_log_tables_columns AS ( -- log table's columns SELECT rel_group, rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_log_schema, rel_log_table, attname, atttypid, attlen, atttypmod FROM emaj.emaj_relation, pg_catalog.pg_attribute, pg_catalog.pg_class, pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND nspname = rel_log_schema AND relname = rel_log_table AND attrelid = pg_class.oid AND attnum > 0 AND attisdropped = false AND attname NOT LIKE 'emaj%' AND rel_group = ANY (v_groups) AND rel_kind = 'r') SELECT DISTINCT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, 'In group "' || rel_group || '", the structure of the application table "' || rel_schema || '"."' || rel_tblseq || '" is not coherent with its log table ("' || rel_log_schema || '"."' || rel_log_table || '").' AS msg FROM ( ( -- application table's columns SELECT rel_group, rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_log_schema, rel_log_table, attname, atttypid, attlen, atttypmod FROM cte_app_tables_columns EXCEPT -- minus log table's columns SELECT rel_group, rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_log_schema, rel_log_table, attname, atttypid, attlen, atttypmod FROM cte_log_tables_columns ) UNION ( -- log table's columns SELECT rel_group, rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_log_schema, rel_log_table, attname, atttypid, attlen, atttypmod FROM cte_log_tables_columns EXCEPT -- minus application table's columns SELECT rel_group, rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_log_schema, rel_log_table, attname, atttypid, attlen, atttypmod FROM cte_app_tables_columns )) AS t ORDER BY 1,2,3 LOOP if v_onErrorStop THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_verify_groups (6): % %',r_object.msg,v_hint; END IF; RETURN NEXT r_object; END LOOP; -- check all tables have their primary key if they belong to a rollbackable group FOR r_object IN SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, 'In rollbackable group "' || rel_group || '", the table "' || rel_schema || '"."' || rel_tblseq || '" has no primary key any more.' AS msg FROM emaj.emaj_relation, emaj.emaj_group WHERE rel_group = ANY (v_groups) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND rel_group = group_name AND group_is_rollbackable AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM pg_catalog.pg_class, pg_catalog.pg_namespace, pg_catalog.pg_constraint WHERE nspname = rel_schema AND relname = rel_tblseq AND relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND connamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND conrelid = pg_class.oid AND contype = 'p') ORDER BY 1,2,3 LOOP if v_onErrorStop THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_verify_groups (7): % %',r_object.msg,v_hint; END IF; RETURN NEXT r_object; END LOOP; -- RETURN; END; $_verify_groups$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._check_fk_groups(v_groupNames TEXT[]) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_check_fk_groups$ -- this function checks foreign key constraints for tables of a groups array. -- tables from audit_only groups are ignored in this check because they will never be rolled back. -- Input: group names array DECLARE r_fk RECORD; BEGIN -- issue a warning if a table of the groups has a foreign key that references a table outside the groups FOR r_fk IN SELECT c.conname,r.rel_schema,r.rel_tblseq,nf.nspname,tf.relname FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, pg_catalog.pg_class t, pg_catalog.pg_namespace nf, pg_catalog.pg_class tf, emaj.emaj_relation r, emaj.emaj_group g WHERE contype = 'f' -- FK constraints only AND c.conrelid = t.oid AND t.relnamespace = n.oid -- join for table and namespace AND c.confrelid = tf.oid AND tf.relnamespace = nf.oid -- join for referenced table and namespace AND n.nspname = r.rel_schema AND t.relname = r.rel_tblseq -- join on emaj_relation table AND r.rel_group = g.group_name -- join on emaj_group table AND r.rel_group = ANY (v_groupNames) -- only tables of the selected groups AND g.group_is_rollbackable -- only tables from rollbackable groups AND NOT EXISTS -- referenced table outside the groups (SELECT NULL FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = nf.nspname AND rel_tblseq = tf.relname AND rel_group = ANY (v_groupNames)) ORDER BY 1,2,3 LOOP RAISE WARNING '_check_fk_groups: Foreign key "%", from table "%.%", references "%.%" that is outside groups (%).', r_fk.conname,r_fk.rel_schema,r_fk.rel_tblseq,r_fk.nspname,r_fk.relname,array_to_string(v_groupNames,','); END LOOP; -- issue a warning if a table of the groups is referenced by a table outside the groups FOR r_fk IN SELECT c.conname,n.nspname,t.relname,r.rel_schema,r.rel_tblseq FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, pg_catalog.pg_class t, pg_catalog.pg_namespace nf, pg_catalog.pg_class tf, emaj.emaj_relation r, emaj.emaj_group g WHERE contype = 'f' -- FK constraints only AND c.conrelid = t.oid AND t.relnamespace = n.oid -- join for table and namespace AND c.confrelid = tf.oid AND tf.relnamespace = nf.oid -- join for referenced table and namespace AND nf.nspname = r.rel_schema AND tf.relname = r.rel_tblseq -- join with emaj_relation table AND r.rel_group = g.group_name -- join on emaj_group table AND r.rel_group = ANY (v_groupNames) -- only tables of the selected groups AND g.group_is_rollbackable -- only tables from rollbackable groups AND NOT EXISTS -- referenced table outside the groups (SELECT NULL FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = n.nspname AND rel_tblseq = t.relname AND rel_group = ANY (v_groupNames)) ORDER BY 1,2,3 LOOP RAISE WARNING '_check_fk_groups: table "%.%" is referenced by foreign key "%" from table "%.%" that is outside groups (%).', r_fk.rel_schema,r_fk.rel_tblseq,r_fk.conname,r_fk.nspname,r_fk.relname,array_to_string(v_groupNames,','); END LOOP; RETURN; END; $_check_fk_groups$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._lock_groups(v_groupNames TEXT[], v_lockMode TEXT, v_multiGroup BOOLEAN) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_lock_groups$ -- This function locks all tables of a groups array. -- The lock mode is provided by the calling function. -- It only locks existing tables. It is calling function's responsability to handle cases when application tables are missing. -- Input: array of group names, lock mode, flag indicating whether the function is called to processed several groups DECLARE v_nbRetry SMALLINT = 0; v_nbTbl INT; v_ok BOOLEAN = false; v_fullTableName TEXT; r_tblsq RECORD; BEGIN -- insert begin in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object) VALUES (CASE WHEN v_multiGroup THEN 'LOCK_GROUPS' ELSE 'LOCK_GROUP' END,'BEGIN', array_to_string(v_groupNames,',')); -- acquire lock on all tables -- in case of deadlock, retry up to 5 times WHILE NOT v_ok AND v_nbRetry < 5 LOOP BEGIN -- scan all existing tables of the groups v_nbTbl = 0; FOR r_tblsq IN SELECT rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq FROM emaj.emaj_relation, pg_catalog.pg_class, pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE rel_group = ANY (v_groupNames) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND nspname = rel_schema AND relname = rel_tblseq ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq LOOP -- lock the table v_fullTableName = quote_ident(r_tblsq.rel_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_tblsq.rel_tblseq); EXECUTE 'LOCK TABLE ' || v_fullTableName || ' IN ' || v_lockMode || ' MODE'; v_nbTbl = v_nbTbl + 1; END LOOP; -- ok, all tables locked v_ok = true; EXCEPTION WHEN deadlock_detected THEN v_nbRetry = v_nbRetry + 1; RAISE NOTICE '_lock_groups: a deadlock has been trapped while locking tables of group "%".', v_groupNames; END; END LOOP; IF NOT v_ok THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_lock_groups: too many (5) deadlocks encountered while locking tables of group "%".',v_groupNames; END IF; -- insert end in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES (CASE WHEN v_multiGroup THEN 'LOCK_GROUPS' ELSE 'LOCK_GROUP' END, 'END', array_to_string(v_groupNames,','), v_nbTbl || ' tables locked, ' || v_nbRetry || ' deadlock(s)'); RETURN; END; $_lock_groups$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_create_group(v_groupName TEXT, v_isRollbackable BOOLEAN DEFAULT true) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_create_group$ -- This function creates emaj objects for all tables of a group -- It also creates the secondary E-Maj schemas when needed -- Input: group name, boolean indicating wether the group is rollbackable or not (true by default) -- Output: number of processed tables and sequences DECLARE v_timeId BIGINT; v_nbTbl INT = 0; v_nbSeq INT = 0; v_schemaPrefix TEXT = 'emaj'; v_defTsp TEXT; r_grpdef emaj.emaj_group_def%ROWTYPE; r_schema RECORD; BEGIN -- insert begin in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('CREATE_GROUP', 'BEGIN', v_groupName, CASE WHEN v_isRollbackable THEN 'rollbackable' ELSE 'audit_only' END); -- check that the group name is valid IF v_groupName IS NULL OR v_groupName = ''THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_create_group: group name can''t be NULL or empty.'; END IF; -- check the group is known in emaj_group_def table PERFORM 0 FROM emaj.emaj_group_def WHERE grpdef_group = v_groupName LIMIT 1; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_create_group: group "%" is unknown in emaj_group_def table.', v_groupName; END IF; -- check that the group is not yet recorded in emaj_group table PERFORM 0 FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = v_groupName; IF FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_create_group: group "%" is already created.', v_groupName; END IF; -- performs various checks on the group's content described in the emaj_group_def table PERFORM emaj._check_group_content(v_groupName); -- OK -- get the time stamp of the operation SELECT emaj._set_time_stamp('C') INTO v_timeId; -- insert group row in the emaj_group table -- (The group_is_rlbk_protected boolean column is always initialized as not group_is_rollbackable) INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_group (group_name, group_is_logging, group_is_rollbackable, group_is_rlbk_protected, group_creation_time_id) VALUES (v_groupName, FALSE, v_isRollbackable, NOT v_isRollbackable, v_timeId); -- look for new E-Maj secondary schemas to create FOR r_schema IN SELECT DISTINCT v_schemaPrefix || grpdef_log_schema_suffix AS log_schema FROM emaj.emaj_group_def WHERE grpdef_group = v_groupName AND grpdef_log_schema_suffix IS NOT NULL AND grpdef_log_schema_suffix <> '' EXCEPT SELECT DISTINCT rel_log_schema FROM emaj.emaj_relation ORDER BY 1 LOOP -- create the schema PERFORM emaj._create_log_schema(r_schema.log_schema); -- and record the schema creation in emaj_hist table INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object) VALUES ('CREATE_GROUP','SCHEMA CREATED',quote_ident(r_schema.log_schema)); END LOOP; -- define the default tablespace, NULL if tspemaj tablespace doesn't exist SELECT 'tspemaj' INTO v_defTsp FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace WHERE spcname = 'tspemaj'; -- get and process all tables of the group (in priority order, NULLS being processed last) FOR r_grpdef IN SELECT emaj.emaj_group_def.* FROM emaj.emaj_group_def, pg_catalog.pg_class, pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE grpdef_group = v_groupName AND relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND nspname = grpdef_schema AND relname = grpdef_tblseq AND relkind = 'r' ORDER BY grpdef_priority, grpdef_schema, grpdef_tblseq LOOP PERFORM emaj._create_tbl(r_grpdef, v_groupName, v_isRollbackable, v_defTsp); v_nbTbl = v_nbTbl + 1; END LOOP; -- get and process all sequences of the group (in priority order, NULLS being processed last) FOR r_grpdef IN SELECT emaj.emaj_group_def.* FROM emaj.emaj_group_def, pg_catalog.pg_class, pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE grpdef_group = v_groupName AND relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND nspname = grpdef_schema AND relname = grpdef_tblseq AND relkind = 'S' ORDER BY grpdef_priority, grpdef_schema, grpdef_tblseq LOOP PERFORM emaj._create_seq(r_grpdef, v_groupName); v_nbSeq = v_nbSeq + 1; END LOOP; -- update tables and sequences counters in the emaj_group table UPDATE emaj.emaj_group SET group_nb_table = v_nbTbl, group_nb_sequence = v_nbSeq WHERE group_name = v_groupName; -- check foreign keys with tables outside the group PERFORM emaj._check_fk_groups (array[v_groupName]); -- insert end in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('CREATE_GROUP', 'END', v_groupName, v_nbTbl + v_nbSeq || ' tables/sequences processed'); RETURN v_nbTbl + v_nbSeq; END; $emaj_create_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_create_group(TEXT, BOOLEAN) IS $$Creates an E-Maj group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_comment_group(v_groupName TEXT, v_comment TEXT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_comment_group$ -- This function sets or modifies a comment on a group by updating the group_comment of the emaj_group table. -- Input: group name, comment -- To reset an existing comment for a group, the supplied comment can be NULL. DECLARE BEGIN -- attempt to update the group_comment column from emaj_group table UPDATE emaj.emaj_group SET group_comment = v_comment WHERE group_name = v_groupName; -- check that the group has been found IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_comment_group: group "%" has not been created.', v_groupName; END IF; -- insert event in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_object) VALUES ('COMMENT_GROUP', v_groupName); RETURN; END; $emaj_comment_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_comment_group(TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Sets a comment on an E-Maj group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_drop_group(v_groupName TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_drop_group$ -- This function deletes the emaj objects for all tables of a group -- Input: group name -- Output: number of processed tables and sequences DECLARE v_nbTb INT; BEGIN -- insert begin in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object) VALUES ('DROP_GROUP', 'BEGIN', v_groupName); -- effectively drop the group SELECT emaj._drop_group(v_groupName, FALSE) INTO v_nbTb; -- insert end in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('DROP_GROUP', 'END', v_groupName, v_nbTb || ' tables/sequences processed'); RETURN v_nbTb; END; $emaj_drop_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_drop_group(TEXT) IS $$Drops an E-Maj group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_force_drop_group(v_groupName TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_force_drop_group$ -- This function deletes the emaj objects for all tables of a group. -- It differs from emaj_drop_group by the fact that: -- - the group may be in LOGGING state -- - a missing component in the drop processing does not generate any error -- This allows to drop a group that is not consistent, following hasardeous operations. -- This function should not be used, except if the emaj_drop_group fails. -- Input: group name -- Output: number of processed tables and sequences DECLARE v_nbTb INT; BEGIN -- insert begin in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object) VALUES ('FORCE_DROP_GROUP', 'BEGIN', v_groupName); -- effectively drop the group SELECT emaj._drop_group(v_groupName, TRUE) INTO v_nbTb; -- insert end in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('FORCE_DROP_GROUP', 'END', v_groupName, v_nbTb || ' tables/sequences processed'); RETURN v_nbTb; END; $emaj_force_drop_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_force_drop_group(TEXT) IS $$Drops an E-Maj group, even in LOGGING state.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._drop_group(v_groupName TEXT, v_isForced BOOLEAN) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $_drop_group$ -- This function effectively deletes the emaj objects for all tables of a group -- It also drops secondary schemas that are not useful any more -- Input: group name, and a boolean indicating whether the group's state has to be checked -- Output: number of processed tables and sequences -- The function is defined as SECURITY DEFINER so that secondary schemas can be dropped DECLARE v_groupIsLogging BOOLEAN; v_eventTriggers TEXT[]; v_schemasToDrop TEXT[]; v_nbTb INT = 0; v_schemaPrefix TEXT = 'emaj'; v_logSchema TEXT; r_rel emaj.emaj_relation%ROWTYPE; BEGIN -- check that the group is recorded in emaj_group table SELECT group_is_logging INTO v_groupIsLogging FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = v_groupName FOR UPDATE; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_drop_group: group "%" has not been created.', v_groupName; END IF; -- if the state of the group has to be checked, IF NOT v_isForced THEN -- check that the group is not in LOGGING state IF v_groupIsLogging THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_drop_group: The group "%" cannot be deleted because it is in LOGGING state.', v_groupName; END IF; END IF; -- OK -- disable event triggers that protect emaj components and keep in memory these triggers name SELECT emaj._disable_event_triggers() INTO v_eventTriggers; -- build the list of secondary schemas to drop later SELECT coalesce(array_agg(rel_log_schema),'{}') INTO v_schemasToDrop FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT rel_log_schema FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = v_groupName AND rel_log_schema <> v_schemaPrefix EXCEPT SELECT DISTINCT rel_log_schema FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group <> v_groupName AND rel_log_schema <> v_schemaPrefix ORDER BY 1 ) AS t; -- delete the emaj objets for each table of the group FOR r_rel IN SELECT * FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = v_groupName ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq LOOP IF r_rel.rel_kind = 'r' THEN -- if it is a table, delete the related emaj objects PERFORM emaj._drop_tbl(r_rel); ELSEIF r_rel.rel_kind = 'S' THEN -- if it is a sequence, delete all related data from emaj_sequence table PERFORM emaj._drop_seq(r_rel); END IF; v_nbTb = v_nbTb + 1; END LOOP; -- drop the E-Maj secondary schemas previously identified as useless (i.e. not used by any other created group) FOREACH v_logSchema IN ARRAY v_schemasToDrop LOOP -- drop the schema PERFORM emaj._drop_log_schema(v_logSchema, v_isForced); -- and record the schema suppression in emaj_hist table INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object) VALUES (CASE WHEN v_isForced THEN 'FORCE_DROP_GROUP' ELSE 'DROP_GROUP' END,'SCHEMA DROPPED',quote_ident(v_logSchema)); END LOOP; -- delete group row from the emaj_group table. -- By cascade, it also deletes rows from emaj_mark DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = v_groupName; -- enable previously disabled event triggers PERFORM emaj._enable_event_triggers(v_eventTriggers); RETURN v_nbTb; END; $_drop_group$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_alter_group(v_groupName TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_alter_group$ -- This function alters a tables group. -- It takes into account the changes recorded in the emaj_group_def table since the group has been created. -- Executing emaj_alter_group() is equivalent to chaining emaj_drop_group() and emaj_create_group(). -- But only emaj objects that need to be dropped or created are processed. -- Input: group name -- Output: number of tables and sequences belonging to the group after the operation DECLARE v_emajSchema TEXT = 'emaj'; v_schemaPrefix TEXT = 'emaj'; v_nbCreate INT = 0; v_nbDrop INT = 0; v_nbTbl INT; v_nbSeq INT; v_groupIsLogging BOOLEAN; v_isRollbackable BOOLEAN; v_timeId BIGINT; v_logSchema TEXT; v_logSchemasToDrop TEXT[]; v_logSchemasToCreate TEXT[]; v_aLogSchema TEXT; v_defTsp TEXT; v_eventTriggers TEXT[]; r_grpdef emaj.emaj_group_def%ROWTYPE; r_rel emaj.emaj_relation%ROWTYPE; r_tblsq RECORD; r_schema RECORD; BEGIN -- insert begin in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object) VALUES ('ALTER_GROUP', 'BEGIN', v_groupName); -- check that the group is recorded in emaj_group table SELECT group_is_logging, group_is_rollbackable INTO v_groupIsLogging, v_isRollbackable FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = v_groupName FOR UPDATE; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_alter_group: group "%" has not been created.', v_groupName; END IF; -- check that the group is not in LOGGING state IF v_groupIsLogging THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_alter_group: The group "%" cannot be altered because it is in LOGGING state.', v_groupName; END IF; -- check there are remaining rows for the group in emaj_group_def table PERFORM 0 FROM emaj.emaj_group_def WHERE grpdef_group = v_groupName LIMIT 1; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_alter_group: Group "%" is unknown in emaj_group_def table.', v_groupName; END IF; -- performs various checks on the group's content described in the emaj_group_def table PERFORM emaj._check_group_content(v_groupName); -- OK -- get the time stamp of the operation SELECT emaj._set_time_stamp('A') INTO v_timeId; -- define the default tablespace, NULL if tspemaj tablespace doesn't exist SELECT 'tspemaj' INTO v_defTsp FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace WHERE spcname = 'tspemaj'; -- disable event triggers that protect emaj components and keep in memory these triggers name SELECT emaj._disable_event_triggers() INTO v_eventTriggers; -- We can now process: -- - relations that do not belong to the tables group any more, by dropping their emaj components -- - relations that continue to belong to the tables group but with different characteristics, -- by first dropping their emaj components and letting the last step recreate them -- - new relations in the tables group, by (re)creating their emaj components -- -- build the list of secondary log schemas that will need to be dropped once obsolete log tables will be dropped SELECT array_agg(rel_log_schema) INTO v_logSchemasToDrop FROM ( SELECT rel_log_schema FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = v_groupName AND rel_log_schema <> v_emajSchema -- secondary log schemas that currently exist for the group EXCEPT SELECT rel_log_schema FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group <> v_groupName -- minus those that exist for other groups EXCEPT SELECT v_schemaPrefix || grpdef_log_schema_suffix FROM emaj.emaj_group_def WHERE grpdef_group = v_groupName AND grpdef_log_schema_suffix IS NOT NULL AND grpdef_log_schema_suffix <> '' -- minus those that will remain for the group ) AS t; -- build the list of secondary log schemas that will need to be created before new log tables will be created SELECT array_agg(log_schema) INTO v_logSchemasToCreate FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT v_schemaPrefix || grpdef_log_schema_suffix AS log_schema FROM emaj.emaj_group_def WHERE grpdef_group = v_groupName AND grpdef_log_schema_suffix IS NOT NULL AND grpdef_log_schema_suffix <> '' -- secondary log schemas needed for the group EXCEPT SELECT DISTINCT rel_log_schema FROM emaj.emaj_relation -- minus those already created ORDER BY 1 ) AS t; -- list all relations that do not belong to the tables group any more FOR r_rel IN SELECT * FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = v_groupName AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT NULL FROM emaj.emaj_group_def WHERE grpdef_schema = rel_schema AND grpdef_tblseq = rel_tblseq AND grpdef_group = v_groupName) UNION -- ... and all relations that are damaged or whose log table is not synchronised with them any more SELECT emaj.emaj_relation.* FROM ( -- all damaged or out of sync tables SELECT DISTINCT ver_schema, ver_tblseq FROM emaj._verify_groups(ARRAY[v_groupName], false) ) AS t, emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = ver_schema AND rel_tblseq = ver_tblseq ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq LOOP CASE r_rel.rel_kind WHEN 'r' THEN -- if it is a table, delete the related emaj objects PERFORM emaj._drop_tbl(r_rel); WHEN 'S' THEN -- if it is a sequence, delete all related data from emaj_sequence table PERFORM emaj._drop_seq(r_rel); END CASE; v_nbDrop = v_nbDrop + 1; END LOOP; -- -- list relations that still belong to the tables group FOR r_tblsq IN SELECT rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_kind, rel_log_schema, rel_log_table, rel_log_dat_tsp, rel_log_idx_tsp, grpdef_priority, grpdef_schema, grpdef_tblseq, grpdef_log_schema_suffix, grpdef_emaj_names_prefix, grpdef_log_dat_tsp, grpdef_log_idx_tsp FROM emaj.emaj_relation, emaj.emaj_group_def WHERE rel_schema = grpdef_schema AND rel_tblseq = grpdef_tblseq AND rel_group = v_groupName AND grpdef_group = v_groupName ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq LOOP -- now detect other changes that justify to drop and recreate the relation -- detect if the log data tablespace in emaj_group_def has changed IF (r_tblsq.rel_kind = 'r' AND coalesce(r_tblsq.rel_log_dat_tsp,'') <> coalesce(r_tblsq.grpdef_log_dat_tsp, v_defTsp,'')) OR (r_tblsq.rel_kind = 'S' AND r_tblsq.grpdef_log_dat_tsp IS NOT NULL) -- or if the log index tablespace in emaj_group_def has changed OR (r_tblsq.rel_kind = 'r' AND coalesce(r_tblsq.rel_log_idx_tsp,'') <> coalesce(r_tblsq.grpdef_log_idx_tsp, v_defTsp,'')) OR (r_tblsq.rel_kind = 'S' AND r_tblsq.grpdef_log_idx_tsp IS NOT NULL) -- or if the log schema in emaj_group_def has changed OR (r_tblsq.rel_kind = 'r' AND r_tblsq.rel_log_schema <> (v_schemaPrefix || coalesce(r_tblsq.grpdef_log_schema_suffix, ''))) OR (r_tblsq.rel_kind = 'S' AND r_tblsq.grpdef_log_schema_suffix IS NOT NULL) -- or if the emaj names prefix in emaj_group_def has changed (detected with the log table name) OR (r_tblsq.rel_kind = 'r' AND r_tblsq.rel_log_table <> (coalesce(r_tblsq.grpdef_emaj_names_prefix, r_tblsq.grpdef_schema || '_' || r_tblsq.grpdef_tblseq) || '_log')) OR (r_tblsq.rel_kind = 'S' AND r_tblsq.grpdef_emaj_names_prefix IS NOT NULL) THEN -- then drop the relation (it will be recreated later) -- get the related row in emaj_relation SELECT * FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = r_tblsq.rel_schema AND rel_tblseq = r_tblsq.rel_tblseq INTO r_rel; IF r_tblsq.rel_kind = 'r' THEN -- if it is a table, delete the related emaj objects PERFORM emaj._drop_tbl (r_rel); ELSEIF r_tblsq.rel_kind = 'S' THEN -- if it is a sequence, delete all related data from emaj_sequence table PERFORM emaj._drop_seq (r_rel); END IF; v_nbDrop = v_nbDrop + 1; -- other case ? -- has the priority changed in emaj_group_def ? If yes, just report the change into emaj_relation ELSEIF (r_tblsq.rel_priority IS NULL AND r_tblsq.grpdef_priority IS NOT NULL) OR (r_tblsq.rel_priority IS NOT NULL AND r_tblsq.grpdef_priority IS NULL) OR (r_tblsq.rel_priority <> r_tblsq.grpdef_priority) THEN UPDATE emaj.emaj_relation SET rel_priority = r_tblsq.grpdef_priority WHERE rel_schema = r_tblsq.grpdef_schema AND rel_tblseq = r_tblsq.grpdef_tblseq; END IF; END LOOP; -- -- cleanup all remaining log tables PERFORM emaj._reset_group(v_groupName); -- drop useless log schemas, using the list of schemas to drop built previously IF v_logSchemasToDrop IS NOT NULL THEN FOREACH v_aLogSchema IN ARRAY v_logSchemasToDrop LOOP -- drop the log schema PERFORM emaj._drop_log_schema(v_aLogSchema, false); -- and record the schema drop in emaj_hist table INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object) VALUES ('ALTER_GROUP','SCHEMA DROPPED',quote_ident(v_aLogSchema)); END LOOP; END IF; -- create new log schemas, using the list of potential schemas to create built previously IF v_logSchemasToCreate IS NOT NULL THEN FOREACH v_aLogSchema IN ARRAY v_logSchemasToCreate LOOP -- create the schema PERFORM emaj._create_log_schema(v_aLogSchema); -- and record the schema creation in emaj_hist table INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object) VALUES ('ALTER_GROUP','SCHEMA CREATED',quote_ident(v_aLogSchema)); END LOOP; END IF; -- -- get and process new tables in the tables group (really new or intentionaly dropped in the preceeding steps) FOR r_grpdef IN SELECT emaj.emaj_group_def.* FROM emaj.emaj_group_def, pg_catalog.pg_class, pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE grpdef_group = v_groupName AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT NULL FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = grpdef_schema AND rel_tblseq = grpdef_tblseq AND rel_group = v_groupName) AND relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND nspname = grpdef_schema AND relname = grpdef_tblseq AND relkind = 'r' ORDER BY grpdef_priority, grpdef_schema, grpdef_tblseq LOOP PERFORM emaj._create_tbl(r_grpdef, v_groupName, v_isRollbackable, v_defTsp); v_nbCreate = v_nbCreate + 1; END LOOP; -- get and process new sequences in the tables group (really new or intentionaly dropped in the preceeding steps) FOR r_grpdef IN SELECT emaj.emaj_group_def.* FROM emaj.emaj_group_def, pg_catalog.pg_class, pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE grpdef_group = v_groupName AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT NULL FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = grpdef_schema AND rel_tblseq = grpdef_tblseq AND rel_group = v_groupName) AND relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND nspname = grpdef_schema AND relname = grpdef_tblseq AND relkind = 'S' ORDER BY grpdef_priority, grpdef_schema, grpdef_tblseq LOOP PERFORM emaj._create_seq(r_grpdef, v_groupName); v_nbCreate = v_nbCreate + 1; END LOOP; -- update tables and sequences counters and the last alter timestamp in the emaj_group table SELECT count(*) INTO v_nbTbl FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = v_groupName AND rel_kind = 'r'; SELECT count(*) INTO v_nbSeq FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = v_groupName AND rel_kind = 'S'; UPDATE emaj.emaj_group SET group_last_alter_time_id = v_timeId, group_nb_table = v_nbTbl, group_nb_sequence = v_nbSeq WHERE group_name = v_groupName; -- delete old marks of the tables group from emaj_mark DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = v_groupName; -- enable previously disabled event triggers PERFORM emaj._enable_event_triggers(v_eventTriggers); -- check foreign keys with tables outside the group PERFORM emaj._check_fk_groups(array[v_groupName]); -- insert end in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('ALTER_GROUP', 'END', v_groupName, v_nbDrop || ' dropped relations and ' || v_nbCreate || ' (re)created relations'); RETURN v_nbTbl + v_nbSeq; END; $emaj_alter_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_alter_group(TEXT) IS $$Alter an E-Maj group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_start_group(v_groupName TEXT, v_mark TEXT DEFAULT 'START_%', v_resetLog BOOLEAN DEFAULT true) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_start_group$ -- This function activates the log triggers of all the tables for a group and set a first mark -- It may reset log tables. -- Input: group name, -- name of the mark to set -- '%' wild characters in mark name are transformed into a characters sequence built from the current timestamp -- if omitted or if null or '', the mark is set to 'START_%', % representing the current timestamp -- boolean indicating whether the log tables of the group must be reset, true by default. -- Output: number of processed tables and sequences DECLARE v_nbTblSeq INT; BEGIN -- insert begin in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('START_GROUP', 'BEGIN', v_groupName, CASE WHEN v_resetLog THEN 'With log reset' ELSE 'Without log reset' END); -- call the common _start_groups function SELECT emaj._start_groups(array[v_groupName], v_mark, false, v_resetLog) INTO v_nbTblSeq; -- insert end in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('START_GROUP', 'END', v_groupName, v_nbTblSeq || ' tables/sequences processed'); RETURN v_nbTblSeq; END; $emaj_start_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_start_group(TEXT,TEXT,BOOLEAN) IS $$Starts an E-Maj group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_start_groups(v_groupNames TEXT[], v_mark TEXT DEFAULT 'START_%', v_resetLog BOOLEAN DEFAULT true) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_start_groups$ -- This function activates the log triggers of all the tables for a groups array and set a first mark -- Input: array of group names, -- name of the mark to set (if omitted, START_) -- '%' wild characters in mark name are transformed into a characters sequence built from the current timestamp -- if omitted or if null or '', the mark is set to 'START_%', % representing the current timestamp -- boolean indicating whether the log tables of the group must be reset, true by default. -- Output: total number of processed tables and sequences DECLARE v_nbTblSeq INT; BEGIN -- insert begin in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('START_GROUPS', 'BEGIN', array_to_string(v_groupNames,','), CASE WHEN v_resetLog THEN 'With log reset' ELSE 'Without log reset' END); -- call the common _start_groups function SELECT emaj._start_groups(emaj._check_names_array(v_groupNames,'group'), v_mark, true, v_resetLog) INTO v_nbTblSeq; -- insert end in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('START_GROUPS', 'END', array_to_string(v_groupNames,','), v_nbTblSeq || ' tables/sequences processed'); RETURN v_nbTblSeq; END; $emaj_start_groups$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_start_groups(TEXT[],TEXT, BOOLEAN) IS $$Starts several E-Maj groups.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._start_groups(v_groupNames TEXT[], v_mark TEXT, v_multiGroup BOOLEAN, v_resetLog BOOLEAN) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $_start_groups$ -- This function activates the log triggers of all the tables for one or several groups and set a first mark -- It also delete oldest rows in emaj_hist table -- Input: array of group names, name of the mark to set, boolean indicating whether the function is called by a multi group function, boolean indicating whether the function must reset the group at start time -- Output: number of processed tables -- The function is defined as SECURITY DEFINER so that emaj_adm role can use it even if he is not the owner of application tables and sequences. DECLARE v_aGroupName TEXT; v_groupIsLogging BOOLEAN; v_nbTb INT = 0; v_markName TEXT; v_fullTableName TEXT; r_tblsq RECORD; BEGIN -- purge the emaj history, if needed PERFORM emaj._purge_hist(); -- if the group names array is null, immediately return 0 IF v_groupNames IS NULL THEN RETURN 0; END IF; -- check that each group is recorded in emaj_group table FOREACH v_aGroupName IN ARRAY v_groupNames LOOP SELECT group_is_logging INTO v_groupIsLogging FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = v_aGroupName FOR UPDATE; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_start_groups: group "%" has not been created.', v_aGroupName; END IF; -- ... and is not in LOGGING state IF v_groupIsLogging THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_start_groups: The group "%" cannot be started because it is in LOGGING state. An emaj_stop_group function must be previously executed.', v_aGroupName; END IF; END LOOP; -- check that no group is damaged PERFORM 0 FROM emaj._verify_groups(v_groupNames, true); -- check foreign keys with tables outside the group PERFORM emaj._check_fk_groups(v_groupNames); -- if requested by the user, call the emaj_reset_group() function to erase remaining traces from previous logs if v_resetLog THEN PERFORM emaj._reset_group(unnest(v_groupNames)); END IF; -- check and process the supplied mark name IF v_mark IS NULL OR v_mark = '' THEN v_mark = 'START_%'; END IF; SELECT emaj._check_new_mark(v_mark, v_groupNames) INTO v_markName; -- OK, lock all tables to get a stable point -- one sets the locks at the beginning of the operation (rather than let the ALTER TABLE statements set their own locks) to decrease the risk of deadlock. -- the requested lock level is based on the lock level of the future ALTER TABLE, which depends on the postgres version. IF emaj._pg_version_num() >= 90500 THEN PERFORM emaj._lock_groups(v_groupNames,'SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE',v_multiGroup); ELSE PERFORM emaj._lock_groups(v_groupNames,'ACCESS EXCLUSIVE',v_multiGroup); END IF; -- enable all log triggers for the groups v_nbTb = 0; -- for each relation of the group, FOR r_tblsq IN SELECT rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_kind FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = ANY (v_groupNames) ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq LOOP CASE r_tblsq.rel_kind WHEN 'r' THEN -- if it is a table, enable the emaj log and truncate triggers v_fullTableName = quote_ident(r_tblsq.rel_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_tblsq.rel_tblseq); EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE ' || v_fullTableName || ' ENABLE TRIGGER emaj_log_trg, ENABLE TRIGGER emaj_trunc_trg'; WHEN 'S' THEN -- if it is a sequence, nothing to do END CASE; v_nbTb = v_nbTb + 1; END LOOP; -- update the state of the group row from the emaj_group table UPDATE emaj.emaj_group SET group_is_logging = TRUE WHERE group_name = ANY (v_groupNames); -- Set the first mark for each group PERFORM emaj._set_mark_groups(v_groupNames, v_markName, v_multiGroup, true); -- RETURN v_nbTb; END; $_start_groups$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_stop_group(v_groupName TEXT, v_mark TEXT DEFAULT 'STOP_%') RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_stop_group$ -- This function de-activates the log triggers of all the tables for a group. -- Execute several emaj_stop_group functions for the same group doesn't produce any error. -- Input: group name -- name of the mark to set (if omitted, STOP_) -- '%' wild characters in mark name are transformed into a characters sequence built from the current timestamp -- if omitted or if null or '', the mark is set to 'STOP_%', % representing the current timestamp -- Output: number of processed tables and sequences DECLARE v_nbTblSeq INT; BEGIN -- insert begin in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object) VALUES ('STOP_GROUP', 'BEGIN', v_groupName); -- call the common _stop_groups function SELECT emaj._stop_groups(array[v_groupName], v_mark, false, false) INTO v_nbTblSeq; -- insert end in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('STOP_GROUP', 'END', v_groupName, v_nbTblSeq || ' tables/sequences processed'); RETURN v_nbTblSeq; END; $emaj_stop_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_stop_group(TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Stops an E-Maj group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_stop_groups(v_groupNames TEXT[], v_mark TEXT DEFAULT 'STOP_%') RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_stop_groups$ -- This function de-activates the log triggers of all the tables for a groups array. -- Groups already not in LOGGING state are simply not processed. -- Input: array of group names, stop mark name to set (by default, STOP_) -- Output: number of processed tables and sequences DECLARE v_nbTblSeq INT; BEGIN -- insert begin in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object) VALUES ('STOP_GROUPS', 'BEGIN', array_to_string(v_groupNames,',')); -- call the common _stop_groups function SELECT emaj._stop_groups(emaj._check_names_array(v_groupNames,'group'), v_mark, true, false) INTO v_nbTblSeq; -- insert end in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('STOP_GROUPS', 'END', array_to_string(v_groupNames,','), v_nbTblSeq || ' tables/sequences processed'); RETURN v_nbTblSeq; END; $emaj_stop_groups$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_stop_groups(TEXT[], TEXT) IS $$Stops several E-Maj groups.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_force_stop_group(v_groupName TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_force_stop_group$ -- This function forces a tables group stop. -- The differences with the standart emaj_stop_group() function are : -- - it silently ignores errors when an application table or one of its triggers is missing -- - no stop mark is set (to avoid error) -- Input: group name -- Output: number of processed tables and sequences DECLARE v_nbTblSeq INT; BEGIN -- insert begin in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object) VALUES ('FORCE_STOP_GROUP', 'BEGIN', v_groupName); -- call the common _stop_groups function SELECT emaj._stop_groups(array[v_groupName], NULL, false, true) INTO v_nbTblSeq; -- insert end in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('FORCE_STOP_GROUP', 'END', v_groupName, v_nbTblSeq || ' tables/sequences processed'); RETURN v_nbTblSeq; END; $emaj_force_stop_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_force_stop_group(TEXT) IS $$Forces an E-Maj group stop.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._stop_groups(v_groupNames TEXT[], v_mark TEXT, v_multiGroup BOOLEAN, v_isForced BOOLEAN) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $_stop_groups$ -- This function effectively de-activates the log triggers of all the tables for a group. -- Input: array of group names, a mark name to set, and a boolean indicating if the function is called by a multi group function -- Output: number of processed tables and sequences -- The function is defined as SECURITY DEFINER so that emaj_adm role can use it even if he is not the owner of application tables and sequences. DECLARE v_validGroupNames TEXT[]; v_aGroupName TEXT; v_groupIsLogging BOOLEAN; v_nbTb INT = 0; v_markName TEXT; v_fullTableName TEXT; r_schema RECORD; r_tblsq RECORD; BEGIN -- if the group names array is null, immediately return 0 IF v_groupNames IS NULL THEN RETURN 0; END IF; -- for each group of the array, FOREACH v_aGroupName IN ARRAY v_groupNames LOOP -- ... check that the group is recorded in emaj_group table SELECT group_is_logging INTO v_groupIsLogging FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = v_aGroupName FOR UPDATE; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_stop_groups: group "%" has not been created.', v_aGroupName; END IF; -- ... check that the group is in LOGGING state IF NOT v_groupIsLogging THEN RAISE WARNING '_stop_groups: Group "%" cannot be stopped because it is not in LOGGING state.', v_aGroupName; ELSE -- ... if OK, add the group into the array of groups to process v_validGroupNames = v_validGroupNames || array[v_aGroupName]; END IF; END LOOP; -- check and process the supplied mark name (except if the function is called by emaj_force_stop_group()) IF v_mark IS NULL OR v_mark = '' THEN v_mark = 'STOP_%'; END IF; IF NOT v_isForced THEN SELECT emaj._check_new_mark(v_mark, v_groupNames) INTO v_markName; END IF; -- IF v_validGroupNames IS NOT NULL THEN -- OK (no error detected and at least one group in logging state) -- lock all tables to get a stable point -- one sets the locks at the beginning of the operation (rather than let the ALTER TABLE statements set their own locks) to decrease the risk of deadlock. -- the requested lock level is based on the lock level of the future ALTER TABLE, which depends on the postgres version. IF emaj._pg_version_num() >= 90500 THEN PERFORM emaj._lock_groups(v_validGroupNames,'SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE',v_multiGroup); ELSE PERFORM emaj._lock_groups(v_validGroupNames,'ACCESS EXCLUSIVE',v_multiGroup); END IF; -- verify that all application schemas for the groups still exists FOR r_schema IN SELECT DISTINCT rel_schema FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = ANY (v_validGroupNames) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT nspname FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE nspname = rel_schema) ORDER BY rel_schema LOOP IF v_isForced THEN RAISE WARNING '_stop_groups: Schema "%" does not exist any more.', r_schema.rel_schema; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION '_stop_groups: Schema "%" does not exist any more.', r_schema.rel_schema; END IF; END LOOP; -- for each relation of the groups to process, FOR r_tblsq IN SELECT rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_kind FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = ANY (v_validGroupNames) ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq LOOP CASE r_tblsq.rel_kind WHEN 'r' THEN -- if it is a table, check the table still exists PERFORM 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace, pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND nspname = r_tblsq.rel_schema AND relname = r_tblsq.rel_tblseq; IF NOT FOUND THEN IF v_isForced THEN RAISE WARNING '_stop_groups: Table "%.%" does not exist any more.', r_tblsq.rel_schema, r_tblsq.rel_tblseq; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION '_stop_groups: Table "%.%" does not exist any more.', r_tblsq.rel_schema, r_tblsq.rel_tblseq; END IF; ELSE -- and disable the emaj log and truncate triggers -- errors are captured so that emaj_force_stop_group() can be silently executed v_fullTableName = quote_ident(r_tblsq.rel_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_tblsq.rel_tblseq); BEGIN EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE ' || v_fullTableName || ' DISABLE TRIGGER emaj_log_trg'; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN IF v_isForced THEN RAISE WARNING '_stop_groups: Log trigger "emaj_log_trg" on table "%.%" does not exist any more.', r_tblsq.rel_schema, r_tblsq.rel_tblseq; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION '_stop_groups: Log trigger "emaj_log_trg" on table "%.%" does not exist any more.', r_tblsq.rel_schema, r_tblsq.rel_tblseq; END IF; END; BEGIN EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE ' || v_fullTableName || ' DISABLE TRIGGER emaj_trunc_trg'; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN IF v_isForced THEN RAISE WARNING '_stop_groups: Truncate trigger "emaj_trunc_trg" on table "%.%" does not exist any more.', r_tblsq.rel_schema, r_tblsq.rel_tblseq; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION '_stop_groups: Truncate trigger "emaj_trunc_trg" on table "%.%" does not exist any more.', r_tblsq.rel_schema, r_tblsq.rel_tblseq; END IF; END; END IF; WHEN 'S' THEN -- if it is a sequence, nothing to do END CASE; v_nbTb = v_nbTb + 1; END LOOP; IF NOT v_isForced THEN -- if the function is not called by emaj_force_stop_group(), set the stop mark for each group PERFORM emaj._set_mark_groups(v_validGroupNames, v_markName, v_multiGroup, true); -- and set the number of log rows to 0 for these marks UPDATE emaj.emaj_mark m SET mark_log_rows_before_next = 0 WHERE mark_group = ANY (v_validGroupNames) AND (mark_group, mark_id) IN -- select only last mark of each concerned group (SELECT mark_group, MAX(mark_id) FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = ANY (v_validGroupNames) AND NOT mark_is_deleted GROUP BY mark_group); END IF; -- set all marks for the groups from the emaj_mark table as 'DELETED' to avoid any further rollback and remove protection if any UPDATE emaj.emaj_mark SET mark_is_deleted = TRUE, mark_is_rlbk_protected = FALSE WHERE mark_group = ANY (v_validGroupNames) AND NOT mark_is_deleted; -- update the state of the groups rows from the emaj_group table (the rollback protection of rollbackable groups is reset) UPDATE emaj.emaj_group SET group_is_logging = FALSE, group_is_rlbk_protected = NOT group_is_rollbackable WHERE group_name = ANY (v_validGroupNames); END IF; RETURN v_nbTb; END; $_stop_groups$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_protect_group(v_groupName TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_protect_group$ -- This function sets a protection on a group against accidental rollback. -- However this doesn't block rollback simulations performed with the emaj_estimate_rollback_group() function. -- Input: group name -- Output: 1 if successful, 0 if the group was already in protected state DECLARE v_groupIsRollbackable BOOLEAN; v_groupIsLogging BOOLEAN; v_groupIsProtected BOOLEAN; v_status INT; BEGIN -- check that the group is recorded in emaj_group table SELECT group_is_rollbackable, group_is_logging, group_is_rlbk_protected INTO v_groupIsRollbackable, v_groupIsLogging, v_groupIsProtected FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = v_groupName FOR UPDATE; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_protect_group: group % has not been created.', v_groupName; END IF; -- check that the group is ROLLBACKABLE IF NOT v_groupIsRollbackable THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_protect_group: The group "%" cannot be protected because it is an AUDIT_ONLY group.', v_groupName; END IF; -- check that the group is not in LOGGING state IF NOT v_groupIsLogging THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_protect_group: The group "%" cannot be protected because it is not in LOGGING state.', v_groupName; END IF; -- OK, set the protection IF v_groupIsProtected THEN v_status = 0; ELSE UPDATE emaj.emaj_group SET group_is_rlbk_protected = TRUE WHERE group_name = v_groupName; v_status = 1; END IF; -- insert event in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('PROTECT_GROUP', v_groupName, 'Status ' || v_status); RETURN v_status; END; $emaj_protect_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_protect_group(TEXT) IS $$Sets a protection against a rollback on an E-Maj group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_unprotect_group(v_groupName TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_unprotect_group$ -- This function unsets a protection on a group against accidental rollback. -- Input: group name -- Output: 1 if successful, 0 if the group was not already in protected state DECLARE v_groupIsRollbackable BOOLEAN; v_groupIsProtected BOOLEAN; v_status INT; BEGIN -- check that the group is recorded in emaj_group table SELECT group_is_rollbackable, group_is_rlbk_protected INTO v_groupIsRollbackable, v_groupIsProtected FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = v_groupName FOR UPDATE; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_unprotect_group: group "%" has not been created.', v_groupName; END IF; -- check that the group is ROLLBACKABLE IF NOT v_groupIsRollbackable THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_unprotect_group: The group "%" cannot be unprotected because it is an AUDIT_ONLY group.', v_groupName; END IF; -- OK, unset the protection IF NOT v_groupIsProtected THEN v_status = 0; ELSE UPDATE emaj.emaj_group SET group_is_rlbk_protected = FALSE WHERE group_name = v_groupName; v_status = 1; END IF; -- insert event in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('UNPROTECT_GROUP', v_groupName, 'Status ' || v_status); RETURN v_status; END; $emaj_unprotect_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_unprotect_group(TEXT) IS $$Unsets a protection against a rollback on an E-Maj group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_set_mark_group(v_groupName TEXT, v_mark TEXT DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_set_mark_group$ -- This function inserts a mark in the emaj_mark table and takes an image of the sequences definitions for the group -- Input: group name, mark to set -- '%' wild characters in mark name are transformed into a characters sequence built from the current timestamp -- if omitted or if null or '', the mark is set to 'MARK_%', % representing the current timestamp -- Output: number of processed tables and sequences DECLARE v_groupIsLogging BOOLEAN; v_markName TEXT; v_nbTb INT; BEGIN -- insert begin into the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('SET_MARK_GROUP', 'BEGIN', v_groupName, v_markName); -- check that the group is recorded in emaj_group table -- (the SELECT is coded FOR UPDATE to lock the accessed group, avoiding any operation on this group at the same time) SELECT group_is_logging INTO v_groupIsLogging FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = v_groupName FOR UPDATE; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_set_mark_group: group "%" has not been created.', v_groupName; END IF; -- check that the group is in LOGGING state IF NOT v_groupIsLogging THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_set_mark_group: A mark cannot be set for group "%" because it is not in LOGGING state. An emaj_start_group function must be previously executed.', v_groupName; END IF; -- check if the emaj group is OK PERFORM 0 FROM emaj._verify_groups(array[v_groupName], true); -- check and process the supplied mark name SELECT emaj._check_new_mark(v_mark, array[v_groupName]) INTO v_markName; -- OK, lock all tables to get a stable point ... -- use a ROW EXCLUSIVE lock mode, preventing for a transaction currently updating data, but not conflicting with simple read access or vacuum operation. PERFORM emaj._lock_groups(array[v_groupName],'ROW EXCLUSIVE',false); -- Effectively set the mark using the internal _set_mark_groups() function SELECT emaj._set_mark_groups(array[v_groupName], v_markName, false, false) INTO v_nbTb; -- insert end into the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('SET_MARK_GROUP', 'END', v_groupName, v_markName); -- RETURN v_nbTb; END; $emaj_set_mark_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_set_mark_group(TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Sets a mark on an E-Maj group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_set_mark_groups(v_groupNames TEXT[], v_mark TEXT DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_set_mark_groups$ -- This function inserts a mark in the emaj_mark table and takes an image of the sequences definitions for several groups at a time -- Input: array of group names, mark to set -- '%' wild characters in mark name are transformed into a characters sequence built from the current timestamp -- if omitted or if null or '', the mark is set to 'MARK_%', % representing the current timestamp -- Output: number of processed tables and sequences DECLARE v_validGroupNames TEXT[]; v_aGroupName TEXT; v_groupIsLogging BOOLEAN; v_markName TEXT; v_nbTb INT; BEGIN -- validate the group names array v_validGroupNames=emaj._check_names_array(v_groupNames,'group'); -- if the group names array is null, immediately return 0 IF v_validGroupNames IS NULL THEN INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('SET_MARK_GROUPS', 'BEGIN', NULL, v_mark); INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('SET_MARK_GROUPS', 'END', NULL, v_mark); RETURN 0; END IF; -- insert begin in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('SET_MARK_GROUPS', 'BEGIN', array_to_string(v_groupNames,','), v_mark); -- for each group... FOREACH v_aGroupName IN ARRAY v_validGroupNames LOOP -- ... check that the group is recorded in emaj_group table -- (the SELECT is coded FOR UPDATE to lock the accessed group, avoiding any operation on this group at the same time) SELECT group_is_logging INTO v_groupIsLogging FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = v_aGroupName FOR UPDATE; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_set_mark_groups: group "%" has not been created.', v_aGroupName; END IF; -- ... check that the group is in LOGGING state IF NOT v_groupIsLogging THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_set_mark_groups: A mark cannot be set for group "%" because it is not in LOGGING state. An emaj_start_group function must be previously executed.', v_aGroupName; END IF; END LOOP; -- check that no group is damaged PERFORM 0 FROM emaj._verify_groups(v_validGroupNames, true); -- check and process the supplied mark name SELECT emaj._check_new_mark(v_mark, v_validGroupNames) INTO v_markName; -- OK, lock all tables to get a stable point ... -- use a ROW EXCLUSIVE lock mode, preventing for a transaction currently updating data, but not conflicting with simple read access or vacuum operation. PERFORM emaj._lock_groups(v_validGroupNames,'ROW EXCLUSIVE',true); -- Effectively set the mark using the internal _set_mark_groups() function SELECT emaj._set_mark_groups(v_validGroupNames, v_markName, true, false) INTO v_nbTb; -- insert end into the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('SET_MARK_GROUPS', 'END', array_to_string(v_groupNames,','), v_mark); -- RETURN v_nbTb; END; $emaj_set_mark_groups$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_set_mark_groups(TEXT[],TEXT) IS $$Sets a mark on several E-Maj groups.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._set_mark_groups(v_groupNames TEXT[], v_mark TEXT, v_multiGroup BOOLEAN, v_eventToRecord BOOLEAN, v_loggedRlbkTargetMark TEXT DEFAULT NULL, v_timeId BIGINT DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_set_mark_groups$ -- This function effectively inserts a mark in the emaj_mark table and takes an image of the sequences definitions for the array of groups. -- It also updates the previous mark of each group to setup the mark_log_rows_before_next column with the number of rows recorded into all log tables between this previous mark and the new mark. -- It is called by emaj_set_mark_group and emaj_set_mark_groups functions but also by other functions that set internal marks, like functions that start or rollback groups. -- Input: group names array, mark to set, -- boolean indicating whether the function is called by a multi group function -- boolean indicating whether the event has to be recorded into the emaj_hist table -- name of the rollback target mark when this mark is created by the logged_rollback functions (NULL by default) -- time stamp identifier to reuse (NULL by default) (this parameter is set when the mark is a rollback start mark) -- Output: number of processed tables and sequences -- The insertion of the corresponding event in the emaj_hist table is performed by callers. DECLARE v_nbTb INT = 0; v_timestamp TIMESTAMPTZ; r_tblsq RECORD; BEGIN -- if requested, record the set mark begin in emaj_hist IF v_eventToRecord THEN INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES (CASE WHEN v_multiGroup THEN 'SET_MARK_GROUPS' ELSE 'SET_MARK_GROUP' END, 'BEGIN', array_to_string(v_groupNames,','), v_mark); END IF; -- get the time stamp of the operation, if not supplied as input parameter IF v_timeId IS NULL THEN SELECT emaj._set_time_stamp('M') INTO v_timeId; END IF; -- look at the clock to get the 'official' timestamp representing the mark SELECT time_clock_timestamp INTO v_timestamp FROM emaj.emaj_time_stamp WHERE time_id = v_timeId; -- process sequences as early as possible (no lock protect them from other transactions activity) FOR r_tblsq IN SELECT rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_log_schema FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = ANY (v_groupNames) AND rel_kind = 'S' ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq LOOP -- for each sequence of the groups, record the sequence parameters into the emaj_sequence table EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_sequence (' || 'sequ_schema, sequ_name, sequ_time_id, sequ_last_val, sequ_start_val, ' || 'sequ_increment, sequ_max_val, sequ_min_val, sequ_cache_val, sequ_is_cycled, sequ_is_called ' || ') SELECT ' || quote_literal(r_tblsq.rel_schema) || ', ' || quote_literal(r_tblsq.rel_tblseq) || ', ' || v_timeId || ', last_value, start_value, increment_by, max_value, min_value, cache_value, is_cycled, is_called ' || 'FROM ' || quote_ident(r_tblsq.rel_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_tblsq.rel_tblseq); v_nbTb = v_nbTb + 1; END LOOP; -- record the number of log rows for the old last mark of each group -- the statement returns no row in case of emaj_start_group(s) UPDATE emaj.emaj_mark m SET mark_log_rows_before_next = coalesce( (SELECT sum(stat_rows) FROM emaj.emaj_log_stat_group(m.mark_group,'EMAJ_LAST_MARK',NULL)) ,0) WHERE mark_group = ANY (v_groupNames) AND (mark_group, mark_id) IN -- select only the last non deleted mark of each concerned group (SELECT mark_group, MAX(mark_id) FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = ANY (v_groupNames) AND NOT mark_is_deleted GROUP BY mark_group); -- for each table of the groups, ... FOR r_tblsq IN SELECT rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_log_schema, rel_log_sequence FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = ANY (v_groupNames) AND rel_kind = 'r' ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq LOOP -- ... record the associated sequence parameters in the emaj sequence table EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_sequence (' || 'sequ_schema, sequ_name, sequ_time_id, sequ_last_val, sequ_start_val, ' || 'sequ_increment, sequ_max_val, sequ_min_val, sequ_cache_val, sequ_is_cycled, sequ_is_called ' || ') SELECT '|| quote_literal(r_tblsq.rel_log_schema) || ', ' || quote_literal(r_tblsq.rel_log_sequence) || ', ' || v_timeId || ', last_value, start_value, ' || 'increment_by, max_value, min_value, cache_value, is_cycled, is_called ' || 'FROM ' || quote_ident(r_tblsq.rel_log_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_tblsq.rel_log_sequence); v_nbTb = v_nbTb + 1; END LOOP; -- record the marks into the emaj_mark table FOR v_i IN 1 .. array_upper(v_groupNames,1) LOOP INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_mark (mark_group, mark_name, mark_time_id, mark_is_deleted, mark_is_rlbk_protected, mark_logged_rlbk_target_mark) SELECT v_groupNames[v_i], v_mark, v_timeId, FALSE, FALSE, v_loggedRlbkTargetMark FROM emaj.emaj_time_stamp WHERE time_id = v_timeId; END LOOP; -- before exiting, cleanup the state of the pending rollback events from the emaj_rlbk table IF emaj._dblink_is_cnx_opened('rlbk#1') THEN -- ... either through dblink if we are currently performing a rollback with a dblink connection already opened -- this is mandatory to avoid deadlock PERFORM 0 FROM dblink('rlbk#1','SELECT emaj.emaj_cleanup_rollback_state()') AS (dummy INT); ELSE -- ... or directly PERFORM emaj.emaj_cleanup_rollback_state(); END IF; -- if requested, record the set mark end in emaj_hist IF v_eventToRecord THEN INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES (CASE WHEN v_multiGroup THEN 'SET_MARK_GROUPS' ELSE 'SET_MARK_GROUP' END, 'END', array_to_string(v_groupNames,','), v_mark); END IF; -- RETURN v_nbTb; END; $_set_mark_groups$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_comment_mark_group(v_groupName TEXT, v_mark TEXT, v_comment TEXT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_comment_mark_group$ -- This function sets or modifies a comment on a mark by updating the mark_comment of the emaj_mark table. -- Input: group name, mark to comment, comment -- The keyword 'EMAJ_LAST_MARK' can be used as mark to delete to specify the last set mark. -- To reset an existing comment for a mark, the supplied comment can be NULL. DECLARE v_realMark TEXT; BEGIN -- check that the group is recorded in emaj_group table PERFORM 0 FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = v_groupName FOR UPDATE; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_comment_mark_group: group "%" has not been created.', v_groupName; END IF; -- retrieve and check the mark name SELECT emaj._get_mark_name(v_groupName,v_mark) INTO v_realMark; IF v_realMark IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_comment_mark_group: "%" is not a known mark for group "%".', v_mark, v_groupName; END IF; -- OK, update the mark_comment from emaj_mark table UPDATE emaj.emaj_mark SET mark_comment = v_comment WHERE mark_group = v_groupName AND mark_name = v_realMark; -- insert event in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('COMMENT_MARK_GROUP', v_groupName, 'Mark ' || v_realMark); RETURN; END; $emaj_comment_mark_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_comment_mark_group(TEXT,TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Sets a comment on a mark for an E-Maj group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_get_previous_mark_group(v_groupName TEXT, v_datetime TIMESTAMPTZ) RETURNS TEXT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_get_previous_mark_group$ -- This function returns the name of the mark that immediately precedes a given date and time. -- It may return unpredictable result in case of system date or time change. -- The function can be called by both emaj_adm and emaj_viewer roles. -- Input: group name, date and time -- Output: mark name, or NULL if there is no mark before the given date and time DECLARE v_markName TEXT; BEGIN -- check that the group is recorded in emaj_group table PERFORM 0 FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = v_groupName; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_get_previous_mark_group (1): group "%" has not been created.', v_groupName; END IF; -- find the requested mark SELECT mark_name INTO v_markName FROM emaj.emaj_mark, emaj.emaj_time_stamp WHERE mark_time_id = time_id AND mark_group = v_groupName AND time_clock_timestamp < v_datetime ORDER BY time_clock_timestamp DESC LIMIT 1; IF NOT FOUND THEN RETURN NULL; ELSE RETURN v_markName; END IF; END; $emaj_get_previous_mark_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_get_previous_mark_group(TEXT,TIMESTAMPTZ) IS $$Returns the latest mark name preceeding a point in time.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_get_previous_mark_group(v_groupName TEXT, v_mark TEXT) RETURNS TEXT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_get_previous_mark_group$ -- This function returns the name of the mark that immediately precedes a given mark for a group. -- The function can be called by both emaj_adm and emaj_viewer roles. -- Input: group name, mark name -- The keyword 'EMAJ_LAST_MARK' can be used to specify the last set mark. -- Output: mark name, or NULL if there is no mark before the given mark DECLARE v_realMark TEXT; v_markName TEXT; BEGIN -- check that the group is recorded in emaj_group table PERFORM 0 FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = v_groupName; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_get_previous_mark_group (2): group "%" has not been created.', v_groupName; END IF; -- retrieve and check the given mark name SELECT emaj._get_mark_name(v_groupName,v_mark) INTO v_realMark; IF v_realMark IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_get_previous_mark_group: "%" is not a known mark for group "%".', v_mark, v_groupName; END IF; -- find the requested mark SELECT mark_name INTO v_markName FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = v_groupName AND mark_time_id < (SELECT mark_time_id FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = v_groupName AND mark_name = v_realMark) ORDER BY mark_time_id DESC LIMIT 1; IF NOT FOUND THEN RETURN NULL; ELSE RETURN v_markName; END IF; END; $emaj_get_previous_mark_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_get_previous_mark_group(TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Returns the latest mark name preceeding a given mark for a group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_delete_mark_group(v_groupName TEXT, v_mark TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_delete_mark_group$ -- This function deletes all traces from a previous set_mark_group(s) function. -- Then, any rollback on the deleted mark will not be possible. -- It deletes rows corresponding to the mark to delete from emaj_mark and emaj_sequence -- If this mark is the first mark, it also deletes rows from all concerned log tables and holes from emaj_seq_hole. -- The statistical mark_log_rows_before_next column's content of the previous mark is also maintained -- At least one mark must remain after the operation (otherwise it is not worth having a group in LOGGING state !). -- Input: group name, mark to delete -- The keyword 'EMAJ_LAST_MARK' can be used as mark to delete to specify the last set mark. -- Output: number of deleted marks, i.e. 1 DECLARE v_realMark TEXT; v_markId BIGINT; v_MarkTimeId BIGINT; v_idNewMin BIGINT; v_markNewMin TEXT; v_cpt INT; BEGIN -- insert begin in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('DELETE_MARK_GROUP', 'BEGIN', v_groupName, v_mark); -- check that the group is recorded in emaj_group table PERFORM 1 FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = v_groupName FOR UPDATE; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_delete_mark_group: group "%" has not been created.', v_groupName; END IF; -- retrieve and check the mark name SELECT emaj._get_mark_name(v_groupName,v_mark) INTO v_realMark; IF v_realMark IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_delete_mark_group: "%" is not a known mark for group "%".', v_mark, v_groupName; END IF; -- count the number of marks in the group SELECT count(*) INTO v_cpt FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = v_groupName; -- and check there are at least 2 marks for the group IF v_cpt < 2 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_delete_mark_group: "%" is the only mark of the group. It cannot be deleted.', v_mark; END IF; -- OK, now get the id and time stamp id of the mark to delete SELECT mark_id, mark_time_id INTO v_markId, v_MarkTimeId FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = v_groupName AND mark_name = v_realMark; -- ... and the id and timestamp of the future first mark SELECT mark_id, mark_name INTO v_idNewMin, v_markNewMin FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = v_groupName AND mark_name <> v_realMark ORDER BY mark_id LIMIT 1; IF v_markId < v_idNewMin THEN -- if the mark to delete is the first one, process its deletion with _delete_between_marks_group(), as the first rows of log tables become useless PERFORM emaj._delete_between_marks_group(v_groupName, NULL, v_markNewMin); ELSE -- otherwise, process its deletion with _delete_intermediate_mark_group() PERFORM emaj._delete_intermediate_mark_group(v_groupName, v_realMark, v_markId, v_MarkTimeId); END IF; -- insert end in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('DELETE_MARK_GROUP', 'END', v_groupName, v_realMark); RETURN 1; END; $emaj_delete_mark_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_delete_mark_group(TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Deletes a mark for an E-Maj group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_delete_before_mark_group(v_groupName TEXT, v_mark TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_delete_before_mark_group$ -- This function deletes all marks set before a given mark. -- Then, any rollback on the deleted marks will not be possible. -- It deletes rows corresponding to the marks to delete from emaj_mark, emaj_sequence, emaj_seq_hole. -- It also deletes rows from all concerned log tables. -- Input: group name, name of the new first mark -- The keyword 'EMAJ_LAST_MARK' can be used as mark name. -- Output: number of deleted marks -- or NULL if the provided mark name is NULL DECLARE v_realMark TEXT; v_nbMark INT; BEGIN -- insert begin in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('DELETE_BEFORE_MARK_GROUP', 'BEGIN', v_groupName, v_mark); -- check that the group is recorded in emaj_group table PERFORM 1 FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = v_groupName FOR UPDATE; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_delete_before_mark_group: group "%" has not been created.', v_groupName; END IF; -- return NULL if mark name is NULL IF v_mark IS NULL THEN RETURN NULL; END IF; -- retrieve and check the mark name SELECT emaj._get_mark_name(v_groupName,v_mark) INTO v_realMark; IF v_realMark IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_delete_before_mark_group: "%" is not a known mark for group "%".', v_mark, v_groupName; END IF; -- effectively delete all marks before the supplied mark SELECT (emaj._delete_between_marks_group(v_groupName, NULL, v_realMark)).v_nbMark INTO v_nbMark; -- insert end in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('DELETE_BEFORE_MARK_GROUP', 'END', v_groupName, v_nbMark || ' marks deleted ; ' || v_realMark || ' is now the initial mark' ); RETURN v_nbMark; END; $emaj_delete_before_mark_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_delete_before_mark_group(TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Deletes all marks preceeding a given mark for an E-Maj group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._delete_between_marks_group(v_groupName TEXT, v_firstMark TEXT, v_lastMark TEXT, OUT v_nbMark INT, OUT v_nbTbl INT) RETURNS RECORD LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_delete_between_marks_group$ -- This function deletes all logs and intermediate marks set between two given marks. -- The function is called by the emaj_delete_before_mark_group(), emaj_delete_mark_group() and emaj_consolidate_rollback_group() functions. -- It deletes rows corresponding to the marks to delete from emaj_mark and emaj_sequence. -- It deletes rows from all concerned log tables. -- It also manages sequence holes in emaj_seq_hole. -- To complete, the function deletes oldest rows from emaj_hist. -- Input: group name, name of both marks that defines the range to delete. -- when the first mark is NULL, it represents the very first known mark. -- Output: number of deleted marks, number of tables effectively processed (for which at least one log row has been deleted) DECLARE v_firstMarkId BIGINT; v_firstMarkGlobalSeq BIGINT; v_firstMarkTimeId BIGINT; v_lastMarkId BIGINT; v_lastMarkGlobalSeq BIGINT; v_lastMarkTimeId BIGINT; v_nbUpd BIGINT; r_rel RECORD; BEGIN -- retrieve the id, the timestamp and the emaj_gid value and the time stamp id of the first mark, if supplied IF v_firstMark IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT mark_id, time_last_emaj_gid, mark_time_id INTO v_firstMarkId, v_firstMarkGlobalSeq, v_firstMarkTimeId FROM emaj.emaj_mark, emaj.emaj_time_stamp WHERE mark_time_id = time_id AND mark_group = v_groupName AND mark_name = v_firstMark; ELSE v_firstMarkId = 0; v_firstMarkTimeId = 0; v_firstMarkGlobalSeq = 0; END IF; -- retrieve the id, the timestamp and the emaj_gid value and the time stamp id of the last mark SELECT mark_id, time_last_emaj_gid, mark_time_id INTO v_lastMarkId, v_lastMarkGlobalSeq, v_lastMarkTimeId FROM emaj.emaj_mark, emaj.emaj_time_stamp WHERE mark_time_id = time_id AND mark_group = v_groupName AND mark_name = v_lastMark; -- delete rows from all log tables (no need to try to delete if v_firstMarkGlobalSeq and v_lastMarkGlobalSeq are equal) v_nbTbl = 0; IF v_firstMarkGlobalSeq < v_lastMarkGlobalSeq THEN -- loop on all tables of the group FOR r_rel IN SELECT quote_ident(rel_log_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(rel_log_table) AS log_table_name FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = v_groupName AND rel_kind = 'r' ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq LOOP -- delete log rows prior to the new first mark EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM ' || r_rel.log_table_name || ' WHERE emaj_gid > ' || v_firstMarkGlobalSeq || ' AND emaj_gid <= ' || v_lastMarkGlobalSeq; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_nbUpd = ROW_COUNT; IF v_nbUpd > 0 THEN v_nbTbl = v_nbTbl + 1; END IF; END LOOP; END IF; -- process emaj_seq_hole content -- delete all existing holes (if any) between both marks DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_seq_hole USING emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = v_groupName AND rel_kind = 'r' AND rel_schema = sqhl_schema AND rel_tblseq = sqhl_table AND sqhl_begin_time_id >= v_firstMarkTimeId AND sqhl_begin_time_id < v_lastMarkTimeId; IF v_firstMark IS NOT NULL THEN -- and if not deleting the oldest marks, create holes representing the deleted logs -- one hole for each application table for which logs have been deleted by this operation or by a previous rollback -- the hole sizes are computed using the sequence last values recorded into the emaj_sequence table INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_seq_hole (sqhl_schema, sqhl_table, sqhl_begin_time_id, sqhl_end_time_id, sqhl_hole_size) SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, v_firstMarkTimeId, v_lastMarkTimeId, (SELECT CASE WHEN sequ_is_called THEN sequ_last_val + sequ_increment ELSE sequ_last_val END FROM emaj.emaj_sequence WHERE sequ_schema = rel_log_schema AND sequ_name = rel_log_sequence AND sequ_time_id = v_lastMarkTimeId) - (SELECT CASE WHEN sequ_is_called THEN sequ_last_val + sequ_increment ELSE sequ_last_val END FROM emaj.emaj_sequence WHERE sequ_schema = rel_log_schema AND sequ_name = rel_log_sequence AND sequ_time_id = v_firstMarkTimeId) FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = v_groupName AND rel_kind = 'r' AND 0 < (SELECT CASE WHEN sequ_is_called THEN sequ_last_val + sequ_increment ELSE sequ_last_val END FROM emaj.emaj_sequence WHERE sequ_schema = rel_log_schema AND sequ_name = rel_log_sequence AND sequ_time_id = v_lastMarkTimeId) - (SELECT CASE WHEN sequ_is_called THEN sequ_last_val + sequ_increment ELSE sequ_last_val END FROM emaj.emaj_sequence WHERE sequ_schema = rel_log_schema AND sequ_name = rel_log_sequence AND sequ_time_id = v_firstMarkTimeId); END IF; -- now the sequences related to the mark to delete can be suppressed -- delete first application sequences related data for the group DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_sequence USING emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = v_groupName AND rel_kind = 'S' AND sequ_schema = rel_schema AND sequ_name = rel_tblseq AND sequ_time_id > v_firstMarkTimeId AND sequ_time_id < v_lastMarkTimeId; -- delete then emaj sequences related data for the group DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_sequence USING emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = v_groupName AND rel_kind = 'r' AND sequ_schema = rel_log_schema AND sequ_name = rel_log_sequence AND sequ_time_id > v_firstMarkTimeId AND sequ_time_id < v_lastMarkTimeId; -- in emaj_mark, reset the mark_logged_rlbk_target_mark column to null for marks of the group that will remain -- and that may have one of the deleted marks as target mark from a previous logged rollback operation UPDATE emaj.emaj_mark SET mark_logged_rlbk_target_mark = NULL WHERE mark_group = v_groupName AND mark_id >= v_lastMarkId AND mark_logged_rlbk_target_mark IN ( SELECT mark_name FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = v_groupName AND mark_id > v_firstMarkId AND mark_id < v_lastMarkId ); -- if not deleting the oldest marks, set the mark_log_rows_before_next of the first mark to 0 IF v_firstMark IS NOT NULL THEN UPDATE emaj.emaj_mark SET mark_log_rows_before_next = 0 WHERE mark_group = v_groupName AND mark_name = v_firstMark; END IF; -- and finaly delete all intermediate marks DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = v_groupName AND mark_id > v_firstMarkId AND mark_id < v_lastMarkId; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_nbMark = ROW_COUNT; -- purge the emaj history, if needed (even if no mark as been really dropped) PERFORM emaj._purge_hist(); RETURN; END; $_delete_between_marks_group$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._delete_intermediate_mark_group(v_groupName TEXT, v_markName TEXT, v_markId BIGINT, v_markTimeId BIGINT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_delete_intermediate_mark_group$ -- This function effectively deletes an intermediate mark for a group. -- It is called by the emaj_delete_mark_group() function. -- It deletes rows corresponding to the mark to delete from emaj_mark and emaj_sequence -- The statistical mark_log_rows_before_next column's content of the previous mark is also maintained -- Input: group name, mark name, mark id and mark time stamp id of the mark to delete DECLARE v_previousMark TEXT; v_nextMark TEXT; BEGIN -- delete the sequences related to the mark to delete -- delete first application sequences related data for the group DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_sequence USING emaj.emaj_relation WHERE sequ_time_id = v_markTimeId AND rel_group = v_groupName AND rel_kind = 'S' AND sequ_schema = rel_schema AND sequ_name = rel_tblseq; -- delete then emaj sequences related data for the group DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_sequence USING emaj.emaj_relation WHERE sequ_time_id = v_markTimeId AND rel_group = v_groupName AND rel_kind = 'r' AND sequ_schema = rel_log_schema AND sequ_name = rel_log_sequence; -- physically delete the mark from emaj_mark DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = v_groupName AND mark_name = v_markName; -- adjust the mark_log_rows_before_next column of the previous mark -- get the name of the mark immediately preceeding the mark to delete SELECT mark_name INTO v_previousMark FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = v_groupName AND mark_id < v_markId ORDER BY mark_id DESC LIMIT 1; -- get the name of the first mark succeeding the mark to delete SELECT mark_name INTO v_nextMark FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = v_groupName AND mark_id > v_markId ORDER BY mark_id LIMIT 1; IF NOT FOUND THEN -- no next mark, so update the previous mark with NULL UPDATE emaj.emaj_mark SET mark_log_rows_before_next = NULL WHERE mark_group = v_groupName AND mark_name = v_previousMark; ELSE -- update the previous mark with the emaj_log_stat_group() call's result UPDATE emaj.emaj_mark SET mark_log_rows_before_next = (SELECT sum(stat_rows) FROM emaj.emaj_log_stat_group(v_groupName, v_previousMark, v_nextMark)) WHERE mark_group = v_groupName AND mark_name = v_previousMark; END IF; -- reset the mark_logged_rlbk_target_mark column to null for other marks of the group -- that may have the deleted mark as target mark from a previous logged rollback operation UPDATE emaj.emaj_mark SET mark_logged_rlbk_target_mark = NULL WHERE mark_group = v_groupName AND mark_logged_rlbk_target_mark = v_markName; RETURN; END; $_delete_intermediate_mark_group$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_rename_mark_group(v_groupName TEXT, v_mark TEXT, v_newName TEXT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_rename_mark_group$ -- This function renames an existing mark. -- The group can be in LOGGING or not. -- Rows from emaj_mark and emaj_sequence tables are updated accordingly. -- Input: group name, mark to rename, new name for the mark -- The keyword 'EMAJ_LAST_MARK' can be used as mark to rename to specify the last set mark. DECLARE v_realMark TEXT; BEGIN -- insert begin in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('RENAME_MARK_GROUP', 'BEGIN', v_groupName, v_mark); -- check that the group is recorded in emaj_group table PERFORM 0 FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = v_groupName FOR UPDATE; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_rename_mark_group: group "%" has not been created.', v_groupName; END IF; -- retrieve and check the mark name SELECT emaj._get_mark_name(v_groupName,v_mark) INTO v_realMark; IF v_realMark IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_rename_mark_group: mark "%" does not exist for group "%".', v_mark, v_groupName; END IF; -- check the new mark name is not 'EMAJ_LAST_MARK' or NULL IF v_newName = 'EMAJ_LAST_MARK' OR v_newName IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_rename_mark_group: "%" is not an allowed name for a new mark.', v_newName; END IF; -- check if the new mark name doesn't exist for the group PERFORM 0 FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = v_groupName AND mark_name = v_newName; IF FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_rename_mark_group: a mark "%" already exists for group "%".', v_newName, v_groupName; END IF; -- OK, update the emaj_mark table UPDATE emaj.emaj_mark SET mark_name = v_newName WHERE mark_group = v_groupName AND mark_name = v_realMark; -- also rename mark names recorded in the mark_logged_rlbk_target_mark column if needed UPDATE emaj.emaj_mark SET mark_logged_rlbk_target_mark = v_newName WHERE mark_group = v_groupName AND mark_logged_rlbk_target_mark = v_realMark; -- insert end in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('RENAME_MARK_GROUP', 'END', v_groupName, v_realMark || ' renamed ' || v_newName); RETURN; END; $emaj_rename_mark_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_rename_mark_group(TEXT,TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Renames a mark for an E-Maj group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_protect_mark_group(v_groupName TEXT, v_mark TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_protect_mark_group$ -- This function sets a protection on a mark for a group against accidental rollback. -- However this doesn't block rollback simulations performed with the emaj_estimate_rollback_group() function. -- Input: group name, mark to protect -- Output: 1 if successful, 0 if the mark was already in protected state -- The group must be ROLLBACKABLE and in LOGGING state. DECLARE v_groupIsRollbackable BOOLEAN; v_groupIsLogging BOOLEAN; v_realMark TEXT; v_markIsProtected BOOLEAN; v_status INT; BEGIN -- check that the group is recorded in emaj_group table SELECT group_is_rollbackable, group_is_logging INTO v_groupIsRollbackable, v_groupIsLogging FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = v_groupName FOR UPDATE; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_protect_mark_group: group "%" has not been created.', v_groupName; END IF; -- check that the group is ROLLBACKABLE IF NOT v_groupIsRollbackable THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_protect_mark_group: A mark on the group "%" cannot be protected because it is an AUDIT_ONLY group.', v_groupName; END IF; -- check that the group is not in LOGGING state IF NOT v_groupIsLogging THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_protect_mark_group: A mark on the group "%" cannot be protected because it is not in LOGGING state.', v_groupName; END IF; -- retrieve and check the mark name SELECT emaj._get_mark_name(v_groupName,v_mark) INTO v_realMark; IF v_realMark IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_protect_mark_group: mark "%" does not exist for group "%".', v_mark, v_groupName; END IF; -- OK, set the protection SELECT mark_is_rlbk_protected INTO v_markIsProtected FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = v_groupName AND mark_name = v_realMark; IF v_markIsProtected THEN v_status = 0; ELSE UPDATE emaj.emaj_mark SET mark_is_rlbk_protected = TRUE WHERE mark_group = v_groupName AND mark_name = v_realMark; v_status = 1; END IF; -- insert event in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('PROTECT_MARK_GROUP', v_groupName, 'Mark ' || v_realMark || ' ; status ' || v_status); RETURN v_status; END; $emaj_protect_mark_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_protect_mark_group(TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Sets a protection against a rollback on a mark of an E-Maj group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_unprotect_mark_group(v_groupName TEXT, v_mark TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_unprotect_mark_group$ -- This function unsets a protection on a mark for a group against accidental rollback. -- Input: group name, mark to unprotect -- Output: 1 if successful, 0 if the mark was already in unprotected state -- The group must be ROLLBACKABLE and in LOGGING state. DECLARE v_groupIsRollbackable BOOLEAN; v_realMark TEXT; v_markIsProtected BOOLEAN; v_status INT; BEGIN -- check that the group is recorded in emaj_group table SELECT group_is_rollbackable INTO v_groupIsRollbackable FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = v_groupName FOR UPDATE; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_unprotect_mark_group: group "%" has not been created.', v_groupName; END IF; -- check that the group is ROLLBACKABLE IF NOT v_groupIsRollbackable THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_unprotect_mark_group: A mark on the group "%" cannot be unprotected because it is an AUDIT_ONLY group.', v_groupName; END IF; -- retrieve and check the mark name SELECT emaj._get_mark_name(v_groupName,v_mark) INTO v_realMark; IF v_realMark IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_unprotect_mark_group: mark "%" does not exist for group "%".', v_mark, v_groupName; END IF; -- OK, set the protection SELECT mark_is_rlbk_protected INTO v_markIsProtected FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = v_groupName AND mark_name = v_realMark; IF NOT v_markIsProtected THEN v_status = 0; ELSE UPDATE emaj.emaj_mark SET mark_is_rlbk_protected = FALSE WHERE mark_group = v_groupName AND mark_name = v_realMark; v_status = 1; END IF; -- insert event in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('UNPROTECT_MARK_GROUP', v_groupName, 'Mark ' || v_realMark || ' ; status ' || v_status); RETURN v_status; END; $emaj_unprotect_mark_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_unprotect_mark_group(TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Unsets a protection against a rollback on a mark of an E-Maj group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_rollback_group(v_groupName TEXT, v_mark TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_rollback_group$ -- The function rollbacks all tables and sequences of a group up to a mark in the history -- Input: group name, mark in the history, as it is inserted by emaj.emaj_set_mark_group(s) -- Output: number of processed tables and sequences BEGIN -- just (unlogged) rollback the group (with boolean: isLoggedRlbk = false, multiGroup = false) RETURN emaj._rlbk_groups(array[v_groupName], v_mark, false, false); END; $emaj_rollback_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_rollback_group(TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Rollbacks an E-Maj group to a given mark.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_rollback_groups(v_groupNames TEXT[], v_mark TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_rollback_groups$ -- The function rollbacks all tables and sequences of a group array up to a mark in the history -- Input: array of group names, mark in the history, as it is inserted by emaj.emaj_set_mark_group(s) -- Output: number of processed tables and sequences BEGIN -- just (unlogged) rollback the groups (with boolean: isLoggedRlbk = false, multiGroup = true) RETURN emaj._rlbk_groups(emaj._check_names_array(v_groupNames,'group'), v_mark, false, true); END; $emaj_rollback_groups$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_rollback_groups(TEXT[],TEXT) IS $$Rollbacks an set of E-Maj groups to a given mark.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_logged_rollback_group(v_groupName TEXT, v_mark TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_logged_rollback_group$ -- The function performs a logged rollback of all tables and sequences of a group up to a mark in the history. -- A logged rollback is a rollback which can be later rolled back! To achieve this: -- - log triggers are not disabled at rollback time, -- - a mark is automaticaly set at the beginning and at the end of the rollback operation, -- - rolled back log rows and any marks inside the rollback time frame are kept. -- Input: group name, mark in the history, as it is inserted by emaj.emaj_set_mark_group(s) -- Output: number of processed tables and sequences BEGIN -- just "logged-rollback" the group (with boolean: isLoggedRlbk = true, multiGroup = false) RETURN emaj._rlbk_groups(array[v_groupName], v_mark, true, false); END; $emaj_logged_rollback_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_logged_rollback_group(TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Performs a logged (cancellable) rollbacks of an E-Maj group to a given mark.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_logged_rollback_groups(v_groupNames TEXT[], v_mark TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_logged_rollback_groups$ -- The function performs a logged rollback of all tables and sequences of a groups array up to a mark in the history. -- A logged rollback is a rollback which can be later rolled back! To achieve this: -- - log triggers are not disabled at rollback time, -- - a mark is automaticaly set at the beginning and at the end of the rollback operation, -- - rolled back log rows and any marks inside the rollback time frame are kept. -- Input: array of group names, mark in the history, as it is inserted by emaj.emaj_set_mark_group(s) -- Output: number of tables and sequences effectively processed BEGIN -- just "logged-rollback" the groups (with boolean: isLoggedRlbk = true, multiGroup = true) RETURN emaj._rlbk_groups(emaj._check_names_array(v_groupNames,'group'), v_mark, true, true); END; $emaj_logged_rollback_groups$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_logged_rollback_groups(TEXT[],TEXT) IS $$Performs a logged (cancellable) rollbacks for a set of E-Maj groups to a given mark.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._rlbk_groups(v_groupNames TEXT[], v_mark TEXT, v_isLoggedRlbk BOOLEAN, v_multiGroup BOOLEAN) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_rlbk_groups$ -- The function rollbacks all tables and sequences of a groups array up to a mark in the history. -- It is called by emaj_rollback_group. -- It effectively manages the rollback operation for each table or sequence, deleting rows from log tables -- only when asked by the calling functions. -- Its activity is split into smaller functions that are also called by the parallel restore php function -- Input: group name, mark in the history, as it is inserted by emaj.emaj_set_mark_group -- and a boolean saying if the rollback is a logged rollback -- Output: number of tables and sequences effectively processed DECLARE v_rlbkId INT; v_nbTbl INT; v_nbSeq INT; BEGIN -- if the group names array is null, immediately return 0 IF v_groupNames IS NULL THEN RETURN 0; END IF; -- check supplied parameter and prepare the rollback operation SELECT emaj._rlbk_init(v_groupNames, v_mark, v_isLoggedRlbk, 1, v_multiGroup) INTO v_rlbkId; -- lock all tables PERFORM emaj._rlbk_session_lock(v_rlbkId, 1); -- set a rollback start mark if logged rollback PERFORM emaj._rlbk_start_mark(v_rlbkId, v_multiGroup); -- execute the rollback planning SELECT emaj._rlbk_session_exec(v_rlbkId, 1) INTO v_nbTbl; -- process sequences and complete the rollback operation SELECT emaj._rlbk_end(v_rlbkId, v_multiGroup) INTO v_nbSeq; RETURN v_nbTbl + v_nbSeq; END; $_rlbk_groups$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._rlbk_async(v_rlbkId INT, v_multiGroup BOOLEAN) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_rlbk_async$ -- The function calls the main rollback functions following the initialisation phase. -- It is only called by the phpPgAdmin plugin, in an asynchronous way, so that the rollback can be then monitored by the client. -- Input: rollback identifier and a boolean saying if the rollback is a logged rollback -- Output: number of tables and sequences effectively processed DECLARE v_nbTbl INT; v_nbSeq INT; BEGIN -- simply chain the internal functions PERFORM emaj._rlbk_session_lock(v_rlbkId, 1); PERFORM emaj._rlbk_start_mark(v_rlbkId, v_multiGroup); SELECT emaj._rlbk_session_exec(v_rlbkId, 1) INTO v_nbTbl; SELECT emaj._rlbk_end(v_rlbkId, v_multiGroup) INTO v_nbSeq; RETURN v_nbTbl + v_nbSeq; END; $_rlbk_async$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._rlbk_init(v_groupNames TEXT[], v_mark TEXT, v_isLoggedRlbk BOOLEAN, v_nbSession INT, v_multiGroup BOOLEAN) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_rlbk_init$ -- This is the first step of a rollback group processing. -- It tests the environment, the supplied parameters and the foreign key constraints. -- By calling the _rlbk_planning() function, it defines the different elementary steps needed for the operation, -- and spread the load on the requested number of sessions. -- It returns a rollback id that will be needed by next steps. DECLARE v_markName TEXT; v_markTimeId BIGINT; v_markTimestamp TIMESTAMPTZ; v_msg TEXT; v_nbTblInGroups INT; v_nbSeqInGroups INT; v_dbLinkCnxStatus INT; v_isDblinkUsable BOOLEAN = false; v_effNbTable INT; v_histId BIGINT; v_stmt TEXT; v_rlbkId INT; BEGIN -- lock the groups to rollback PERFORM 1 FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = ANY(v_groupNames) FOR UPDATE; -- check supplied group names and mark parameters SELECT emaj._rlbk_check(v_groupNames, v_mark) INTO v_markName; -- check that no group is damaged PERFORM 0 FROM emaj._verify_groups(v_groupNames, true); -- get the time stamp id and its clock timestamp for the 1st group (as we know this time stamp is the same for all groups of the array) SELECT emaj._get_mark_time_id(v_groupNames[1], v_mark) INTO v_markTimeId; SELECT time_clock_timestamp INTO v_markTimestamp FROM emaj.emaj_time_stamp WHERE time_id = v_markTimeId; -- insert begin in the history IF v_isLoggedRlbk THEN v_msg = 'Logged'; ELSE v_msg = 'Unlogged'; END IF; INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES (CASE WHEN v_multiGroup THEN 'ROLLBACK_GROUPS' ELSE 'ROLLBACK_GROUP' END, 'BEGIN', array_to_string(v_groupNames,','), v_msg || ' rollback to mark ' || v_markName || ' [' || v_markTimestamp || ']' ) RETURNING hist_id INTO v_histId; -- get the total number of tables for these groups SELECT sum(group_nb_table), sum(group_nb_sequence) INTO v_nbTblInGroups, v_nbSeqInGroups FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = ANY (v_groupNames) ; -- first try to open a dblink connection SELECT emaj._dblink_open_cnx('rlbk#1') INTO v_dbLinkCnxStatus; v_isDblinkUsable = (v_dbLinkCnxStatus >= 0); -- for parallel rollback (nb sessions > 1) the dblink connection must be ok IF v_nbSession > 1 AND NOT v_isDblinkUsable THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_rlbk_init: cannot use several sessions without dblink connection capability. (Status of the dblink connection attempt = % - see E-Maj documentation)', v_dbLinkCnxStatus; END IF; -- create the row representing the rollback event in the emaj_rlbk table and get the rollback id back v_stmt = 'INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk (rlbk_groups, rlbk_mark, rlbk_mark_time_id, rlbk_is_logged, ' || 'rlbk_nb_session, rlbk_nb_table, rlbk_nb_sequence, rlbk_status, rlbk_begin_hist_id, ' || 'rlbk_is_dblink_used) ' || 'VALUES (' || quote_literal(v_groupNames) || ',' || quote_literal(v_markName) || ',' || v_markTimeId || ',' || v_isLoggedRlbk || ',' || v_nbSession || ',' || v_nbTblInGroups || ',' || v_nbSeqInGroups || ', ''PLANNING'',' || v_histId || ',' || v_isDblinkUsable || ') RETURNING rlbk_id'; IF v_isDblinkUsable THEN -- insert a rollback event into the emaj_rlbk table ... either through dblink if possible SELECT rlbk_id INTO v_rlbkId FROM dblink('rlbk#1',v_stmt) AS (rlbk_id INT); ELSE -- ... or directly EXECUTE v_stmt INTO v_rlbkId; END IF; -- issue warnings in case of foreign keys with tables outside the groups PERFORM emaj._check_fk_groups(v_groupNames); -- call the rollback planning function to define all the elementary steps to perform, -- compute their estimated duration and attribute steps to sessions v_stmt = 'SELECT emaj._rlbk_planning(' || v_rlbkId || ')'; IF v_isDblinkUsable THEN -- ... either through dblink if possible (do not try to open a connection, it has already been attempted) SELECT eff_nb_table FROM dblink('rlbk#1',v_stmt) AS (eff_nb_table INT) INTO v_effNbTable; ELSE -- ... or directly EXECUTE v_stmt INTO v_effNbTable; END IF; -- update the emaj_rlbk table to set the real number of tables to process and adjust the rollback status v_stmt = 'UPDATE emaj.emaj_rlbk SET rlbk_eff_nb_table = ' || v_effNbTable || ', rlbk_status = ''LOCKING'' ' || ' WHERE rlbk_id = ' || v_rlbkId || ' RETURNING 1'; IF v_isDblinkUsable THEN -- ... either through dblink if possible PERFORM 0 FROM dblink('rlbk#1',v_stmt) AS (dummy INT); ELSE -- ... or directly EXECUTE v_stmt; END IF; RETURN v_rlbkId; END; $_rlbk_init$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._rlbk_check(v_groupNames TEXT[], v_mark TEXT, isRollbackSimulation BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE) RETURNS TEXT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_rlbk_check$ -- This functions performs checks on group names and mark names supplied as parameter for the emaj_rollback_groups() -- and emaj_estimate_rollback_groups() functions. -- It returns the real mark name. DECLARE v_aGroupName TEXT; v_groupIsLogging BOOLEAN; v_groupIsProtected BOOLEAN; v_groupIsRollbackable BOOLEAN; v_markName TEXT; v_markId BIGINT; v_markIsDeleted BOOLEAN; v_protectedMarkList TEXT; v_cpt INT; BEGIN -- check that each group ... -- ...is recorded in emaj_group table FOREACH v_aGroupName IN ARRAY v_groupNames LOOP SELECT group_is_logging, group_is_rollbackable, group_is_rlbk_protected INTO v_groupIsLogging, v_groupIsRollbackable, v_groupIsProtected FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = v_aGroupName; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_rlbk_check: group "%" has not been created.', v_aGroupName; END IF; -- ... is in LOGGING state IF NOT v_groupIsLogging THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_rlbk_check: Group "%" is not in LOGGING state.', v_aGroupName; END IF; -- ... is ROLLBACKABLE IF NOT v_groupIsRollbackable THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_rlbk_check: Group "%" has been created for audit only purpose.', v_aGroupName; END IF; -- ... is not protected against rollback (check disabled for rollback simulation) IF v_groupIsProtected AND NOT isRollbackSimulation THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_rlbk_check: Group "%" is currently protected against rollback.', v_aGroupName; END IF; -- ... owns the requested mark SELECT emaj._get_mark_name(v_aGroupName,v_mark) INTO v_markName; IF NOT FOUND OR v_markName IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_rlbk_check: No mark "%" exists for group "%".', v_mark, v_aGroupName; END IF; -- ... and this mark is ACTIVE SELECT mark_id, mark_is_deleted INTO v_markId, v_markIsDeleted FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = v_aGroupName AND mark_name = v_markName; IF v_markIsDeleted THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_rlbk_check: mark "%" for group "%" is not usable for rollback.', v_markName, v_aGroupName; END IF; -- ... and the rollback wouldn't delete protected marks (check disabled for rollback simulation) IF NOT isRollbackSimulation THEN SELECT string_agg(mark_name,', ') INTO v_protectedMarkList FROM ( SELECT mark_name FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = v_aGroupName AND mark_id > v_markId AND mark_is_rlbk_protected ORDER BY mark_id) AS t; IF v_protectedMarkList IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_rlbk_check: protected marks (%) for group "%" block the rollback to mark "%".', v_protectedMarkList, v_aGroupName, v_markName; END IF; END IF; END LOOP; -- get the mark timestamp and check it is the same for all groups of the array SELECT count(DISTINCT emaj._get_mark_time_id(group_name,v_mark)) INTO v_cpt FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = ANY (v_groupNames); IF v_cpt > 1 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_rlbk_check: Mark "%" does not represent the same point in time for all groups.', v_mark; END IF; RETURN v_markName; END; $_rlbk_check$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._rlbk_planning(v_rlbkId INT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $_rlbk_planning$ -- This function builds the rollback steps for a rollback operation. -- It stores the result into the emaj_rlbk_plan table. -- The function returns the effective number of tables to process. -- It is called in an autonomous dblink transaction, if possible. -- The function is defined as SECURITY DEFINER so that emaj_viwer role can write into rollback tables without having specific privileges to do it. DECLARE v_groupNames TEXT[]; v_mark TEXT; v_isLoggedRlbk BOOLEAN; v_markTimeId BIGINT; v_nbSession INT; v_ctrlStepName emaj._rlbk_step_enum; v_effNbTable INT; v_batchNumber INT; v_checks INT; v_estimDuration INTERVAL; v_estimMethod INT; v_estimDropFkDuration INTERVAL; v_estimDropFkMethod INT; v_estimSetFkDefDuration INTERVAL; v_estimSetFkDefMethod INT; v_avg_row_rlbk INTERVAL; v_avg_row_del_log INTERVAL; v_avg_fkey_check INTERVAL; v_fixed_step_rlbk INTERVAL; v_fixed_dblink_rlbk INTERVAL; v_sessionLoad INTERVAL[]; v_minSession INT; v_minDuration INTERVAL; v_nbStep INT; r_tbl RECORD; r_fk RECORD; r_batch RECORD; BEGIN -- get the rollack characteristics for the emaj_rlbk event SELECT rlbk_groups, rlbk_mark, rlbk_is_logged, rlbk_nb_session, CASE WHEN rlbk_is_dblink_used THEN 'CTRL+DBLINK' ELSE 'CTRL-DBLINK' END INTO v_groupNames, v_mark, v_isLoggedRlbk, v_nbSession, v_ctrlStepName FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk WHERE rlbk_id = v_rlbkId; -- get some mark attributes from emaj_mark SELECT mark_time_id INTO v_markTimeId FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = v_groupNames[1] AND mark_name = v_mark; -- get all duration parameters that will be needed later from the emaj_param table, -- or get default values for rows that are not present in emaj_param table SELECT coalesce ((SELECT param_value_interval FROM emaj.emaj_param WHERE param_key = 'avg_row_rollback_duration'),'100 microsecond'::interval), coalesce ((SELECT param_value_interval FROM emaj.emaj_param WHERE param_key = 'avg_row_delete_log_duration'),'10 microsecond'::interval), coalesce ((SELECT param_value_interval FROM emaj.emaj_param WHERE param_key = 'avg_fkey_check_duration'),'5 microsecond'::interval), coalesce ((SELECT param_value_interval FROM emaj.emaj_param WHERE param_key = 'fixed_step_rollback_duration'),'2.5 millisecond'::interval), coalesce ((SELECT param_value_interval FROM emaj.emaj_param WHERE param_key = 'fixed_dblink_rollback_duration'),'4 millisecond'::interval) INTO v_avg_row_rlbk, v_avg_row_del_log, v_avg_fkey_check, v_fixed_step_rlbk, v_fixed_dblink_rlbk; -- insert into emaj_rlbk_plan a row per table belonging to the tables groups to process. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan (rlbp_rlbk_id, rlbp_step, rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_fkey) SELECT v_rlbkId, 'LOCK_TABLE', rel_schema, rel_tblseq, '' FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = ANY(v_groupNames) AND rel_kind = 'r'; -- insert into emaj_rlbk_plan a row per table to effectively rollback. -- the numbers of log rows is computed using the _log_stat_tbl() function. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan (rlbp_rlbk_id, rlbp_step, rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_fkey, rlbp_estimated_quantity) SELECT v_rlbkId, 'RLBK_TABLE', rel_schema, rel_tblseq, '', emaj._log_stat_tbl(t, v_markTimeId, NULL) FROM (SELECT * FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = ANY (v_groupNames) AND rel_kind = 'r') AS t WHERE emaj._log_stat_tbl(t, v_markTimeId, NULL) > 0; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_effNbTable = ROW_COUNT; -- -- group tables into batchs to process all tables linked by foreign keys as a batch -- v_batchNumber = 1; -- allocate tables with rows to rollback to batch number starting with the heaviest to rollback tables -- as reported by emaj_log_stat_group() function FOR r_tbl IN SELECT * FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = v_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'RLBK_TABLE' ORDER BY rlbp_estimated_quantity DESC LOOP -- is the table already allocated to a batch number (it may have been already allocated because of a fkey link) ? PERFORM 0 FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = v_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'RLBK_TABLE' AND rlbp_schema = r_tbl.rlbp_schema AND rlbp_table = r_tbl.rlbp_table AND rlbp_batch_number IS NULL; -- no, IF FOUND THEN -- allocate the table to the batch number, with all other tables linked by foreign key constraints PERFORM emaj._rlbk_set_batch_number(v_rlbkId, v_batchNumber, r_tbl.rlbp_schema, r_tbl.rlbp_table); v_batchNumber = v_batchNumber + 1; END IF; END LOOP; -- -- if unlogged rollback, register into emaj_rlbk_plan "disable log triggers", "deletes from log tables" -- and "enable log trigger" steps -- IF NOT v_isLoggedRlbk THEN -- compute the cost for each DIS_LOG_TRG step -- if DIS_LOG_TRG statistics are available, compute an average cost SELECT sum(rlbt_duration) / sum(rlbt_quantity) INTO v_estimDuration FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_stat WHERE rlbt_step = 'DIS_LOG_TRG'; v_estimMethod = 2; IF v_estimDuration IS NULL THEN -- otherwise, use the fixed_step_rollback_duration parameter v_estimDuration = v_fixed_step_rlbk; v_estimMethod = 3; END IF; -- insert all DIS_LOG_TRG steps INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan ( rlbp_rlbk_id, rlbp_step, rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_fkey, rlbp_batch_number, rlbp_estimated_duration, rlbp_estimate_method ) SELECT v_rlbkId, 'DIS_LOG_TRG', rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, '', rlbp_batch_number, v_estimDuration, v_estimMethod FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = v_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'RLBK_TABLE'; -- insert all DELETE_LOG steps. But the duration estimates will be computed later -- the estimated number of log rows to delete is set to the the estimated number of updates. This is underestimated -- in particular when SQL UPDATES are logged. But the collected statistics used for duration estimates are also -- based on the estimated number of updates. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan ( rlbp_rlbk_id, rlbp_step, rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_fkey, rlbp_batch_number, rlbp_estimated_quantity ) SELECT v_rlbkId, 'DELETE_LOG', rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, '', rlbp_batch_number, rlbp_estimated_quantity FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = v_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'RLBK_TABLE'; -- compute the cost for each ENA_LOG_TRG step -- if DIS_LOG_TRG statistics are available, compute an average cost SELECT sum(rlbt_duration) / sum(rlbt_quantity) INTO v_estimDuration FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_stat WHERE rlbt_step = 'ENA_LOG_TRG'; v_estimMethod = 2; IF v_estimDuration IS NULL THEN -- otherwise, use the fixed_step_rollback_duration parameter v_estimDuration = v_fixed_step_rlbk; v_estimMethod = 3; END IF; -- insert all ENA_LOG_TRG steps INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan ( rlbp_rlbk_id, rlbp_step, rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_fkey, rlbp_batch_number, rlbp_estimated_duration, rlbp_estimate_method ) SELECT v_rlbkId, 'ENA_LOG_TRG', rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, '', rlbp_batch_number, v_estimDuration, v_estimMethod FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = v_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'RLBK_TABLE'; END IF; -- -- process foreign key to define which action to perform on them -- -- First compute the fixed duration estimates for each 'DROP_FK' and 'SET_FK_DEF' steps -- if DROP_FK statistics are available, compute an average cost SELECT sum(rlbt_duration) / sum(rlbt_quantity) INTO v_estimDropFkDuration FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_stat WHERE rlbt_step = 'DROP_FK'; v_estimDropFkMethod = 2; IF v_estimDropFkDuration IS NULL THEN -- if no statistics are available for this step, use the fixed_step_rollback_duration parameter v_estimDropFkDuration = v_fixed_step_rlbk; v_estimDropFkMethod = 3; END IF; -- if SET_FK_DEF statistics are available, compute an average cost SELECT sum(rlbt_duration) / sum(rlbt_quantity) INTO v_estimSetFkDefDuration FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_stat WHERE rlbt_step = 'SET_FK_DEF'; v_estimSetFkDefMethod = 2; IF v_estimSetFkDefDuration IS NULL THEN -- if no statistics are available for this step, use the fixed_step_rollback_duration parameter v_estimSetFkDefDuration = v_fixed_step_rlbk; v_estimSetFkDefMethod = 3; END IF; -- select all foreign keys belonging to or referencing the tables to process FOR r_fk IN SELECT c.oid AS conoid, c.conname, n.nspname, t.relname, t.reltuples, pg_get_constraintdef(c.oid) AS def, c.condeferrable, c.condeferred, c.confupdtype, c.confdeltype, r.rlbp_batch_number FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, pg_catalog.pg_class t, emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan r WHERE c.contype = 'f' -- FK constraints only AND rlbp_rlbk_id = v_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'RLBK_TABLE' -- tables to rollback AND c.conrelid = t.oid AND t.relnamespace = n.oid -- joins for table and namespace AND n.nspname = r.rlbp_schema AND t.relname = r.rlbp_table -- join on emaj_rlbk_plan table UNION SELECT c.oid AS conoid, c.conname, n.nspname, t.relname, t.reltuples, pg_get_constraintdef(c.oid) AS def, c.condeferrable, c.condeferred, c.confupdtype, c.confdeltype, r.rlbp_batch_number FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, pg_catalog.pg_class t, pg_catalog.pg_namespace rn, pg_catalog.pg_class rt, emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan r WHERE c.contype = 'f' -- FK constraints only AND rlbp_rlbk_id = v_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'RLBK_TABLE' -- tables to rollback AND c.conrelid = t.oid AND t.relnamespace = n.oid -- joins for table and namespace AND c.confrelid = rt.oid AND rt.relnamespace = rn.oid -- joins for referenced table and namespace AND rn.nspname = r.rlbp_schema AND rt.relname = r.rlbp_table -- join on emaj_rlbk_plan table ORDER BY nspname, relname, conname LOOP -- depending on the foreign key characteristics, record as 'to be dropped' or 'to be set deffered' or 'to just be reset immediate' IF NOT r_fk.condeferrable OR r_fk.confupdtype <> 'a' OR r_fk.confdeltype <> 'a' THEN -- non deferrable fkeys and deferrable fkeys with an action for UPDATE or DELETE other than 'no action' need to be dropped INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan ( rlbp_rlbk_id, rlbp_step, rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_fkey, rlbp_batch_number, rlbp_estimated_duration, rlbp_estimate_method ) VALUES ( v_rlbkId, 'DROP_FK', r_fk.nspname, r_fk.relname, r_fk.conname, r_fk.rlbp_batch_number, v_estimDropFkDuration, v_estimDropFkMethod ); INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan ( rlbp_rlbk_id, rlbp_step, rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_fkey, rlbp_batch_number, rlbp_fkey_def, rlbp_estimated_quantity ) VALUES ( v_rlbkId, 'ADD_FK', r_fk.nspname, r_fk.relname, r_fk.conname, r_fk.rlbp_batch_number, r_fk.def, r_fk.reltuples ); ELSE -- other deferrable but not deferred fkeys need to be set deferred IF NOT r_fk.condeferred THEN INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan ( rlbp_rlbk_id, rlbp_step, rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_fkey, rlbp_batch_number, rlbp_estimated_duration, rlbp_estimate_method ) VALUES ( v_rlbkId, 'SET_FK_DEF', r_fk.nspname, r_fk.relname, r_fk.conname, r_fk.rlbp_batch_number, v_estimSetFkDefDuration, v_estimSetFkDefMethod ); END IF; -- deferrable fkeys are recorded as 'to be set immediate at the end of the rollback operation' -- compute the number of fkey values to check at set immediate time SELECT (coalesce( -- get the number of rolled back rows in the referencing table, if any (SELECT rlbp_estimated_quantity FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = v_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'RLBK_TABLE' -- tables of the rollback event AND rlbp_schema = r_fk.nspname AND rlbp_table = r_fk.relname) -- referencing schema.table , 0)) + (coalesce( -- get the number of rolled back rows in the referenced table, if any (SELECT rlbp_estimated_quantity FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan, pg_catalog.pg_constraint c, pg_catalog.pg_namespace rn, pg_catalog.pg_class rt WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = v_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'RLBK_TABLE' -- tables of the rollback event AND c.oid = r_fk.conoid -- constraint id AND c.confrelid = rt.oid AND rt.relnamespace = rn.oid -- joins for referenced schema.table AND rn.nspname = rlbp_schema AND rt.relname = rlbp_table) -- join on emaj_rlbk_plan , 0)) INTO v_checks; -- and record the SET_FK_IMM step INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan ( rlbp_rlbk_id, rlbp_step, rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_fkey, rlbp_batch_number, rlbp_estimated_quantity ) VALUES ( v_rlbkId, 'SET_FK_IMM', r_fk.nspname, r_fk.relname, r_fk.conname, r_fk.rlbp_batch_number, v_checks ); END IF; END LOOP; -- -- Now compute the estimation duration for each complex step ('RLBK_TABLE', 'DELETE_LOG', 'ADD_FK', 'SET_FK_IMM') -- -- Compute the rollback duration estimates for the tables -- for each table with content to rollback FOR r_tbl IN SELECT * FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = v_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'RLBK_TABLE' LOOP -- first look at the previous rollback durations for the table and with similar rollback volume (same order of magnitude) SELECT sum(rlbt_duration) * r_tbl.rlbp_estimated_quantity / sum(rlbt_quantity) INTO v_estimDuration FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_stat WHERE rlbt_step = 'RLBK_TABLE' AND rlbt_quantity > 0 AND rlbt_schema = r_tbl.rlbp_schema AND rlbt_table = r_tbl.rlbp_table AND rlbt_quantity / r_tbl.rlbp_estimated_quantity < 10 AND r_tbl.rlbp_estimated_quantity / rlbt_quantity < 10; v_estimMethod = 1; IF v_estimDuration IS NULL THEN -- if there is no previous rollback operation with similar volume, take statistics for the table with all available volumes SELECT sum(rlbt_duration) * r_tbl.rlbp_estimated_quantity / sum(rlbt_quantity) INTO v_estimDuration FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_stat WHERE rlbt_step = 'RLBK_TABLE' AND rlbt_quantity > 0 AND rlbt_schema = r_tbl.rlbp_schema AND rlbt_table = r_tbl.rlbp_table; v_estimMethod = 2; IF v_estimDuration IS NULL THEN -- if there is no previous rollback operation, use the avg_row_rollback_duration from the emaj_param table v_estimDuration = v_avg_row_rlbk * r_tbl.rlbp_estimated_quantity + v_fixed_step_rlbk; v_estimMethod = 3; END IF; END IF; UPDATE emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan SET rlbp_estimated_duration = v_estimDuration, rlbp_estimate_method = v_estimMethod WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = v_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'RLBK_TABLE' AND rlbp_schema = r_tbl.rlbp_schema AND rlbp_table = r_tbl.rlbp_table; END LOOP; -- Compute the log rows delete duration for the tables FOR r_tbl IN SELECT * FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = v_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'DELETE_LOG' LOOP -- first look at the previous rollback durations for the table and with similar rollback volume (same order of magnitude) SELECT sum(rlbt_duration) * r_tbl.rlbp_estimated_quantity / sum(rlbt_quantity) INTO v_estimDuration FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_stat WHERE rlbt_step = 'DELETE_LOG' AND rlbt_quantity > 0 AND rlbt_schema = r_tbl.rlbp_schema AND rlbt_table = r_tbl.rlbp_table AND rlbt_quantity / r_tbl.rlbp_estimated_quantity < 10 AND r_tbl.rlbp_estimated_quantity / rlbt_quantity < 10; v_estimMethod = 1; IF v_estimDuration IS NULL THEN -- if there is no previous rollback operation with similar volume, take statistics for the table with all available volumes SELECT sum(rlbt_duration) * r_tbl.rlbp_estimated_quantity / sum(rlbt_quantity) INTO v_estimDuration FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_stat WHERE rlbt_step = 'DELETE_LOG' AND rlbt_quantity > 0 AND rlbt_schema = r_tbl.rlbp_schema AND rlbt_table = r_tbl.rlbp_table; v_estimMethod = 2; IF v_estimDuration IS NULL THEN -- if there is no previous rollback operation, use the avg_row_rollback_duration from the emaj_param table v_estimDuration = v_avg_row_del_log * r_tbl.rlbp_estimated_quantity + v_fixed_step_rlbk; v_estimMethod = 3; END IF; END IF; UPDATE emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan SET rlbp_estimated_duration = v_estimDuration, rlbp_estimate_method = v_estimMethod WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = v_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'DELETE_LOG' AND rlbp_schema = r_tbl.rlbp_schema AND rlbp_table = r_tbl.rlbp_table; END LOOP; -- Compute the fkey recreation duration FOR r_fk IN SELECT * FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = v_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'ADD_FK' LOOP IF r_fk.rlbp_estimated_quantity = 0 THEN -- empty table (or table not analyzed) => duration = 0 v_estimDuration = 0; v_estimMethod = 3; ELSE -- non empty table and statistics (with at least one row) are available SELECT sum(rlbt_duration) * r_fk.rlbp_estimated_quantity / sum(rlbt_quantity) INTO v_estimDuration FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_stat WHERE rlbt_step = 'ADD_FK' AND rlbt_quantity > 0 AND rlbt_schema = r_fk.rlbp_schema AND rlbt_table = r_fk.rlbp_table AND rlbt_fkey = r_fk.rlbp_fkey; v_estimMethod = 1; IF v_estimDuration IS NULL THEN -- non empty table, but no statistics with at least one row are available => take the last duration for this fkey, if any SELECT rlbt_duration INTO v_estimDuration FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_stat WHERE rlbt_step = 'ADD_FK' AND rlbt_schema = r_fk.rlbp_schema AND rlbt_table = r_tbl.rlbp_table AND rlbt_fkey = r_fk.rlbp_fkey AND rlbt_rlbk_id = (SELECT max(rlbt_rlbk_id) FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_stat WHERE rlbt_step = 'ADD_FK' AND rlbt_schema = r_fk.rlbp_schema AND rlbt_table = r_fk.rlbp_table AND rlbt_fkey = r_fk.rlbp_fkey); v_estimMethod = 2; IF v_estimDuration IS NULL THEN -- definitely no statistics available, compute with the avg_fkey_check_duration parameter v_estimDuration = r_fk.rlbp_estimated_quantity * v_avg_fkey_check + v_fixed_step_rlbk; v_estimMethod = 3; END IF; END IF; END IF; UPDATE emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan SET rlbp_estimated_duration = v_estimDuration, rlbp_estimate_method = v_estimMethod WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = v_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'ADD_FK' AND rlbp_schema = r_fk.rlbp_schema AND rlbp_table = r_fk.rlbp_table AND rlbp_fkey = r_fk.rlbp_fkey; END LOOP; -- Compute the fkey checks duration FOR r_fk IN SELECT * FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = v_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'SET_FK_IMM' LOOP -- if fkey checks statistics are available for this fkey, compute an average cost SELECT sum(rlbt_duration) * r_fk.rlbp_estimated_quantity / sum(rlbt_quantity) INTO v_estimDuration FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_stat WHERE rlbt_step = 'SET_FK_IMM' AND rlbt_quantity > 0 AND rlbt_schema = r_fk.rlbp_schema AND rlbt_table = r_fk.rlbp_table AND rlbt_fkey = r_fk.rlbp_fkey; v_estimMethod = 2; IF v_estimDuration IS NULL THEN -- if no statistics are available for this fkey, use the avg_fkey_check parameter v_estimDuration = r_fk.rlbp_estimated_quantity * v_avg_fkey_check + v_fixed_step_rlbk; v_estimMethod = 3; END IF; UPDATE emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan SET rlbp_estimated_duration = v_estimDuration, rlbp_estimate_method = v_estimMethod WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = v_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'SET_FK_IMM' AND rlbp_schema = r_fk.rlbp_schema AND rlbp_table = r_fk.rlbp_table AND rlbp_fkey = r_fk.rlbp_fkey; END LOOP; -- -- Allocate batch number to sessions to spread the load on sessions as best as possible -- A batch represents all steps related to the processing of one table or several tables linked by foreign keys -- -- initialisation FOR v_session IN 1 .. v_nbSession LOOP v_sessionLoad [v_session] = 0; END LOOP; -- allocate tables batch to sessions, starting with the heaviest to rollback batch FOR r_batch IN SELECT rlbp_batch_number, sum(rlbp_estimated_duration) AS batch_duration FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = v_rlbkId AND rlbp_batch_number IS NOT NULL GROUP BY rlbp_batch_number ORDER BY sum(rlbp_estimated_duration) DESC LOOP -- compute the least loaded session v_minSession=1; v_minDuration = v_sessionLoad [1]; FOR v_session IN 2 .. v_nbSession LOOP IF v_sessionLoad [v_session] < v_minDuration THEN v_minSession = v_session; v_minDuration = v_sessionLoad [v_session]; END IF; END LOOP; -- allocate the batch to the session UPDATE emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan SET rlbp_session = v_minSession WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = v_rlbkId AND rlbp_batch_number = r_batch.rlbp_batch_number; v_sessionLoad [v_minSession] = v_sessionLoad [v_minSession] + r_batch.batch_duration; END LOOP; -- assign session 1 to all 'LOCK_TABLE' steps not yet affected UPDATE emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan SET rlbp_session = 1 WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = v_rlbkId AND rlbp_session IS NULL; -- Create the pseudo 'CTRL+DBLINK' or 'CTRL-DBLINK' step and compute its duration estimate -- get the number of recorded steps (except LOCK_TABLE) SELECT count(*) INTO v_nbStep FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = v_rlbkId AND rlbp_step <> 'LOCK_TABLE'; IF v_nbStep > 0 THEN -- if CTRLxDBLINK statistics are available, compute an average cost SELECT sum(rlbt_duration) * v_nbStep / sum(rlbt_quantity) INTO v_estimDuration FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_stat WHERE rlbt_step = v_ctrlStepName AND rlbt_quantity > 0; v_estimMethod = 2; IF v_estimDuration IS NULL THEN -- otherwise, use the fixed_step_rollback_duration parameter v_estimDuration = v_fixed_dblink_rlbk * v_nbStep; v_estimMethod = 3; END IF; -- insert the 'CTRLxDBLINK' pseudo step INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan ( rlbp_rlbk_id, rlbp_step, rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_fkey, rlbp_estimated_quantity, rlbp_estimated_duration, rlbp_estimate_method ) VALUES ( v_rlbkId, v_ctrlStepName, '', '', '', v_nbStep, v_estimDuration, v_estimMethod ); END IF; -- return the number of tables to effectively rollback RETURN v_effNbTable; END; $_rlbk_planning$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._rlbk_set_batch_number(v_rlbkId INT, v_batchNumber INT, v_schema TEXT, v_table TEXT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_rlbk_set_batch_number$ -- This function updates the emaj_rlbk_plan table to set the batch_number for one table. -- It also looks for all tables that are linked to this table by foreign keys to force them to be allocated to the same batch number. -- The function is called by _rlbk_planning(). -- As those linked tables can also be linked to other tables by other foreign keys, the function has to be recursiley called. DECLARE v_fullTableName TEXT; r_tbl RECORD; BEGIN -- set the batch number to this application table (there is a 'LOCK_TABLE' step and potentialy a 'RLBK_TABLE' step) UPDATE emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan SET rlbp_batch_number = v_batchNumber WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = v_rlbkId AND rlbp_schema = v_schema AND rlbp_table = v_table; -- then look for all other application tables linked by foreign key relationships v_fullTableName = quote_ident(v_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(v_table); FOR r_tbl IN SELECT rlbp_schema, rlbp_table FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = v_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'LOCK_TABLE' AND rlbp_batch_number IS NULL -- not yet allocated AND (rlbp_schema, rlbp_table) IN ( -- list of (schema,table) linked to the original table by fkeys SELECT nspname, relname FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint, pg_catalog.pg_class t, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n WHERE contype = 'f' AND confrelid = v_fullTableName::regclass AND t.oid = conrelid AND relnamespace = n.oid UNION SELECT nspname, relname FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint, pg_catalog.pg_class t, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n WHERE contype = 'f' AND conrelid = v_fullTableName::regclass AND t.oid = confrelid AND relnamespace = n.oid ) LOOP -- recursive call to allocate these linked tables to the same batch_number PERFORM emaj._rlbk_set_batch_number(v_rlbkId, v_batchNumber, r_tbl.rlbp_schema, r_tbl.rlbp_table); END LOOP; RETURN; END; $_rlbk_set_batch_number$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._rlbk_session_lock(v_rlbkId INT, v_session INT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_rlbk_session_lock$ -- It creates the session row in the emaj_rlbk_session table and then locks all the application tables for the session. DECLARE v_stmt TEXT; v_isDblinkUsable BOOLEAN = false; v_groupNames TEXT[]; v_nbRetry SMALLINT = 0; v_lockmode TEXT; v_ok BOOLEAN = false; v_nbTbl INT; r_tbl RECORD; BEGIN -- try to open a dblink connection for #session > 1 (the attempt for session 1 has already been done) IF v_session > 1 THEN PERFORM emaj._dblink_open_cnx('rlbk#'||v_session); END IF; -- get the rollack characteristics for the emaj_rlbk SELECT rlbk_groups INTO v_groupNames FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk WHERE rlbk_id = v_rlbkId; -- create the session row the emaj_rlbk_session table. v_stmt = 'INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk_session (rlbs_rlbk_id, rlbs_session, rlbs_txid, rlbs_start_datetime) ' || 'VALUES (' || v_rlbkId || ',' || v_session || ',' || txid_current() || ',' || quote_literal(clock_timestamp()) || ') RETURNING 1'; IF emaj._dblink_is_cnx_opened('rlbk#'||v_session) THEN -- IF v_isDblinkUsable THEN -- ... either through dblink if possible PERFORM 0 FROM dblink('rlbk#'||v_session,v_stmt) AS (dummy INT); v_isDblinkUsable = true; ELSE -- ... or directly EXECUTE v_stmt; END IF; -- insert lock begin in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('LOCK_GROUP', 'BEGIN', array_to_string(v_groupNames,','), 'Rollback session #' || v_session); -- -- acquire locks on tables -- -- in case of deadlock, retry up to 5 times WHILE NOT v_ok AND v_nbRetry < 5 LOOP BEGIN v_nbTbl = 0; -- scan all tables of the session, in priority ascending order (priority being defined in emaj_group_def and stored in emaj_relation) FOR r_tbl IN SELECT quote_ident(rlbp_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(rlbp_table) AS fullName, EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan rlbp2 WHERE rlbp2.rlbp_rlbk_id = v_rlbkId AND rlbp2.rlbp_session = v_session AND rlbp2.rlbp_schema = rlbp1.rlbp_schema AND rlbp2.rlbp_table = rlbp1.rlbp_table AND rlbp2.rlbp_step = 'DIS_LOG_TRG') AS disLogTrg FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan rlbp1, emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = rlbp_schema AND rel_tblseq = rlbp_table AND rlbp_rlbk_id = v_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'LOCK_TABLE' AND rlbp_session = v_session ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq LOOP -- lock each table -- The locking level is EXCLUSIVE mode, except for tables whose log trigger needs to be disabled/enables when postgres version is prior 9.5. -- In this later case, the ACCESS EXCLUSIVE mode is used, blocking all concurrent accesses to these tables. -- In the former case, the EXCLUSIVE mode blocks all concurrent update capabilities of all tables of the groups (including tables with no logged -- update to rollback), in order to ensure a stable state of the group at the end of the rollback operation). But these tables can be accessed -- by SELECT statements during the E-Maj rollback. IF emaj._pg_version_num() < 90500 AND r_tbl.disLogTrg THEN v_lockmode = 'ACCESS EXCLUSIVE'; ELSE v_lockmode = 'EXCLUSIVE'; END IF; EXECUTE 'LOCK TABLE ' || r_tbl.fullName || ' IN ' || v_lockmode || ' MODE'; v_nbTbl = v_nbTbl + 1; END LOOP; -- ok, all tables locked v_ok = true; EXCEPTION WHEN deadlock_detected THEN v_nbRetry = v_nbRetry + 1; RAISE NOTICE '_rlbk_session_lock: a deadlock has been trapped while locking tables for groups "%".', array_to_string(v_groupNames,','); END; END LOOP; IF NOT v_ok THEN PERFORM emaj._rlbk_error(v_rlbkId, '_rlbk_session_lock: too many (5) deadlocks encountered while locking tables', v_session); RAISE EXCEPTION '_rlbk_session_lock: too many (5) deadlocks encountered while locking tables for groups "%".',array_to_string(v_groupNames,','); END IF; -- insert end in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('LOCK_GROUP', 'END', array_to_string(v_groupNames,','), 'Rollback session #' || v_session || ': ' || v_nbTbl || ' tables locked, ' || v_nbRetry || ' deadlock(s)'); RETURN; -- trap and record exception during the rollback operation EXCEPTION WHEN SQLSTATE 'P0001' THEN -- Do not trap the exceptions raised by the function RAISE; WHEN OTHERS THEN -- Otherwise, log the E-Maj rollback abort in emaj_rlbk, if possible PERFORM emaj._rlbk_error(v_rlbkId, 'In _rlbk_session_lock() for session ' || v_session || ': ' || SQLERRM, 'rlbk#'||v_session); RAISE; END; $_rlbk_session_lock$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._rlbk_start_mark(v_rlbkId INT, v_multiGroup BOOLEAN) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_rlbk_start_mark$ -- For logged rollback, it sets a mark that materialize the point in time just before the tables rollback. -- All concerned tables are already locked. -- Before setting the mark, it checks no update has been recorded between the planning step and the locks set -- for tables for which no rollback was needed at planning time. -- It also sets the rollback status to EXECUTING. DECLARE v_stmt TEXT; v_isDblinkUsable BOOLEAN = false; v_timeId BIGINT; v_groupNames TEXT[]; v_mark TEXT; v_isLoggedRlbk BOOLEAN; v_rlbkDatetime TIMESTAMPTZ; v_markTimeId BIGINT; v_markName TEXT; v_errorMsg TEXT; BEGIN -- determine whether the dblink connection for this session is opened IF emaj._dblink_is_cnx_opened('rlbk#1') THEN v_isDblinkUsable = true; END IF; -- get a time stamp for the rollback operation v_stmt = 'SELECT emaj._set_time_stamp(''R'')'; IF v_isDblinkUsable THEN -- ... either through dblink if possible SELECT time_id INTO v_timeId FROM dblink('rlbk#1',v_stmt) AS (time_id BIGINT); ELSE -- ... or directly EXECUTE v_stmt INTO v_timeId; END IF; -- update the emaj_rlbk table to record the time stamp and adjust the rollback status v_stmt = 'UPDATE emaj.emaj_rlbk SET rlbk_time_id = ' || v_timeId || ', rlbk_status = ''EXECUTING''' || ' WHERE rlbk_id = ' || v_rlbkId || ' RETURNING 1'; IF v_isDblinkUsable THEN -- ... either through dblink if possible PERFORM 0 FROM dblink('rlbk#1',v_stmt) AS (dummy INT); ELSE -- ... or directly EXECUTE v_stmt; END IF; -- get the rollack characteristics for the emaj_rlbk SELECT rlbk_groups, rlbk_mark, rlbk_time_id, rlbk_is_logged, time_clock_timestamp INTO v_groupNames, v_mark, v_timeId, v_isLoggedRlbk, v_rlbkDatetime FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk, emaj.emaj_time_stamp WHERE rlbk_time_id = time_id AND rlbk_id = v_rlbkId; -- get some mark attributes from emaj_mark SELECT mark_time_id INTO v_markTimeId FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = v_groupNames[1] AND mark_name = v_mark; -- check that no update has been recorded between planning time and lock time for tables that did not need to -- be rolled back at planning time. -- This may occur and cannot be avoided because tables cannot be locked before processing the rollback planning. -- (Sessions must lock the tables they will rollback and the planning processing distribute those tables to sessions.) PERFORM 1 FROM (SELECT * FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = ANY (v_groupNames) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_schema = rel_schema AND rlbp_table = rel_tblseq AND rlbp_rlbk_id = v_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'RLBK_TABLE') ) AS t WHERE emaj._log_stat_tbl(t, v_markTimeId, NULL) > 0; IF FOUND THEN v_errorMsg = 'The rollback operation has been cancelled due to concurrent activity at E-Maj rollback planning time on tables to process.'; PERFORM emaj._rlbk_error(v_rlbkId, v_errorMsg, 1); RAISE EXCEPTION '_rlbk_start_mark: % Please retry.', v_errorMsg; END IF; IF v_isLoggedRlbk THEN -- If rollback is "logged" rollback, set a mark named with the pattern: -- 'RLBK__%_START', where % represents the rollback start time v_markName = 'RLBK_' || v_mark || '_' || to_char(v_rlbkDatetime, 'HH24.MI.SS.MS') || '_START'; PERFORM emaj._set_mark_groups(v_groupNames, v_markName, v_multiGroup, true, NULL, v_timeId); END IF; RETURN; -- trap and record exception during the rollback operation EXCEPTION WHEN SQLSTATE 'P0001' THEN -- Do not trap the exceptions raised by the function RAISE; WHEN OTHERS THEN -- Otherwise, log the E-Maj rollback abort in emaj_rlbk, if possible PERFORM emaj._rlbk_error(v_rlbkId, 'In _rlbk_start_mark(): ' || SQLERRM, 'rlbk#1'); RAISE; END; $_rlbk_start_mark$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._rlbk_session_exec(v_rlbkId INT, v_session INT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $_rlbk_session_exec$ -- This function executes the main part of a rollback operation. -- It executes the steps identified by _rlbk_planning() and stored into emaj_rlbk_plan, for one session. -- The function returns the effective number of processed tables. -- It updates the emaj_rlbk_plan table, using dblink connection if possible, giving a visibility of the rollback progress. -- The function is defined as SECURITY DEFINER so that emaj_adm role can use it even if it doesn't own the application tables. DECLARE v_stmt TEXT; v_isDblinkUsable BOOLEAN = false; v_effNbTable INT = 0; v_groupNames TEXT[]; v_mark TEXT; v_rlbkMarkTimeId BIGINT; v_rlbkTimeId BIGINT; v_isLoggedRlbk BOOLEAN; v_nbSession INT; v_maxGlobalSeq BIGINT; v_rlbkMarkId BIGINT; v_lastGlobalSeq BIGINT; v_nbRows BIGINT; r_step RECORD; BEGIN -- determine whether the dblink connection for this session is opened IF emaj._dblink_is_cnx_opened('rlbk#'||v_session) THEN v_isDblinkUsable = true; END IF; -- get the rollback characteristics from the emaj_rlbk table SELECT rlbk_groups, rlbk_mark, rlbk_time_id, rlbk_is_logged, rlbk_nb_session, time_last_emaj_gid INTO v_groupNames, v_mark, v_rlbkTimeId, v_isLoggedRlbk, v_nbSession, v_maxGlobalSeq FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk, emaj.emaj_time_stamp WHERE rlbk_id = v_rlbkId AND rlbk_time_id = time_id; -- fetch the mark_id, the last global sequence at set_mark time for the first group of the groups array (they all share the same values - except for the mark_id) SELECT mark_id, mark_time_id, time_last_emaj_gid INTO v_rlbkMarkId, v_rlbkMarkTimeId, v_lastGlobalSeq FROM emaj.emaj_mark, emaj.emaj_time_stamp WHERE mark_time_id = time_id AND mark_group = v_groupNames[1] AND mark_name = v_mark; -- scan emaj_rlbp_plan to get all steps to process that have been affected to this session, in batch_number and step order FOR r_step IN SELECT rlbp_step, rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_fkey, rlbp_fkey_def FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan, (VALUES ('DIS_LOG_TRG',1),('DROP_FK',2),('SET_FK_DEF',3),('RLBK_TABLE',4), ('DELETE_LOG',5),('SET_FK_IMM',6),('ADD_FK',7),('ENA_LOG_TRG',8)) AS step(step_name, step_order) WHERE rlbp_step::text = step.step_name AND rlbp_rlbk_id = v_rlbkId AND rlbp_step NOT IN ('LOCK_TABLE','CTRL-DBLINK','CTRL+DBLINK') AND rlbp_session = v_session ORDER BY rlbp_batch_number, step_order, rlbp_table, rlbp_fkey LOOP -- update the emaj_rlbk_plan table to set the step start time v_stmt = 'UPDATE emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan SET rlbp_start_datetime = clock_timestamp() ' || ' WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = ' || v_rlbkId || 'AND rlbp_step = ' || quote_literal(r_step.rlbp_step) || ' AND rlbp_schema = ' || quote_literal(r_step.rlbp_schema) || ' AND rlbp_table = ' || quote_literal(r_step.rlbp_table) || ' AND rlbp_fkey = ' || quote_literal(r_step.rlbp_fkey) || ' RETURNING 1'; IF v_isDblinkUsable THEN -- ... either through dblink if possible PERFORM 0 FROM dblink('rlbk#'||v_session,v_stmt) AS (dummy INT); ELSE -- ... or directly EXECUTE v_stmt; END IF; -- process the step depending on its type CASE r_step.rlbp_step WHEN 'DIS_LOG_TRG' THEN -- process a log trigger disable EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE ' || quote_ident(r_step.rlbp_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_step.rlbp_table) || ' DISABLE TRIGGER emaj_log_trg'; WHEN 'DROP_FK' THEN -- process a foreign key deletion EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE ' || quote_ident(r_step.rlbp_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_step.rlbp_table) || ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' || quote_ident(r_step.rlbp_fkey); WHEN 'SET_FK_DEF' THEN -- set a foreign key deferred EXECUTE 'SET CONSTRAINTS ' || quote_ident(r_step.rlbp_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_step.rlbp_fkey) || ' DEFERRED'; WHEN 'RLBK_TABLE' THEN -- process a table rollback SELECT emaj._rlbk_tbl(emaj_relation.*, v_lastGlobalSeq, v_maxGlobalSeq, v_nbSession, v_isLoggedRlbk) INTO v_nbRows FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = r_step.rlbp_schema AND rel_tblseq = r_step.rlbp_table; v_effNbTable = v_effNbTable + 1; WHEN 'DELETE_LOG' THEN -- process the deletion of log rows SELECT emaj._delete_log_tbl(emaj_relation.*, v_rlbkMarkTimeId, v_rlbkTimeId, v_lastGlobalSeq) INTO v_nbRows FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = r_step.rlbp_schema AND rel_tblseq = r_step.rlbp_table; WHEN 'SET_FK_IMM' THEN -- set a foreign key immediate EXECUTE 'SET CONSTRAINTS ' || quote_ident(r_step.rlbp_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_step.rlbp_fkey) || ' IMMEDIATE'; WHEN 'ADD_FK' THEN -- process a foreign key creation EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE ' || quote_ident(r_step.rlbp_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_step.rlbp_table) || ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' || quote_ident(r_step.rlbp_fkey) || ' ' || r_step.rlbp_fkey_def; WHEN 'ENA_LOG_TRG' THEN -- process a log trigger enable EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE ' || quote_ident(r_step.rlbp_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_step.rlbp_table) || ' ENABLE TRIGGER emaj_log_trg'; END CASE; -- update the emaj_rlbk_plan table to set the step duration -- NB: the computed duration does not include the time needed to update the emaj_rlbk_plan table v_stmt = 'UPDATE emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan SET rlbp_duration = ' || quote_literal(clock_timestamp()) || ' - rlbp_start_datetime'; IF r_step.rlbp_step = 'RLBK_TABLE' OR r_step.rlbp_step = 'DELETE_LOG' THEN -- and the effective number of processed rows for RLBK_TABLE and DELETE_LOG steps v_stmt = v_stmt || ' , rlbp_quantity = ' || v_nbRows; END IF; v_stmt = v_stmt || ' WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = ' || v_rlbkId || 'AND rlbp_step = ' || quote_literal(r_step.rlbp_step) || ' AND rlbp_schema = ' || quote_literal(r_step.rlbp_schema) || ' AND rlbp_table = ' || quote_literal(r_step.rlbp_table) || ' AND rlbp_fkey = ' || quote_literal(r_step.rlbp_fkey) || ' RETURNING 1'; IF v_isDblinkUsable THEN -- ... either through dblink if possible PERFORM 0 FROM dblink('rlbk#'||v_session,v_stmt) AS (dummy INT); ELSE -- ... or directly EXECUTE v_stmt; END IF; END LOOP; -- update the emaj_rlbk_session table to set the timestamp representing the end of work for the session v_stmt = 'UPDATE emaj.emaj_rlbk_session SET rlbs_end_datetime = clock_timestamp()' || ' WHERE rlbs_rlbk_id = ' || v_rlbkId || ' AND rlbs_session = ' || v_session || ' RETURNING 1'; IF v_isDblinkUsable THEN -- ... either through dblink if possible PERFORM 0 FROM dblink('rlbk#'||v_session,v_stmt) AS (dummy INT); -- and then close the connection for session > 1 IF v_session > 1 THEN PERFORM emaj._dblink_close_cnx('rlbk#'||v_session); END IF; ELSE -- ... or directly EXECUTE v_stmt; END IF; RETURN v_effNbTable; -- trap and record exception during the rollback operation EXCEPTION WHEN SQLSTATE 'P0001' THEN -- Do not trap the exceptions raised by the function RAISE; WHEN OTHERS THEN -- Otherwise, log the E-Maj rollback abort in emaj_rlbk, if possible PERFORM emaj._rlbk_error(v_rlbkId, 'In _rlbk_session_exec() for session ' || v_session || ': ' || SQLERRM, 'rlbk#'||v_session); RAISE; END; $_rlbk_session_exec$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._rlbk_end(v_rlbkId INT, v_multiGroup BOOLEAN) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_rlbk_end$ -- This is the last step of a rollback group processing. It : -- - deletes the marks that are no longer available, -- - deletes the recorded sequences values for these deleted marks -- - copy data into the emaj_rlbk_stat table, -- - rollbacks all sequences of the groups, -- - set the end rollback mark if logged rollback, -- - and finaly set the operation as COMPLETED or COMMITED. -- It returns the number of processed sequences. DECLARE v_stmt TEXT; v_isDblinkUsable BOOLEAN = false; v_groupNames TEXT[]; v_mark TEXT; v_isLoggedRlbk BOOLEAN; v_rlbkDatetime TIMESTAMPTZ; v_effNbTbl INT; v_ctrlDuration INTERVAL; v_markId BIGINT; v_markTimeId BIGINT; v_nbSeq INT; v_markName TEXT; v_histDateTime TIMESTAMPTZ; BEGIN -- determine whether the dblink connection for this session is opened IF emaj._dblink_is_cnx_opened('rlbk#1') THEN v_isDblinkUsable = true; END IF; -- get the rollack characteristics for the emaj_rlbk SELECT rlbk_groups, rlbk_mark, rlbk_is_logged, rlbk_eff_nb_table, time_clock_timestamp INTO v_groupNames, v_mark, v_isLoggedRlbk, v_effNbTbl, v_rlbkDatetime FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk, emaj.emaj_time_stamp WHERE rlbk_time_id = time_id AND rlbk_id = v_rlbkId; -- get the mark timestamp for the 1st group (they all share the same timestamp) SELECT mark_time_id INTO v_markTimeId FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = v_groupNames[1] AND mark_name = v_mark; -- if "unlogged" rollback, delete all marks later than the now rolled back mark and the associated sequences IF NOT v_isLoggedRlbk THEN -- get the highest mark id of the mark used for rollback, for all groups SELECT max(mark_id) INTO v_markId FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = ANY (v_groupNames) AND mark_name = v_mark; -- delete the marks that are suppressed by the rollback (the related sequences have been already deleted by rollback functions) -- with a logging in the history WITH deleted AS ( DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = ANY (v_groupNames) AND mark_id > v_markId RETURNING mark_time_id, mark_group, mark_name), sorted_deleted AS ( -- the sort is performed to produce stable results in regression tests SELECT mark_group, mark_name FROM deleted ORDER BY mark_time_id, mark_group) INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) SELECT CASE WHEN v_multiGroup THEN 'ROLLBACK_GROUPS' ELSE 'ROLLBACK_GROUP' END, 'MARK DELETED', mark_group, 'mark ' || mark_name || ' is deleted' FROM sorted_deleted; -- and reset the mark_log_rows_before_next column for the new last mark UPDATE emaj.emaj_mark SET mark_log_rows_before_next = NULL WHERE mark_group = ANY (v_groupNames) AND (mark_group, mark_id) IN -- select only the last non deleted mark of each concerned group (SELECT mark_group, MAX(mark_id) FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = ANY (v_groupNames) AND NOT mark_is_deleted GROUP BY mark_group); -- the sequences related to the deleted marks can be also suppressed -- delete first application sequences related data for the groups DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_sequence USING emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = ANY (v_groupNames) AND rel_kind = 'S' AND sequ_schema = rel_schema AND sequ_name = rel_tblseq AND sequ_time_id > v_markTimeId; -- delete then emaj sequences related data for the groups DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_sequence USING emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = ANY (v_groupNames) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND sequ_schema = rel_log_schema AND sequ_name = rel_log_sequence AND sequ_time_id > v_markTimeId; END IF; -- delete the now useless 'LOCK TABLE' steps from the emaj_rlbk_plan table v_stmt = 'DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan ' || ' WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = ' || v_rlbkId || ' AND rlbp_step = ''LOCK_TABLE'' RETURNING 1'; IF v_isDblinkUsable THEN -- ... either through dblink if possible PERFORM 0 FROM dblink('rlbk#1',v_stmt) AS (dummy INT); ELSE -- ... or directly EXECUTE v_stmt; END IF; -- Prepare the CTRLxDBLINK pseudo step statistic by computing the global time spent between steps SELECT coalesce(sum(ctrl_duration),'0'::interval) INTO v_ctrlDuration FROM ( SELECT rlbs_session, rlbs_end_datetime - min(rlbp_start_datetime) - sum(rlbp_duration) AS ctrl_duration FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_session rlbs, emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan rlbp WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = rlbs_rlbk_id AND rlbp_session = rlbs_session AND rlbs_rlbk_id = v_rlbkID GROUP BY rlbs_session, rlbs_end_datetime ) AS t; -- report duration statistics into the emaj_rlbk_stat table v_stmt = 'INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk_stat (rlbt_step, rlbt_schema, rlbt_table, rlbt_fkey,' || ' rlbt_rlbk_id, rlbt_quantity, rlbt_duration)' || -- copy elementary steps for RLBK_TABLE, DELETE_LOG, ADD_FK and SET_FK_IMM step types -- (record the rlbp_estimated_quantity as reference for later forecast) ' SELECT rlbp_step, rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_fkey, rlbp_rlbk_id,' || ' rlbp_estimated_quantity, rlbp_duration' || ' FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan, emaj.emaj_rlbk' || ' WHERE rlbk_id = rlbp_rlbk_id AND rlbp_rlbk_id = ' || v_rlbkId || ' AND rlbp_step IN (''RLBK_TABLE'',''DELETE_LOG'',''ADD_FK'',''SET_FK_IMM'') ' || ' UNION ALL ' || -- for 4 other steps, aggregate other elementary steps into a global row for each step type ' SELECT rlbp_step, '''', '''', '''', rlbp_rlbk_id, ' || ' count(*), sum(rlbp_duration)' || ' FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan, emaj.emaj_rlbk' || ' WHERE rlbk_id = rlbp_rlbk_id AND rlbp_rlbk_id = ' || v_rlbkId || ' AND rlbp_step IN (''DIS_LOG_TRG'',''DROP_FK'',''SET_FK_DEF'',''ENA_LOG_TRG'') ' || ' GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5' || ' UNION ALL ' || -- and the final CTRLxDBLINK pseudo step statistic ' SELECT rlbp_step, '''', '''', '''', rlbp_rlbk_id, ' || ' rlbp_estimated_quantity, ' || quote_literal(v_ctrlDuration) || ' FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan, emaj.emaj_rlbk' || ' WHERE rlbk_id = rlbp_rlbk_id AND rlbp_rlbk_id = ' || v_rlbkId || ' AND rlbp_step IN (''CTRL+DBLINK'',''CTRL-DBLINK'') ' || ' RETURNING 1'; IF v_isDblinkUsable THEN -- ... either through dblink if possible PERFORM 0 FROM dblink('rlbk#1',v_stmt) AS (dummy INT); ELSE -- ... or directly EXECUTE v_stmt; END IF; -- rollback the application sequences belonging to the groups -- warning, this operation is not transaction safe (that's why it is placed at the end of the operation)! PERFORM emaj._rlbk_seq(t.*, v_markTimeId) FROM (SELECT * FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = ANY (v_groupNames) AND rel_kind = 'S' ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq) as t; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_nbSeq = ROW_COUNT; -- if rollback is "logged" rollback, automaticaly set a mark representing the tables state just after the rollback. -- this mark is named 'RLBK__%_DONE', where % represents the rollback start time IF v_isLoggedRlbk THEN v_markName = 'RLBK_' || v_mark || '_' || to_char(v_rlbkDatetime, 'HH24.MI.SS.MS') || '_DONE'; PERFORM emaj._set_mark_groups(v_groupNames, v_markName, v_multiGroup, true, v_mark); END IF; -- insert end in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES (CASE WHEN v_multiGroup THEN 'ROLLBACK_GROUPS' ELSE 'ROLLBACK_GROUP' END, 'END', array_to_string(v_groupNames,','), 'Rollback_id ' || v_rlbkId || ', ' || v_effNbTbl || ' tables and ' || v_nbSeq || ' sequences effectively processed' ) RETURNING hist_datetime INTO v_histDateTime; -- update the emaj_rlbk table to set the real number of tables to process, adjust the rollback status and set the result message IF v_isDblinkUsable THEN -- ... either through dblink if possible v_stmt = 'UPDATE emaj.emaj_rlbk SET rlbk_status = ''COMPLETED'', rlbk_end_datetime = ' || quote_literal(v_histDateTime) || ', rlbk_msg = ''Completed: ' || v_effNbTbl || ' tables and ' || v_nbSeq || ' sequences effectively processed''' || ' WHERE rlbk_id = ' || v_rlbkId || ' RETURNING 1'; PERFORM 0 FROM dblink('rlbk#1',v_stmt) AS (dummy INT); -- and then close the connection PERFORM emaj._dblink_close_cnx('rlbk#1'); ELSE -- ... or directly (the status can be directly set to committed, the update being in the same transaction) EXECUTE 'UPDATE emaj.emaj_rlbk SET rlbk_status = ''COMMITTED'', rlbk_end_datetime = ' || quote_literal(v_histDateTime) || ', rlbk_msg = ''Completed: ' || v_effNbTbl || ' tables and ' || v_nbSeq || ' sequences effectively processed''' || ' WHERE rlbk_id = ' || v_rlbkId; END IF; RETURN v_nbSeq; -- trap and record exception during the rollback operation EXCEPTION WHEN SQLSTATE 'P0001' THEN -- Do not trap the exceptions raised by the function RAISE; WHEN OTHERS THEN -- Otherwise, log the E-Maj rollback abort in emaj_rlbk, if possible PERFORM emaj._rlbk_error(v_rlbkId, 'In _rlbk_end(): ' || SQLERRM, 'rlbk#1'); RAISE; END; $_rlbk_end$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._rlbk_error(v_rlbkId INT, v_msg TEXT, v_cnxName TEXT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_rlbk_error$ -- This function records a rollback error into the emaj_rlbk table, but only if a dblink connection is open -- Input: rollback identifier, message to record and dblink connection name -- If the rollback operation is already in aborted state, one keeps the emaj_rlbk data unchanged DECLARE v_stmt TEXT; BEGIN IF emaj._dblink_is_cnx_opened(v_cnxName) THEN v_stmt = 'UPDATE emaj.emaj_rlbk SET rlbk_status = ''ABORTED'', rlbk_msg = ' || quote_literal(v_msg) || ', rlbk_end_datetime = clock_timestamp() ' || 'WHERE rlbk_id = ' || v_rlbkId || ' AND rlbk_status <> ''ABORTED'' RETURNING 1'; PERFORM 0 FROM dblink(v_cnxName,v_stmt) AS (dummy INT); END IF; RETURN; END; $_rlbk_error$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_cleanup_rollback_state() RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $emaj_cleanup_rollback_state$ -- This function examines all rollback events from the emaj_rlbk table not in "COMMITTED" or "ABORTED" state. -- Those whose transaction(s) is/are active are left as is. -- Among the others, those which are also visible in the emaj_hist table are set "COMMITTED", -- while those which are not visible in the emaj_hist table are set "ABORTED". -- Input: no parameter -- Output: number of updated rollback events DECLARE v_nbRlbk INT = 0; v_newStatus emaj._rlbk_status_enum; r_rlbk RECORD; BEGIN -- scan all pending rollback events having all their session transactions completed (either committed or rolled back) FOR r_rlbk IN SELECT rlbk_id, rlbk_status, rlbk_begin_hist_id, rlbk_nb_session, count(rlbs_txid) AS nbVisibleTx FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk LEFT OUTER JOIN emaj.emaj_rlbk_session ON ( rlbk_id = rlbs_rlbk_id -- main join condition AND txid_visible_in_snapshot(rlbs_txid,txid_current_snapshot()) -- only visible tx AND rlbs_txid <> txid_current() -- exclude the current tx ) WHERE rlbk_status IN ('PLANNING', 'LOCKING', 'EXECUTING', 'COMPLETED') -- only pending rollback events GROUP BY rlbk_id, rlbk_status, rlbk_begin_hist_id, rlbk_nb_session HAVING count(rlbs_txid) = rlbk_nb_session -- all sessions tx must be visible ORDER BY rlbk_id LOOP -- look at the emaj_hist to find the trace of the rollback begin event PERFORM 0 FROM emaj.emaj_hist WHERE hist_id = r_rlbk.rlbk_begin_hist_id; IF FOUND THEN -- if the emaj_hist rollback_begin event is visible, the rollback transaction has been committed. -- then set the rollback event in emaj_rlbk as "COMMITTED" v_newStatus = 'COMMITTED'; ELSE -- otherwise, set the rollback event in emaj_rlbk as "ABORTED" v_newStatus = 'ABORTED'; END IF; UPDATE emaj.emaj_rlbk SET rlbk_status = v_newStatus WHERE rlbk_id = r_rlbk.rlbk_id; INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('CLEANUP_RLBK_STATE', 'rollback id ' || r_rlbk.rlbk_id, 'set to ' || v_newStatus); v_nbRlbk = v_nbRlbk + 1; END LOOP; RETURN v_nbRlbk; END; $emaj_cleanup_rollback_state$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_cleanup_rollback_state() IS $$Sets the status of pending E-Maj rollback events.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_consolidate_rollback_group(v_groupName TEXT, v_endRlbkMark TEXT) RETURNS BIGINT LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $emaj_consolidate_rollback_group$ -- This function "consolidates" a rollback for a group. It transforms an already completed logged rollback into an unlogged rollback. -- All marks and update logs between a mark used as reference by an unlogged rollback operation and the final mark set by this rollback are suppressed. -- The group may be in any state (logging or idle). -- Input: group name, name of the final mark set by the rollback operation to consolidate -- Output: number of sequences and tables effectively processed DECLARE v_firstMark TEXT; v_lastMark TEXT; v_nbMark INT; v_nbSeq INT; v_nbTbl INT; BEGIN -- check and lock the group to process SELECT group_nb_sequence INTO v_nbSeq FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = v_groupName FOR UPDATE; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_consolidate_rollback_group: group "%" has not been created.', v_groupName; END IF; -- retrieve and check the mark name SELECT emaj._get_mark_name(v_groupName,v_endRlbkMark) INTO v_lastMark; IF v_lastMark IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_consolidate_rollback_group: mark "%" does not exist for group "%".', v_endRlbkMark, v_groupName; END IF; -- check that no group is damaged PERFORM 0 FROM emaj._verify_groups(ARRAY[v_groupName], true); -- check the supplied mark is known as an end rollback mark SELECT mark_logged_rlbk_target_mark INTO v_firstMark FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = v_groupName AND mark_name = v_lastMark; IF v_firstMark IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_consolidate_rollback_group: mark "%" for group "%" is not an end rollback mark.', v_lastMark, v_groupName; END IF; -- insert begin in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('CONSOLIDATE_RLBK_GROUP', 'BEGIN', v_groupName, 'Erase all between marks ' || v_firstMark || ' and ' || v_lastMark); -- check the first mark really exists (it should, because deleting or renaming a mark must update the mark_logged_rlbk_mark_name column) PERFORM 1 FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = v_groupName AND mark_name = v_firstMark; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_consolidate_rollback_group: rollback target mark "%" for group "%" has not been found.', v_firstMark, v_groupName; END IF; -- perform the consolidation operation SELECT * FROM emaj._delete_between_marks_group(v_groupName, v_firstMark, v_lastMark) INTO v_nbMark,v_nbTbl; -- insert end in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('CONSOLIDATE_RLBK_GROUP', 'END', v_groupName, v_nbTbl || ' tables and ' || v_nbSeq || ' sequences processed ; ' || v_nbMark || ' marks deleted'); RETURN v_nbTbl + v_nbSeq; END; $emaj_consolidate_rollback_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_consolidate_rollback_group(TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Consolidate a rollback for a group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_get_consolidable_rollbacks() RETURNS SETOF emaj.emaj_consolidable_rollback_type LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_get_consolidable_rollbacks$ -- This function returns the list of logged rollback operations that can be consolidated, defined as a marks range for a group. -- It doesn't need input parameter. -- It returns a set of emaj_consolidable_rollback_type records, sorted by ascending rollback time. -- The cons_group and cons_end_rlbk_mark_name returned columns can be used as input parameters for the emaj_consolidate_rollback_group() function. DECLARE r_mark RECORD; BEGIN -- search all marks range corresponding to any logged rollback operation FOR r_mark IN SELECT m1.mark_group AS cons_group, m2.mark_name AS cons_target_rlbk_mark_name, m2.mark_id AS cons_target_rlbk_mark_id, m1.mark_name AS cons_end_rlbk_mark_name, m1.mark_id AS cons_end_rlbk_mark_id, cast(0 AS BIGINT) AS cons_rows, cast(0 AS INT) as cons_marks FROM emaj.emaj_mark m1 JOIN emaj.emaj_mark m2 ON (m2.mark_name = m1.mark_logged_rlbk_target_mark AND m2.mark_group = m1.mark_group) WHERE m1.mark_logged_rlbk_target_mark IS NOT NULL ORDER BY m1.mark_id LOOP -- compute the number of updates for this mark range SELECT cast(sum(stat_rows) AS BIGINT) INTO r_mark.cons_rows FROM emaj.emaj_log_stat_group(r_mark.cons_group, r_mark.cons_target_rlbk_mark_name, r_mark.cons_end_rlbk_mark_name); -- compute the number of intermediate marks for this mark range SELECT count(*) INTO r_mark.cons_marks FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = r_mark.cons_group AND mark_id > r_mark.cons_target_rlbk_mark_id AND mark_id < r_mark.cons_end_rlbk_mark_id; -- and return a row RETURN NEXT r_mark; END LOOP; -- TODO: When postgres 9.2- will not be supported anymore, the following statement with a LATERAL clause will be usable to replace the loop -- RETURN QUERY -- SELECT m1.mark_group AS cons_group, m2.mark_name AS cons_target_rlbk_mark_name, m2.mark_id AS cons_target_rlbk_mark_id, -- m1.mark_name AS cons_end_rlbk_mark_name, m1.mark_id AS cons_end_rlbk_mark_id, cast(sum(stat_rows) AS BIGINT) AS cons_rows, -- cast((SELECT count(*) FROM emaj.emaj_mark m3 -- WHERE m3.mark_group = m1.mark_group AND m3.mark_id > m2.mark_id AND m3.mark_id < m1.mark_id) AS INT) AS cons_marks -- FROM emaj.emaj_mark m1 -- JOIN emaj.emaj_mark m2 ON (m2.mark_name = m1.mark_logged_rlbk_target_mark AND m2.mark_group = m1.mark_group) -- LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL emaj.emaj_log_stat_group(m1.mark_group, m1.mark_logged_rlbk_target_mark, m1.mark_name) ON TRUE -- WHERE m1.mark_logged_rlbk_target_mark IS NOT NULL -- GROUP BY 1,2,3,4,5 -- ORDER BY m1.mark_id; END; $emaj_get_consolidable_rollbacks$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_get_consolidable_rollbacks() IS $$Returns the list of logged rollback operations that can be consolidated.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_reset_group(v_groupName TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $emaj_reset_group$ -- This function empties the log tables for all tables of a group and deletes the sequences saves -- It calls the emaj_rst_group function to do the job -- Input: group name -- Output: number of processed tables -- The function is defined as SECURITY DEFINER so that emaj_adm role can use it even if he is not the owner of application tables. DECLARE v_groupIsLogging BOOLEAN; v_nbTb INT = 0; BEGIN -- insert begin in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object) VALUES ('RESET_GROUP', 'BEGIN', v_groupName); -- check that the group is recorded in emaj_group table SELECT group_is_logging INTO v_groupIsLogging FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = v_groupName FOR UPDATE; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_reset_group: group "%" has not been created.', v_groupName; END IF; -- check that the group is not in LOGGING state IF v_groupIsLogging THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_reset_group: Group "%" cannot be reset because it is in LOGGING state. An emaj_stop_group function must be previously executed.', v_groupName; END IF; -- perform the reset operation SELECT emaj._reset_group(v_groupName) INTO v_nbTb; IF v_nbTb = 0 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_reset_group: internal error (group "%" is empty).', v_groupName; END IF; -- insert end in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('RESET_GROUP', 'END', v_groupName, v_nbTb || ' tables/sequences processed'); RETURN v_nbTb; END; $emaj_reset_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_reset_group(TEXT) IS $$Resets all log tables content of a stopped E-Maj group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._reset_group(v_groupName TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $_reset_group$ -- This function empties the log tables for all tables of a group, using a TRUNCATE, and deletes the sequences saves -- It is called by both emaj_reset_group and emaj_start_group functions -- Input: group name -- Output: number of processed tables and sequences -- There is no check of the group state -- The function is defined as SECURITY DEFINER so that an emaj_adm role can truncate log tables DECLARE v_nbTb INT; r_rel RECORD; BEGIN -- delete all marks for the group from the emaj_mark table DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = v_groupName; -- delete emaj_sequence rows related to the tables of the group DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_sequence USING emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = v_groupName AND rel_kind = 'r' AND sequ_schema = rel_log_schema AND sequ_name = rel_log_sequence; -- delete all sequence holes for the tables of the group DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_seq_hole USING emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = v_groupName AND rel_kind = 'r' AND rel_schema = sqhl_schema AND rel_tblseq = sqhl_table; -- initialize the return value with the number of sequences SELECT count(*) INTO v_nbTb FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = v_groupName AND rel_kind = 'S'; -- delete emaj_sequence rows related to the sequences of the group DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_sequence USING emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = sequ_schema AND rel_tblseq = sequ_name AND rel_group = v_groupName AND rel_kind = 'S'; -- then, truncate log tables for application tables FOR r_rel IN SELECT rel_log_schema, rel_log_table, rel_log_sequence FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = v_groupName AND rel_kind = 'r' ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq LOOP -- truncate the log table EXECUTE 'TRUNCATE ' || quote_ident(r_rel.rel_log_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_rel.rel_log_table); -- and reset the log sequence PERFORM setval(quote_ident(r_rel.rel_log_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_rel.rel_log_sequence), 1, false); v_nbTb = v_nbTb + 1; END LOOP; RETURN v_nbTb; END; $_reset_group$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_log_stat_group(v_groupName TEXT, v_firstMark TEXT, v_lastMark TEXT) RETURNS SETOF emaj.emaj_log_stat_type LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_log_stat_group$ -- This function returns statistics on row updates executed between 2 marks or between a mark and the current situation. -- It is used to quickly get simple statistics of updates logged between 2 marks (i.e. for one or several processing) -- It is also used to estimate the cost of a rollback to a specified mark -- These statistics are computed using the serial id of log tables and holes is sequences recorded into emaj_seq_hole at rollback time -- Input: group name, the 2 mark names defining a range -- a NULL value or an empty string as first_mark indicates the first recorded mark -- a NULL value or an empty string as last_mark indicates the current situation -- Use a NULL or an empty string as last_mark to know the number of rows to rollback to reach the mark specified by the first_mark parameter. -- The keyword 'EMAJ_LAST_MARK' can be used as first or last mark to specify the last set mark. -- Output: table of log rows by table (including tables with 0 rows to rollback) DECLARE v_realFirstMark TEXT; v_realLastMark TEXT; v_firstMarkId BIGINT; v_lastMarkId BIGINT; v_firstMarkTimeId BIGINT; v_lastMarkTimeId BIGINT; v_firstMarkTs TIMESTAMPTZ; v_lastMarkTs TIMESTAMPTZ; BEGIN -- check that the group is recorded in emaj_group table PERFORM 0 FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = v_groupName; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_log_stat_group: group "%" has not been created.', v_groupName; END IF; -- if first mark is NULL or empty, retrieve the name, timestamp and last sequ_hole id of the first recorded mark for the group IF v_firstMark IS NULL OR v_firstMark = '' THEN -- if no mark exists for the group (just after emaj_create_group() or emaj_reset_group() functions call), -- v_realFirstMark remains NULL SELECT mark_name, mark_id, mark_time_id, time_clock_timestamp INTO v_realFirstMark, v_firstMarkId, v_firstMarkTimeId, v_firstMarkTs FROM emaj.emaj_mark, emaj.emaj_time_stamp WHERE time_id = mark_time_id AND mark_group = v_groupName ORDER BY mark_id LIMIT 1; ELSE -- else, check and retrieve the name, timestamp and last sequ_hole id of the supplied first mark for the group SELECT emaj._get_mark_name(v_groupName,v_firstMark) INTO v_realFirstMark; IF v_realFirstMark IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_log_stat_group: Start mark "%" is unknown for group "%".', v_firstMark, v_groupName; END IF; SELECT mark_id, mark_time_id, time_clock_timestamp INTO v_firstMarkId, v_firstMarkTimeId, v_firstMarkTs FROM emaj.emaj_mark, emaj.emaj_time_stamp WHERE time_id = mark_time_id AND mark_group = v_groupName AND mark_name = v_realFirstMark; END IF; -- if a last mark name is supplied, check and retrieve the name, timestamp and last sequ_hole id of the supplied end mark for the group IF v_lastMark IS NOT NULL AND v_lastMark <> '' THEN SELECT emaj._get_mark_name(v_groupName,v_lastMark) INTO v_realLastMark; IF v_realLastMark IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_log_stat_group: End mark "%" is unknown for group "%".', v_lastMark, v_groupName; END IF; SELECT mark_id, mark_time_id, time_clock_timestamp INTO v_lastMarkId, v_lastMarkTimeId, v_lastMarkTs FROM emaj.emaj_mark, emaj.emaj_time_stamp WHERE time_id = mark_time_id AND mark_group = v_groupName AND mark_name = v_realLastMark; -- if last mark is null or empty, v_realLastMark, v_lastMarkTimeId, v_lastMarkTs and v_lastLastSeqHoleId remain NULL END IF; -- check that the first_mark < end_mark IF v_lastMarkTimeId IS NOT NULL AND v_firstMarkTimeId > v_lastMarkTimeId THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_log_stat_group: mark id for "%" (% = %) is greater than mark id for "%" (% = %).', v_firstMark, v_firstMarkId, v_firstMarkTs, v_lastMark, v_lastMarkId, v_lastMarkTs; END IF; -- for each table of the emaj_relation table, get the number of log rows and return the statistic RETURN QUERY SELECT rel_group, rel_schema, rel_tblseq, CASE WHEN v_firstMarkTimeId IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE emaj._log_stat_tbl(emaj_relation, v_firstMarkTimeId, v_lastMarkTimeId) END AS nb_rows FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = v_groupName AND rel_kind = 'r' ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq; END; $emaj_log_stat_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_log_stat_group(TEXT,TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Returns global statistics about logged events for an E-Maj group between 2 marks.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_detailed_log_stat_group(v_groupName TEXT, v_firstMark TEXT, v_lastMark TEXT) RETURNS SETOF emaj.emaj_detailed_log_stat_type LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_detailed_log_stat_group$ -- This function returns statistics on row updates executed between 2 marks as viewed through the log tables -- It provides more information than emaj_log_stat_group but it needs to scan log tables in order to provide these data. -- So the response time may be much longer. -- Input: group name, the 2 marks names defining a range -- a NULL value or an empty string as first_mark indicates the first recorded mark -- a NULL value or an empty string as last_mark indicates the current situation -- The keyword 'EMAJ_LAST_MARK' can be used as first or last mark to specify the last set mark. -- Output: table of updates by user and table DECLARE v_realFirstMark TEXT; v_realLastMark TEXT; v_firstMarkId BIGINT; v_lastMarkId BIGINT; v_firstMarkTs TIMESTAMPTZ; v_lastMarkTs TIMESTAMPTZ; v_firstEmajGid BIGINT; v_lastEmajGid BIGINT; v_logTableName TEXT; v_stmt TEXT; r_tblsq RECORD; r_stat RECORD; BEGIN -- check that the group is recorded in emaj_group table PERFORM 0 FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = v_groupName; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_detailed_log_stat_group: group "%" has not been created.', v_groupName; END IF; -- catch the timestamp of the first mark IF v_firstMark IS NOT NULL AND v_firstMark <> '' THEN -- check and retrieve the global sequence value and the timestamp of the start mark for the group SELECT emaj._get_mark_name(v_groupName,v_firstMark) INTO v_realFirstMark; IF v_realFirstMark IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_detailed_log_stat_group: Start mark "%" is unknown for group "%".', v_firstMark, v_groupName; END IF; SELECT mark_id, time_last_emaj_gid, time_clock_timestamp INTO v_firstMarkId, v_firstEmajGid, v_firstMarkTs FROM emaj.emaj_mark, emaj.emaj_time_stamp WHERE mark_time_id = time_id AND mark_group = v_groupName AND mark_name = v_realFirstMark; END IF; -- catch the timestamp of the last mark IF v_lastMark IS NOT NULL AND v_lastMark <> '' THEN -- else, check and retrieve the global sequence value and the timestamp of the end mark for the group SELECT emaj._get_mark_name(v_groupName,v_lastMark) INTO v_realLastMark; IF v_realLastMark IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_detailed_log_stat_group: End mark "%" is unknown for group "%".', v_lastMark, v_groupName; END IF; SELECT mark_id, time_last_emaj_gid, time_clock_timestamp INTO v_lastMarkId, v_lastEmajGid, v_lastMarkTs FROM emaj.emaj_mark, emaj.emaj_time_stamp WHERE mark_time_id = time_id AND mark_group = v_groupName AND mark_name = v_realLastMark; END IF; -- check that the first_mark < end_mark IF v_realFirstMark IS NOT NULL AND v_realLastMark IS NOT NULL AND v_firstMarkId > v_lastMarkId THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_detailed_log_stat_group: mark id for "%" (% = %) is greater than mark id for "%" (% = %).', v_realFirstMark, v_firstMarkId, v_firstMarkTs, v_realLastMark, v_lastMarkId, v_lastMarkTs; END IF; -- for each table of the emaj_relation table FOR r_tblsq IN SELECT rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_log_schema, rel_kind, rel_log_table FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = v_groupName AND rel_kind = 'r' ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq LOOP -- count the number of operations per type (INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE) and role -- compute the log table name and its sequence name for this table v_logTableName = quote_ident(r_tblsq.rel_log_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_tblsq.rel_log_table); -- prepare and execute the statement v_stmt= 'SELECT ' || quote_literal(v_groupName) || '::TEXT as emaj_group,' || ' ' || quote_literal(r_tblsq.rel_schema) || '::TEXT as emaj_schema,' || ' ' || quote_literal(r_tblsq.rel_tblseq) || '::TEXT as emaj_table,' || ' emaj_user,' || ' CASE emaj_verb WHEN ''INS'' THEN ''INSERT''' || ' WHEN ''UPD'' THEN ''UPDATE''' || ' WHEN ''DEL'' THEN ''DELETE''' || ' ELSE ''?'' END::VARCHAR(6) as emaj_verb,' || ' count(*) as emaj_rows' || ' FROM ' || v_logTableName || ' WHERE NOT (emaj_verb = ''UPD'' AND emaj_tuple = ''OLD'')'; IF v_firstMark IS NOT NULL AND v_firstMark <> '' THEN v_stmt = v_stmt || ' AND emaj_gid > '|| v_firstEmajGid ; END IF; IF v_lastMark IS NOT NULL AND v_lastMark <> '' THEN v_stmt = v_stmt || ' AND emaj_gid <= '|| v_lastEmajGid ; END IF; v_stmt = v_stmt || ' GROUP BY emaj_group, emaj_schema, emaj_table, emaj_user, emaj_verb' || ' ORDER BY emaj_user, emaj_verb'; FOR r_stat IN EXECUTE v_stmt LOOP RETURN NEXT r_stat; END LOOP; END LOOP; RETURN; END; $emaj_detailed_log_stat_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_detailed_log_stat_group(TEXT,TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Returns detailed statistics about logged events for an E-Maj group between 2 marks.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_estimate_rollback_group(v_groupName TEXT, v_mark TEXT, v_isLoggedRlbk BOOLEAN) RETURNS INTERVAL LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_estimate_rollback_group$ -- This function computes an approximate duration of a rollback to a predefined mark for a group. -- It uses the _estimate_rollback_group() function to effectively compute this estimate -- Input: group name, the mark name of the rollback operation, the rollback type. -- Output: the approximate duration that the rollback would need as time interval DECLARE BEGIN RETURN emaj._estimate_rollback_groups(ARRAY[v_groupName], v_mark, v_isLoggedRlbk); END; $emaj_estimate_rollback_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_estimate_rollback_group(TEXT,TEXT,BOOLEAN) IS $$Estimates the duration of a potential rollback for a tables group to a given mark.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_estimate_rollback_groups(v_groupNames TEXT[], v_mark TEXT, v_isLoggedRlbk BOOLEAN) RETURNS INTERVAL LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_estimate_rollback_groups$ -- This function computes an approximate duration of a rollback to a predefined mark for a groups array. -- It uses the _estimate_rollback_group() function to effectively compute this estimate -- Input: group names array, the mark name of the rollback operation, the rollback type. -- Output: the approximate duration that the rollback would need as time interval DECLARE BEGIN RETURN emaj._estimate_rollback_groups(v_groupNames, v_mark, v_isLoggedRlbk); END; $emaj_estimate_rollback_groups$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_estimate_rollback_groups(TEXT[],TEXT,BOOLEAN) IS $$Estimates the duration of a potential rollback for a set of tables groups to a given mark.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._estimate_rollback_groups(v_groupNames TEXT[], v_mark TEXT, v_isLoggedRlbk BOOLEAN) RETURNS INTERVAL LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $_estimate_rollback_groups$ -- This function effectively computes an approximate duration of a rollback to a predefined mark for a groups array. -- It simulates a rollback on 1 session, by calling the _rlbk_planning function that already estimates elementary -- rollback steps duration. Once the global estimate is got, the rollback planning is cancelled. -- Input: a group names array, the mark name of the rollback operation, the rollback type. -- Output: the approximate duration that the rollback would need as time interval. -- The function is declared SECURITY DEFINER so that emaj_viewer doesn't need a specific INSERT permission on emaj_rlbk. DECLARE v_markName TEXT; v_fixed_table_rlbk INTERVAL; v_rlbkId INT; v_estimDuration INTERVAL; v_nbTblseq INT; BEGIN -- check supplied group names and mark parameters with the isRollbackSimulation flag set to true SELECT emaj._rlbk_check(v_groupNames, v_mark, TRUE) INTO v_markName; -- compute a random negative rollback-id (not to interfere with ids of real rollbacks) SELECT (random() * -2147483648)::int INTO v_rlbkId; -- -- simulate a rollback planning -- BEGIN -- insert a row into the emaj_rlbk table for this simulated rollback operation INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk (rlbk_id, rlbk_groups, rlbk_mark, rlbk_mark_time_id, rlbk_is_logged, rlbk_nb_session) VALUES (v_rlbkId, v_groupNames, v_mark, emaj._get_mark_time_id(v_groupNames[1], v_markName), v_isLoggedRlbk, 1); -- call the _rlbk_planning function PERFORM emaj._rlbk_planning(v_rlbkId); -- compute the sum of the duration estimates of all elementary steps (except LOCK_TABLE) SELECT coalesce(sum(rlbp_estimated_duration), '0 SECONDS'::INTERVAL) INTO v_estimDuration FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = v_rlbkId AND rlbp_step <> 'LOCK_TABLE'; -- cancel the effect of the rollback planning RAISE EXCEPTION ''; EXCEPTION WHEN RAISE_EXCEPTION THEN -- catch the raised exception and continue END; -- get the "fixed_table_rollback_duration" parameter from the emaj_param table SELECT coalesce ((SELECT param_value_interval FROM emaj.emaj_param WHERE param_key = 'fixed_table_rollback_duration'),'1 millisecond'::interval) INTO v_fixed_table_rlbk; -- get the the number of tables to lock and sequences to rollback SELECT sum(group_nb_table)+sum(group_nb_sequence) INTO v_nbTblseq FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = ANY(v_groupNames); -- compute the final estimated duration v_estimDuration = v_estimDuration + (v_nbTblseq * v_fixed_table_rlbk); RETURN v_estimDuration; END; $_estimate_rollback_groups$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_rollback_activity() RETURNS SETOF emaj.emaj_rollback_activity_type LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_rollback_activity$ -- This function returns the list of rollback operations currently in execution, with information about their progress -- It doesn't need input parameter. -- It returns a set of emaj_rollback_activity_type records. BEGIN -- cleanup the freshly completed rollback operations, if any PERFORM emaj.emaj_cleanup_rollback_state(); -- and retrieve information regarding the rollback operations that are always in execution RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM emaj._rollback_activity(); END; $emaj_rollback_activity$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_rollback_activity() IS $$Returns the list of rollback operations currently in execution, with information about their progress.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._rollback_activity() RETURNS SETOF emaj.emaj_rollback_activity_type LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_rollback_activity$ -- This function effectively builds the list of rollback operations currently in execution. -- It is called by the emaj_rollback_activity() function. -- This is a separate function to help in testing the feature (avoiding the effects of emaj_cleanup_rollback_state()). -- The number of parallel rollback sessions is not taken into account here, -- as it is difficult to estimate the benefit brought by several parallel sessions. -- The times and progression indicators reported are based on the transaction timestamp (allowing stable results in regression tests). DECLARE v_ipsDuration INTERVAL; -- In Progress Steps Duration v_nyssDuration INTERVAL; -- Not Yes Started Steps Duration v_nbNyss INT; -- Number of Net Yes Started Steps v_ctrlDuration INTERVAL; v_currentTotalEstimate INTERVAL; r_rlbk emaj.emaj_rollback_activity_type; BEGIN -- retrieve all not completed rollback operations (ie in 'PLANNING', 'LOCKING' or 'EXECUTING' state) FOR r_rlbk IN SELECT rlbk_id, rlbk_groups, rlbk_mark, t1.time_clock_timestamp, rlbk_is_logged, rlbk_nb_session, rlbk_nb_table, rlbk_nb_sequence, rlbk_eff_nb_table, rlbk_status, t2.time_tx_timestamp, transaction_timestamp() - t2.time_tx_timestamp AS "elapse", NULL, 0 FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk JOIN emaj.emaj_time_stamp t1 ON (rlbk_mark_time_id = t1.time_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN emaj.emaj_time_stamp t2 ON (rlbk_time_id = t2.time_id) WHERE rlbk_status IN ('PLANNING', 'LOCKING', 'EXECUTING') ORDER BY rlbk_id LOOP -- compute the estimated remaining duration -- for rollback operations in 'PLANNING' state, the remaining duration is NULL IF r_rlbk.rlbk_status IN ('LOCKING', 'EXECUTING') THEN -- estimated duration of remaining work of in progress steps SELECT coalesce( sum(CASE WHEN rlbp_start_datetime + rlbp_estimated_duration - transaction_timestamp() > '0'::interval THEN rlbp_start_datetime + rlbp_estimated_duration - transaction_timestamp() ELSE '0'::interval END),'0'::interval) INTO v_ipsDuration FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = r_rlbk.rlbk_id AND rlbp_start_datetime IS NOT NULL AND rlbp_duration IS NULL; -- estimated duration and number of not yet started steps SELECT coalesce(sum(rlbp_estimated_duration),'0'::interval), count(*) INTO v_nyssDuration, v_nbNyss FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = r_rlbk.rlbk_id AND rlbp_start_datetime IS NULL AND rlbp_step NOT IN ('CTRL-DBLINK','CTRL+DBLINK'); -- estimated duration of inter-step duration for not yet started steps SELECT coalesce(sum(rlbp_estimated_duration) * v_nbNyss / sum(rlbp_estimated_quantity),'0'::interval) INTO v_ctrlDuration FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = r_rlbk.rlbk_id AND rlbp_step IN ('CTRL-DBLINK','CTRL+DBLINK'); -- update the global remaining duration estimate r_rlbk.rlbk_remaining = v_ipsDuration + v_nyssDuration + v_ctrlDuration; END IF; -- compute the completion pct -- for rollback operations in 'PLANNING' or 'LOCKING' state, the completion_pct = 0 IF r_rlbk.rlbk_status = 'EXECUTING' THEN -- first compute the new total duration estimate, using the estimate of the remaining work SELECT transaction_timestamp() - time_tx_timestamp + r_rlbk.rlbk_remaining INTO v_currentTotalEstimate FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk, emaj.emaj_time_stamp WHERE rlbk_time_id = time_id AND rlbk_id = r_rlbk.rlbk_id; -- and then the completion pct IF v_currentTotalEstimate <> '0'::interval THEN SELECT 100 - (extract(epoch FROM r_rlbk.rlbk_remaining) * 100 / extract(epoch FROM v_currentTotalEstimate))::smallint INTO r_rlbk.rlbk_completion_pct; END IF; END IF; RETURN NEXT r_rlbk; END LOOP; RETURN; END; $_rollback_activity$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_snap_group(v_groupName TEXT, v_dir TEXT, v_copyOptions TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $emaj_snap_group$ -- This function creates a file for each table and sequence belonging to the group. -- For tables, these files contain all rows sorted on primary key. -- For sequences, they contain a single row describing the sequence. -- To do its job, the function performs COPY TO statement, with all default parameters. -- For table without primary key, rows are sorted on all columns. -- There is no need for the group not to be logging. -- As all COPY statements are executed inside a single transaction: -- - the function can be called while other transactions are running, -- - the snap files will present a coherent state of tables. -- It's users responsability : -- - to create the directory (with proper permissions allowing the cluster to write into) before -- emaj_snap_group function call, and -- - maintain its content outside E-maj. -- Input: group name, the absolute pathname of the directory where the files are to be created and the options to used in the COPY TO statements -- Output: number of processed tables and sequences -- The function is defined as SECURITY DEFINER so that emaj_adm role can use. DECLARE v_nbTb INT = 0; r_tblsq RECORD; v_fullTableName TEXT; v_colList TEXT; v_fileName TEXT; v_stmt TEXT; BEGIN -- insert begin in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('SNAP_GROUP', 'BEGIN', v_groupName, v_dir); -- check that the group is recorded in emaj_group table PERFORM 0 FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = v_groupName; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_snap_group: group "%" has not been created.', v_groupName; END IF; -- check the supplied directory is not null IF v_dir IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_snap_group: directory parameter cannot be NULL'; END IF; -- check the copy options parameter doesn't contain unquoted ; that could be used for sql injection IF regexp_replace(v_copyOptions,'''.*''','') LIKE '%;%' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_snap_group: invalid COPY options parameter format'; END IF; -- for each table/sequence of the emaj_relation table FOR r_tblsq IN SELECT rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_kind FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = v_groupName ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq LOOP v_fileName = v_dir || '/' || r_tblsq.rel_schema || '_' || r_tblsq.rel_tblseq || '.snap'; v_fullTableName = quote_ident(r_tblsq.rel_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_tblsq.rel_tblseq); CASE r_tblsq.rel_kind WHEN 'r' THEN -- if it is a table, -- first build the order by column list PERFORM 0 FROM pg_catalog.pg_class, pg_catalog.pg_namespace, pg_catalog.pg_constraint WHERE relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND connamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND conrelid = pg_class.oid AND contype = 'p' AND nspname = r_tblsq.rel_schema AND relname = r_tblsq.rel_tblseq; IF FOUND THEN -- the table has a pkey, SELECT string_agg(quote_ident(attname), ',') INTO v_colList FROM ( SELECT attname FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute, pg_catalog.pg_index WHERE pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_index.indrelid AND attnum = ANY (indkey) AND indrelid = v_fullTableName::regclass AND indisprimary AND attnum > 0 AND attisdropped = false) AS t; ELSE -- the table has no pkey SELECT string_agg(quote_ident(attname), ',') INTO v_colList FROM ( SELECT attname FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = v_fullTableName::regclass AND attnum > 0 AND attisdropped = false) AS t; END IF; -- prepare the COPY statement v_stmt= 'COPY (SELECT * FROM ' || v_fullTableName || ' ORDER BY ' || v_colList || ') TO ' || quote_literal(v_fileName) || ' ' || coalesce (v_copyOptions, ''); WHEN 'S' THEN -- if it is a sequence, the statement has no order by v_stmt= 'COPY (SELECT sequence_name, last_value, start_value, increment_by, max_value, ' || 'min_value, cache_value, is_cycled, is_called FROM ' || v_fullTableName || ') TO ' || quote_literal(v_fileName) || ' ' || coalesce (v_copyOptions, ''); END CASE; -- and finaly perform the COPY EXECUTE v_stmt; v_nbTb = v_nbTb + 1; END LOOP; -- create the _INFO file to keep general information about the snap operation EXECUTE 'COPY (SELECT ' || quote_literal('E-Maj snap of tables group ' || v_groupName || ' at ' || transaction_timestamp()) || ') TO ' || quote_literal(v_dir || '/_INFO'); -- insert end in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('SNAP_GROUP', 'END', v_groupName, v_nbTb || ' tables/sequences processed'); RETURN v_nbTb; END; $emaj_snap_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_snap_group(TEXT,TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Snaps all application tables and sequences of an E-Maj group into a given directory.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_snap_log_group(v_groupName TEXT, v_firstMark TEXT, v_lastMark TEXT, v_dir TEXT, v_copyOptions TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $emaj_snap_log_group$ -- This function creates a file for each log table belonging to the group. -- It also creates 2 files containing the state of sequences respectively at start mark and end mark -- For log tables, files contain all rows related to the time frame, sorted on emaj_gid. -- For sequences, files are names _sequences_at_, or _sequences_at_