/* acl/acl--1.0.2.sql */ -- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via CREATE EXTENSION \echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION acl" to load this file.\quit -- Oid-based ACE CREATE FUNCTION ace_in(cstring) RETURNS ace AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME' LANGUAGE C STRICT IMMUTABLE; CREATE FUNCTION ace_out(ace) RETURNS cstring AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME' LANGUAGE C STRICT IMMUTABLE; CREATE TYPE ace ( INTERNALLENGTH = 16, INPUT = ace_in, OUTPUT = ace_out ); COMMENT ON TYPE ace IS 'access control list entry'; CREATE FUNCTION acl_check_access(ace[], text, bool) RETURNS text AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'acl_check_access_text_current_user' LANGUAGE C STABLE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION acl_check_access(ace[], text, bool) IS 'determine if an ACL grants a specified set of permissions to the current user'; CREATE FUNCTION acl_check_access(ace[], int4, bool) RETURNS int4 AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'acl_check_access_int4_current_user' LANGUAGE C STABLE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION acl_check_access(ace[], int4, bool) IS 'determine if an ACL grants a specified set of permissions to the current user'; CREATE FUNCTION acl_check_access(ace[], text, oid, bool) RETURNS text AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'acl_check_access_text_oid' LANGUAGE C STABLE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION acl_check_access(ace[], text, oid, bool) IS 'determine if an ACL grants a specified set of permissions to the role identified by oid'; CREATE FUNCTION acl_check_access(ace[], int4, oid, bool) RETURNS int4 AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'acl_check_access_int4_oid' LANGUAGE C STABLE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION acl_check_access(ace[], int4, oid, bool) IS 'determine if an ACL grants a specified set of permissions to the role identified by oid'; CREATE FUNCTION acl_check_access(ace[], text, name, bool) RETURNS text AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'acl_check_access_text_name' LANGUAGE C STABLE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION acl_check_access(ace[], text, name, bool) IS 'determine if an ACL grants a specified set of permissions to the role identified by name'; CREATE FUNCTION acl_check_access(ace[], int4, name, bool) RETURNS int4 AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'acl_check_access_int4_name' LANGUAGE C STABLE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION acl_check_access(ace[], int4, name, bool) IS 'determine if an ACL grants a specified set of permissions to the role identified by name'; CREATE FUNCTION acl_merge(ace[], ace[], bool, bool) RETURNS ace[] AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'acl_merge' LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION acl_merge(ace[], ace[], bool, bool) IS 'merge two ACLs'; -- UUID-based ACE CREATE FUNCTION ace_uuid_in(cstring) RETURNS ace_uuid AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME' LANGUAGE C STRICT IMMUTABLE; CREATE FUNCTION ace_uuid_out(ace_uuid) RETURNS cstring AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME' LANGUAGE C STRICT IMMUTABLE; CREATE TYPE ace_uuid ( INTERNALLENGTH = 28, INPUT = ace_uuid_in, OUTPUT = ace_uuid_out ); COMMENT ON TYPE ace_uuid IS 'access control list entry (UUID-based)'; CREATE FUNCTION acl_check_access(ace_uuid[], text, uuid[], bool) RETURNS text AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'acl_uuid_check_access_text' LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION acl_check_access(ace_uuid[], text, uuid[], bool) IS 'determine if an ACL grants a specified set of permissions to the principal identified by UUIDs'; CREATE FUNCTION acl_check_access(ace_uuid[], int4, uuid[], bool) RETURNS int4 AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'acl_uuid_check_access_int4' LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION acl_check_access(ace_uuid[], int4, uuid[], bool) IS 'determine if an ACL grants a specified set of permissions to the principal identified by UUIDs'; CREATE FUNCTION acl_merge(ace_uuid[], ace_uuid[], bool, bool) RETURNS ace_uuid[] AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'acl_uuid_merge' LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION acl_merge(ace_uuid[], ace_uuid[], bool, bool) IS 'merge two ACLs'; -- int4-based ACE CREATE FUNCTION ace_int4_in(cstring) RETURNS ace_int4 AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME' LANGUAGE C STRICT IMMUTABLE; CREATE FUNCTION ace_int4_out(ace_int4) RETURNS cstring AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME' LANGUAGE C STRICT IMMUTABLE; CREATE TYPE ace_int4 ( INTERNALLENGTH = 16, INPUT = ace_int4_in, OUTPUT = ace_int4_out ); COMMENT ON TYPE ace_int4 IS 'access control list entry (int4-based)'; CREATE FUNCTION acl_check_access(ace_int4[], text, int4[], bool) RETURNS text AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'acl_int4_check_access_text' LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION acl_check_access(ace_int4[], text, int4[], bool) IS 'determine if an ACL grants a specified set of permissions to the principal identified by a set of int4s'; CREATE FUNCTION acl_check_access(ace_int4[], int4, int4[], bool) RETURNS int4 AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'acl_int4_check_access_int4' LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION acl_check_access(ace_int4[], int4, int4[], bool) IS 'determine if an ACL grants a specified set of permissions to the principal identified by a set of int4s'; CREATE FUNCTION acl_merge(ace_int4[], ace_int4[], bool, bool) RETURNS ace_int4[] AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'acl_int4_merge' LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION acl_merge(ace_int4[], ace_int4[], bool, bool) IS 'merge two ACLs'; -- int8-based ACE CREATE FUNCTION ace_int8_in(cstring) RETURNS ace_int8 AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME' LANGUAGE C STRICT IMMUTABLE; CREATE FUNCTION ace_int8_out(ace_int8) RETURNS cstring AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME' LANGUAGE C STRICT IMMUTABLE; CREATE TYPE ace_int8 ( INTERNALLENGTH = 20, INPUT = ace_int8_in, OUTPUT = ace_int8_out ); COMMENT ON TYPE ace_int8 IS 'access control list entry (int8-based)'; CREATE FUNCTION acl_check_access(ace_int8[], text, int8[], bool) RETURNS text AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'acl_int8_check_access_text' LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION acl_check_access(ace_int8[], text, int8[], bool) IS 'determine if an ACL grants a specified set of permissions to the principal identified by a set of int8s'; CREATE FUNCTION acl_check_access(ace_int8[], int4, int8[], bool) RETURNS int4 AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'acl_int8_check_access_int4' LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION acl_check_access(ace_int8[], int4, int8[], bool) IS 'determine if an ACL grants a specified set of permissions to the principal identified by a set of int8s'; CREATE FUNCTION acl_merge(ace_int8[], ace_int8[], bool, bool) RETURNS ace_int8[] AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'acl_int8_merge' LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION acl_merge(ace_int8[], ace_int8[], bool, bool) IS 'merge two ACLs';