DO $$ BEGIN CREATE ROLE cat_tools__usage NOLOGIN; EXCEPTION WHEN duplicate_object THEN NULL; END $$; /* * NOTE: All pg_temp objects must be dropped at the end of the script! * Otherwise the eventual DROP CASCADE of pg_temp when the session ends will * also drop the extension! Instead of risking problems, create our own * "temporary" schema instead. */ CREATE SCHEMA __cat_tools; CREATE FUNCTION __cat_tools.exec( sql text ) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $body$ BEGIN RAISE DEBUG 'sql = %', sql; EXECUTE sql; END $body$; CREATE FUNCTION __cat_tools.create_function( function_name text , args text , options text , body text , grants text DEFAULT NULL ) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $body$ DECLARE create_template CONSTANT text := $template$ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION %s( %s ) RETURNS %s AS %L $template$ ; revoke_template CONSTANT text := $template$ REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION %s( %s ) FROM public; $template$ ; grant_template CONSTANT text := $template$ GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION %s( %s ) TO %s; $template$ ; BEGIN PERFORM __cat_tools.exec( format( create_template , function_name , args , options , body ) ) ; PERFORM __cat_tools.exec( format( revoke_template , function_name , args ) ) ; IF grants IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM __cat_tools.exec( format( grant_template , function_name , args , grants ) ) ; END IF; END $body$; CREATE SCHEMA cat_tools; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA cat_tools TO cat_tools__usage; CREATE SCHEMA _cat_tools; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW _cat_tools.pg_class_v AS SELECT c.oid AS reloid, c.*, n.nspname AS relschema FROM pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON( n.oid = c.relnamespace ) ; REVOKE ALL ON _cat_tools.pg_class_v FROM public; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW cat_tools.pg_class_v AS SELECT * FROM _cat_tools.pg_class_v /* * Oddly, there's no security associated with schema or table visibility. * Be a bit paranoid though. */ WHERE NOT pg_is_other_temp_schema(relnamespace) AND relkind IN( 'r', 'v', 'f' ) ; GRANT SELECT ON cat_tools.pg_class_v TO cat_tools__usage; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW _cat_tools.pg_attribute_v AS SELECT a.* , c.* , t.oid AS typoid , t.* FROM pg_attribute a LEFT JOIN _cat_tools.pg_class_v c ON ( c.reloid = a.attrelid ) LEFT JOIN pg_type t ON ( t.oid = a.atttypid ) ; REVOKE ALL ON _cat_tools.pg_attribute_v FROM public; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW _cat_tools.column AS SELECT * , pg_catalog.format_type(typoid, atttypmod) AS column_type , CASE typtype -- domain WHEN 'd' THEN pg_catalog.format_type(typbasetype, typtypmod) -- enum WHEN 'e' THEN 'text' ELSE pg_catalog.format_type(typoid, atttypmod) END AS base_type , pk.conkey AS pk_columns , ARRAY[attnum] <@ pk.conkey AS is_pk_member , (SELECT pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid) FROM pg_catalog.pg_attrdef d WHERE d.adrelid = a.attrelid AND d.adnum = a.attnum AND a.atthasdef ) AS column_default FROM _cat_tools.pg_attribute_v a LEFT JOIN pg_constraint pk ON ( reloid = pk.conrelid ) AND pk.contype = 'p' ; REVOKE ALL ON _cat_tools.column FROM public; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW cat_tools.column AS SELECT * FROM _cat_tools.column -- SECURITY WHERE NOT pg_is_other_temp_schema(relnamespace) AND attnum > 0 AND NOT attisdropped AND relkind IN( 'r', 'v', 'f' ) AND ( pg_has_role(SESSION_USER, relowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR has_column_privilege(SESSION_USER, reloid, attnum, 'SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, REFERENCES'::text) ) ORDER BY relschema, relname, attnum ; GRANT SELECT ON cat_tools.column TO cat_tools__usage; -- Borrowed from newsysviews: SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( '_cat_tools._pg_sv_column_array' , 'OID, SMALLINT[]' , 'NAME[] LANGUAGE sql STABLE' , $$ SELECT ARRAY( SELECT a.attname FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a JOIN generate_series(1, array_upper($2, 1)) s(i) ON a.attnum = $2[i] WHERE attrelid = $1 ORDER BY i ) $$ ); -- Borrowed from newsysviews: SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( '_cat_tools._pg_sv_table_accessible' , 'OID, OID' , 'boolean LANGUAGE sql STABLE' , $$ SELECT CASE WHEN has_schema_privilege($1, 'USAGE') THEN ( has_table_privilege($2, 'SELECT') OR has_table_privilege($2, 'INSERT') or has_table_privilege($2, 'UPDATE') OR has_table_privilege($2, 'DELETE') OR has_table_privilege($2, 'RULE') OR has_table_privilege($2, 'REFERENCES') OR has_table_privilege($2, 'TRIGGER') ) ELSE FALSE END; $$ ); -- Borrowed from newsysviews: CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW cat_tools.pg_all_foreign_keys AS SELECT n1.nspname AS fk_schema_name, c1.relname AS fk_table_name, k1.conname AS fk_constraint_name, c1.oid AS fk_table_oid, _cat_tools._pg_sv_column_array(k1.conrelid,k1.conkey) AS fk_columns, n2.nspname AS pk_schema_name, c2.relname AS pk_table_name, k2.conname AS pk_constraint_name, c2.oid AS pk_table_oid, ci.relname AS pk_index_name, _cat_tools._pg_sv_column_array(k1.confrelid,k1.confkey) AS pk_columns, CASE k1.confmatchtype WHEN 'f' THEN 'FULL' WHEN 'p' THEN 'PARTIAL' WHEN 'u' THEN 'NONE' else null END AS match_type, CASE k1.confdeltype WHEN 'a' THEN 'NO ACTION' WHEN 'c' THEN 'CASCADE' WHEN 'd' THEN 'SET DEFAULT' WHEN 'n' THEN 'SET NULL' WHEN 'r' THEN 'RESTRICT' else null END AS on_delete, CASE k1.confupdtype WHEN 'a' THEN 'NO ACTION' WHEN 'c' THEN 'CASCADE' WHEN 'd' THEN 'SET DEFAULT' WHEN 'n' THEN 'SET NULL' WHEN 'r' THEN 'RESTRICT' ELSE NULL END AS on_update, k1.condeferrable AS is_deferrable, k1.condeferred AS is_deferred FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint k1 JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n1 ON (n1.oid = k1.connamespace) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c1 ON (c1.oid = k1.conrelid) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c2 ON (c2.oid = k1.confrelid) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n2 ON (n2.oid = c2.relnamespace) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_depend d ON ( d.classid = 'pg_constraint'::regclass AND d.objid = k1.oid AND d.objsubid = 0 AND d.deptype = 'n' AND d.refclassid = 'pg_class'::regclass AND d.refobjsubid=0 ) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ci ON (ci.oid = d.refobjid AND ci.relkind = 'i') LEFT JOIN pg_depend d2 ON ( d2.classid = 'pg_class'::regclass AND d2.objid = ci.oid AND d2.objsubid = 0 AND d2.deptype = 'i' AND d2.refclassid = 'pg_constraint'::regclass AND d2.refobjsubid = 0 ) LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint k2 ON ( k2.oid = d2.refobjid AND k2.contype IN ('p', 'u') ) WHERE k1.conrelid != 0 AND k1.confrelid != 0 AND k1.contype = 'f' AND _cat_tools._pg_sv_table_accessible(n1.oid, c1.oid) ; GRANT SELECT ON cat_tools.pg_all_foreign_keys TO cat_tools__usage; SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.currval' , $$ table_name text , column_name text $$ , $$bigint LANGUAGE plpgsql$$ , $body$ DECLARE seq regclass; BEGIN -- Note: the function will throw an error if table or column doesn't exist seq := pg_get_serial_sequence( table_name, column_name ); IF seq IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '"%" is not a serial column', column_name USING ERRCODE = 'wrong_object_type' -- TODO: SCHEMA and COLUMN , COLUMN = column_name ; END IF; RETURN currval(seq); END $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' ); SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.enum_range' , 'enum regtype' , $$text[] LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE$$ , $body$ DECLARE ret text[]; BEGIN EXECUTE format('SELECT pg_catalog.enum_range( NULL::%s )', enum) INTO ret; RETURN ret; END $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' ); SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.enum_range_srf' , 'enum regtype' , $$SETOF text LANGUAGE sql$$ , $body$ SELECT * FROM unnest( cat_tools.enum_range($1) ) AS r(enum_label) $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' ); SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.pg_class' , 'rel regclass' , $$cat_tools.pg_class_v LANGUAGE sql STABLE$$ , $body$ SELECT * FROM cat_tools.pg_class_v WHERE reloid = rel $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' ); SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.name__check' , 'name_to_check text' , $$void LANGUAGE plpgsql$$ , $body$ BEGIN IF name_to_check IS DISTINCT FROM name_to_check::name THEN RAISE '"%" becomes "%" when cast to name', name_to_check, name_to_check::name; END IF; END $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' ); SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.trigger__parse' , $$ trigger_oid oid , OUT timing text , OUT events text[] , OUT defer text , OUT row_statement text , OUT when_clause text , OUT function_arguments text $$ , $$record LANGUAGE plpgsql$$ , $body$ DECLARE r_trigger pg_catalog.pg_trigger; v_triggerdef text; v_create_stanza text; v_on_clause text; v_execute_clause text; v_work text; v_array text[]; BEGIN -- Do this first to make sure trigger exists v_triggerdef := pg_catalog.pg_get_triggerdef(trigger_oid, true); SELECT * INTO STRICT r_trigger FROM pg_catalog.pg_trigger WHERE oid = trigger_oid; v_create_stanza := format( 'CREATE %sTRIGGER %I ' , CASE WHEN r_trigger.tgconstraint=0 THEN '' ELSE 'CONSTRAINT ' END , r_trigger.tgname ); -- Strip CREATE [CONSTRAINT] TRIGGER ... off v_work := replace( v_triggerdef, v_create_stanza, '' ); -- Get BEFORE | AFTER | INSTEAD OF timing := split_part( v_work, ' ', 1 ); timing := timing || CASE timing WHEN 'INSTEAD' THEN ' OF' ELSE '' END; -- Strip off timing clause v_work := replace( v_work, timing || ' ', '' ); -- Get array of events (INSERT, UPDATE [OF column, column], DELETE, TRUNCATE) v_on_clause := ' ON ' || r_trigger.tgrelid::regclass || ' '; v_array := regexp_split_to_array( v_work, v_on_clause ); events := string_to_array( v_array[1], ' OR ' ); -- Get everything after ON table_name v_work := v_array[2]; RAISE DEBUG 'v_work "%"', v_work; -- Strip off FROM referenced_table if we have it IF r_trigger.tgconstrrelid<>0 THEN v_work := replace( v_work , 'FROM ' || r_trigger.tgconstrrelid::regclass || ' ' , '' ); END IF; RAISE DEBUG 'v_work "%"', v_work; -- Get function arguments v_execute_clause := ' EXECUTE PROCEDURE ' || r_trigger.tgfoid::regproc || E'\\('; v_array := regexp_split_to_array( v_work, v_execute_clause ); function_arguments := rtrim( v_array[2], ')' ); -- Yank trailing ) -- Get everything prior to EXECUTE PROCEDURE ... v_work := v_array[1]; RAISE DEBUG 'v_work "%"', v_work; row_statement := (regexp_matches( v_work, 'FOR EACH (ROW|STATEMENT)' ))[1]; -- Get [ NOT DEFERRABLE | [ DEFERRABLE ] { INITIALLY IMMEDIATE | INITIALLY DEFERRED } ] v_array := regexp_split_to_array( v_work, 'FOR EACH (ROW|STATEMENT)' ); RAISE DEBUG 'v_work = "%", v_array = "%"', v_work, v_array; defer := rtrim(v_array[1]); IF r_trigger.tgqual IS NOT NULL THEN when_clause := rtrim( (regexp_split_to_array( v_array[2], E' WHEN \\(' ))[2] , ')' ); END IF; RAISE DEBUG $$v_create_stanza = "%" v_on_clause = "%" v_execute_clause = "%"$$ , v_create_stanza , v_on_clause , v_execute_clause ; RETURN; END $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' ); SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.trigger__get_oid__loose' , $$ trigger_table regclass , trigger_name text $$ , $$oid LANGUAGE sql$$ , $body$ SELECT oid FROM pg_trigger WHERE tgrelid = trigger_table AND tgname = trigger_name ; $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' ); SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.trigger__get_oid' , $$ trigger_table regclass , trigger_name text $$ , $$oid LANGUAGE plpgsql$$ , $body$ DECLARE v_oid oid; BEGIN -- Note that because __loose isn't an SRF it'll always return a value v_oid := cat_tools.trigger__get_oid__loose( trigger_table, trigger_name ) ; IF v_oid IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'trigger % on table % does not exist', trigger_name, trigger_table; END IF; RETURN v_oid; END $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' ); DROP FUNCTION __cat_tools.exec( sql text ); DROP FUNCTION __cat_tools.create_function( function_name text , args text , options text , body text , grants text ); DROP SCHEMA __cat_tools; -- vi: expandtab ts=2 sw=2