constr_name_unif ========= VIEWING CONSTRAINTS ------ *get_all_constraints() RETURNS SETOF constraint_type* See all renamable constraints defined in your database in all non-system schemas. *get_all_constraints_in_schema(schema_name TEXT) RETURNS SETOF constraint_type* See all renamable constraints defined in your database in specific schema. *get_all_constraints(type TEXT) RETURNS SETOF constraint_type* See all renamable constraints of the specific type defined in your database in all non-system schemas. Accepable inputs: 'PRIMARY KEY', 'FOREIGN KEY', 'CHECK', 'UNIQUE', 'EXCLUDE'. *get_all_constraints_in_schema(schema_name TEXT, type TEXT) RETURNS SETOF constraint_type* See all renamable constraints of the specific type defined in your database in specific schema. Accepable inputs for type: 'PRIMARY KEY', 'FOREIGN KEY', 'CHECK', 'UNIQUE', 'EXCLUDE'. PATTERNS FOR RENAMING ------- *add_pattern(pattern_name TEXT, delimiter TEXT(1), has_suffix BOOLEAN, has_short_abbreviation BOOLEAN) RETURNS VOID* Create new pattern for generating new names. Parameter definitions: * pattern_name TEXT - the name of the new pattern. * delimiter TEXT(1) - the delimiter for separating the components in words. * has_suffix BOOLEAN - `TRUE`: the constraint type abbreviation will be added to the end of the name, `FALSE`: the constraint type abbreviation will be added to the beginning of the name. * has_short_abbreviation BOOLEAN - `TRUE`: the constraint type abbreviation will be in style `pk, fk, ck`, `FALSE`: the constraint type abbreviation will be be in style `pkey, fkey, check` *get_all_patterns() RETURNS SETOF PATTERN* See all saved patterns. After installation there will be already two patterns saved: * `('postgresql_default', '_', TRUE, FALSE)` * `('snake_case_with_short_prefix', '_', FALSE, TRUE)` *delete_pattern(name TEXT) RETURNS VOID* Delete a pattern saved earlier by the name. RENAMING CONSTRAINTS ------ *rename_all_constraints(pattern_name TEXT) RETURNS VOID* Rename all the constraints defined in your database in all non-system schemas. *rename_all_constraints_in_schema(pattern_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT) RETURNS VOID* Rename all the constraints defined in your database in specific schema. *rename_all_constraints(pattern_name TEXT, type TEXT) RETURNS VOID* Rename all the constraints of the specific type defined in your database in all non-system schemas. Accepable inputs: 'PRIMARY KEY', 'FOREIGN KEY', 'CHECK', 'UNIQUE', 'EXCLUDE'. *rename_all_constraints_in_schema(pattern_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT, type TEXT) RETURNS VOID* Rename all the constraints of the specific type defined in your database in specific schema. Accepable inputs for type: 'PRIMARY KEY', 'FOREIGN KEY', 'CHECK', 'UNIQUE', 'EXCLUDE'.